path: root/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
4 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
index 3fc87d6552..d33ede2a75 100644
--- a/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/TableGen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ add_tablegen(clang-tblgen CLANG
+ ClangOpcodesEmitter.cpp
diff --git a/utils/TableGen/ClangOpcodesEmitter.cpp b/utils/TableGen/ClangOpcodesEmitter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ff20f0f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/TableGen/ClangOpcodesEmitter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+//=== ClangOpcodesEmitter.cpp - constexpr interpreter opcodes ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// These tablegen backends emit Clang AST node tables
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/StringMatcher.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+class ClangOpcodesEmitter {
+ RecordKeeper &Records;
+ Record Root;
+ unsigned NumTypes;
+ ClangOpcodesEmitter(RecordKeeper &R)
+ : Records(R), Root("Opcode", SMLoc(), R),
+ NumTypes(Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Type").size()) {}
+ void run(raw_ostream &OS);
+ /// Emits the opcode name for the opcode enum.
+ /// The name is obtained by concatenating the name with the list of types.
+ void EmitEnum(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the switch case and the invocation in the interpreter.
+ void EmitInterp(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the disassembler.
+ void EmitDisasm(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the byte code emitter method.
+ void EmitEmitter(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the prototype.
+ void EmitProto(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the prototype to dispatch from a type.
+ void EmitGroup(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ /// Emits the evaluator method.
+ void EmitEval(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R);
+ void PrintTypes(raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<Record *> Types);
+void Enumerate(const Record *R,
+ StringRef N,
+ std::function<void(ArrayRef<Record *>, Twine)> &&F) {
+ llvm::SmallVector<Record *, 2> TypePath;
+ auto *Types = R->getValueAsListInit("Types");
+ std::function<void(size_t, const Twine &)> Rec;
+ Rec = [&TypePath, Types, &Rec, &F](size_t I, const Twine &ID) {
+ if (I >= Types->size()) {
+ F(TypePath, ID);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (auto *TypeClass = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Types->getElement(I))) {
+ for (auto *Type : TypeClass->getDef()->getValueAsListOfDefs("Types")) {
+ TypePath.push_back(Type);
+ Rec(I + 1, ID + Type->getName());
+ TypePath.pop_back();
+ }
+ } else {
+ PrintFatalError("Expected a type class");
+ }
+ };
+ Rec(0, N);
+} // namespace
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
+ for (auto *Opcode : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions(Root.getName())) {
+ // The name is the record name, unless overriden.
+ StringRef N = Opcode->getValueAsString("Name");
+ if (N.empty())
+ N = Opcode->getName();
+ EmitEnum(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitInterp(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitDisasm(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitProto(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitGroup(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitEmitter(OS, N, Opcode);
+ EmitEval(OS, N, Opcode);
+ }
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitEnum(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_OPCODE_NAMES\n";
+ Enumerate(R, N, [&OS](ArrayRef<Record *>, const Twine &ID) {
+ OS << "OP_" << ID << ",\n";
+ });
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitInterp(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_INTERP\n";
+ Enumerate(R, N, [this, R, &OS, &N](ArrayRef<Record *> TS, const Twine &ID) {
+ bool CanReturn = R->getValueAsBit("CanReturn");
+ bool ChangesPC = R->getValueAsBit("ChangesPC");
+ auto Args = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
+ OS << "case OP_" << ID << ": {\n";
+ // Emit calls to read arguments.
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I) {
+ OS << "\tauto V" << I;
+ OS << " = ";
+ OS << "<" << Args[I]->getValueAsString("Name") << ">();\n";
+ }
+ // Emit a call to the template method and pass arguments.
+ OS << "\tif (!" << N;
+ PrintTypes(OS, TS);
+ OS << "(S";
+ if (ChangesPC)
+ OS << ", PC";
+ else
+ OS << ", OpPC";
+ if (CanReturn)
+ OS << ", Result";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << ", V" << I;
+ OS << "))\n";
+ OS << "\t\treturn false;\n";
+ // Bail out if interpreter returned.
