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2 files changed, 164 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst b/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
index 9bf7b24fa24..4bb8332ae5b 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/bucketops.rst
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ Returns a list of bucket objects.
GET /{bucket}?max-keys=25 HTTP/1.1
@@ -104,7 +103,6 @@ Parameters
HTTP Response
@@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ The ``ListBucketResult`` contains objects, where each object is within a ``Conte
Get Bucket ACL
Retrieves the bucket access control list. The user needs to be the bucket
owner or to have been granted ``READ_ACP`` permission on the bucket.
@@ -170,7 +167,6 @@ Syntax
Add the ``acl`` subresource to the bucket request as shown below.
GET /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1
@@ -209,7 +205,6 @@ Syntax
Add the ``acl`` subresource to the bucket request as shown below.
PUT /{bucket}?acl HTTP/1.1
Request Entities
@@ -243,9 +238,7 @@ the service hasn't completed all the uploads yet.
GET /{bucket}?uploads HTTP/1.1
@@ -285,7 +278,7 @@ Response Entities
| ``KeyMarker`` | String | The key marker specified by the ``key-marker`` request parameter (if any). |
-| ``UploadIdMarker`` | String | The marker specified by the ``upload-id-marker`` request paramter (if any). |
+| ``UploadIdMarker`` | String | The marker specified by the ``upload-id-marker`` request parameter (if any). |
| ``NextKeyMarker`` | String | The key marker to use in a subsequent request if ``IsTruncated`` is ``true``. |
diff --git a/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst b/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
index ea25aaf4fd3..857976d1b66 100644
--- a/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
+++ b/doc/api/s3/objectops.rst
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Request Headers
Copy Object
-To copy an object, use PUT and specify a destination bucket and the object name.
+To copy an object, use ``PUT`` and specify a destination bucket and the object name.
@@ -88,8 +88,11 @@ Syntax
DELETE /{bucket}/{object} HTTP/1.1
Get Object
+Retrieves an object from a bucket within RADOS.
@@ -101,19 +104,19 @@ Syntax
Request Headers
-| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
-| **range** | | | No |
-| **if-modified-since** | | | No |
-| **if-unmodified-since** | | | No |
-| **if-match** | | | No |
-| **if-none-match** | | | No |
+| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
+| **range** | The range of the object to retrieve. | Range: bytes=beginbyte-endbyte | No |
+| **if-modified-since** | Gets only if modified since the timestamp. | Timestamp | No |
+| **if-unmodified-since** | Gets only if not modified since the timestamp. | Timestamp | No |
+| **if-match** | Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. | Entity Tag | No |
+| **if-none-match** | Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. | Entity Tag | No |
Response Headers
@@ -128,8 +131,8 @@ Get Object Info
Returns information about object. This request will return the same
-header information as with the Get Object request, but will not include
-the object data payload.
+header information as with the Get Object request, but will include
+the metadata only, not the object data payload.
@@ -141,19 +144,19 @@ Syntax
Request Headers
-| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
-| **range** | | | No |
-| **if-modified-since** | | | No |
-| **if-unmodified-since** | | | No |
-| **if-match** | | | No |
-| **if-none-match** | | | No |
+| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
+| **range** | The range of the object to retrieve. | Range: bytes=beginbyte-endbyte | No |
+| **if-modified-since** | Gets only if modified since the timestamp. | Timestamp | No |
+| **if-unmodified-since** | Gets only if not modified since the timestamp. | Timestamp | No |
+| **if-match** | Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. | Entity Tag | No |
+| **if-none-match** | Gets only if object ETag matches ETag. | Entity Tag | No |
Get Object ACL
@@ -168,25 +171,27 @@ Syntax
Response Entities
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| **AccessControlPolicy** | Container | |
-| **AccessControlList** | Container | |
-| **Owner** | Container | |
-| **ID** | String | |
-| **DisplayName** | String | |
-| **Grant** | Container | |
-| **Grantee** | Container | |
-| **Permission** | String | |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ``AccessControlPolicy`` | Container | A container for the response. |
+| ``AccessControlList`` | Container | A container for the ACL information. |
+| ``Owner`` | Container | A container for the object owner's ``ID`` and ``DisplayName``. |
+| ``ID`` | String | The object owner's ID. |
+| ``DisplayName`` | String | The object owner's display name. |
+| ``Grant`` | Container | A container for ``Grantee`` and ``Permission``. |
+| ``Grantee`` | Container | A container for the ``DisplayName`` and ``ID`` of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
+| ``Permission`` | String | The permission given to the ``Grantee`` object. |
Set Object ACL
@@ -201,25 +206,27 @@ Syntax
Request Entities
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| **AccessControlPolicy** | Container | |
-| **AccessControlList** | Container | |
-| **Owner** | Container | |
-| **ID** | String | |
-| **DisplayName** | String | |
-| **Grant** | Container | |
-| **Grantee** | Container | |
-| **Permission** | String | |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ``AccessControlPolicy`` | Container | A container for the response. |
