conditions: v1 language: python os: linux dist: focal services: - memcached _base_envs: - &stage_lint stage: &stage_lint_name lint - &stage_test stage: &stage_test_name test - &stage_test_priority stage: &stage_test_priority_name test against latest Python versions first (under GNU/Linux) - &stage_test_osx stage: &stage_test_osx_name test under OS X (last chance to fail before deploy available) - &stage_deploy stage: &stage_deploy_name upload new version of python package to PYPI (only for tagged commits) - _conditions: - &condition_api_or_cron if: type IN (api, cron) - &no_memcached services: [] - &pyenv_base <<: *stage_test language: generic env: - &env_pyenv PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv" - &env_path PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" before_install: - &ensure_pyenv_installed | if [ ! -f "$PYENV_ROOT/bin/pyenv" ] then rm -rf "$PYENV_ROOT" curl -L | bash fi eval "$(pyenv init -)" eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" pyenv update - &install_python pyenv install --skip-existing --keep --verbose "$PYTHON_VERSION" - &switch_python pyenv shell "$PYTHON_VERSION" - &python_version python --version - &osx_python_base <<: *pyenv_base <<: *stage_test_osx os: osx language: generic before_install: - brew update - brew install pyenv || brew upgrade pyenv - &ensure_pyenv_preloaded | eval "$(pyenv init -)" eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" - *install_python - *switch_python - *python_version before_cache: - brew --cache script: - travis_retry python -m tox - &python_3_9_mixture python: &mainstream_python 3.9 group: - &pure_python_base <<: *stage_test <<: *python_3_9_mixture - &pure_python_base_priority <<: *pure_python_base <<: *stage_test_priority - &lint_python_base <<: *stage_lint <<: *no_memcached python: 3.9 after_failure: skip python: - 3.7-dev jobs: fast_finish: true include: - <<: *lint_python_base env: TOXENV=pre-commit - <<: *lint_python_base env: TOXENV=pre-commit-pep257 - <<: *lint_python_base env: TOXENV=dist-check - <<: *lint_python_base env: TOXENV=setup-check - <<: *lint_python_base name: >- Ensure that docs get built (non-strict until \#1797 get fixed) env: TOXENV=build-docs - <<: *pure_python_base_priority # mainstream Python here - <<: *pure_python_base_priority # mainstream Python here # run tests against the bleeding-edge cheroot env: TOXENV=cheroot-master - <<: *pure_python_base_priority python: nightly - <<: *osx_python_base python: *mainstream_python env: - PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.5 - *env_pyenv - *env_path - <<: *osx_python_base python: 3.7-dev env: - PYTHON_VERSION=3.7-dev - *env_pyenv - *env_path - <<: *osx_python_base # mainstream Python here python: *mainstream_python env: - PYTHON_VERSION=3.7.0 # run tests against the bleeding-edge cheroot - TOXENV=cheroot-master - *env_pyenv - *env_path - <<: *stage_deploy <<: *python_3_9_mixture <<: *no_memcached install: skip script: skip deploy: provider: pypi skip_cleanup: true on: tags: true all_branches: true python: *mainstream_python user: __token__ distributions: dists password: secure: 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 cache: pip: true directories: - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew install: - python -m pip install tox "setuptools>=28.2" - python -m tox --notest # Pre-populate a virtualenv with dependencies script: - python -m tox after_failure: - echo "Here's a list of installed Python packages:" - pip list --format=columns - echo Dumping logs, because tests failed to succeed - | for log in `ls cherrypy/test/*.log` do echo Outputting $log cat $log done - py_log=/home/travis/build/cherrypy/cherrypy/.tox/python/log/python-0.log - echo Outputting python invocation log from $py_log - cat $py_log stages: - *stage_lint_name - *stage_test_priority_name - name: *stage_test_name <<: *condition_api_or_cron - name: *stage_test_osx_name <<: *condition_api_or_cron - name: *stage_deploy_name if: tag IS present