base_tests() { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Base case" $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat direct_cache_miss 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_hit 0 expect_stat local_storage_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_read_hit 0 expect_stat local_storage_read_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_write 1 expect_stat remote_storage_hit 0 expect_stat remote_storage_miss 0 expect_stat remote_storage_read_hit 0 expect_stat remote_storage_read_miss 0 expect_stat remote_storage_write 0 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat direct_cache_miss 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_hit 1 expect_stat local_storage_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_read_hit 1 expect_stat local_storage_read_miss 1 expect_stat local_storage_write 1 expect_stat remote_storage_hit 0 expect_stat remote_storage_miss 0 expect_stat remote_storage_read_hit 0 expect_stat remote_storage_read_miss 0 expect_stat remote_storage_write 0 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "ccache ccache gcc" # E.g. due to some suboptimal setup, scripts etc. Source: # $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c $CCACHE $COMPILER -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o $CCACHE $CCACHE $COMPILER -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o $CCACHE $CCACHE $CCACHE $COMPILER -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Version output readable" # The exact output is not tested, but at least it's something human readable # and not random memory. local version_pattern=$'^ccache version [a-zA-Z0-9_./+-]*\r?$' if [ $($CCACHE --version | grep -E -c "$version_pattern") -ne 1 ]; then test_failed "Unexpected output of --version. Output is '$($CCACHE --version)'" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Debug option" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c -g expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Output option" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o foo.o expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o foo.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Output option without space" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -odir expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -optf expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o dir expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o ptf # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Called for link" $CCACHE_COMPILE test1.c -o test 2>/dev/null expect_stat called_for_link 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c $CCACHE_COMPILE test1.o -o test 2>/dev/null expect_stat called_for_link 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "No existing input file" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c foo.c 2>/dev/null expect_stat no_input_file 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "No input file on command line" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -O2 2>/dev/null expect_stat no_input_file 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Called for preprocessing" $CCACHE_COMPILE -E -c test1.c >/dev/null 2>&1 expect_stat called_for_preprocessing 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Multiple source files" touch test2.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c test2.c expect_stat multiple_source_files 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Couldn't find the compiler" $CCACHE blahblah -c test1.c 2>/dev/null exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code -ne 1 ]; then test_failed "Expected exit code to be 1, actual value $exit_code" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Bad compiler arguments" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -I 2>/dev/null expect_stat bad_compiler_arguments 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Unsupported source language" ln -f test1.c test1.ccc $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.ccc 2>/dev/null expect_stat unsupported_source_language 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Unsupported compiler option" $CCACHE_COMPILE -M foo -c test1.c >/dev/null 2>&1 expect_stat unsupported_compiler_option 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- for variable in DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT SUNPRO_DEPENDENCIES; do TEST "Unsupported environment variable ${variable}" eval "export ${variable}=1" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat unsupported_environment_variable 1 done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Output to directory" mkdir testd $CCACHE_COMPILE -o testd -c test1.c >/dev/null 2>&1 rmdir testd >/dev/null 2>&1 expect_stat bad_output_file 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Output to file in nonexistent directory" mkdir out $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o out/foo.o expect_stat bad_output_file 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 rm -rf out $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o out/foo.o 2>/dev/null expect_stat bad_output_file 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_missing out/foo.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "No file extension" mkdir src touch src/foo $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c src/foo expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.o rm foo.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c src/foo expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.o rm foo.o rm -rf src # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "Source file ending with dot" mkdir src touch src/foo. $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c src/foo. expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.o rm foo.