path: root/sphinx/source/intro/whycherrypy.rst
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-Why choose CherryPy?
-Let's face it: there are **dozens** of different Python web frameworks. Why would
-you want to choose CherryPy for your next dynamic Web project?
-1. Simplicity
-Developing with CherryPy is a simple task. "Hello, world" is only a few lines
-long, and does not require the developer to learn the entire (albeit very
-manageable) framework all at once. The framework is very pythonic; that is,
-it follows Python's conventions very nicely (code is sparse and clean).
-Contrast this with J2EE and Python's most popular and visible web frameworks:
-Django, Zope, Pylons, and Turbogears. In all of them, the learning curve is
-massive. In these frameworks, "Hello, world" requires the programmer to set
-up a large scaffold which spans multiple files and to type a lot of boilerplate
-code. CherryPy succeeds because it does not include the bloat of other
-frameworks, allowing the programmer to write their web application quickly
-while still maintaining a high level of organization and scalability.
-CherryPy is also very modular. The core is fast and clean, and extension
-features are easy to write and plug in using code or the elegant config
-system. The primary components (server, engine, request, response, etc.)
-are all extendable (even replaceable) and well-managed.
-In short, CherryPy empowers the developer to work with the framework,
-not against or around it.
-2. Power
-CherryPy leverages all of the power of Python. Python is a dynamic language
-which allows for rapid development of applications. Python also has an
-extensive built-in API which simplifies web app development. Even more
-extensive, however, are the third-party libraries available for Python. These
-range from object-relational mappers to form libraries, to an automatic Python
-optimizer, a Windows exe generator, imaging libraries, email support, HTML
-templating engines, etc. CherryPy applications are just like regular Python
-applications. CherryPy does not stand in your way if you want to use these
-brilliant tools.
-CherryPy also provides :doc:`Tools </tutorial/tools>` and
-:doc:`Plugins </progguide/extending/customplugins>`, which are powerful
-extension points needed to develop world-class web applications.
-3. Maturity
-Maturity is extremely important when developing a real-world application.
-Unlike many other web frameworks, CherryPy has had many final, stable releases.
-It is fully bugtested, optimized, and proven reliable for real-world use.
-The API will not suddenly change and break backwards compatibility, so your
-applications are assured to continue working even through subsequent updates
-in the current version series.
-CherryPy is also a "3.0" project: the first edition of CherryPy set the tone,
-the second edition made it work, and the third edition makes it beautiful.
-Each version built on lessons learned from the previous, bringing the developer
-a superior tool for the job.
-4. Community
-CherryPy has an active community that develops deployed CherryPy applications
-and are willing and ready to assist you on the
-`CherryPy mailing list <>`_ or
-IRC (#cherrypy on `OFTC <>`_).
-The developers also frequent the list and often answer questions and implement
-features requested by the end-users.
-5. Deployability
-Unlike many other Python web frameworks, there are cost-effective ways to
-deploy your CherryPy application.
-Out of the box, CherryPy includes its own production-ready HTTP server
-to host your application. If the application needs to be deployed on Apache,
-there is copious documentation discussing how to connect the two. CherryPy can
-also be deployed on any WSGI-compliant gateway (a technology for interfacing
-numerous types of web servers): mod_wsgi, FastCGI, SCGI, IIS, etc.
-In addition, CherryPy is pure-python and is compatible with Python 2.3. This
-means that CherryPy will run on all major platforms that Python will run on
-(Windows, MacOSX, Linux, BSD, etc).
-` <>`_, run by the inventor of CherryPy,
-is a commercial web host that offers CherryPy hosting packages (in addition to
-several others).
-6. It's free!
-:doc:`All of CherryPy is licensed </intro/license>` under the open-source BSD license, which means
-**CherryPy can be used commercially for ZERO cost**.
-7. Where to go from here?
-Check out the :doc:`/tutorial/index` and :doc:`/progguide/index` for
-more complete documentation.