/* * Copyright 2008 Chris Wilson * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Chris Wilson not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. Chris Wilson makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as * is" without express or implied warranty. * * CHRIS WILSON DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS * SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRIS WILSON BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR * IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: Chris Wilson */ #include "cairo-test.h" typedef struct _point { double x,y; } point_t; typedef struct _knots { point_t a,b,c,d; } knots_t; static knots_t knots[5] = { { {0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 100}, {100, 0} }, { {0, 0}, {75, 100}, {25, 100}, {100, 0} }, { {0, 0}, {100, 100}, {0, 100}, {100, 0} }, { {0, 0}, {150, 100}, {-50, 100}, {100, 0} }, { {0, 0}, {100, 200}, {0, -100}, {100, 100} }, }; #ifdef REFERENCE static void _lerp_half (const point_t *a, const point_t *b, point_t *result) { result->x = .5 * (a->x + b->x); result->y = .5 * (a->y + b->y); } static void _de_casteljau (knots_t *k1, knots_t *k2) { point_t ab, bc, cd; point_t abbc, bccd; point_t final; _lerp_half (&k1->a, &k1->b, &ab); _lerp_half (&k1->b, &k1->c, &bc); _lerp_half (&k1->c, &k1->d, &cd); _lerp_half (&ab, &bc, &abbc); _lerp_half (&bc, &cd, &bccd); _lerp_half (&abbc, &bccd, &final); k2->a = final; k2->b = bccd; k2->c = cd; k2->d = k1->d; k1->b = ab; k1->c = abbc; k1->d = final; } static double _spline_error_squared (const knots_t *knots) { double bdx, bdy, berr; double cdx, cdy, cerr; double dx, dy, v; /* Intersection point (px): * px = p1 + u(p2 - p1) * (p - px) ∙ (p2 - p1) = 0 * Thus: * u = ((p - p1) ∙ (p2 - p1)) / ∥p2 - p1∥²; */ bdx = knots->b.x - knots->a.x; bdy = knots->b.y - knots->a.y; cdx = knots->c.x - knots->a.x; cdy = knots->c.y - knots->a.y; dx = knots->d.x - knots->a.x; dy = knots->d.y - knots->a.y; v = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (v != 0.) { double u; u = bdx * dx + bdy * dy; if (u <= 0) { /* bdx -= 0; * bdy -= 0; */ } else if (u >= v) { bdx -= dx; bdy -= dy; } else { bdx -= u/v * dx; bdy -= u/v * dy; } u = cdx * dx + cdy * dy; if (u <= 0) { /* cdx -= 0; * cdy -= 0; */ } else if (u >= v) { cdx -= dx; cdy -= dy; } else { cdx -= u/v * dx; cdy -= u/v * dy; } } berr = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy; cerr = cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy; if (berr > cerr) return berr * v; else return cerr * v; } static void _offset_line_to (cairo_t *cr, const point_t *p0, const point_t *p1, const point_t *p2, const point_t *p3, double offset) { double dx, dy, v; dx = p1->x - p0->x; dy = p1->y - p0->y; v = hypot (dx, dy); if (v == 0) { dx = p2->x - p0->x; dy = p2->y - p0->y; v = hypot (dx, dy); if (v == 0) { dx = p3->x - p0->x; dy = p3->y - p0->y; v = hypot (dx, dy); } } if (v == 0) { cairo_line_to (cr, p0->x, p0->y); } else cairo_line_to (cr, p0->x - offset * dy / v, p0->y + offset * dx / v); } static void _spline_decompose_into (knots_t *k1, double tolerance_squared, double offset, cairo_t *cr) { knots_t k2; if (_spline_error_squared (k1) < tolerance_squared) { _offset_line_to (cr, &k1->a, &k1->b, &k1->c, &k1->d, offset); return; } _de_casteljau (k1, &k2); _spline_decompose_into (k1, tolerance_squared, offset, cr); _spline_decompose_into (&k2, tolerance_squared, offset, cr); } static void _spline_decompose (const knots_t *knots, double tolerance, double offset, cairo_t *cr) { knots_t k; k = *knots; _spline_decompose_into (&k, tolerance * tolerance, offset, cr); _offset_line_to (cr, &knots->d, &knots->c, &knots->b, &knots->a, -offset); } static void _knots_reverse (knots_t *knots) { point_t tmp; tmp = knots->a; knots->a = knots->d; knots->d = tmp; tmp = knots->b; knots->b = knots->c; knots->c = tmp; } static void thick_splines (cairo_t *cr, double offset) { knots_t k; cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 15, 15); k = knots[0]; cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); _knots_reverse (&k); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); k = knots[1]; cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); _knots_reverse (&k); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); k = knots[2]; cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); _knots_reverse (&k); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_translate (cr, -130 - 65, 130); k = knots[3]; cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); _knots_reverse (&k); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); k = knots[4]; cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); _knots_reverse (&k); _spline_decompose (&k, .1, offset, cr); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } static void thin_splines (cairo_t *cr) { cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 15, 15); cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&knots[0], .1, 