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c src/foo. expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.o rm foo.o rm -rf src fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Multiple file extensions" mkdir src touch src/foo.c.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c src/foo.c.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.c.o rm foo.c.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -c src/foo.c.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_exists foo.c.o rm foo.c.o rm -rf src # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "LANG" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 LANG=foo $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 2 LANG=foo $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "LANG with sloppiness" CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=locale LANG=foo $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=locale LANG=foo $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=locale LANG=bar $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Result file is compressed" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c result_file=$(find $CCACHE_DIR -name '*R') if ! $CCACHE --inspect $result_file | grep 'Compression type: zstd' >/dev/null 2>&1; then test_failed "Result file not uncompressed according to metadata" fi if [ $(file_size $result_file) -ge $(file_size test1.o) ]; then test_failed "Result file seems to be uncompressed" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Corrupt result file" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 result_file=$(find $CCACHE_DIR -name '*R') printf foo | dd of=$result_file bs=3 count=1 seek=20 conv=notrunc >&/dev/null $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_DEBUG" unset CCACHE_LOGFILE unset CCACHE_NODIRECT CCACHE_DEBUG=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c if ! grep -q Result: test1.o.*.ccache-log; then test_failed "Unexpected data in .ccache-log" fi if ! grep -q "PREPROCESSOR MODE" test1.o.*.ccache-input-text; then test_failed "Unexpected data in ..ccache-input-text" fi for ext in c p d; do if ! [ -f test1.o.*.ccache-input-$ext ]; then test_failed ".ccache-input-$ext missing" fi done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_DEBUG with too hard option" CCACHE_DEBUG=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -save-temps expect_stat unsupported_compiler_option 1 expect_exists test1.o.*.ccache-log # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $RUN_WIN_XFAIL;then # TODO: Leading slash is missing. (debugdirC/... instead of debugdir/C/... ) TEST "CCACHE_DEBUGDIR" CCACHE_DEBUG=1 CCACHE_DEBUGDIR=debugdir $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_contains debugdir"$(pwd -P)"/test1.o.*.ccache-log "Result: cache_miss" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_DISABLE" CCACHE_DISABLE=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c 2>/dev/null if [ -d $CCACHE_DIR ]; then test_failed "$CCACHE_DIR created despite CCACHE_DISABLE being set" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_COMMENTS" $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c mv test1.c test1-saved.c echo '// initial comment' >test1.c cat test1-saved.c >>test1.c CCACHE_COMMENTS=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 echo '// different comment' >test1.c cat test1-saved.c >>test1.c CCACHE_COMMENTS=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c mv test1-saved.c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 2 $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_NOSTATS" CCACHE_NOSTATS=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -O -O expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "stats file forward compatibility" mkdir -p "$CCACHE_DIR/4/" stats_file="$CCACHE_DIR/4/stats" touch "$CCACHE_DIR/timestamp_reference" for i in `seq 101`; do echo $i done > "$stats_file" expect_stat cache_miss 5 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat cache_miss 6 expect_contains "$stats_file" 101 expect_newer_than "$stats_file" "$CCACHE_DIR/timestamp_reference" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "stats file with large counter values" mkdir -p "$CCACHE_DIR/4/" stats_file="$CCACHE_DIR/4/stats" echo "0 0 0 0 1234567890123456789" >"$stats_file" expect_stat cache_miss 1234567890123456789 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat cache_miss 1234567890123456790 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_RECACHE" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_miss 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat recache 0 CCACHE_RECACHE=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_miss 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat recache 1 $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o expect_stat files_in_cache 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Directory is hashed if using -g" mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Directory is not hashed if not using -g" mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Directory is not hashed if using -g -g0" mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g -g0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g -g0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g -g0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Directory is not hashed if using -gz" $COMPILER -E test1.c -gz >preprocessed.i 2>/dev/null if [ -s preprocessed.i ] && ! grep -Fq $PWD preprocessed.i; then mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Directory is not hashed if using -gz=zlib" $COMPILER test1.c -gz=zlib -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # run test only if -gz=zlib is supported $COMPILER -E test1.c -gz=zlib >preprocessed.i 2>/dev/null if [ "$exit_code" == "0" ] && [ -s preprocessed.i ] && ! grep -Fq $PWD preprocessed.i; then mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz=zlib expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz=zlib expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -gz=zlib expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $RUN_WIN_XFAIL; then TEST "CCACHE_NOHASHDIR" mkdir dir1 dir2 cp test1.c dir1 cp test1.c dir2 cd dir1 CCACHE_NOHASHDIR=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 CCACHE_NOHASHDIR=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cd ../dir2 CCACHE_NOHASHDIR=1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -g expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_EXTRAFILES" echo "a" >a echo "b" >b $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 CCACHE_EXTRAFILES="a${PATH_DELIM}b" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 CCACHE_EXTRAFILES="a${PATH_DELIM}b" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 echo b2 >b CCACHE_EXTRAFILES="a${PATH_DELIM}b" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 3 CCACHE_EXTRAFILES="a${PATH_DELIM}b" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 3 expect_stat cache_miss 3 CCACHE_EXTRAFILES="doesntexist" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 3 expect_stat cache_miss 3 expect_stat error_hashing_extra_file 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_PREFIX" cat <<'EOF' > #!/bin/sh echo a >prefix.result exec "$@" EOF cat <<'EOF' > #!/bin/sh echo b >>prefix.result exec "$@" EOF chmod +x cat <<'EOF' >file.c int foo; EOF PATH=.:$PATH CCACHE_PREFIX="" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c file.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content prefix.result "a b" PATH=.:$PATH CCACHE_PREFIX="" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c file.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content prefix.result "a b" rm -f prefix.result PATH=.:$PATH CCACHE_PREFIX_CPP="" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c file.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content prefix.result "a b" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Files in cache" for i in $(seq 32); do generate_code $i test$i.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test$i.c done expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 32 expect_stat files_in_cache 32 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Direct .i compile" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $COMPILER -c test1.c -E >test1.i $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.i expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-x c" ln -f test1.c test1.ccc $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c test1.ccc expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c test1.ccc expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-xc" ln -f test1.c test1.ccc $CCACHE_COMPILE -xc -c test1.ccc expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -xc -c test1.ccc expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-x none" $CCACHE_COMPILE -x assembler -x none -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -x assembler -x none -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-x unknown" $CCACHE_COMPILE -x unknown -c test1.c 2>/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_source_language 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "-x c -c /dev/null" $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c /dev/null -o null.o 2>/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c -c /dev/null -o null.o 2>/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-D not hashed" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -DNOT_AFFECTING=1 -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-S" $CCACHE_COMPILE -S test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -S test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.s expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.s expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "-frecord-gcc-switches" if $COMPILER -frecord-gcc-switches -c test1.c >&/dev/null; then $CCACHE_COMPILE -frecord-gcc-switches -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -frecord-gcc-switches -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -frecord-gcc-switches -Wall -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -frecord-gcc-switches -Wall -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_DISABLE set when executing compiler" cat > <>CCACHE_DISABLE.value exec $COMPILER "\$@" EOF chmod +x backdate $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content CCACHE_DISABLE.value '11' # preprocessor + compiler # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! ( $HOST_OS_WINDOWS && $COMPILER_TYPE_CLANG ) && [ -n "$COMPILER_ARGS" ] ; then TEST "CCACHE_COMPILER" $COMPILER -c -o reference_test1.o test1.c export CCACHE_DEBUG=1 export CCACHE_DEBUGDIR=/tmp/a $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o export CCACHE_DEBUGDIR=/tmp/b CCACHE_COMPILER=$COMPILER $CCACHE \ non_existing_compiler_will_be_overridden_anyway \ $COMPILER_ARGS -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o CCACHE_COMPILER=$COMPILER $CCACHE same/for/relative \ $COMPILER_ARGS -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o CCACHE_COMPILER=$COMPILER $CCACHE /and/even/absolute/compilers \ $COMPILER_ARGS -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 3 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_object_files reference_test1.o test1.o fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_COMPILERTYPE" if $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then FAKE_GCC=./ else FAKE_GCC=./gcc fi $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c cat >$FAKE_GCC <$override_path/cc < < <> CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=content $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=none" cat > <> CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=none $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=string" cat > < <> CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK="echo ./" $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 cat < #!