diff options
authorEitan Isaacson <>2009-12-03 10:15:39 -0800
committerEitan Isaacson <>2009-12-03 10:15:39 -0800
commit130bc37c85c7234430aff9da09188af287ae6fa5 (patch)
parentb8883c1238c5938c6cb29f7446e7d240de588be9 (diff)
parentb6810c2e374e3ca603dae0538dea3c39ca53edf0 (diff)
Merge branch 'keyboard_position'
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8d51c83..82bfaa6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -41,18 +41,28 @@ class Test:
def __set_text_location(self, acc):
text = acc.queryText()
[x, y, width, height] = text.getCharacterExtents(text.caretOffset, pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
- cp.set_cursor_location(x, y + height)
+ cp.set_cursor_location(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x, y, width, height))
+ component = acc.queryComponent()
+ entry_bb = component.getExtents(pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
+ cp.set_entry_location(entry_bb)
def __set_entry_location(self, acc):
text = acc.queryText()
- [x, y, width, height] = text.getCharacterExtents(text.caretOffset, pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
- if x == 0 and y == 0 and width == 0 and height == 0:
- component = acc.queryComponent()
- bb = component.getExtents(pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
- cp.set_cursor_location(bb.x, bb.y + bb.height)
- else:
- cp.set_cursor_location(x, y + height)
+ cursor_bb = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(
+ *text.getCharacterExtents(text.caretOffset,
+ pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS))
+ component = acc.queryComponent()
+ entry_bb = component.getExtents(pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
+ if cursor_bb == gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0):
+ cursor_bb = entry_bb
+ cp.set_cursor_location(cursor_bb)
+ cp.set_entry_location(entry_bb)
def on_state_changed_focused(self, event):
@@ -165,7 +175,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
pyatspi.Registry.registerKeystrokeListener(test.on_key_down, mask = None, kind = (pyatspi.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT,))
# TODO: move text entry detection to its own file
- cp = keyboard.CaribouWindow()
+ cp = keyboard.CaribouWindowEntry()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f4b05c4..846a202 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -133,59 +133,164 @@ class CaribouKeyboard(gtk.Frame):
-class CaribouWindow(gtk.VBox):
+class CaribouWindow(gtk.Window):
__gtype_name__ = "CaribouWindow"
- def __init__(self):
- super(CaribouWindow, self).__init__()
+ def __init__(self, default_placement=None):
+ super(CaribouWindow, self).__init__(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
- self.__toplevel = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
- self.__toplevel.add(self)
- self.__toplevel.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, a: self.__check_position())
- self.__cursor_location = (0, 0)
- self.pack_start(CaribouKeyboard(qwerty))
+ self._vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.add(self._vbox)
- def set_cursor_location(self, x, y):
- #print "----> SET CURSOR LOCATION"
- self.__cursor_location = (x, y)
- self.__check_position()
+ self._vbox.pack_start(CaribouKeyboard(qwerty))
- def do_size_request(self, requisition):
- #print "---->> DO SIZE REQUEST"
- gtk.VBox.do_size_request(self, requisition)
- self.__toplevel.resize(1, 1)
+ self.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, a: self._update_position())
- def __check_position(self):
- #print "---->>> CHECK POSITION"
- bx = self.__cursor_location[0] + self.__toplevel.allocation.width
- by = self.__cursor_location[1] + self.__toplevel.allocation.height
+ self._cursor_location = gtk.gdk.Rectangle()
+ self._entry_location = gtk.gdk.Rectangle()
+ self._default_placement = default_placement or \
+ CaribouKeyboardPlacement()
- root_window = gdk.get_default_root_window()
- sx, sy = root_window.get_size()
+ def set_cursor_location(self, cursor_location):
+ self._cursor_location = cursor_location
+ self._update_position()
- if bx > sx:
- x = sx - self.__toplevel.allocation.width
- else:
- x = self.__cursor_location[0]
+ def set_entry_location(self, entry_location):
+ self._entry_location = entry_location
+ self._update_position()
- if by > sy:
- y = sy - self.__toplevel.allocation.height
- else:
- y = self.__cursor_location[1]
+ def set_default_placement(self, default_placement):
+ self._default_placement = default_placement
+ self._update_position()
+ def _get_root_bbox(self):
