path: root/caribou/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'caribou/common/')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/caribou/common/ b/caribou/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3ffffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caribou/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import os
+from setting_types import *
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import caribou.common.const as const
+import xml.dom.minidom
+ import json
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_JSON = False
+ HAS_JSON = True
+def fetch_keyboards():
+ if True:
+ const.KEYBOARDS_DIR = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/keyboards'))
+ try:
+ files = os.listdir(const.KEYBOARDS_DIR)
+ except:
+ files = []
+ kbds = []
+ for f in files:
+ if (HAS_JSON and f.endswith('.json')) or f.endswith('.xml'):
+ module = f.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
+ # TODO: verify keyboard before adding it to the list
+ kbds.append(module)
+ return kbds
+settings = SettingsGroup("_top", "", [
+ SettingsGroup("keyboard", _("Keyboard"), [
+ SettingsGroup("general", _("General"), [
+ StringSetting(
+ "layout", _("Keyboard layout"), "qwerty",
+ _("The layout Caribou should use."),
+ _("The layout should be in the data directory of "
+ "Caribou (usually /usr/share/caribou/keyboards) "
+ "and should be a .xml or .json file."),
+ allowed=[(a,a) for a in fetch_keyboards()])]),
+ SettingsGroup("color", _("Color"), [
+ BooleanSetting(
+ "default_colors", _("Use system theme"), True,
+ _("Use the default theme colors"),
+ insensitive_when_true=["normal_color",
+ "mouse_over_color"]),
+ ColorSetting(
+ "normal_color", _("Normal state"), "grey80",
+ _("Color of the keys when there is no "
+ "event on them")),
+ ColorSetting(
+ "mouse_over_color", _("Mouse over"), "yellow",
+ _("Color of the keys when the mouse goes "
+ "over the key"))]),
+ SettingsGroup("fontandsize", _("Font and size"), [
+ BooleanSetting(
+ "default_font", _("Use system fonts"), True,
+ _("Use the default system font for keyboard"),
+ insensitive_when_true=["key_font"]),
+ FontSetting("key_font", _("Key font"), "Sans 12",
+ _("Custom font for keyboard"))
+ ])
+ ]),
+ SettingsGroup("scanning", "Scanning", [
+ BooleanSetting(
+ "scan_enabled", _("Enable scanning"), False,
+ _("Enable switch scanning"),
+ insensitive_when_false=["scanning_general",
+ "scanning_input",
+ "scanning_color"]),
+ SettingsGroup("scanning_general", "General", [
+ StringSetting("scanning_type", _("Scanning mode"),
+ "block",
+ _("Scanning type, block or row"),
+ allowed=[("block", _("Block")),
+ ("row", _("Row"))]),
+ FloatSetting("step_time", _("Step time"), 1.0,
+ _("Time between key transitions"),
+ min=0.1, max=60.0),
+ BooleanSetting("reverse_scanning",
+ _("Reverse scanning"), False,
+ _("Scan in reverse order"))
+ ]),
+ SettingsGroup("scanning_input", "Input", [
+ StringSetting("switch_type", _("Switch device"),
+ "keyboard",
+ _("Switch device, keyboard or mouse"),
+ entry_type=ENTRY_RADIO,
+ allowed=[("keyboard", _("Keyboard")),
+ ("mouse", _("Mouse"))],
+ children=[
+ StringSetting("keyboard_key", "Switch key",
+ "Shift_R",
+ _(
+ "Key to use with scanning mode"),
+ allowed=[
+ ("Shift_R", _("Right shift")),
+ ("Shift_L", _("Left shift")),
+ ("ISO_Level3_Shift", _("Alt Gr")),
+ ("Num_Lock", _("Num lock"))]),
+ StringSetting("mouse_button", "Switch button",
+ "2",
+ _(
+ "Mouse button to use in the scanning "
+ "mode"),
+ allowed=[("1", _("Button 1")),
+ ("2", _("Button 2")),
+ ("3", _("Button 3"))])
+ ]),
+ ]),
+ SettingsGroup("scanning_color", "Color", [
+ ColorSetting("block_scanning_color", _("Block color"),
+ "purple", _("Color of block scans")),
+ ColorSetting("row_scanning_color", _("Row color"),
+ "green", _("Color of row scans")),
+ ColorSetting("button_scanning_color", _("Key color"),
+ "cyan", _("Color of key scans")),
+ ColorSetting("cancel_scanning_color",
+ _("Cancel color"),
+ "red", _("Color of cancel scan"))
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ class SchemasMaker:
+ def create_schemas(self):
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ gconfschemafile = doc.createElement('gconfschemafile')
+ schemalist = doc.createElement('schemalist')
+ gconfschemafile.appendChild(schemalist)
+ self._create_schema(settings, doc, schemalist)
+ self._pretty_xml(gconfschemafile)
+ def _attribs(self, e):
+ if not e.attributes.items():
+ return ""
+ return ' ' + ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k,v) \
+ for k,v in e.attributes.items()])
+ def _pretty_xml(self, e, indent=0):
+ if not e.childNodes or \
+ (len(e.childNodes) == 1 and \
+ e.firstChild.nodeType == e.TEXT_NODE):
+ print '%s%s' % (' '*indent*2, e.toxml().strip())
+ else:
+ print '%s<%s%s>' % (' '*indent*2, e.tagName, self._attribs(e))
+ for c in e.childNodes:
+ self._pretty_xml(c, indent + 1)
+ print '%s</%s>' % (' '*indent*2, e.tagName)
+ def _append_children_element_value_pairs(self, doc, element, pairs):
+ for e, t in pairs:
+ el = doc.createElement(e)
+ te = doc.createTextNode(str(t))
+ el.appendChild(te)
+ element.appendChild(el)
+ def _create_schema(self, setting, doc, schemalist):
+ if hasattr(setting, 'gconf_key'):
+ schema = doc.createElement('schema')
+ schemalist.appendChild(schema)
+ self._append_children_element_value_pairs(
+ doc, schema, [('key', '/schemas' + setting.gconf_key),
+ ('applyto', setting.gconf_key),
+ ('owner', 'caribou'),
+ ('type', setting.gconf_type),
+ ('default', setting.gconf_default)])
+ locale = doc.createElement('locale')
+ locale.setAttribute('name', 'C')
+ schema.appendChild(locale)
+ self._append_children_element_value_pairs(
+ doc, locale, [('short', setting.short_desc),
+ ('long', setting.long_desc)])
+ for s in setting:
+ self._create_schema(s, doc, schemalist)
+ maker = SchemasMaker()
+ maker.create_schemas()