/* * $Id: DomDocument.java,v 2003-02-01 02:10:14 cbj Exp $ * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 David Brownell * * This file is part of GNU JAXP, a library. * * GNU JAXP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GNU JAXP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to * produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the * executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ package gnu.xml.dom; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.*; // $Id: DomDocument.java,v 2003-02-01 02:10:14 cbj Exp $ /** *

"Document" and "DocumentTraversal" implementation. * *

Note that when this checks names for legality, it uses an * approximation of the XML rules, not the real ones. Specifically, * it uses Unicode rules, with sufficient tweaks to pass a majority * of basic XML conformance tests. (The huge XML character tables are * hairy to implement.) * * @author David Brownell * @version $Date: 2003-02-01 02:10:14 $ */ public class DomDocument extends DomNode implements Document, DocumentTraversal { private final DOMImplementation implementation; private boolean checkingCharacters = true; // package private final static String xmlNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; final static String xmlnsURI = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; /** * Constructs a Document node, associating it with an instance * of the DomImpl class. * *

Note that this constructor disables character checking. * It is normally used when connecting a DOM to an XML parser, * and duplicating such checks is undesirable. When used for * purposes other than connecting to a parser, you should * re-enable that checking. * * @see #setCheckingCharacters */ public DomDocument () { super (null); implementation = new DomImpl (); } /** * Constructs a Document node, associating it with the specified * implementation. This should only be used in conjunction with * a specialized implementation; it will normally be called by * that implementation. * * @see DomImpl * @see #setCheckingCharacters */ protected DomDocument (DOMImplementation impl) { super (null); implementation = impl; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the constant "#document". */ final public String getNodeName () { return "#document"; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the constant DOCUMENT_NODE. */ final public short getNodeType () { return DOCUMENT_NODE; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the document's root element, or null. */ final public Element getDocumentElement () { for (int i = 0; i < getLength (); i++) { Node n = item (i); if (n.getNodeType () == ELEMENT_NODE) return (Element) n; } return null; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the document's DocumentType, or null. */ final public DocumentType getDoctype () { for (int i = 0; i < getLength (); i++) { Node n = item (i); if (n.getNodeType () == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) return (DocumentType) n; } return null; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the document's DOMImplementation. */ final public DOMImplementation getImplementation () { return implementation; } /** * DOM L1 (relocated in DOM L2) * Returns the element with the specified "ID" attribute, or null. * *

