// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include "mon/AuthMonitor.h" #include "mon/Monitor.h" #include "mon/MonitorDBStore.h" #include "messages/MMonCommand.h" #include "messages/MAuth.h" #include "messages/MAuthReply.h" #include "messages/MMonGlobalID.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include "common/Timer.h" #include "auth/AuthServiceHandler.h" #include "auth/KeyRing.h" #include "osd/osd_types.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "include/assert.h" #include "common/cmdparse.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mon #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, mon, get_last_committed()) static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, Monitor *mon, version_t v) { return *_dout << "mon." << mon->name << "@" << mon->rank << "(" << mon->get_state_name() << ").auth v" << v << " "; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, AuthMonitor& pm) { return out << "auth"; } bool AuthMonitor::check_rotate() { KeyServerData::Incremental rot_inc; rot_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_SET_ROTATING; if (!mon->key_server.updated_rotating(rot_inc.rotating_bl, last_rotating_ver)) return false; dout(10) << __func__ << " updated rotating" << dendl; push_cephx_inc(rot_inc); return true; } /* Tick function to update the map based on performance every N seconds */ void AuthMonitor::tick() { if (!is_active()) return; dout(10) << *this << dendl; if (!mon->is_leader()) return; if (check_rotate()) propose_pending(); } void AuthMonitor::on_active() { dout(10) << "AuthMonitor::on_active()" << dendl; if (!mon->is_leader()) return; mon->key_server.start_server(); /* check_rotate(); */ } void AuthMonitor::create_initial() { dout(10) << "create_initial -- creating initial map" << dendl; // initialize rotating keys last_rotating_ver = 0; check_rotate(); assert(pending_auth.size() == 1); KeyRing keyring; bufferlist bl; int ret = mon->store->get("mkfs", "keyring", bl); assert(ret == 0); bufferlist::iterator p = bl.begin(); ::decode(keyring, p); import_keyring(keyring); max_global_id = MIN_GLOBAL_ID; Incremental inc; inc.inc_type = GLOBAL_ID; inc.max_global_id = max_global_id; pending_auth.push_back(inc); format_version = 1; } void AuthMonitor::update_from_paxos(bool *need_bootstrap) { dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; version_t version = get_last_committed(); version_t keys_ver = mon->key_server.get_ver(); if (version == keys_ver) return; assert(version >= keys_ver); version_t latest_full = get_version_latest_full(); dout(10) << __func__ << " version " << version << " keys ver " << keys_ver << " latest " << latest_full << dendl; if ((latest_full > 0) && (latest_full > keys_ver)) { bufferlist latest_bl; int err = get_version_full(latest_full, latest_bl); assert(err == 0); assert(latest_bl.length() != 0); dout(7) << __func__ << " loading summary e " << latest_full << dendl; dout(7) << __func__ << " latest length " << latest_bl.length() << dendl; bufferlist::iterator p = latest_bl.begin(); __u8 struct_v; ::decode(struct_v, p); ::decode(max_global_id, p); ::decode(mon->key_server, p); mon->key_server.set_ver(latest_full); keys_ver = latest_full; } dout(10) << __func__ << " key server version " << mon->key_server.get_ver() << dendl; // walk through incrementals while (version > keys_ver) { bufferlist bl; int ret = get_version(keys_ver+1, bl); assert(ret == 0); assert(bl.length()); // reset if we are moving to initial state. we will normally have // keys in here temporarily for bootstrapping that we need to // clear out. if (keys_ver == 0) mon->key_server.clear_secrets(); dout(20) << __func__ << " walking through version " << (keys_ver+1) << " len " << bl.length() << dendl; bufferlist::iterator p = bl.begin(); __u8 v; ::decode(v, p); while (!p.end()) { Incremental inc; ::decode(inc, p); switch (inc.inc_type) { case GLOBAL_ID: max_global_id = inc.max_global_id; break; case AUTH_DATA: { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; bufferlist::iterator iter = inc.auth_data.begin(); ::decode(auth_inc, iter); mon->key_server.apply_data_incremental(auth_inc); break; } } } keys_ver++; mon->key_server.set_ver(keys_ver); if (keys_ver == 1) { MonitorDBStore::Transaction t; t.erase("mkfs", "keyring"); mon->store->apply_transaction(t); } } if (last_allocated_id == 0) last_allocated_id = max_global_id; dout(10) << "update_from_paxos() last_allocated_id=" << last_allocated_id << " max_global_id=" << max_global_id << " format_version " << format_version << dendl; /* bufferlist bl; __u8 v = 1; ::encode(v, bl); ::encode(max_global_id, bl); Mutex::Locker l(mon->key_server.get_lock()); ::encode(mon->key_server, bl); paxos->stash_latest(version, bl); */ } void AuthMonitor::increase_max_global_id() { assert(mon->is_leader()); max_global_id += g_conf->mon_globalid_prealloc; dout(10) << "increasing max_global_id to " << max_global_id << dendl; Incremental inc; inc.inc_type = GLOBAL_ID; inc.max_global_id = max_global_id; pending_auth.push_back(inc); } bool AuthMonitor::should_propose(double& delay) { return (!pending_auth.empty()); } void AuthMonitor::create_pending() { pending_auth.clear(); dout(10) << "create_pending v " << (get_last_committed() + 1) << dendl; } void AuthMonitor::encode_pending(MonitorDBStore::Transaction *t) { dout(10) << __func__ << " v " << (get_last_committed() + 1) << dendl; bufferlist bl; __u8 v = 1; ::encode(v, bl); vector::iterator p; for (p = pending_auth.begin(); p != pending_auth.end(); ++p) p->encode(bl, mon->get_quorum_features()); version_t version = get_last_committed() + 1; put_version(t, version, bl); put_last_committed(t, version); } void AuthMonitor::encode_full(MonitorDBStore::Transaction *t) { version_t version = mon->key_server.get_ver(); dout(10) << __func__ << " auth v " << version << dendl; assert(get_last_committed() == version); bufferlist full_bl; Mutex::Locker l(mon->key_server.get_lock()); if (mon->key_server.has_secrets()) { dout(20) << __func__ << " key server has secrets!" << dendl; __u8 v = 1; ::encode(v, full_bl); ::encode(max_global_id, full_bl); ::encode(mon->key_server, full_bl); put_version_full(t, version, full_bl); put_version_latest_full(t, version); } else { dout(20) << __func__ << " key server has no secrets; do not put them in tx" << dendl; } } version_t AuthMonitor::get_trim_to() { unsigned max = g_conf->paxos_max_join_drift * 2; version_t version = get_last_committed(); if (mon->is_leader() && (version > max)) return version - max; return 0; } bool AuthMonitor::preprocess_query(PaxosServiceMessage *m) { dout(10) << "preprocess_query " << *m << " from " << m->get_orig_source_inst() << dendl; switch (m->get_type()) { case MSG_MON_COMMAND: return preprocess_command((MMonCommand*)m); case CEPH_MSG_AUTH: return prep_auth((MAuth *)m, false); case MSG_MON_GLOBAL_ID: return false; default: assert(0); m->put(); return true; } } bool AuthMonitor::prepare_update(PaxosServiceMessage *m) { dout(10) << "prepare_update " << *m << " from " << m->get_orig_source_inst() << dendl; switch (m->get_type()) { case MSG_MON_COMMAND: return prepare_command((MMonCommand*)m); case MSG_MON_GLOBAL_ID: return prepare_global_id((MMonGlobalID*)m); case CEPH_MSG_AUTH: return prep_auth((MAuth *)m, true); default: assert(0); m->put(); return false; } } uint64_t AuthMonitor::assign_global_id(MAuth *m, bool should_increase_max) { int total_mon = mon->monmap->size(); dout(10) << "AuthMonitor::assign_global_id m=" << *m << " mon=" << mon->rank << "/" << total_mon << " last_allocated=" << last_allocated_id << " max_global_id=" << max_global_id << dendl; uint64_t next_global_id = last_allocated_id + 1; int remainder = next_global_id % total_mon; if (remainder) remainder = total_mon - remainder; next_global_id += remainder + mon->rank; dout(10) << "next_global_id should be " << next_global_id << dendl; // if we can't bump the max, bail out now on an out-of-bounds gid if (next_global_id > max_global_id && (!mon->is_leader() || !should_increase_max)) { return 0; } // can we return a gid? bool return_next = (next_global_id <= max_global_id); // bump the max? while (mon->is_leader() && next_global_id >= max_global_id - g_conf->mon_globalid_prealloc / 2) { increase_max_global_id(); } if (return_next) { last_allocated_id = next_global_id; return next_global_id; } else { return 