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-Creating RESTful applications in CherryPy
-REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that
-is well-suited to implementation in CherryPy. Both REST and CherryPy
-heavily leverage the HTTP protocol but otherwise carry minimal
-requisite overhead. This chapter briefly discusses the purpose of
-REST and an example implementation in CherryPy.
-REST in a nutshell
-The REST architectural style describes how domain models and their state
-are referenced and transferred. The primary goal of REST is promote
-certain advantageous qualities of a distributed system, namely high
-visibility, scalability, extensibility.
- - "resources" are concepual objects represented by the system - any
- information that can be named is a resource.
- - "state" is data held by or associated with resources
- - "representations" are information in state with a specific encoding
- - "methods" are invoked to transfer or mutate state.
- - an "identifier" is a URL or URI which uniquely and usually globally
- references a resource.
-More information on REST can be found in abundance in Wikipedia and
-other readily-available resources.
-Implementing REST in CherryPy
-From the canonical `Roy Fielding dissertation <>`_ :
- REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources;
- manipulation of resources through representations; self-descriptive messages;
- and, hypermedia as the engine of application state
-This section covers each of these four contstraints and demonstrates how each
-is applied in a CherryPy implementation.
-Identification of Resources
-As an HTTP service provider, resources represented in CherryPy are
-referenced by HTTP URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers). A URI consists
-of four parts: scheme, hierarchical identifier, query, and fragment.
-For HTTP, the scheme is always ``http`` or ``https``. The hierarchical
-identifier consists of an authority (typically host/port) and a path
-(similar to a file system path, but not necessarily representing an
-actual path).
-A single CherryPy instance is typically bound to a single
-server/port pair, such that the scheme://authority portion of the URI
-references the server. This aspect is configured through the
-``server.socket_host`` and ``server.socket_port`` options or via another
-hosting server.
-Within the CherryPy server, the remainder of the hierarchical
-identifier--the path--is mapped to Python objects
-via the Dispatch mechanism. This behavior is highly
-customizable and documented in :doc:`/tutorial/dispatching`.
-Using the default dispatcher and page handlers, the path of the URI
-maps to a hierarchy of Python identifiers in the CherryPy app. For
-example, the URI path ``/container/objects/pencil`` will result in a
-call to ``app.root.container.objects.pencil()`` where ``app`` is the
-CherryPy app.
-Manipulation of Resources Through Representations
-REST defines the use of the HTTP protocol and HTTP methods to implement
-the standard REST methods.
- - GET retrieves the state of a specific resource,
- - PUT creates or replaces the state of a specific resource,
- - POST passes information to a resource to use at it sees fit,
- - DELETE removes resources.
-The default dispatcher in CherryPy stores the HTTP method name at
-Because HTTP defines these invocation methods, the most direct
-way to implement REST using CherryPy is to utilize the
-instead of the default dispatcher. To enable
-the method dispatcher, add the
-following to your configuration for the root URI ("/")::
- '/': {
- 'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
- }
-Now, the REST methods will map directly to the same method names on
-your resources. That is, a GET method on a CherryPy class implements
-the HTTP GET on the resource represented by that class.
-For example::
- class Resource(object):
- exposed = True
- def GET(self):
- return """Some representation of self"""
- def PUT(self):
- self.content = initialize_from_representation(
-The concrete implementation of GET and PUT has been omitted, but the
-basic concepts remain: GET returns some meaningful representation of
-the resource and PUT stores an instance of an object represented by the
-content in the body of the request.
-Self-Descriptive Messages
-REST enables powerful clients and intermediaries by requiring messages to be
-self-descriptive; that is, everything you need to know about a message is
-carried within the message itself, either in headers or within the definition
-of the message's declared media type.
-CherryPy gives you easy access to the headers. It's as simple as
-:attr:`cherrypy.request.headers<cherrypy._cprequest.Request.headers>` and
-Each is a normal Python dictionary which you can read and write as you like.
-They also have additional functions to help you parse complex values according
-to the HTTP spec.
-CherryPy also allows you to set whatever response Content-Type you prefer,
-just like any other response header. You have complete control. When reading
-request entities, you can register :ref:`custombodyprocessors` for different
-media types.
-Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
-REST is designed as a stateless protocol--all application state is
-maintained with the application at the client. Thus, concepts such as a
-"session" need not be maintained by the server. CherryPy does not enable
-sessions by default, so it is well-suited to the RESTful style.
-In order for the client to maintain meaningful state, however, the REST
-server implementer must provide meaningful URIs which supply semantic
-links between resources.
-For example, a CherryPy application might have a resource index, which
-a client might retrieve to inspect the application for other resources::
- class ResourceIndex(object):
- def GET(self):
- items = [item.get_href() for item in self.get_all_items()]
- return ', '.join(items)
-This very simple example demonstrates how to create an index of
-comma-separated hypertext references. This example assumes the client
-can effectively interpret comma-separated references. In practice,
-another representation such as HTML or JSON might be used.
-A Quick Example
-For example, consider the following contrived REST+HTML specification.
-1. Resources store arbitrary key/value pairs with unique keys
- (represented as a Python dict).
-2. A GET request returns colon-separated key/value pairs in ``<div>``
- elements.
-3. A PUT request accepts colon-separated key/value pairs in ``<div>``
- elements.
-4. An index resource provides an HTML anchor tag (hypertext link) to objects
- which it indexes (where the keys represent the names and the values
- represent the link).
-A REST+HTML implementation was chosen for this example as HTML defines
-relative links, which keeps the example simple yet functional.
-Complete Example
-Brining the above code samples together and adding some basic
-configuration results in the following program, which can be run
- import cherrypy
- class Resource(object):
- def __init__(self, content):
- self.content = content
- exposed = True
- def GET(self):
- return self.to_html()
- def PUT(self):
- self.content = self.from_html(
- def to_html(self):
- html_item = lambda (name,value): '<div>{name}:{value}</div>'.format(\*\*vars())
- items = map(html_item, self.content.items())
- items = ''.join(items)
- return '<html>{items}</html>'.format(**vars())
- @staticmethod
- def from_html(data):
- pattern = re.compile(r'\<div\>(?P<name>.*?)\:(?P<value>.*?)\</div\>')
- items = [match.groups() for match in pattern.finditer(data)]
- return dict(items)
- class ResourceIndex(Resource):
- def to_html(self):
- html_item = lambda (name,value): '<div><a href="{value}">{name}</a></div>'.format(\*\*vars())
- items = map(html_item, self.content.items())
- items = ''.join(items)
- return '<html>{items}</html>'.format(**vars())
- class Root(object):
- pass
- root = Root()
- root.sidewinder = Resource({'color': 'red', 'weight': 176, 'type': 'stable'})
- root.teebird = Resource({'color': 'green', 'weight': 173, 'type': 'overstable'})
- root.blowfly = Resource({'color': 'purple', 'weight': 169, 'type': 'putter'})
- root.resource_index = ResourceIndex({'sidewinder': 'sidewinder', 'teebird': 'teebird', 'blowfly': 'blowfly'})
- conf = {
- 'global': {
- 'server.socket_host': '',
- 'server.socket_port': 8000,
- },
- '/': {
- 'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
- }
- }
- cherrypy.quickstart(root, '/', conf)
-CherryPy provides a straightforward interface for readily creating
-RESTful interfaces.