0, cr); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&knots[1], .1, 0, cr); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&knots[2], .1, 0, cr); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_translate (cr, -130 - 65, 130); cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&knots[3], .1, 0, cr); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); _spline_decompose (&knots[4], .1, 0, cr); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } #endif static void draw_bbox (cairo_t *cr, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { cairo_rectangle (cr, floor (x0) + .5, floor (y0) + .5, ceil (x1) - floor (x0), ceil (y1) - floor (y0)); cairo_stroke (cr); } static void stroke_splines (cairo_t *cr) { double stroke_x0, stroke_x1, stroke_y0, stroke_y1; double path_x0, path_x1, path_y0, path_y1; cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 15, 15); cairo_new_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, knots[0].a.x, knots[0].a.y); cairo_curve_to (cr, knots[0].b.x, knots[0].b.y, knots[0].c.x, knots[0].c.y, knots[0].d.x, knots[0].d.y); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &stroke_x0, &stroke_y0, &stroke_x1, &stroke_y1); cairo_path_extents (cr, &path_x0, &path_y0, &path_x1, &path_y1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); draw_bbox (cr, stroke_x0, stroke_y0, stroke_x1, stroke_y1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); draw_bbox (cr, path_x0, path_y0, path_x1, path_y1); } cairo_restore (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, knots[1].a.x, knots[1].a.y); cairo_curve_to (cr, knots[1].b.x, knots[1].b.y, knots[1].c.x, knots[1].c.y, knots[1].d.x, knots[1].d.y); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &stroke_x0, &stroke_y0, &stroke_x1, &stroke_y1); cairo_path_extents (cr, &path_x0, &path_y0, &path_x1, &path_y1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); draw_bbox (cr, stroke_x0, stroke_y0, stroke_x1, stroke_y1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); draw_bbox (cr, path_x0, path_y0, path_x1, path_y1); } cairo_restore (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, knots[2].a.x, knots[2].a.y); cairo_curve_to (cr, knots[2].b.x, knots[2].b.y, knots[2].c.x, knots[2].c.y, knots[2].d.x, knots[2].d.y); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &stroke_x0, &stroke_y0, &stroke_x1, &stroke_y1); cairo_path_extents (cr, &path_x0, &path_y0, &path_x1, &path_y1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); draw_bbox (cr, stroke_x0, stroke_y0, stroke_x1, stroke_y1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); draw_bbox (cr, path_x0, path_y0, path_x1, path_y1); } cairo_restore (cr); cairo_translate (cr, -130 - 65, 130); cairo_new_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, knots[3].a.x, knots[3].a.y); cairo_curve_to (cr, knots[3].b.x, knots[3].b.y, knots[3].c.x, knots[3].c.y, knots[3].d.x, knots[3].d.y); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &stroke_x0, &stroke_y0, &stroke_x1, &stroke_y1); cairo_path_extents (cr, &path_x0, &path_y0, &path_x1, &path_y1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); draw_bbox (cr, stroke_x0, stroke_y0, stroke_x1, stroke_y1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); draw_bbox (cr, path_x0, path_y0, path_x1, path_y1); } cairo_restore (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 0); cairo_new_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, knots[4].a.x, knots[4].a.y); cairo_curve_to (cr, knots[4].b.x, knots[4].b.y, knots[4].c.x, knots[4].c.y, knots[4].d.x, knots[4].d.y); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &stroke_x0, &stroke_y0, &stroke_x1, &stroke_y1); cairo_path_extents (cr, &path_x0, &path_y0, &path_x1, &path_y1); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_save (cr); { cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); draw_bbox (cr, stroke_x0, stroke_y0, stroke_x1, stroke_y1); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1); draw_bbox (cr, path_x0, path_y0, path_x1, path_y1); } cairo_restore (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } static cairo_test_status_t draw (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height) { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_paint (cr); #ifdef REFERENCE cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); thick_splines (cr, 5); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); thin_splines (cr); #endif /* * Use a high tolerance to reduce dependence upon algorithm used for * spline decomposition. */ cairo_set_tolerance (cr, 0.001); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 10); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); stroke_splines (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); stroke_splines (cr); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; } CAIRO_TEST (spline_decomposition, "Tests splines with various inflection points", "stroke, spline", /* keywords */ NULL, /* requirements */ 390, 260, NULL, draw)