+ if (CanReturn) {
+ OS << "\tif (!S.Current || S.Current->isRoot())\n";
+ OS << "\t\treturn true;\n";
+ }
+ OS << "\tcontinue;\n";
+ OS << "}\n";
+ });
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitDisasm(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_DISASM\n";
+ Enumerate(R, N, [R, &OS](ArrayRef<Record *>, const Twine &ID) {
+ OS << "case OP_" << ID << ":\n";
+ OS << "\tPrintName(\"" << ID << "\");\n";
+ OS << "\tOS << \"\\t\"";
+ for (auto *Arg : R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args"))
+ OS << " <<<" << Arg->getValueAsString("Name") << ">() << \" \"";
+ OS << "<< \"\\n\";\n";
+ OS << "\tcontinue;\n";
+ });
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitEmitter(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ if (R->getValueAsBit("HasCustomLink"))
+ return;
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_LINK_IMPL\n";
+ Enumerate(R, N, [R, &OS](ArrayRef<Record *>, const Twine &ID) {
+ auto Args = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
+ // Emit the list of arguments.
+ OS << "bool ByteCodeEmitter::emit" << ID << "(";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << Args[I]->getValueAsString("Name") << " A" << I << ",";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &L) {\n";
+ // Emit a call to write the opcodes.
+ OS << "\treturn emitOp<";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I) {
+ if (I != 0)
+ OS << ", ";
+ OS << Args[I]->getValueAsString("Name");
+ }
+ OS << ">(OP_" << ID;
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << ", A" << I;
+ OS << ", L);\n";
+ OS << "}\n";
+ });
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitProto(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ OS << "#if defined(GET_EVAL_PROTO) || defined(GET_LINK_PROTO)\n";
+ auto Args = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
+ Enumerate(R, N, [&OS, &Args](ArrayRef<Record *> TS, const Twine &ID) {
+ OS << "bool emit" << ID << "(";
+ for (auto *Arg : Args)
+ OS << Arg->getValueAsString("Name") << ", ";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &);\n";
+ });
+ // Emit a template method for custom emitters to have less to implement.
+ auto TypeCount = R->getValueAsListInit("Types")->size();
+ if (R->getValueAsBit("HasCustomEval") && TypeCount) {
+ OS << "#if defined(GET_EVAL_PROTO)\n";
+ OS << "template<";
+ for (size_t I = 0; I < TypeCount; ++I) {
+ if (I != 0)
+ OS << ", ";
+ OS << "PrimType";
+ }
+ OS << ">\n";
+ OS << "bool emit" << N << "(";
+ for (auto *Arg : Args)
+ OS << Arg->getValueAsString("Name") << ", ";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &);\n";
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+ }
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitGroup(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ if (!R->getValueAsBit("HasGroup"))
+ return;
+ auto *Types = R->getValueAsListInit("Types");
+ auto Args = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
+ // Emit the prototype of the group emitter in the header.
+ OS << "#if defined(GET_EVAL_PROTO) || defined(GET_LINK_PROTO)\n";
+ OS << "bool emit" << N << "(";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Types->size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << "PrimType, ";
+ for (auto *Arg : Args)
+ OS << Arg->getValueAsString("Name") << ", ";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &I);\n";
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+ // Emit the dispatch implementation in the source.
+ OS << "#if defined(GET_EVAL_IMPL) || defined(GET_LINK_IMPL)\n";
+ OS << "bool \n";
+ OS << "#if defined(GET_EVAL_IMPL)\n";
+ OS << "EvalEmitter\n";
+ OS << "#else\n";
+ OS << "ByteCodeEmitter\n";
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+ OS << "::emit" << N << "(";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Types->size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << "PrimType T" << I << ", ";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << Args[I]->getValueAsString("Name") << " A" << I << ", ";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &I) {\n";
+ std::function<void(size_t, const Twine &)> Rec;
+ llvm::SmallVector<Record *, 2> TS;
+ Rec = [this, &Rec, &OS, Types, &Args, R, &TS, N](size_t I, const Twine &ID) {
+ if (I >= Types->size()) {
+ // Print a call to the emitter method.
+ // Custom evaluator methods dispatch to template methods.