/bin/sh echo foo echo bar EOF chmod +x CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK='./' $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK='echo foo; echo bar' $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK=unknown_command" cat > </dev/null expect_stat compiler_check_failed 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "CCACHE_UMASK" saved_umask=$(umask) umask 022 export CCACHE_UMASK=002 export CCACHE_TEMPDIR=$CCACHE_DIR/tmp $CCACHE -C >/dev/null expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0/stats" -rw-rw-r-- rm -rf $CCACHE_DIR $CCACHE -c >/dev/null expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0/stats" -rw-rw-r-- rm -rf $CCACHE_DIR $CCACHE -z >/dev/null expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/0/stats" -rw-rw-r-- rm -rf $CCACHE_DIR cat <test.c int main() {} EOF # A cache-miss case which affects the stats file on level 1: $CCACHE -M 5 >/dev/null $CCACHE_COMPILE -MMD -c test.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 result_file=$(find "$CCACHE_DIR" -name '*R') level_2_dir=$(dirname "$result_file") level_1_dir=$(dirname $(dirname "$result_file")) expect_perm test.o -rw-r--r-- expect_perm test.d -rw-r--r-- expect_perm "$CCACHE_CONFIGPATH" -rw-rw-r-- expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR/tmp" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$level_1_dir" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$level_1_dir/stats" -rw-rw-r-- expect_perm "$level_2_dir" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$result_file" -rw-rw-r-- rm test.o test.d $CCACHE_COMPILE -MMD -c test.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_perm test.o -rw-r--r-- expect_perm test.d -rw-r--r-- $CCACHE_COMPILE -o test test.o expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat called_for_link 1 expect_perm test -rwxr-xr-x # A non-cache-miss case which affects the stats file on level 2: rm -rf "$CCACHE_DIR" $CCACHE_COMPILE --version >/dev/null expect_stat no_input_file 1 stats_file=$(find "$CCACHE_DIR" -name stats) level_2_dir=$(dirname "$stats_file") level_1_dir=$(dirname $(dirname "$stats_file")) expect_perm "$CCACHE_DIR" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$level_1_dir" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$level_2_dir" drwxrwxr-x expect_perm "$stats_file" -rw-rw-r-- umask $saved_umask fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "No object file due to bad prefix" cat <<'EOF' >test_no_obj.c int test_no_obj; EOF cat <<'EOF' > #!/bin/sh # Emulate no object file from the compiler. EOF chmod +x CCACHE_PREFIX=$(pwd)/ $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test_no_obj.c expect_stat compiler_produced_no_output 1 CCACHE_PREFIX=$(pwd)/ $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat files_in_cache 0 expect_stat compiler_produced_no_output 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-fsyntax-only" echo existing >test1.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -fsyntax-only test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_content test1.o existing rm test1.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -fsyntax-only test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_missing test1.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $RUN_WIN_XFAIL; then TEST "-fsyntax-only /dev/null" echo existing >null.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -fsyntax-only -x c /dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_content null.o existing rm null.o $CCACHE_COMPILE -fsyntax-only -x c /dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_missing null.o # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "No object file due to -fsyntax-only" echo '#warning This triggers a compiler warning' >stderr.c $COMPILER -Wall stderr.c -fsyntax-only 2>reference_stderr.txt expect_contains reference_stderr.txt "This triggers a compiler warning" $CCACHE_COMPILE -Wall stderr.c -fsyntax-only 2>stderr.txt expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_text_content reference_stderr.txt stderr.txt # Intentionally compiling with "-c" here but not above. $CCACHE_COMPILE -Wall -c stderr.c -fsyntax-only 2>stderr.txt expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_equal_text_content reference_stderr.txt stderr.txt fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Empty object file" cat <<'EOF' >test_empty_obj.c int test_empty_obj; EOF cat <<'EOF' > #!