// Check that we don't try to forward -Xclang or -mlinker-version to GCC. // PR12920 -- Check also we may not forward W_Group options to GCC. // // RUN: %clang -target powerpc-unknown-unknown \ // RUN: %s \ // RUN: -Wall -Wdocumentation \ // RUN: -Xclang foo-bar \ // RUN: -march=x86-64 \ // RUN: -mlinker-version=10 -### 2> %t // RUN: FileCheck < %t %s // // clang -cc1 // CHECK: clang // CHECK: "-Wall" "-Wdocumentation" // CHECK: "-o" "{{[^"]+}}.o" // // gcc as ld. // CHECK: gcc{{[^"]*}}" // CHECK-NOT: "-mlinker-version=10" // CHECK-NOT: "-Xclang" // CHECK-NOT: "foo-bar" // CHECK-NOT: "-Wall" // CHECK-NOT: "-Wdocumentation" // CHECK: -march // CHECK-NOT: "-mlinker-version=10" // CHECK-NOT: "-Xclang" // CHECK-NOT: "foo-bar" // CHECK-NOT: "-Wall" // CHECK-NOT: "-Wdocumentation" // CHECK: "-o" "a.out" // Check that we're not forwarding -g options to the assembler // RUN: %clang -g -target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -no-integrated-as -c %s -### 2>&1 \ // RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-ASM %s // CHECK-ASM: as // CHECK-ASM-NOT: "-g" // Check that we're not forwarding -mno-unaligned-access. // RUN: %clang -target aarch64-none-elf -mno-unaligned-access %s -### 2>&1 \ // RUN: | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-ARM %s // CHECK-ARM: gcc{{[^"]*}}" // CHECK-ARM-NOT: -mno-unaligned-access