0; } } bool AuthMonitor::prep_auth(MAuth *m, bool paxos_writable) { dout(10) << "prep_auth() blob_size=" << m->get_auth_payload().length() << dendl; MonSession *s = (MonSession *)m->get_connection()->get_priv(); if (!s) { dout(10) << "no session, dropping" << dendl; m->put(); return true; } int ret = 0; AuthCapsInfo caps_info; MAuthReply *reply; bufferlist response_bl; bufferlist::iterator indata = m->auth_payload.begin(); __u32 proto = m->protocol; bool start = false; EntityName entity_name; // set up handler? if (m->protocol == 0 && !s->auth_handler) { set<__u32> supported; try { __u8 struct_v = 1; ::decode(struct_v, indata); ::decode(supported, indata); ::decode(entity_name, indata); ::decode(s->global_id, indata); } catch (const buffer::error &e) { dout(10) << "failed to decode initial auth message" << dendl; ret = -EINVAL; goto reply; } // do we require cephx signatures? if (!m->get_connection()->has_feature(CEPH_FEATURE_MSG_AUTH)) { if (entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON || entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD || entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MDS) { if (g_conf->cephx_cluster_require_signatures || g_conf->cephx_require_signatures) { dout(1) << m->get_source_inst() << " supports cephx but not signatures and 'cephx [cluster] require signatures = true'; disallowing cephx" << dendl; supported.erase(CEPH_AUTH_CEPHX); } } else { if (g_conf->cephx_service_require_signatures || g_conf->cephx_require_signatures) { dout(1) << m->get_source_inst() << " supports cephx but not signatures and 'cephx [service] require signatures = true'; disallowing cephx" << dendl; supported.erase(CEPH_AUTH_CEPHX); } } } int type; if (entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MON || entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_OSD || entity_name.get_type() == CEPH_ENTITY_TYPE_MDS) type = mon->auth_cluster_required.pick(supported); else type = mon->auth_service_required.pick(supported); s->auth_handler = get_auth_service_handler(type, g_ceph_context, &mon->key_server); if (!s->auth_handler) { dout(1) << "client did not provide supported auth type" << dendl; ret = -ENOTSUP; goto reply; } start = true; } else if (!s->auth_handler) { dout(10) << "protocol specified but no s->auth_handler" << dendl; ret = -EINVAL; goto reply; } /* assign a new global_id? we assume this should only happen on the first request. If a client tries to send it later, it'll screw up its auth session */ if (!s->global_id) { s->global_id = assign_global_id(m, paxos_writable); if (!s->global_id) { delete s->auth_handler; s->auth_handler = NULL; if (mon->is_leader() && paxos_writable) { dout(10) << "increasing global id, waitlisting message" << dendl; wait_for_active(new C_RetryMessage(this, m)); goto done; } s->put(); if (!mon->is_leader()) { dout(10) << "not the leader, requesting more ids from leader" << dendl; int leader = mon->get_leader(); MMonGlobalID *req = new MMonGlobalID(); req->old_max_id = max_global_id; mon->messenger->send_message(req, mon->monmap->get_inst(leader)); wait_for_finished_proposal(new C_RetryMessage(this, m)); return true; } assert(!paxos_writable); return false; } } try { uint64_t auid = 0; if (start) { // new session // always send the latest monmap. if (m->monmap_epoch < mon->monmap->get_epoch()) mon->send_latest_monmap(m->get_connection().get()); proto = s->auth_handler->start_session(entity_name, indata, response_bl, caps_info); ret = 0; if (caps_info.allow_all) s->caps.set_allow_all(); } else { // request ret = s->auth_handler->handle_request(indata, response_bl, s->global_id, caps_info, &auid); } if (ret == -EIO) { wait_for_active(new C_RetryMessage(this,m)); //paxos->wait_for_active(new C_RetryMessage(this, m)); goto done; } if (caps_info.caps.length()) { bufferlist::iterator p = caps_info.caps.begin(); string str; try { ::decode(str, p); } catch (const buffer::error &err) { derr << "corrupt cap data for " << entity_name << " in auth db" << dendl; str.clear(); } s->caps.parse(str, NULL); s->auid = auid; } } catch (const buffer::error &err) { ret = -EINVAL; dout(0) << "caught error when trying to handle auth