/* * $Id: DomNode.java,v 2003-02-01 02:10:17 cbj Exp $ * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 David Brownell * * This file is part of GNU JAXP, a library. * * GNU JAXP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GNU JAXP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to * produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the * executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ package gnu.xml.dom; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.events.*; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.*; // $Id: DomNode.java,v 2003-02-01 02:10:17 cbj Exp $ /** *

"Node", "EventTarget", and "DocumentEvent" implementation. * This provides most of the core DOM functionality; only more * specialized features are provided by subclasses. Those subclasses may * have some particular constraints they must implement, by overriding * methods defined here. Such constraints are noted here in the method * documentation.

* *

Note that you can create events with type names prefixed with "USER-", * and pass them through this DOM. This lets you use the DOM event scheme * for application specific purposes, although you must use a predefined event * structure (such as MutationEvent) to pass data along with those events. * Test for existence of this feature with the "USER-Events" DOM feature * name.

* *

Other kinds of events you can send include the "html" events, * like "load", "unload", "abort", "error", and "blur"; and the mutation * events. If this DOM has been compiled with mutation event support * enabled, it will send mutation events when you change parts of the * tree; otherwise you may create and send such events yourself, but * they won't be generated by the DOM itself.

* *

Note that there is a namespace-aware name comparison method, * nameAndTypeEquals, which compares the names (and types) of * two nodes in conformance with the "Namespaces in XML" specification. * While mostly intended for use with elements and attributes, this should * also be helpful for ProcessingInstruction nodes and some others which * do not have namespace URIs. * * @author David Brownell * @version $Date: 2003-02-01 02:10:17 $ */ public abstract class DomNode implements Node, NodeList, EventTarget, DocumentEvent, Cloneable { // // CLASS DATA // // tunable // NKIDS_* affects arrays of children (which grow) // (currently) fixed size: // ANCESTORS_* is for event capture/bubbling, # ancestors // NOTIFICATIONS_* is for per-node event delivery, # events private static final int NKIDS_INIT = 5; private static final int NKIDS_DELTA = 8; private static final int ANCESTORS_INIT = 20; private static final int NOTIFICATIONS_INIT = 10; // tunable: enable mutation events or not? Enabling it costs about // 10-15% in DOM construction time, last time it was measured. // package private !!! static final boolean reportMutations = true; // locking protocol changeable only within this class private static final Object lockNode = new Object (); // optimize space to share what we can private static final DomNode noKids [] = new DomNode [0]; // NON-FINAL class data // Optimize event dispatch by not allocating memory each time private static boolean dispatchDataLock; private static DomNode ancestors [] = new DomNode [ANCESTORS_INIT]; private static ListenerRecord notificationSet [] = new ListenerRecord [NOTIFICATIONS_INIT]; // Ditto for the (most common) event object itself! private static boolean eventDataLock; private static DomEvent.DomMutationEvent mutationEvent = new DomEvent.DomMutationEvent (null); // // PER-INSTANCE DATA // private Document owner; private DomNode parent; // Bleech ... "package private" so a builder can populate entity refs. // writable during construction. DOM spec is nasty. boolean readonly; // children private DomNode children []; private int length; // event registrations private ListenerRecord listeners []; private int nListeners; // Optimize access to siblings by caching indices. private transient int parentIndex; // // Some of the methods here are declared 'final' because // knowledge about their implementation is built into this // class -- for both integrity and performance. // // package private void nyi () { throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "feature not yet implemented", this, 0); } /** * Reduces space utilization for this node. */ public void compact () { if (children != null && children != noKids) { if (length == 0) children = noKids; // allow a bit of fuzz (max NKIDS_DELTA). // the JVM won't always use less memory for smaller arrays... else if ((children.length - length) > 1) { DomNode newKids [] = new DomNode [length]; System.arraycopy (children, 0, newKids, 0, length); children = newKids; } } if (listeners != null && listeners.length != nListeners) { if (nListeners == 0) listeners = null; else { ListenerRecord l [] = new ListenerRecord [nListeners]; System.arraycopy (listeners, 0, l, 0, nListeners); listeners = l; } } } /** * Constructs a node and associates it with its owner. Only * Document and DocumentType nodes may be created with no owner, * and DocumentType nodes get an owner as soon as they are * associated with a document. */ protected DomNode (Document owner) { short type = getNodeType (); if (owner == null) { // DOM calls never go down this path if (type != DOCUMENT_NODE && type != DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("no owner!"); } this.owner = owner; switch (type) { case DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case ELEMENT_NODE: children = new DomNode [NKIDS_INIT]; break; // no sane app wants the attributes-with-children model case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: children = new DomNode [1]; break; // we don't currently build children with entities case ENTITY_NODE: children = noKids; // no other kinds of nodes may have children; so for // such nodes, length stays zero, children stays null } } /** * DOM L1 * Returns null; Element subclasses must override this method. */ public NamedNodeMap getAttributes () { return null; } /** * DOM L2> * Returns true iff this is an element node with attributes. */ public boolean hasAttributes () { return false; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a list, possibly empty, of the children of this node. * In this implementation, to conserve memory, nodes are the same * as their list of children. This can have ramifications for * subclasses, which may need to provide their own getLength method * for reasons unrelated to the NodeList method of the same name. */ public NodeList getChildNodes () { return this; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the first child of this node, or null if there are none. */ final public Node getFirstChild () { return item (0); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the last child of this node, or null if there are none. */ final public Node getLastChild () { return item (length - 1); } /** * DOM L1 * Returns true if this node has children. */ final public boolean hasChildNodes () { return length > 0; } /** * Exposes the