/bin/sh # Emulate empty object file from the compiler. touch test_empty_obj.o EOF chmod +x CCACHE_PREFIX=`pwd`/ $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test_empty_obj.c expect_stat compiler_produced_empty_output 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Output to /dev/null" if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o /dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkdir dir chmod a-w dir if ! touch dir/test 2>/dev/null; then TEST "Failure to write output file" mkdir dir $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o dir/test1.o expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat bad_output_file 0 rm dir/test1.o chmod a-w dir if $RUN_WIN_XFAIL; then $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c -o dir/test1.o 2>/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat bad_output_file 1 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Caching stderr" cat <stderr.c int stderr(void) { // Trigger warning by having no return statement. } EOF $COMPILER -c -Wall -W -c stderr.c 2>reference_stderr.txt $CCACHE_COMPILE -Wall -W -c stderr.c 2>stderr.txt expect_equal_text_content reference_stderr.txt stderr.txt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Merging stderr" cat > <&2 else echo object >test1.o printf "[%s]" cc_stderr >&2 fi EOF chmod +x unset CCACHE_NOCPP2 stderr=$($CCACHE ./ -c test1.c 2>stderr) expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_content stderr "[cc_stderr]" stderr=$(CCACHE_NOCPP2=1 $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c 2>stderr) expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 2 expect_content stderr "[cpp_stderr][cc_stderr]" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Stderr and dependency file" cat <test.c #warning Foo EOF $COMPILER -c test.c -MMD 2>reference.stderr mv test.d reference.d $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test.c -MMD 2>test.stderr expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_equal_text_content reference.stderr test.stderr expect_equal_content reference.d test.d $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test.c -MMD 2>test.stderr expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_equal_text_content reference.stderr test.stderr expect_equal_content reference.d test.d # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Caching stdout and stderr" cat > <&2 fi if [ \$1 != -E ]; then printf "cc_err|" >&2 printf "cc_out|" fi exec $COMPILER "\$@" EOF chmod +x $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c >stdout 2>stderr expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content stdout "cc_out|" expect_content stderr "cpp_err|cc_err|" $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c >stdout 2>stderr expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_content stdout "cc_out|" expect_content stderr "cpp_err|cc_err|" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "--zero-stats" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE -z >/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "--clear" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c $CCACHE_COMPILE -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 $CCACHE -C >/dev/null expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-P -c" $CCACHE_COMPILE -P -c test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -P -c test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-P -E" $CCACHE_COMPILE -P -E test1.c >/dev/null expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat called_for_preprocessing 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $COMPILER -c -Wa,-a test1.c >&/dev/null; then TEST "-Wa,-a" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a test1.c >first.lst expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a test1.c >second.lst expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_equal_content first.lst second.lst fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $COMPILER -c -Wa,-a=test1.lst,-L test1.c >&/dev/null && [ -e test1.lst ]; then TEST "-Wa,-a=file" # Check that -Wa options after -a are handled. $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a=test1.lst,-L test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 rm test1.lst $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a=test1.lst,-L test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 rm test1.lst # Check that the filename can be changed without changing the hash. $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a=test2.lst,-L test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 1 rm test2.lst # Check that -Wa options before -a are handled. $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-L,-a=test1.lst test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 rm test1.lst $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-L,-a=test1.lst test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 3 expect_stat cache_miss 2 rm test1.lst # Check that -Wa,-aOPTIONS=file is different than -Wa,-a=file. $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-as=test1.lst test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 3 expect_stat cache_miss 3 rm test1.lst $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-as=test1.lst test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 4 expect_stat cache_miss 3 rm test1.lst # Multiple -Wa,-a options are not supported. $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wa,-a=test1.lst -Wa,-as=test1.lst test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 4 expect_stat cache_miss 3 expect_stat unsupported_compiler_option 1 rm test1.lst fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-Wp,-P" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-P test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-P test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-Wp,-P,-DFOO" # Check that -P disables ccache when used in combination with other -Wp, # options. (-P removes preprocessor information in such a way that the # object file from compiling the preprocessed file will not be equal to the # object file produced when compiling without ccache.) $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-P,-DFOO test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_compiler_option 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-DFOO,-P test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_compiler_option 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "-Wp,-D" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-DFOO test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -Wp,-DFOO test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -DFOO test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -DFOO test1.