+ root_window = gdk.get_default_root_window()
+ args = root_window.get_position() + root_window.get_size()
+ return gdk.Rectangle(*args)
+ def _calculate_position(self, placement=None):
+ root_bbox = self._get_root_bbox()
+ placement = placement or self._default_placement
+ x = self._calculate_axis(placement.x, root_bbox)
+ y = self._calculate_axis(placement.y, root_bbox)
+ return x, y
+ def _update_position(self):
+ x, y = self._calculate_position()
+ root_bbox = self._get_root_bbox()
+ proposed_position = \
+ gdk.Rectangle(x, y, self.allocation.width, self.allocation.height)
+ x += self._default_placement.x.adjust_to_bounds(root_bbox, proposed_position)
+ y += self._default_placement.y.adjust_to_bounds(root_bbox, proposed_position)
self.move(x, y)
- def show_all(self):
- gtk.VBox.show_all(self)
- self.__toplevel.show_all()
+ def _calculate_axis(self, axis_placement, root_bbox):
+ bbox = root_bbox
+ if axis_placement.stickto == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.CURSOR:
+ bbox = self._cursor_location
+ elif axis_placement.stickto == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.ENTRY:
+ bbox = self._entry_location
- def hide_all(self):
- gtk.VBox.hide_all(self)
- self.__toplevel.hide_all()
+ offset = axis_placement.get_offset(bbox)
- def move(self, x, y):
- self.__toplevel.move(x, y)
+ if axis_placement.align == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.END:
+ offset += axis_placement.get_length(bbox)
+ if axis_placement.gravitate == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.INSIDE:
+ offset -= axis_placement.get_length(self.allocation)
+ elif axis_placement.align == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.START:
+ if axis_placement.gravitate == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.OUTSIDE:
+ offset -= axis_placement.get_length(self.allocation)
+ elif axis_placement.align == CaribouKeyboardPlacement.CENTER:
+ offset += axis_placement.get_length(bbox)/2
+ return offset
+class CaribouWindowEntry(CaribouWindow):
+ __gtype_name__ = "CaribouWindowEntry"
+ def __init__(self):
+ placement = CaribouKeyboardPlacement(
+ xalign=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.START,
+ xstickto=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.ENTRY,
+ ystickto=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.ENTRY,
+ xgravitate=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.INSIDE,
+ ygravitate=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.OUTSIDE)
+ CaribouWindow.__init__(self, placement)
+ def _calculate_axis(self, axis_placement, root_bbox):
+ offset = CaribouWindow._calculate_axis(self, axis_placement, root_bbox)
+ if axis_placement.axis == 'y':
+ if offset + self.allocation.height > root_bbox.height + root_bbox.y:
+ new_axis_placement = axis_placement.copy(align=CaribouKeyboardPlacement.START)
+ offset = CaribouWindow._calculate_axis(self, new_axis_placement, root_bbox)
+ return offset
+class CaribouKeyboardPlacement(object):
+ START = 'start'
+ END = 'end'
+ CENTER = 'center'
+ SCREEN = 'screen'
+ ENTRY = 'entry'
+ CURSOR = 'cursor'
+ INSIDE = 'inside'
+ OUTSIDE = 'outside'
+ class _AxisPlacement(object):
+ def __init__(self, axis, align, stickto, gravitate):
+ self.axis = axis
+ self.align = align
+ self.stickto = stickto
+ self.gravitate = gravitate
+ def copy(self, align=None, stickto=None, gravitate=None):
+ return self.__class__(self.axis,
+ align or self.align,
+ stickto or self.stickto,
+ gravitate or self.gravitate)
+ def get_offset(self, bbox):
+ return bbox.x if self.axis == 'x' else bbox.y
+ def get_length(self, bbox):
+ return bbox.width if self.axis == 'x' else bbox.height
+ def adjust_to_bounds(self, root_bbox, child_bbox):
+ child_vector_start = self.get_offset(child_bbox)
+ child_vector_end = self.get_length(child_bbox) + child_vector_start
+ root_vector_start = self.get_offset(root_bbox)
+ root_vector_end = self.get_length(root_bbox) + root_vector_start
+ if root_vector_end < child_vector_end:
+ return root_vector_end - child_vector_end
+ if root_vector_start > child_vector_start:
+ return root_vector_start - child_vector_start
+ return 0
+ def __init__(self,
+ xalign=None, xstickto=None, xgravitate=None,
+ yalign=None, ystickto=None, ygravitate=None):
+ self.x = self._AxisPlacement('x',
+ xalign or self.END,
+ xstickto or self.CURSOR,
+ xgravitate or self.OUTSIDE)
+ self.y = self._AxisPlacement('y',
+ yalign or self.END,
+ ystickto or self.CURSOR,
+ ygravitate or self.OUTSIDE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ckbd = CaribouWindow()