#include "../lib/libcompat.h" /* Tests for log related stuff in check which need non-exported functions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "check_check.h" #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT START_TEST(test_init_logging_subunit) { /* init_logging with CK_SUBUNIT sets stdout * to a subunit function, not any log. */ Log * first_log = NULL; Suite *s = suite_create("Suite"); SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s); srunner_init_logging(sr, CK_SUBUNIT); list_front (sr->loglst); fail_if (list_at_end(sr->loglst), "No entries in log list"); first_log = list_val(sr->loglst); fail_if (first_log == NULL, "log is NULL"); list_advance(sr->loglst); fail_unless(list_at_end(sr->loglst), "More than one entry in log list"); fail_unless(first_log->lfun == subunit_lfun, "Log function is not the subunit lfun."); srunner_end_logging(sr); srunner_free(sr); } END_TEST #endif Suite *make_log_internal_suite(void) { Suite *s; TCase *tc_core_subunit; s = suite_create("Log"); tc_core_subunit = tcase_create("Core SubUnit"); #if ENABLE_SUBUNIT suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core_subunit); tcase_add_test(tc_core_subunit, test_init_logging_subunit); #endif return s; }