internal "readonly" flag. In DOM, children of * entities and entity references are readonly, as are the * objects associated with DocumentType objets. */ final public boolean isReadonly () { return readonly; } /** * Sets the internal "readonly" flag so this subtree can't be changed. * Subclasses need to override this method for any associated content * that's not a child node, such as an element's attributes or the * (few) declarations associated with a DocumentType. */ public void makeReadonly () { readonly = true; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) children [i].makeReadonly (); } // we need to have at least N more kids private void ensureEnough (int n) { if ((children.length - length) > n) return; // don't grow in micro-chunks if (n < NKIDS_DELTA) n = NKIDS_DELTA; n += children.length; DomNode newKids [] = new DomNode [n]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) newKids [i] = children [i]; children = newKids; } // just checks the node for inclusion -- may be called many // times (docfrag) before anything is allowed to change private void checkMisc (DomNode child) { if (readonly) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, null, this, 0); if (children == null) throw new DomEx (DomEx.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, null, this, 0); if (parent != null && child.length > 0) { for (Node temp = parent; temp != null; temp = temp.getParentNode ()) { if (child == parent) throw new DomEx (DomEx.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "can't make ancestor into a child", this, 0); } } Node myOwner = owner; Node newOwner = child.owner; short nodeType = getNodeType (); short newType = child.getNodeType (); if (nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE) myOwner = this; if (newOwner != myOwner) { // new in DOM L2, this case -- patch it up later, in reparent() if (!(newType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE && newOwner == null)) throw new DomEx (DomEx.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null, child, 0); } // Test code. // System.out.println("DOMNode node type = " + nodeType // + " new type: " + newType); // if (newType == 3) // System.out.println("child content = " + child.getNodeValue()); // enforce various structural constraints switch (nodeType) { case DOCUMENT_NODE: if (newType == ELEMENT_NODE || newType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE || newType == COMMENT_NODE || newType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) return; break; case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: if (newType == TEXT_NODE || newType == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) return; break; case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case ELEMENT_NODE: case ENTITY_NODE: if (newType == ELEMENT_NODE || newType == TEXT_NODE || newType == COMMENT_NODE || newType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE || newType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE || newType == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) return; } throw new DomEx (DomEx.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "this node can't have that type of child", this, 0); } // // NOTE: after this method, the new child knows its parent, // but the parent doesn't know the child. Don't let that // intermediate state be seen by the application. // // XXX prefer to pass in a mutation event object, making removeChild reuse // it appropriately. That'll shorten critical paths, and remove the // guarantee that the three-message replaceChild case will hit the heap. // private void reparent (DomNode newChild) { short childType = newChild.getNodeType (); if (getNodeType () == DOCUMENT_NODE && childType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { DomDoctype doctype = (DomDoctype) newChild; if (doctype.getImplementation () != ((Document)this).getImplementation ()) throw new DomEx (DomEx.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "implementation mismatch", newChild, 0); newChild.owner = (Document) this; } // get rid of old parent Node oldParent = newChild.parent; if (oldParent != null) oldParent.removeChild (newChild); if (childType != ATTRIBUTE_NODE) newChild.parent = this; } // Here's hoping a good optimizer will detect the case when the // next several methods are never called, and won't allocate // object code space of any kind. (Case: not reporting any // mutation events. We can also remove some static variables // listed above.) private void insertionEvent ( DomEvent.DomMutationEvent event, DomNode target ) { boolean doFree = false; if (event == null) { event = getMutationEvent (); if (event != null) doFree = true; else event = new DomEvent.DomMutationEvent (null); } event.initMutationEvent ("DOMNodeInserted", true /* bubbles */, false /* nocancel */, this /* related */, null, null, null, (short) 0); target.dispatchEvent (event); // XXX should really visit every descendant of 'target' // and sent a DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument event to it... // bleech, there's no way to keep that acceptably fast. if (doFree) { event.target = null; event.relatedNode = null; event.currentNode = null; eventDataLock = false; } // else we created work for the GC } private void removalEvent ( DomEvent.DomMutationEvent event, DomNode target ) { boolean doFree = false; if (event == null) { event = getMutationEvent (); if (event != null) doFree = true; else event = new DomEvent.DomMutationEvent (null); } event.initMutationEvent ("DOMNodeRemoved", true /* bubbles */, false /* nocancel */, this /* related */, null, null, null, (short) 0); target.dispatchEvent (event); // XXX should really visit every descendant of 'target' // and sent a DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument event to it... // bleech, there's no way to keep that acceptably fast. event.target = null; event.relatedNode = null; event.currentNode = null; if (doFree) eventDataLock = false; // else we created more work for the GC } // // Avoid creating lots of memory management work, by using a simple // allocation strategy for the mutation event objects that get used // at least once per tree modification. We can't use stack allocation, // so we do the next simplest thing -- more or less, static allocation. // Concurrent notifications should be rare, anyway. // // Returns the preallocated object, which needs to be carefully freed, // or null to indicate the caller needs to allocate their own. // static private DomEvent.DomMutationEvent getMutationEvent () { synchronized (lockNode) { if (eventDataLock) return null; eventDataLock = true; return mutationEvent; } } // NOTE: this is manually inlined in the insertion // and removal event methods above; change in sync. static private void freeMutationEvent () { // clear fields to enable GC mutationEvent.clear (); eventDataLock = false; } /** * DOM L1 * Appends the specified node to this node's list of children. * Document subclasses must override this to enforce the restrictions * that there be only one element and document type child. * *