request, probably malformed request" << dendl; } reply: reply = new MAuthReply(proto, &response_bl, ret, s->global_id); mon->send_reply(m, reply); m->put(); done: s->put(); return true; } bool AuthMonitor::preprocess_command(MMonCommand *m) { int r = -1; bufferlist rdata; stringstream ss, ds; map cmdmap; if (!cmdmap_from_json(m->cmd, &cmdmap, ss)) { // ss has reason for failure string rs = ss.str(); mon->reply_command(m, -EINVAL, rs, rdata, get_last_committed()); return true; } string prefix; cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "prefix", prefix); if (prefix == "auth add" || prefix == "auth del" || prefix == "auth get-or-create" || prefix == "auth get-or-create-key" || prefix == "auth import" || prefix == "auth caps") { return false; } MonSession *session = m->get_session(); if (!session) { mon->reply_command(m, -EACCES, "access denied", rdata, get_last_committed()); return true; } // entity might not be supplied, but if it is, it should be valid string entity_name; cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "entity", entity_name); EntityName entity; if (!entity_name.empty() && !entity.from_str(entity_name)) { ss << "invalid entity_auth " << entity_name; mon->reply_command(m, -EINVAL, ss.str(), get_last_committed()); return true; } string format; cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "format", format, string("plain")); boost::scoped_ptr f(new_formatter(format)); if (prefix == "auth export") { KeyRing keyring; export_keyring(keyring); if (!entity_name.empty()) { EntityAuth eauth; if (keyring.get_auth(entity, eauth)) { KeyRing kr; kr.add(entity, eauth); if (f) kr.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); else kr.encode_plaintext(rdata); ss << "export " << eauth; r = 0; } else { ss << "no key for " << eauth; r = -ENOENT; } } else { if (f) keyring.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); else keyring.encode_plaintext(rdata); ss << "exported master keyring"; r = 0; } } else if (prefix == "auth get" && !entity_name.empty()) { KeyRing keyring; EntityAuth entity_auth; if(!mon->key_server.get_auth(entity, entity_auth)) { ss << "failed to find " << entity_name << " in keyring"; r = -ENOENT; } else { keyring.add(entity, entity_auth); if (f) keyring.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); else keyring.encode_plaintext(rdata); ss << "exported keyring for " << entity_name; r = 0; } } else if (prefix == "auth print-key" || prefix == "auth print_key" || prefix == "auth get-key") { EntityAuth auth; if (!mon->key_server.get_auth(entity, auth)) { ss << "don't have " << entity; r = -ENOENT; goto done; } if (f) { auth.key.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); } else { auth.key.encode_plaintext(rdata); } r = 0; } else if (prefix == "auth list") { if (f) { mon->key_server.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); f->flush(rdata); } else { mon->key_server.encode_plaintext(rdata); if (rdata.length() > 0) ss << "installed auth entries:" << std::endl; else ss << "no installed auth entries!" << std::endl; } r = 0; goto done; } else { ss << "invalid command"; r = -EINVAL; } done: rdata.append(ds); string rs; getline(ss, rs, '\0'); mon->reply_command(m, r, rs, rdata, get_last_committed()); return true; } void AuthMonitor::export_keyring(KeyRing& keyring) { mon->key_server.export_keyring(keyring); } void AuthMonitor::import_keyring(KeyRing& keyring) { for (map::iterator p = keyring.get_keys().begin(); p != keyring.get_keys().end(); ++p) { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.name = p->first; auth_inc.auth = p->second; auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD; dout(10) << " importing " << auth_inc.name << dendl; dout(30) << " " << auth_inc.auth << dendl; push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); } } bool AuthMonitor::prepare_command(MMonCommand *m) { stringstream ss, ds; bufferlist rdata; string rs; int err = -EINVAL; map cmdmap; if (!cmdmap_from_json(m->cmd, &cmdmap, ss)) { // ss has reason for failure string rs = ss.str(); mon->reply_command(m, -EINVAL, rs, rdata, get_last_committed()); return true; } string prefix; vectorcaps_vec; string entity_name; EntityName