The Classpath TODO list as of 2002/05/05 -- Modify Classpath build to support libgcj out of the box. Ideally the gcj folks could simply include a stock classpath in one of their distribution subdirectories, have their master configure run a configure on Classpath the appropriate arguments, and everything would build. -- Modify ClassLoader.getSystemResource() to support loading classes from zip files in the CLASSPATH. This requires to be integrated first. Jar filed can probably be treated as zip files for now. -- Continue comparison and merge of classes between Classpath and GCJ. Current status: Please keep in mind that Cygnus wishes to continue to use CNI as their preferred native interface. See: -- No resolution was identified for generating JNI compatible code from CNI source. The simple solution has been adopted to include both in GNU Classpath. Provisions for compiling CNI correctly need to be implemented. -- Update the GNU Classpath Hacker's Guide. There is a master texinfo file in the doc/ directory in Classpath CVS. -- Write Mauve ( tests for those classes that don't have them. -- Write Java 2 packages not currently included or improve existing ones. -- Figure out an easy method of generating online Javadocs from our code. This will probably involve lots of misc HTML fixes. -- Audit the code to identify methods that do not have Javadoc comments and/or comments that are incomplete. All input parameters, return values, etc should be documentes. Also look for Javadoc comments on variables that are serializable. See for details of what should be where in comments. -- Figure out a way to generate a hardcopy manual for the Java class library from the embedded Javadocs. This probably involves writing a custom doclet and probably some supplementary documentation files into which the extracted Javadoc files are included. -- Audit the code to ensure that all variable declarations are consistent with the "Serialized Form" in the JDK. That is, all serialized variables in the JDK should be included in Classpath and all Classpath instance variables that are not part of the JDK docs should be marked transient. Please be sure to use the online version of the Javadocs for this and do not accept any "clickwrap" licenses from Sun in order to download the JDK 1.2 Javadocs, which is where this information is stored. -- Audit code similar to above to determine where Sun uses readObject() and writeObject() for serialization and determine what Classpath needs to do for compatibility. -- Audit code to ensure that every class that should be serializable actually implementst and has the correct serialVersionUID private static variable that is identical to the JDK 1.1 version. You can obtain that variable value using the serialver command. -- Do real life serialization compatibility tests of our code with Kaffe and the JDK. -- Audit code for thread safety. -- Update the packaging of Classpath to make sure that we can build good distribution tarballs. -- Bug reports are always welcome. They are double welcome if they are accompanied by a Mauve test that reproduces the bug.