Causes a DOMNodeInserted mutation event to be reported. * Will first cause a DOMNodeRemoved event to be reported if the * parameter already has a parent. If the new child is a document * fragment node, both events will be reported for each child of * the fragment; the order in which children are removed and * inserted is implementation-specific. * *

If this DOM has been compiled without mutation event support, * these events will not be reported. */ public Node appendChild (Node newChild) { try { DomNode child = (DomNode) newChild; if (newChild.getNodeType () != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { checkMisc (child); if (!(length < children.length)) ensureEnough (1); reparent (child); children [length++] = child; if (reportMutations) insertionEvent (null, child); } else { // See if we can append all the nodes in the fragment for (int i = 0; i < child.length; i++) checkMisc (child.children [i]); // yep -- do so! ensureEnough (child.length); for (int i = 0; i <= child.length; i++) appendChild (child.children [0]); } return child; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new DomEx (DomEx.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null, newChild, 0); } } /** * DOM L1 * Inserts the specified node in this node's list of children. * Document subclasses must override this to enforce the restrictions * that there be only one element and document type child. * *

Causes a DOMNodeInserted mutation event to be reported. Will * first cause a DOMNodeRemoved event to be reported if the newChild * parameter already has a parent. If the new child is a document * fragment node, both events will be reported for each child of * the fragment; the order in which children are removed and inserted * is implementation-specific. * *

