New in release 0.01 (2000/11/20) * Support for printing exceptions with Japhar 0.09 + patch included in resource/japhar-0.09.patch.1. * Typos, assorted bugfixes. New in release 0.01 (2000/11/20) * More packages are included now, though many remain untested. * Support for Japhar 0.09 included. New in release 0.00 (1999/02/01) * First official development release of clean room class library for Java * Following packages included: -- java.beans -- -- java.lang -- java.lang.reflect -- java.math -- -- (partial and non-functioning) -- -- -- java.util * Code is mostly Java 2 (see JDK 1.2) compatible with some functionality missing and/or untested. * Support for Japhar ( virtual machine is included. Requires the current Japhar from CVS. * Extensive javadoc comments for public API included * Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License (see COPYING.LIB) * Does not depend on any non-free code - developed in a "clean room" environment.