+| ``AccessControlList`` | Container | A container for the ACL information. |
+| ``Owner`` | Container | A container for the object owner's ``ID`` and ``DisplayName``. |
+| ``ID`` | String | The object owner's ID. |
+| ``DisplayName`` | String | The object owner's display name. |
+| ``Grant`` | Container | A container for ``Grantee`` and ``Permission``. |
+| ``Grantee`` | Container | A container for the ``DisplayName`` and ``ID`` of the user receiving a grant of permission. |
+| ``Permission`` | String | The permission given to the ``Grantee`` object. |
Initiate Multi-part Upload
@@ -236,32 +243,34 @@ Syntax
Request Headers
-| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
-| **content-md5** | | | No |
-| **content-type** | | | No |
-| **x-amz-meta-<...>** | | | No |
-| **x-amz-acl** | | private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read | No |
+| Name | Description | Valid Values | Required |
+| **content-md5** | A base64 encoded MD-5 hash of the message. | A string. No defaults or constraints. | No |
+| **content-type** | A standard MIME type. | Any MIME type. Default: ``binary/octet-stream`` | No |
+| **x-amz-meta-<...>** | User metadata. Stored with the object. | A string up to 8kb. No defaults. | No |
+| **x-amz-acl** | A canned ACL. | ``private``, ``public-read``, ``public-read-write``, ``authenticated-read`` | No |
Response Entities
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| **InitiateMultipartUploadResult** | Container | |
-| **Bucket** | String | |
-| **Key** | String | |
-| **UploadId** | String | |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ``InitiatedMultipartUploadsResult`` | Container | A container for the results. |
+| ``Bucket`` | String | The bucket that will receive the object contents. |
+| ``Key`` | String | The key specified by the ``key`` request parameter (if any). |
+| ``UploadId`` | String | The ID specified by the ``upload-id`` request parameter identifying the multipart upload (if any). |
Multipart Upload Part
@@ -297,40 +306,49 @@ Syntax
Response Entities
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| **InitiateMultipartUploadResult** | Container | |
-| **Bucket** | String | |
-| **Key** | String | |
-| **UploadId** | String | |
-| **StorageClass** | String | |
-| **PartNumberMarker** | Integer | |
-| **NextPartNumberMarker** | Integer | |
-| **MaxParts** | Integer | |
-| **IsTruncated** | Boolean | |
-| **Part** | Container | |
-| **LastModified** | Date | |
-| **PartNumber** | Integer | |
-| **ETag** | String | |
-| **Size** | Integer | |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ``InitiatedMultipartUploadsResult`` | Container | A container for the results. |
+| ``Bucket`` | String | The bucket that will receive the object contents. |
+| ``Key`` | String | The key specified by the ``key`` request parameter (if any). |
+| ``UploadId`` | String | The ID specified by the ``upload-id`` request parameter identifying the multipart upload (if any). |
+| ``Initiator`` | Container | Contains the ``ID`` and ``DisplayName`` of the user who initiated the upload. |
+| ``ID`` | String | The initiator's ID. |
+| ``DisplayName`` | String | The initiator's display name. |
+| ``Owner`` | Container | A container for the ``ID`` and ``DisplayName`` of the user who owns the uploaded object. |
+| ``StorageClass`` | String | The method used to store the resulting object. ``STANDARD`` or ``REDUCED_REDUNDANCY`` |
+| ``PartNumberMarker`` | String | The part marker to use in a subsequent request if ``IsTruncated`` is ``true``. Precedes the list. |
+| ``NextPartNumberMarker`` | String | The next part marker to use in a subsequent request if ``IsTruncated`` is ``true``. The end of the list. |
+| ``MaxParts`` | Integer | The max parts allowed in the response as specified by the ``max-parts`` request parameter. |
+| ``IsTruncated`` | Boolean | If ``true``, only a subset of the object's upload contents were returned. |
+| ``Part`` | Container | A container for ``Key``, ``Part``, ``InitiatorOwner``, ``StorageClass``, and ``Initiated`` elements. |
+| ``PartNumber`` | Integer | The identification number of the part. |
+| ``ETag`` | String | The part's entity tag. |
+| ``Size`` | Integer | The size of the uploaded part. |
Complete Multipart Upload
+Assembles uploaded parts and creates a new object, thereby completing a multipart upload.
@@ -342,34 +360,35 @@ Syntax
Request Entities
-| Name | Type | Valid Values | Required |
-| **CompleteMultipartUpload** | Container | | Yes |
-| **Part** | Container | | Yes |
-| **PartNumber** | Integer | | Yes |
-| **ETag** | String | | Yes |
+| Name | Type | Description | Required |
+| ``CompleteMultipartUpload`` | Container | A container consisting of one or more parts. | Yes |
+| ``Part`` | Container | A container for the ``PartNumber`` and ``ETag``. | Yes |
+| ``PartNumber`` | Integer | The identifier of the part. | Yes |
+| ``ETag`` | String | The part's entity tag. | Yes |
Response Entities
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| **CompleteMultipartUploadResult** | Container | |
-| **Location** | String | |
-| **Bucket** | String | |
-| **Key** | String | |
-| **ETag** | String | |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| **CompleteMultipartUploadResult** | Container | A container for the response. |
+| **Location** | URI | The resource identifier (path) of the new object. |
+| **Bucket** | String | The name of the bucket that contains the new object. |
+| **Key** | String | The object's key. |
+| **ETag** | String | The entity tag of the new object. |
Abort Multipart Upload