entity; cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "prefix", prefix); string format; cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "format", format, string("plain")); boost::scoped_ptr f(new_formatter(format)); MonSession *session = m->get_session(); if (!session) { mon->reply_command(m, -EACCES, "access denied", rdata, get_last_committed()); return true; } cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "caps", caps_vec); if ((caps_vec.size() % 2) != 0) { ss << "bad capabilities request; odd number of arguments"; err = -EINVAL; goto done; } cmd_getval(g_ceph_context, cmdmap, "entity", entity_name); if (!entity_name.empty() && !entity.from_str(entity_name)) { ss << "bad entity name"; err = -EINVAL; goto done; } if (prefix == "auth import") { bufferlist bl = m->get_data(); if (bl.length() == 0) { ss << "auth import: no data supplied"; getline(ss, rs); mon->reply_command(m, -EINVAL, rs, get_last_committed()); return true; } bufferlist::iterator iter = bl.begin(); KeyRing keyring; try { ::decode(keyring, iter); } catch (const buffer::error &ex) { ss << "error decoding keyring" << " " << ex.what(); rs = err; goto done; } import_keyring(keyring); ss << "imported keyring"; getline(ss, rs); err = 0; wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); return true; } else if (prefix == "auth add") { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.name = entity; bufferlist bl = m->get_data(); dout(10) << "AuthMonitor::prepare_command bl.length()=" << bl.length() << dendl; if (bl.length()) { bufferlist::iterator iter = bl.begin(); KeyRing keyring; try { ::decode(keyring, iter); } catch (const buffer::error &ex) { ss << "error decoding keyring"; err = -EINVAL; goto done; } if (!keyring.get_auth(auth_inc.name, auth_inc.auth)) { ss << "key for " << auth_inc.name << " not found in provided keyring"; err = -EINVAL; goto done; } } else { // generate a new random key dout(10) << "AuthMonitor::prepare_command generating random key for " << auth_inc.name << dendl; auth_inc.auth.key.create(g_ceph_context, CEPH_CRYPTO_AES); } auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD; for (vector::iterator it = caps_vec.begin(); it != caps_vec.end(); it += 2) ::encode(*(it+1), auth_inc.auth.caps[*it]); dout(10) << " importing " << auth_inc.name << dendl; dout(30) << " " << auth_inc.auth << dendl; push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); ss << "added key for " << auth_inc.name; getline(ss, rs); wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); return true; } else if ((prefix == "auth get-or-create-key" || prefix == "auth get-or-create") && !entity_name.empty()) { // auth get-or-create [mon osdcapa osd osdcapb ...] // do we have it? EntityAuth entity_auth; if (mon->key_server.get_auth(entity, entity_auth)) { for (vector::iterator it = caps_vec.begin(); it != caps_vec.end(); it += 2) { string sys = *it; bufferlist cap; ::encode(*(it+1), cap); if (entity_auth.caps.count(sys) == 0 || !entity_auth.caps[sys].contents_equal(cap)) { ss << "key for " << entity << " exists but cap " << sys << " does not match"; err = -EINVAL; goto done; } } if (prefix == "auth get-or-create-key") { if (f) { entity_auth.key.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); } else { ds << entity_auth.key; } } else { KeyRing kr; kr.add(entity, entity_auth.key); if (f) { kr.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); } else { kr.encode_plaintext(rdata); } } err = 0; goto done; } // ...or are we about to? for (vector::iterator p = pending_auth.begin(); p != pending_auth.end(); ++p) { if (p->inc_type == AUTH_DATA) { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; bufferlist::iterator q = p->auth_data.begin(); ::decode(auth_inc, q); if (auth_inc.op == KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD && auth_inc.name == entity) { wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new C_RetryMessage(this, m)); return true; } } } // create it KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD; auth_inc.name = entity; auth_inc.auth.key.create(g_ceph_context, CEPH_CRYPTO_AES); for (vector::iterator it = caps_vec.begin(); it != caps_vec.end(); it += 2) ::encode(*(it+1), auth_inc.auth.caps[*it]); push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); if (prefix == "auth get-or-create-key") { if (f) { auth_inc.auth.key.