If this DOM has been compiled without mutation event support, * these events will not be reported. */ public Node insertBefore (Node newChild, Node refChild) { if (refChild == null) return appendChild (newChild); try { DomNode child = (DomNode) newChild; if (newChild.getNodeType () != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { checkMisc (child); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (children [i] != refChild) continue; ensureEnough (1); reparent (child); if (children [i] != refChild) i--; for (int j = ++length; j > i; j--) children [j] = children [j - 1]; children [i] = child; if (reportMutations) insertionEvent (null, child); return newChild; } throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "that's no child of mine", refChild, 0); } else { // See if we can insert all the nodes in the fragment for (int i = 0; i < child.length; i++) checkMisc (child.children [i]); // yep -- do so! ensureEnough (child.length); for (int i = 0; i <= child.length; i++) insertBefore (child.children [0], refChild); return newChild; } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new DomEx (DomEx.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null, newChild, 0); } } /** * DOM L1 * Replaces the specified node in this node's list of children. * Document subclasses must override this to test the restrictions * that there be only one element and document type child. * *

Causes DOMNodeRemoved and DOMNodeInserted mutation event to be * reported. Will cause another DOMNodeRemoved event to be reported if * the newChild parameter already has a parent. These events may be * delivered in any order, except that the event reporting removal * from such an existing parent will always be delivered before the * event reporting its re-insertion as a child of some other node. * The order in which children are removed and inserted is implementation * specific. * *

If your application needs to depend on the in which those removal * and insertion events are delivered, don't use this API. Instead, * invoke the removeChild and insertBefore methods directly, to guarantee * a specific delivery order. Similarly, don't use document fragments, * Otherwise your application code may not work on a DOM which implements * this method differently. * *

If this DOM has been compiled without mutation event support, * these events will not be reported. */ public Node replaceChild (Node newChild, Node refChild) { try { DomNode child = (DomNode) newChild; if (newChild.getNodeType () != DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { checkMisc (child); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (children [i] != refChild) continue; DomNode rmchild = (DomNode) refChild; DomEvent.DomMutationEvent event; boolean doFree; event = getMutationEvent (); if (event != null) doFree = true; else doFree = false; if (reportMutations) removalEvent (event, rmchild); reparent (child); if (children [i] != refChild) i--; children [i] = child; rmchild.parent = null; if (reportMutations) insertionEvent (event, child); if (doFree) freeMutationEvent (); return refChild; } throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "that's no child of mine", newChild, 0); } else { // XXX implement me throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "replacing with fragment, NYI", null, 0); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new DomEx (DomEx.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null, newChild, 0); } } /** * DOM L1 * Removes the specified child from this node's list of children, * or else reports an exception. * *