Returns null unless {@link Consumer} was used to populate internal * DTD declaration information, using package-private APIs. If that * internal DTD information is available, the document may be searched for * the element with that ID. */ public Element getElementById (String id) { DomDoctype doctype = (DomDoctype) getDoctype (); if (doctype == null || !doctype.hasIds () || id == null || id.length () == 0) return null; // yes, this is linear in size of document. // it'd be easy enough to maintain a hashtable. Node current = getDocumentElement (); Node temp; if (current == null) return null; while (current != this) { // done? if (current.getNodeType () == ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) current; DomDoctype.ElementInfo info; info = doctype.getElementInfo (current.getNodeName ()); if (id.equals (element.getAttribute (info.getIdAttr ()))) return element; } // descend? if (current.hasChildNodes ()) { current = current.getFirstChild (); continue; } // lateral? temp = current.getNextSibling (); if (temp != null) { current = temp; continue; } // back up ... do { temp = current.getParentNode (); if (temp == null) return null; current = temp; temp = current.getNextSibling (); } while (temp == null); current = temp; } return null; } private void checkNewChild (Node newChild) { if (newChild.getNodeType () == ELEMENT_NODE && getDocumentElement () != null) throw new DomEx (DomEx.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, null, newChild, 0); if (newChild.getNodeType () == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE && getDoctype () != null) throw new DomEx (DomEx.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, null, newChild, 0); } /** * DOM L1 * Appends the specified node to this node's list of children, * enforcing the constraints that there be only one root element * and one document type child. */ public Node appendChild (Node newChild) { checkNewChild (newChild); return super.appendChild (newChild); } /** * DOM L1 * Inserts the specified node in this node's list of children, * enforcing the constraints that there be only one root element * and one document type child. */ public Node insertBefore (Node newChild, Node refChild) { checkNewChild (newChild); return super.insertBefore (newChild, refChild); } /** * DOM L1 * Replaces the specified node in this node's list of children, * enforcing the constraints that there be only one root element * and one document type child. */ public Node replaceChild (Node newChild, Node refChild) { if (!(newChild.getNodeType () == ELEMENT_NODE && refChild.getNodeType () != ELEMENT_NODE) && !(newChild.getNodeType () == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE && refChild.getNodeType () != ELEMENT_NODE)) checkNewChild (newChild); return super.replaceChild (newChild, refChild); } // NOTE: DOM can't really tell when the name of an entity, // notation, or PI must follow the namespace rules (excluding // colons) instead of the XML rules (which allow them without // much restriction). That's an API issue. verifyXmlName // aims to enforce the XML rules, not the namespace rules. /** * Throws a DOM exception if the specified name is not a legal XML 1.0 * name. Actually this uses a very similar set of rules, closer to * Unicode rules than to the rules encoded in the large table at the * end of the XML 1.0 specification. * * @exception DomException INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR if the name isn't * legal as an XML name. */ static public void verifyXmlName (String name) { char c; int len = name.length (); if (len == 0) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, name, null, 0); // NOTE: these aren't really the XML rules, but they're // a close approximation that's simple to implement. c = name.charAt (0); if (!Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart (c) && c != ':' && c != '_') throw new DomEx (DomEx.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, name, null, c); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { c = name.charAt (i); if (!Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart (c) && c != ':'&& c != '_' && c != '.' && c != '-' && !isExtender (c)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, name, null, c); } } static private boolean isExtender (char c) { // [88] Extender ::= ... return c == 0x00b7 || c == 0x02d0 || c == 0x02d1 || c == 0x0387 || c == 0x0640 || c == 0x0e46 || c == 0x0ec6 || c == 0x3005 || (c >= 0x3031 && c <= 0x3035) || (c >= 0x309d && c <= 0x309e) || (c >= 0x30fc && c <= 0x30fe); } // package private static void verifyNamespaceName (String name) { int index = name.indexOf (':'); if (index < 0) { verifyXmlName (name); return; } if (name.lastIndexOf (':') != index) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, name, null, 0); verifyXmlName (name.substring (0, index)); verifyXmlName (name.substring (index + 1)); } // package private static void verifyXmlCharacters (String value) { int len = value.length (); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = value.charAt (i); // assume surrogate pairing checks out OK, for simplicity if (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0xFFFD) continue; if (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') continue; throw new DomEx (DomEx.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, value, null, c); } } // package private static void verifyXmlCharacters (char buf [], int off, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = buf [off + i]; // assume surrogate pairing checks out OK, for simplicity if (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0xFFFD) continue; if (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') continue; throw new DomEx (DomEx.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, new String (buf, off, len), null, c); } } /** * Controls whether certain expensive checks, duplicating those that * conformant XML parsers must perform, are made. */ final public void setCheckingCharacters (boolean value) { checkingCharacters = value; } /** * Returns true if certain expensive checks are performed. * Those checks are intended to reject illegal names, and characters * that are illegal as XML characters. */ final public boolean isCheckingCharacters () { return checkingCharacters; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created element with the specified name. */ public Element createElement (String name) { Element element; if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlName (name); if (name.startsWith ("xml:")) element = createElementNS (null, name); else element = new DomElement (this, null, name); defaultAttributes (element, name); return element; } /** * DOM L2 * Returns a newly created element with the specified name * and namespace information. */ public Element createElementNS (String namespaceURI, String name) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyNamespaceName (name); if ("".equals (namespaceURI)) namespaceURI = null; if (name.startsWith ("xml:")) { if (namespaceURI != null && !xmlNamespace.equals (namespaceURI)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "xml namespace is always " + xmlNamespace, this, 0); namespaceURI = xmlNamespace; } else if (name.startsWith ("xmlns:")) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "xmlns is reserved", this, 0); else if (namespaceURI == null && name.indexOf (':') != -1) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "prefixed name needs a URI", this, 0); Element element = new DomElement (this, namespaceURI, name); defaultAttributes (element, name); return element; } private void defaultAttributes (Element element, String name) { DomDoctype doctype = (DomDoctype) getDoctype (); DomDoctype.ElementInfo info; if (doctype == null) return; // default any attributes that need it info = doctype.getElementInfo (name); for (Enumeration e = info.keys (); e.hasMoreElements (); /* NOP */) { String attr = (String) e.nextElement (); DomAttr node = (DomAttr) createAttribute (attr); node.setValue ((String) info.get (attr)); node.setSpecified (false); element.setAttributeNode (node); } } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created document fragment. */ public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment () { return new DomFragment (this); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created text node with the specified value. */ public Text createTextNode (String value) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlCharacters (value); return new DomText (this, value); } /** * Returns a newly created text node with the specified value. */ public Text createTextNode (char buf [], int off, int len) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlCharacters (buf, off, len); return new DomText (this, buf, off, len); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created comment node with the specified value. */ public Comment createComment (String value) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlCharacters (value); return new DomComment (this, value); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created CDATA section node with the specified value. */ public CDATASection createCDATASection (String value) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlCharacters (value); return new DomCDATA (this, value); } /** * Returns a newly created CDATA section node with the specified value. */ public CDATASection createCDATASection (char buf [], int off, int len) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlCharacters (buf, off, len); return new DomCDATA (this, buf, off, len); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created processing instruction. */ public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction ( String target, String data ) { if (checkingCharacters) { verifyXmlName (target); verifyXmlCharacters (data); if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase (target)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.SYNTAX_ERR, "illegal PI target name", this, 0); } return new DomPI (this, target, data); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created attribute with the specified name. */ public Attr createAttribute (String name) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlName (name); if (name.startsWith ("xml:") || name.startsWith ("xmlns:")) return createAttributeNS (null, name); else return new DomAttr (this, null, name); } /** * DOM L2 * Returns a newly created attribute with the specified name * and namespace information. */ public Attr createAttributeNS (String namespaceURI, String name) { if (checkingCharacters) verifyNamespaceName (name); if ("".equals (namespaceURI)) namespaceURI = null; if (name.startsWith ("xml:")) { if (namespaceURI == null) namespaceURI = xmlNamespace; else if (!xmlNamespace.equals (namespaceURI)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "xml namespace is always " + xmlNamespace, this, 0); namespaceURI = xmlNamespace; } else if (name.startsWith ("xmlns:") || name.equals ("xmlns")) { if (!xmlnsURI.equals (namespaceURI)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "xmlns is reserved", this, 0); namespaceURI = xmlnsURI; } else if (namespaceURI == null && name.indexOf (':') != -1) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NAMESPACE_ERR, "prefixed name needs a URI: " + name, this, 0); return new DomAttr (this, namespaceURI, name); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a newly created reference to the specified entity. * The caller should populate this with the appropriate children * and then mark it as readonly. * * @see DomNode#makeReadonly */ public EntityReference createEntityReference (String name) { DomEntityReference retval; if (checkingCharacters) verifyXmlName (name); retval = new DomEntityReference (this, name); // // If we have such an entity, it's allowed that one arrange that // the children of this reference be "the same as" (in an undefined // sense of "same", clearly not identity) the children of the entity. // That can be immediate or deferred. It's also allowed that nothing // be done -- we take that option here. // retval.makeReadonly (); return retval; } /** * DOM L2 * Makes a copy of the specified node, with all nodes "owned" by * this document and with children optionally copied. This type * of standard utility has become, well, a standard utility. * *