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); } else { ds << auth_inc.auth.key; } } else { KeyRing kr; kr.add(entity, auth_inc.auth.key); if (f) { kr.encode_formatted("auth", f.get(), rdata); } else { kr.encode_plaintext(rdata); } } rdata.append(ds); getline(ss, rs); wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, rdata, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); return true; } else if (prefix == "auth caps" && !entity_name.empty()) { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.name = entity; if (!mon->key_server.get_auth(auth_inc.name, auth_inc.auth)) { ss << "couldn't find entry " << auth_inc.name; err = -ENOENT; goto done; } map newcaps; for (vector::iterator it = caps_vec.begin(); it != caps_vec.end(); it += 2) ::encode(*(it+1), newcaps[*it]); auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD; auth_inc.auth.caps = newcaps; push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); ss << "updated caps for " << auth_inc.name; getline(ss, rs); wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); return true; } else if (prefix == "auth del" && !entity_name.empty()) { KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.name = entity; if (!mon->key_server.contains(auth_inc.name)) { ss << "entity " << entity << " does not exist"; err = 0; goto done; } auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_DEL; push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); ss << "updated"; getline(ss, rs); wait_for_finished_proposal(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); //paxos->wait_for_commit(new Monitor::C_Command(mon, m, 0, rs, get_last_committed())); return true; } done: rdata.append(ds); getline(ss, rs, '\0'); mon->reply_command(m, err, rs, rdata, get_last_committed()); return false; } bool AuthMonitor::prepare_global_id(MMonGlobalID *m) { dout(10) << "AuthMonitor::prepare_global_id" << dendl; increase_max_global_id(); m->put(); return true; } void AuthMonitor::upgrade_format() { unsigned int current = 1; if (format_version >= current) { dout(20) << __func__ << " format " << format_version << " is current" << dendl; return; } dout(1) << __func__ << " upgrading from format " << format_version << " to " << current << dendl; bool changed = false; map::iterator p; for (p = mon->key_server.secrets_begin(); p != mon->key_server.secrets_end(); ++p) { // grab mon caps, if any string mon_caps; if (p->second.caps.count("mon") == 0) continue; try { bufferlist::iterator it = p->second.caps["mon"].begin(); ::decode(mon_caps, it); } catch (buffer::error) { dout(10) << __func__ << " unable to parse mon cap for " << p->first << dendl; continue; } string n = p->first.to_str(); string new_caps; // set daemon profiles if ((p->first.is_osd() || p->first.is_mds()) && mon_caps == "allow rwx") { new_caps = string("allow profile ") + string(p->first.get_type_name()); } // update bootstrap keys if (n == "client.bootstrap-osd") { new_caps = "allow profile bootstrap-osd"; } if (n == "client.bootstrap-mds") { new_caps = "allow profile bootstrap-mds"; } if (new_caps.length() > 0) { dout(5) << __func__ << " updating " << p->first << " mon cap from " << mon_caps << " to " << new_caps << dendl; bufferlist bl; ::encode(new_caps, bl); KeyServerData::Incremental auth_inc; auth_inc.name = p->first; auth_inc.auth = p->second; auth_inc.auth.caps["mon"] = bl; auth_inc.op = KeyServerData::AUTH_INC_ADD; push_cephx_inc(auth_inc); changed = true; } } if (changed) { // note new format dout(10) << __func__ << " proposing update from format " << format_version << " -> " << current << dendl; format_version = current; propose_pending(); } } void AuthMonitor::dump_info(Formatter *f) { /*** WARNING: do not include any privileged information here! ***/ f->open_object_section("auth"); f->dump_unsigned("first_committed", get_first_committed()); f->dump_unsigned("last_committed", get_last_committed()); f->dump_unsigned("num_secrets", mon->key_server.get_num_secrets()); f->close_section(); }