Causes a DOMNodeRemoved mutation event to be reported. * *

If this DOM has been compiled without mutation event support, * these events will not be reported. */ public Node removeChild (Node refChild) { if (readonly) throw new DomEx (DomEx.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, null, this, 0); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (children [i] != refChild) continue; DomNode child = (DomNode) refChild; if (reportMutations) removalEvent (null, child); for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++, i++) children [i] = children [j]; children [i] = null; child.parent = null; length--; return refChild; } throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "that's no child of mine", refChild, 0); } /** * DOM L1 (NodeList) * Returns the item with the specified index in this NodeList, * else null. */ final public Node item (int index) { try { if (index < length) return children [index]; } catch (RuntimeException e) { // children == null or index < 0 ... bad parameter // FALLTHROUGh } return null; } /** * DOM L1 (NodeList) * Returns the number of elements in this NodeList. * (Note that many interfaces have a "Length" property, not just * NodeList, and if a node subtype must implement one of those, * it will also need to override getChildNodes.) */ public int getLength () { return length; } /** * Minimize extra space consumed by this node to hold children and event * listeners. */ public void trimToSize () { if (children != null && children.length != length) { DomNode newKids [] = new DomNode [length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) newKids [i] = children [i]; children = newKids; } if (listeners != null && listeners.length != nListeners) { ListenerRecord newKids [] = new ListenerRecord [length]; for (int i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) newKids [i] = listeners [i]; listeners = newKids; } } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the previous sibling, if one is known. */ final public Node getNextSibling () { if (parent == null || getNodeType() == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) return null; // we know parent.getChildNodes () returns itself // ... and that we're somewhere in parent.children[] int index; if (parentIndex < parent.length && parent.children [parentIndex] == this) { index = parentIndex + 1; if (index < parent.length) return parent.children [index]; else return null; } for (index = 0; index < parent.length; index++) { if (parent.children [index] == this) { parentIndex = index++; if (index < parent.length) return parent.children [index]; else break; } } return null; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the previous sibling, if one is known. */ final public Node getPreviousSibling () { if (parent == null || getNodeType () == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) return null; NodeList siblings = parent.getChildNodes (); int len = siblings.getLength (); if (siblings.item (parentIndex) == this) return siblings.item (parentIndex - 1); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (siblings.item (i) == this) { parentIndex = i; return siblings.item (--i); } return null; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns the parent node, if one is known. */ final public Node getParentNode () { return parent; } // parent node is only set in reparent() after sanity chex /** * DOM L2 * Consults the DOM implementation to determine if the requested * feature is supported. DocumentType subclasses must override * this method, and associate themselves directly with the * DOMImplementation node used. (This method relies on being able * to access the DOMImplementation from the owner document, but * DocumentType nodes can be created without an owner.) */ public boolean isSupported (String feature, String version) { Document doc = owner; DOMImplementation impl = null; if (doc == null && getNodeType () == DOCUMENT_NODE) doc = (Document) this; if (doc == null) // possible for DocumentType throw new IllegalStateException ("unbound ownerDocument"); impl = doc.getImplementation (); return impl.hasFeature (feature, version); } /** * DOM L1 (modified in L2) * Returns the owner document. This is only null for Document nodes, * and (new in L2) for DocumentType nodes which have not yet been * associated with the rest of their document. */ final public Document getOwnerDocument () { return owner; } /** * DOM L1 * Does nothing; this must be overridden (along with the * getNodeValue method) for nodes with a non-null defined value. */ public void setNodeValue (String value) { } /** * DOM L1 * Returns null; this must be overridden for nodes types with * a defined value, along with the setNodeValue method. */ public String getNodeValue () { return null; } /** This forces GCJ compatibility. * Without this method GCJ is unable to compile to byte code. */ public abstract short getNodeType (); /** This forces GCJ compatibility. * Without this method GCJ seems unable to natively compile GNUJAXP. */ public abstract String getNodeName (); /** * DOM L2 * Does nothing; this must be overridden (along with the * getPrefix method) for element and attribute nodes. */ public void setPrefix (String prefix) { } /** * DOM L2 * Returns null; this must be overridden for element and * attribute nodes. */ public String getPrefix () { return null; } /** * DOM L2 * Returns null; this must be overridden for element and * attribute nodes. */ public String getNamespaceURI () { return null; } /** * DOM L2 * Returns the node name; this must be overridden for element and * attribute nodes. */ public String getLocalName () { return null; } /** * DOM L1 * Returns