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authorLawouach <>2014-05-01 15:22:56 +0200
committerLawouach <>2014-05-01 15:22:56 +0200
commit2ae8623632fd437dbcf5817edcf56053490586f9 (patch)
parent818dee3a1d630c9ef08b48e7ae767ac7605d3d48 (diff)
a little word about dispatcher
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/source/extend.rst b/sphinx/source/extend.rst
index 469183d4..378e97dc 100644
--- a/sphinx/source/extend.rst
+++ b/sphinx/source/extend.rst
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ the entity providing that functionality. Instead, the
application simply publishes onto the bus and will receive
the appropriate response, which is all that matter.
+.. _buspattern:
Typical pattern
@@ -548,5 +550,58 @@ request's URL, the query-string and, sometimes, the request's method
Based on this, CherryPy comes with various dispatchers already.
+In some cases however, you will need a little more. Here is an example
+of dispatcher that will always ensure the incoming URL leads
+to a lower-case page handler.
+.. code-block:: python
+ import random
+ import string
+ import cherrypy
+ from cherrypy._cpdispatch import Dispatcher
+ class StringGenerator(object):
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def generate(self, length=8):
+ return ''.join(random.sample(string.hexdigits, int(length)))
+ class ForceLowerDispatcher(Dispatcher):
+ def __call__(self, path_info):
+ return Dispatcher.__call__(self, path_info.lower())
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ conf = {
+ '/': {
+ 'request.dispatch': ForceLowerDispatcher(),
+ }
+ }
+ cherrypy.quickstart(StringGenerator(), '/', conf)
+Once you run this snipper, go to:
+- http://localhost:8080/generate?length=8
+- http://localhost:8080/GENerAte?length=8
+In both cases, you will be led to the `generate` page
+handler. Without our home-made dispatcher, the second
+one would fail and return a 404 error (:rfc:`2616#sec10.4.5`).
+Tool or dispatcher?
+In the previous example, why not simply use a tool? Well, the sooner
+a tool can be called is always after the page handler has been found.
+In our example, it would be already too late as the default dispatcher
+would have not even found a match for `/GENerAte`.
+A dispatcher exists mostly to determine the best page
+handler to serve the requested resource.
+On ther other hand, tools are there to adapt the request's processing
+to the runtime context of the application and the request's content.
-In some cases however, you will need a little more.
+Usually, you will have to write a dispatcher only if you
+have a very specific use case to locate the most adequate
+page handler. Otherwise, the default ones will likely suffice.