# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from caribou.settings.setting_types import * from caribou import _ AntlerSettings = SettingsTopGroup( _("Antler Preferences"), "/org/gnome/antler/", "org.gnome.antler", [SettingsGroup("antler", _("Antler"), [ SettingsGroup("appearance", _("Appearance"), [ StringSetting( "keyboard_type", _("Keyboard Type"), "touch", _("The keyboard geometry Caribou should use"), _("The keyboard geometry determines the shape " "and complexity of the keyboard, it could range from " "a “natural” look and feel good for composing simple " "text, to a fullscale keyboard."), # Translators: Keyboard type (similar to touch/tactile device) allowed=[(('touch'), _('Touch')), # Translators: Keyboard type (conventional keyboard) (('fullscale'), _('Full scale')), # Translators: Keyboard type (scanned grid by rows/columns) (('scan'), _('Scan'))]), BooleanSetting("use_system", _("Use System Theme"), False, _("Use System Theme")), FloatSetting("min_alpha", _("Minimum Alpha"), 0.2, _("Minimal opacity of keyboard"), min=0.0, max=1.0), FloatSetting("max_alpha", _("Maximum Alpha"), 1.0, _("Maximal opacity of keyboard"), min=0.0, max=1.0), IntegerSetting("max_distance", _("Maximum Distance"), 100, _("Maximum distance when keyboard is hidden"), min=0, max=1024) ]) ]) ])