a clone of this node which optionally includes cloned * versions of child nodes. Clones are always mutable, except for * entity reference nodes. */ public Node cloneNode (boolean deep) { DomNode retval = (DomNode) clone (); if (deep && children != null) { DomNode newKids [] = retval.children; if (newKids.length < length) newKids = new DomNode [length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) newKids [i] = (DomNode) children [i].cloneNode (true); retval.children = newKids; retval.length = length; if (getNodeType () == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) retval.makeReadonly (); } return retval; } /** * Clones this node; roughly equivalent to cloneNode(false). * Element subclasses must provide a new implementation which * invokes this method to handle the basics, and then arranges * to clone any element attributes directly. Attribute subclasses * must make similar arrangements, ensuring that existing ties to * elements are broken by cloning. */ public Object clone () { try { DomNode retval = (DomNode) super.clone (); retval.parent = null; retval.readonly = false; if (retval.children != null) { retval.children = noKids; retval.length = 0; } retval.listeners = null; retval.nListeners = 0; return retval; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException x) { throw new Error ("clone didn't work"); } } // the elements-by-tagname stuff is needed for both // elements and documents ... this is in lieu of a // common base class between Node and NodeNS. /** * DOM L1 * Creates a NodeList giving array-style access to elements with * the specified name. Access is fastest if indices change by * small values, and the DOM is not modified. */ public NodeList getElementsByTagName (String tag) { return new ShadowList (null, tag); } /** * DOM L2 * Creates a NodeList giving array-style access to elements with * the specified namespace and local name. Access is fastest if * indices change by small values, and the DOM is not modified. */ public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS (String namespace, String local) { return new ShadowList (namespace, local); } // // This shadow class is GC-able even when the live list it shadows // can't be, because of event registration hookups. Its finalizer // makes that live list become GC-able. // final class ShadowList implements NodeList { private LiveNodeList liveList; ShadowList (String ns, String local) { liveList = new LiveNodeList (ns, local); } public void finalize () { liveList.detach (); liveList = null; } public Node item (int index) { return liveList.item (index); } public int getLength () { return liveList.getLength (); } } final class LiveNodeList implements NodeList, EventListener, NodeFilter { private String elementURI; private String elementName; private DomIterator current; private int lastIndex; LiveNodeList (String uri, String name) { elementURI = uri; elementName = name; DomNode.this.addEventListener ("DOMNodeInserted", this, true); DomNode.this.addEventListener ("DOMNodeRemoved", this, true); } void detach () { current.detach (); current = null; DomNode.this.removeEventListener ("DOMNodeInserted", this, true); DomNode.this.removeEventListener ("DOMNodeRemoved", this, true); } public short acceptNode (Node element) { if (element == DomNode.this) return FILTER_SKIP; // use namespace-aware matching ... if (elementURI != null) { if (!("*".equals (elementURI) || elementURI.equals (element.getNamespaceURI ()))) return FILTER_SKIP; if (!("*".equals (elementName) || elementName.equals (element.getLocalName ()))) return FILTER_SKIP; // ... or qName-based kind. } else { if (!("*".equals (elementName) || elementName.equals (element.getNodeName ()))) return FILTER_SKIP; } return FILTER_ACCEPT; } private DomIterator createIterator () { return new DomIterator (DomNode.this, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, this, /* filter */ true /* expand entity refs */ ); } public void handleEvent (Event e) { MutationEvent mutation = (MutationEvent) e; Node related = mutation.getRelatedNode (); // XXX if it's got children ... check all kids too, they // will invalidate our saved index if (related.getNodeType () != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return; if (related.getNodeName () != elementName) return; if (related.getNamespaceURI () != elementURI) return; current = null; } public Node item (int index) { if (current == null) { current = createIterator (); lastIndex = -1; } // last node or before? go backwards if (index <= lastIndex) { while (index != lastIndex) { current.previousNode (); lastIndex--; } return current.previousNode (); } // somewhere after last node while (++lastIndex != index) current.nextNode (); return current.nextNode (); } public int getLength () { int retval = 0; NodeIterator iter = createIterator (); while (iter.nextNode () != null) retval++; return retval; } } // // EventTarget support // static final class ListenerRecord { String type; EventListener listener; boolean useCapture; // XXX use JDK 1.2 java.lang.ref.WeakReference to listener, // and we can both get rid of "shadow" classes and remove // the need for applications to apply similar trix ... but // JDK 1.2 support isn't generally available yet ListenerRecord ( String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture ) { this.type = type.intern (); this.listener = listener; this.useCapture = useCapture; } boolean equals (ListenerRecord rec) { return listener == rec.listener && useCapture == rec.useCapture && type == rec.type; } } /** * DOM L2 (Events) * Returns an instance of the specified type of event object. * Understands about DOM Mutation, HTML, and UI events. * *

