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-<!-- This HTML file has been created by texi2html 1.52
- from vmintegration.texinfo on 1 December 1998 -->
-<TITLE>GNU Classpath VM Integration Guide</TITLE>
-<H1>GNU Classpath VM Integration Guide</H1>
-<H1>Table of Contents</H1>
-<LI><A NAME="TOC1" HREF="vmintegration.html#SEC1">Introduction</A>
-<LI><A NAME="TOC2" HREF="vmintegration.html#SEC2">Initialization</A>
-<LI><A NAME="TOC3" HREF="vmintegration.html#SEC3">Classpath Hooks</A>
-<LI><A NAME="TOC4" HREF="vmintegration.html#SEC4">Introduction</A>
-Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation
-approved by the Free Software Foundation.
-<H1><A NAME="SEC1" HREF="vmintegration.html#TOC1">Introduction</A></H1>
-The Classpath Project's ambition to be a 100% clean room implementation
-of the standard Java class libraries cannot be fulfilled without some
-level of integration with the Virtual Machine, the underlying machinery
-that actually runs Java.
-There are several VMs out there, including
-<A HREF="">Japhar</A> and
-<A HREF="">Kaffe</A>. Current integration efforts are
-focused solely on Japhar, in order to get the basic interface down, and
-all information contained in this document is gleaned from these
-<H1><A NAME="SEC2" HREF="vmintegration.html#TOC2">Initialization</A></H1>
-The order of initialization of classes is not so crucial to the Virtual
-Machine, but is absolutely critical to Classpath itself. This section
-shows the order in which classes should be loaded and initialized in
-order for things to work properly.
-XXX Not ready yet.
-<H1><A NAME="SEC3" HREF="vmintegration.html#TOC3">Classpath Hooks</A></H1>
-Several core classes must be implemented by the VM for Classpath to
-work. These classes are java.lang.Runtime, java.lang.Thread,
-java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Constructor,
-java.lang.reflect.Method, and java.lang.reflect.Field.
-You also need to implement some helper classes in java.lang that classes
-from Classpath call out to to get certain VM-specific dirty work done:
-Some of the classes you implement for the VM will need to call back to
-package-private methods in Classpath:
-Call this method from Thread when a new Thread is created, to add it to
-the group.
-Call this method from Thread when a Thread is stopped or destroyed.
-<H1><A NAME="SEC4" HREF="vmintegration.html#TOC4">Introduction</A></H1>
-VMs need to do some dirty work; there are some things in the VM that
-unfortunately are dependent on the internal structure of various
-classes. This is a guide to all of the things the VM itself needs to
-know about classes.
-You, the VM, get to create this Class, so you may define the internal
-structure any way you wish. You probably have code somewhere to
-translate your internal class structure into a Class object. That is
-the only known place where this matters. Some VMs do not create the
-Class object at the point where the class is defined; instead, they wait
-until a Class object is actually used.
-<LI>array classes
-When you are creating an array class, you should set the ClassLoader of
-the array class to the ClassLoader of its component type. Whenever you
-add a class to a ClassLoader, you need to notify the ClassLoader and
-add the new Class to its internal cache of classes. To do this, call
-<LI>primordial class loader
-When the primordial class loader loads a class, it needs to tell
-Classpath what it has done in order for security stuff to work right.
-To do this, call the static method
-Even the first few core classes need to do this; in order to do it,
-simply call this method <EM>after</EM> the initial class loading has been
-done. No harm will come, as long as you follow the guidelines in the
-see section <A HREF="vmintegration.html#SEC2">Initialization</A> section.
-<LI>throwing exceptions
-You do not need to fill in the stack trace or anything when throwing an
-exception; this is all handled automatically with Classpath when the
-constructor is called.
-<LI>top-level exception handler
-Exceptions take care of themselves in Classpath; all you need to do in
-the top-level exception handler is call Throwable.printStackTrace().
-XXX I think this was a bad design on my part. It takes up memory and
-CPU cycles that do not need to be taken up for exceptions which are
-simply caught. This portion of the VM interface will be changed so that
-VMs must associate native stacktrace data with the Throwable itself or
-even do some sort of lazy stacktrace information addition to the
-Throwable, only copying stacktrace data as it is lost (as functions are
-exited) to preserve memory and cycles. The usual case is the one where
-an exception is caught. The top-level exception handler is, well, an
-<LI>Security and traces
-There will eventually be a feature in the 1.2 security that keeps the
-AccessController from having to evaluate <EM>all</EM> of the
-ProtectionDomains every time a security check is made. I think a common
-case is a single method doing a lot of things that require security
-checks. However, I don't want to bog down the method stack too much, so
-this feature of the VM will have the AccessController for a thread
-calling out to the VM to tell it how high it was on the stack when it
-made the last security request. Every time the stack goes lower than
-that number, the VM will decrement the number. The AccessController
-will remember what the accumulated protection status was at every stack
-level (an AccessControlContext) and use that aggregated information to
-do the check. I am not sure, however, whether the savings are
-substantial enough to outweigh the integer check and set after every
-method call. I will investigate.
-You should not need to mess with the internal structure of this class,
-even though threading is native to the VM, because there is typically
-a native thread structure that you are using. The Thread object will,
-of course, have to be linked to that native thread structure, and how
-you do that is up to you.
-This document was generated on 1 December 1998 using the
-<A HREF="">texi2html</A>
-translator version 1.52.</P>