+ if (R->getValueAsBit("HasCustomEval")) {
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_LINK_IMPL\n";
+ OS << "return emit" << ID << "\n";
+ OS << "#else\n";
+ OS << "return emit" << N;
+ PrintTypes(OS, TS);
+ OS << "\n#endif\n";
+ } else {
+ OS << "return emit" << ID;
+ }
+ OS << "(";
+ for (size_t I = 0; I < Args.size(); ++I) {
+ OS << "A" << I << ", ";
+ }
+ OS << "I);\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Print a switch statement selecting T.
+ if (auto *TypeClass = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Types->getElement(I))) {
+ OS << "switch (T" << I << "){\n";
+ auto Cases = TypeClass->getDef()->getValueAsListOfDefs("Types");
+ for (auto *Case : Cases) {
+ OS << "case PT_" << Case->getName() << ":\n";
+ TS.push_back(Case);
+ Rec(I + 1, ID + Case->getName());
+ TS.pop_back();
+ }
+ // Emit a default case if not all types are present.
+ if (Cases.size() < NumTypes)
+ OS << "default: llvm_unreachable(\"invalid type\");\n";
+ OS << "}\n";
+ OS << "llvm_unreachable(\"invalid enum value\");\n";
+ } else {
+ PrintFatalError("Expected a type class");
+ }
+ };
+ Rec(0, N);
+ OS << "}\n";
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::EmitEval(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef N, Record *R) {
+ if (R->getValueAsBit("HasCustomEval"))
+ return;
+ OS << "#ifdef GET_EVAL_IMPL\n";
+ Enumerate(R, N, [this, R, &N, &OS](ArrayRef<Record *> TS, const Twine &ID) {
+ auto Args = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
+ OS << "bool EvalEmitter::emit" << ID << "(";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << Args[I]->getValueAsString("Name") << " A" << I << ",";
+ OS << "const SourceInfo &L) {\n";
+ OS << "if (!isActive()) return true;\n";
+ OS << "CurrentSource = L;\n";
+ OS << "return " << N;
+ PrintTypes(OS, TS);
+ OS << "(S, OpPC";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Args.size(); I < N; ++I)
+ OS << ", A" << I;
+ OS << ");\n";
+ OS << "}\n";
+ });
+ OS << "#endif\n";
+void ClangOpcodesEmitter::PrintTypes(raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<Record *> Types) {
+ if (Types.empty())
+ return;
+ OS << "<";
+ for (size_t I = 0, N = Types.size(); I < N; ++I) {
+ if (I != 0)
+ OS << ", ";
+ OS << "PT_" << Types[I]->getName();
+ }
+ OS << ">";
+namespace clang {
+void EmitClangOpcodes(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ ClangOpcodesEmitter(Records).run(OS);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp b/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
index b9ec90fd5b..a923700193 100644
--- a/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
+++ b/utils/TableGen/TableGen.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ enum ActionType {
+ GenClangOpcodes,
@@ -129,6 +130,8 @@ cl::opt<ActionType> Action(
"Generate Clang AST declaration nodes"),
clEnumValN(GenClangStmtNodes, "gen-clang-stmt-nodes",
"Generate Clang AST statement nodes"),
+ clEnumValN(GenClangOpcodes, "gen-clang-opcodes",
+ "Generate Clang constexpr interpreter opcodes"),
clEnumValN(GenClangSACheckers, "gen-clang-sa-checkers",
"Generate Clang Static Analyzer checkers"),
clEnumValN(GenClangCommentHTMLTags, "gen-clang-comment-html-tags",
@@ -251,6 +254,9 @@ bool ClangTableGenMain(raw_ostream &OS, RecordKeeper &Records) {
case GenClangStmtNodes:
EmitClangASTNodes(Records, OS, "Stmt", "");
+ case GenClangOpcodes:
+ EmitClangOpcodes(Records, OS);
+ break;
case GenClangSACheckers:
EmitClangSACheckers(Records, OS);
diff --git a/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h b/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
index 02af66c5bf..f9ee477efd 100644
--- a/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
+++ b/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ void EmitClangCommentCommandInfo(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitClangCommentCommandList(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitClangOpcodes(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitNeon(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
void EmitFP16(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);