If the name of the event type begins with "USER-", then an object * implementing the "Event" class will be returned; this provides a * limited facility for application-defined events to use the DOM event * infrastructure. Alternatively, use one of the standard DOM event * classes and initialize it using use such a "USER-" event type name; * or defin, instantiate, and initialize an application-specific subclass * of DomEvent and pass that to dispatchEvent(). * * @param eventType Identifies the particular DOM feature module * defining the type of event, such as "MutationEvents". * The event "name" is a different kind of "type". */ public Event createEvent (String eventType) { eventType = eventType.toLowerCase (); if ("mutationevents".equals (eventType)) return new DomEvent.DomMutationEvent (null); if ("htmlevents".equals (eventType) || "events".equals (eventType) || "user-events".equals (eventType)) return new DomEvent (null); if ("uievents".equals (eventType)) return new DomEvent.DomUIEvent (null); // mouse events throw new DomEx (DomEx.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, eventType, null, 0); } /** * DOM L2 (Events) * Registers an event listener's interest in a class of events. */ final public void addEventListener ( String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture ) { if (listeners == null) listeners = new ListenerRecord [1]; else if (nListeners == listeners.length) { ListenerRecord newListeners []; newListeners = new ListenerRecord [listeners.length + NKIDS_DELTA]; for (int i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) newListeners [i] = listeners [i]; listeners = newListeners; } // prune duplicates ListenerRecord record; record = new ListenerRecord (type, listener, useCapture); for (int i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) { if (record.equals (listeners [i])) return; } listeners [nListeners++] = record; } // XXX this exception should be discarded from DOM // this class can be instantiated, unlike the one in the spec final static class DomEventException extends EventException { DomEventException () { super (UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR, "unspecified event type"); } } /** * DOM L2 (Events) * Delivers an event to all relevant listeners, returning true if the * caller should perform their default action. Note that the event * must have been provided by the createEvent() method on this * class, else it can't be dispatched. * * @see #createEvent * * @exception NullPointerException When a null event is passed. * @exception ClassCastException When the event wasn't provided by * the createEvent method, or otherwise isn't a DomEvent. * @exception EventException If the event type wasn't specified */ final public boolean dispatchEvent (Event event) throws EventException { DomEvent e = (DomEvent) event; DomNode ancestors [] = null; int ancestorMax = 0; boolean haveDispatchDataLock = false; if (e.type == null) throw new DomEventException (); e.doDefault = true; e.target = this; // // Typical case: one nonrecursive dispatchEvent call at a time // for this class. If that's our case, we can avoid allocating // garbage, which is overall a big win. Even with advanced GCs // that deal well with short-lived garbage, and wayfast allocators, // it still helps. // // Remember -- EVERY mutation goes though here at least once. // // When populating a DOM tree, trying to send mutation events is // the primary cost; this dominates the critical path. // try { DomNode current; int index; boolean haveAncestorRegistrations = false; ListenerRecord notificationSet []; int ancestorLen; synchronized (lockNode) { if (!dispatchDataLock) { haveDispatchDataLock = dispatchDataLock = true; notificationSet = DomNode.notificationSet; ancestors = DomNode.ancestors; } else { notificationSet = new ListenerRecord [NOTIFICATIONS_INIT]; ancestors = new DomNode [ANCESTORS_INIT]; } ancestorLen = ancestors.length; } // XXX autogrow ancestors ... based on statistics // Climb to the top of this subtree and handle capture, letting // each node (from the top down) capture until one stops it or // until we get to this one. for (index = 0, current = parent; current != null && index < ancestorLen; index++, current = current.parent) { if (current.nListeners != 0) haveAncestorRegistrations = true; ancestors [index] = current; } if (current != null) throw new RuntimeException ("dispatchEvent capture stack size"); ancestorMax = index; e.stop = false; if (haveAncestorRegistrations) { e.eventPhase = Event.CAPTURING_PHASE; while (!e.stop && index-- > 0) { current = ancestors [index]; if (current.nListeners != 0) notifyNode (e, current, true, notificationSet); } } // Always deliver events to the target node (this) // unless stopPropagation was called. If we saw // no registrations yet (typical!), we never will. if (!e.stop && nListeners != 0) { e.