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 2 expect_stat cache_miss 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if touch empty.c && $COMPILER -c -- empty.c 2>/dev/null; then TEST "--" $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -- test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -- test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Handling of compiler-only arguments" cat > <>compiler.args [ \$1 = -E ] && echo test || echo test >test1.o EOF chmod +x backdate $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 if [ -z "$CCACHE_NOCPP2" ]; then expect_content_pattern compiler.args "(-E -o * test1.c)(-c -o test1.o test1.c)" fi rm compiler.args $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat files_in_cache 1 expect_content_pattern compiler.args "(-E -o * test1.c)" rm compiler.args # Even though -Werror is not passed to the preprocessor, it should be part # of the hash, so we expect a cache miss: $CCACHE ./ -c -Werror -rdynamic test1.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 2 expect_stat files_in_cache 2 if [ -z "$CCACHE_NOCPP2" ]; then expect_content_pattern compiler.args "(-E -o * test1.c)(-Werror -rdynamic -c -o test1.o test1.c)" fi rm compiler.args # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $COMPILER_USES_MSVC; then for src in test1.c build/test1.c; do for obj in test1.o build/test1.o; do TEST "Dependency file content, $src -o $obj" mkdir build cp test1.c build $CCACHE_COMPILE -c -MMD $src -o $obj dep=$(echo $obj | sed 's/\.o$/.d/') expect_content $dep "$obj: $src" done done fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $RUN_WIN_XFAIL; then TEST "Buggy GCC 6 cpp" cat > </dev/null; then $COMPILER "\$@" else # Mistreat the preprocessor output in the same way as GCC 6 does. $COMPILER "\$@" | sed -e '/^# 1 ""\$/ a\\ # 31 ""' \\ -e 's/^# 1 "" 2\$/# 32 "" 2/' fi exit 0 EOF cat <<'EOF' >file.c int foo; EOF chmod +x $CCACHE ./ -c file.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 $CCACHE ./ -DNOT_AFFECTING=1 -c file.c expect_stat direct_cache_hit 0 expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST ".incbin" touch empty.bin cat <incbin.c __asm__(".incbin \"empty.bin\""); EOF $CCACHE_COMPILE -c incbin.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_code_directive 1 cat <incbin.c __asm__(".incbin" " \"empty.bin\""); EOF $CCACHE_COMPILE -c incbin.c expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_code_directive 2 cat <incbin.s .incbin "empty.bin"; EOF $CCACHE_COMPILE -c incbin.s expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 0 expect_stat unsupported_code_directive 3 cat <incbin.cpp struct A { void incbin() const {} }; void f() { A a; a.incbin(); } EOF if $CCACHE_COMPILE -x c++ -c incbin.cpp 2>/dev/null; then expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 expect_stat unsupported_code_directive 3 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "UNCACHED_ERR_FD set when executing preprocessor and compiler" cat > <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = "-E" ]; then echo preprocessed printf ${N}Pu >&$UNCACHED_ERR_FD else echo compiled >test1.o printf ${N}Cc >&2 printf ${N}Cu >&$UNCACHED_ERR_FD fi EOF chmod +x N=1 $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c 2>stderr.txt stderr=$(cat stderr.txt) expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 0 expect_stat cache_miss 1 if [ "$stderr" != "1Pu1Cu1Cc" ]; then test_failed "Unexpected stderr: $stderr != 1Pu1Cu1Cc" fi N=2 $CCACHE ./ -c test1.c 2>stderr.txt stderr=$(cat stderr.txt) expect_stat preprocessed_cache_hit 1 expect_stat cache_miss 1 if [ "$stderr" != "2Pu1Cc" ]; then test_failed "Unexpected stderr: $stderr != 2Pu1Cc" fi fi if ! $HOST_OS_WINDOWS; then TEST "UNCACHED_ERR_FD not set when falling back to the original command" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $CCACHE bash -c 'echo $UNCACHED_ERR_FD' >uncached_err_fd.txt expect_content uncached_err_fd.txt "" fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "Invalid boolean environment configuration options" for invalid_val in 0 false FALSE disable DISABLE no NO; do CCACHE_DISABLE=$invalid_val $CCACHE $COMPILER --version >&/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then test_failed "boolean env var '$invalid_val' should be rejected" fi CCACHE_NODISABLE=$invalid_val $CCACHE $COMPILER --version >&/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then test_failed "boolean env var '$invalid_val' should be rejected" fi done # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST "--hash-file" $CCACHE --hash-file /dev/null > hash.out printf "a" | $CCACHE --hash-file - >> hash.out hash_0='af1396svbud1kqg40jfa6reciicrpcisi' hash_1='17765vetiqd4ae95qpbhfb1ut8gj42r6m' if grep "$hash_0" hash.out >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ grep "$hash_1" hash.out >/dev/null 2>&1; then : OK else test_failed "Unexpected output of --hash-file" fi } # ============================================================================= SUITE_base_SETUP() { generate_code 1 test1.c } SUITE_base() { base_tests }