Note that EntityReference nodes created through this method (either * directly, or recursively) never have children, and that there is no * portable way to associate them with such children. * *

Note also that there is no requirement that the specified node * be associated with a different document. This differs from the * cloneNode operation in that the node itself is not given * an opportunity to participate, so that any information managed * by node subclasses will be lost. */ public Node importNode (Node copiedNode, boolean deep) { switch (copiedNode.getNodeType ()) { case TEXT_NODE: return createTextNode (copiedNode.getNodeValue ()); case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return createCDATASection (copiedNode.getNodeValue ()); case COMMENT_NODE: return createComment (copiedNode.getNodeValue ()); case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return createProcessingInstruction ( copiedNode.getNodeName (), copiedNode.getNodeValue ()); case NOTATION_NODE: { // NOTE: There's no standard way to create // these, or add them to a doctype. Useless. Notation node = (Notation) copiedNode; return new DomNotation (this, node.getNodeName (), node.getPublicId (), node.getSystemId ()); } case ENTITY_NODE: { // NOTE: There's no standard way to create // these, or add them to a doctype. Useless. Entity node = (Entity) copiedNode; // FIXME if "deep", can/should copy children! return new DomEntity (this, node.getNodeName (), node.getPublicId (), node.getSystemId (), node.getNotationName ()); } case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return createEntityReference (copiedNode.getNodeName ()); case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { DocumentFragment node = createDocumentFragment (); if (deep) { NodeList kids = copiedNode.getChildNodes (); int len = kids.getLength (); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) node.appendChild ( importNode (kids.item (i), deep)); } return node; } case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: { DomAttr retval; String name = copiedNode.getNodeName (); String ns = copiedNode.getNamespaceURI (); NodeList kids = copiedNode.getChildNodes (); int len = kids.getLength (); if (ns != null) retval = (DomAttr) createAttributeNS (ns, name); else retval = (DomAttr) createAttribute (name); // this is _always_ done regardless of "deep" setting for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) retval.appendChild (importNode (kids.item (i), false)); return retval; } case ELEMENT_NODE: { DomElement retval; String name = copiedNode.getNodeName (); String ns = copiedNode.getNamespaceURI (); NamedNodeMap attrs = copiedNode.getAttributes (); int len = attrs.getLength (); if (ns != null) retval = (DomElement) createElementNS (ns, name); else retval = (DomElement) createElement (name); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item (i); Attr dflt; // maybe update defaulted attributes dflt = retval.getAttributeNode (attr.getNodeName ()); if (dflt != null) { String newval = attr.getNodeValue (); if (!dflt.getNodeValue ().equals (newval) || attr.getSpecified () == true) dflt.setNodeValue (newval); continue; } retval.setAttributeNode ((Attr) importNode (attr, false)); } if (!deep) return retval; NodeList kids = copiedNode.getChildNodes (); len = kids.getLength (); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) retval.appendChild (importNode (kids.item (i), true)); return retval; } // can't import document or doctype nodes case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: // FALLTHROUGH // can't import unrecognized or nonstandard nodes default: throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, null, copiedNode, 0); } // FIXME cleanup a bit -- for deep copies, copy those // children in one place, here (code sharing is healthy) } /** * DOM L2 (Traversal) * Returns a newly created node iterator. Don't forget to detach * this iterator when you're done using it! * * @see DomIterator */ public NodeIterator createNodeIterator ( Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, boolean expandEntities ) { return new DomIterator (root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntities); } public TreeWalker createTreeWalker ( Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion ) { nyi (); // FIXME createTreeWalker return null; } }