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET; notifyNode (e, this, false, notificationSet); } else if (!haveAncestorRegistrations) e.stop = true; // If the event bubbles and propagation wasn't halted, // walk back up the ancestor list. Stop bubbling when // any bubbled event handler stops it. if (!e.stop && e.bubbles) { e.eventPhase = Event.BUBBLING_PHASE; for (index = 0; !e.stop && index < ancestorMax && (current = ancestors [index]) != null; index++) { if (current.nListeners != 0) notifyNode (e, current, false, notificationSet); } } e.eventPhase = 0; // Caller chooses whether to perform the default // action based on return from this method. return e.doDefault; } finally { if (haveDispatchDataLock) { // synchronize to force write ordering synchronized (lockNode) { // null out refs to ensure they'll be GC'd for (int i = 0; i < ancestorMax; i++) ancestors [i] = null; // notificationSet handled by notifyNode dispatchDataLock = false; } } } } private void notifyNode ( DomEvent e, DomNode current, boolean capture, ListenerRecord notificationSet [] ) { int count = 0; // do any of this set of listeners get notified? for (int i = 0; i < current.nListeners; i++) { ListenerRecord rec = current.listeners [i]; if (rec.useCapture != capture) continue; if (!e.type.equals (rec.type)) continue; if (count < notificationSet.length) notificationSet [count++] = rec; else // XXX fire up some cheap growth algorithm throw new RuntimeException ( "Event notification set size exceeded"); } // Notify just those listeners e.currentNode = current; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { // Late in the DOM CR process (3rd or 4th CR?) the // removeEventListener spec became asymmetric with respect // to addEventListener ... effect is now immediate. for (int j = 0; j < current.nListeners; j++) { if (current.listeners [j].equals (notificationSet [i])) { notificationSet [i].listener.handleEvent (e); break; } } } catch (Exception x) { // ignore all exceptions } notificationSet [i] = null; // free for GC } } /** * DOM L2 (Events) * Unregisters an event listener. */ final public void removeEventListener ( String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture ) { for (int i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) { if (listeners [i].listener != listener) continue; if (listeners [i].useCapture != useCapture) continue; if (!listeners [i].type.equals (type)) continue; if (nListeners == 1) { listeners = null; nListeners = 0; } else { for (int j = i + 1; j < nListeners; j++) listeners [i++] = listeners [j++]; listeners [--nListeners] = null; } break; } // no exceptions reported } /** * DOM L1 (relocated in DOM L2) * In this node and all contained nodes (including attributes if * relevant) merge adjacent text nodes. This is done while ignoring * text which happens to use CDATA delimiters). */ public void normalize () { int index = 0; Node child, next; Text temp; NamedNodeMap attributes; while ((child = item (index)) != null) { switch (child.getNodeType ()) { case TEXT_NODE: next = item (index + 1); if (next == null || next.getNodeType () != TEXT_NODE) break; temp = (Text) child; temp.appendData (next.getNodeValue ()); removeChild (next); // don't increment index ... we do extra fetches // of the current node, affecting only speed. continue; case ELEMENT_NODE: child.normalize (); attributes = child.getAttributes (); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength (); i++) attributes.item (i).normalize (); // FALLTHROUGH } index++; continue; } } /** * Returns true iff node types match, and either (a) both nodes have no * namespace and their getNodeName() values are the same, or (b) both * nodes have the same getNamespaceURI() and same getLocalName() values. * *

Note that notion of a "Per-Element-Type" attribute name scope, as * found in a non-normative appendix of the XML Namespaces specification, * is not supported here. Your application must implement that notion, * typically by not bothering to check nameAndTypeEquals for attributes * without namespace URIs unless you already know their elements are * nameAndTypeEquals. */ public boolean nameAndTypeEquals (Node other) { // node types must match if (getNodeType () != other.getNodeType ()) return false; // if both have namespaces, do a "full" comparision // this is a "global" partition String ns1 = this.getNamespaceURI (); String ns2 = other.getNamespaceURI (); if (ns1 != null && ns2 != null) return ns1.equals (ns2) && getLocalName ().equals (other.getLocalName ()); // if neither has a namespace, this is a "no-namespace" name. if (ns1 == null && ns2 == null) { if (getNodeName().equals (other.getNodeName ()) == false) return false; // can test the non-normative "per-element-type" scope here. // if this is an attribute node and both nodes have been bound // to elements (!!), then return the nameAndTypeEquals() // comparison of those elements. return true; } // otherwise they're unequal: one scoped, one not. return false; } }