# This property file contains dependencies of classes, methods, and # field on other methods or classes. # # Syntax: # # : [... ] # # means that when is included, (... ) must # be included as well. # # and are of the form # # # # or just # # # # Within dependencies, variables can be used. A variable is defined as # follows: # # {variable}: value1 value2 ... value # # variables can be used on the right side of dependencies as follows: # # : com.bla.blu.{variable}.Class.m()V # # The use of the variable will expand to dependencies of the form # # : com.bla.blu.value1.Class.m()V # : com.bla.blu.value2.Class.m()V # ... # : com.bla.blu.value.Class.m()V # # Variables can be redefined when building a system to select the # required support for features like encodings, protocols, etc. # # Hints: # # - For methods and fields, the signature is mandatory. For # specification, please see the Java Virtual Machine Specification by # SUN. Unlike in the spec, field signatures (types) are in brackets. # # - Package names must be separated by '/' (and not '.'). E.g., # java/lang/Class (this is necessary, because the '.' is used to # separate method or field names from classes) # # - In case refers to a class, only the class itself will be # included in the resulting binary, NOT necessarily all its methods # and fields. If you want to refer to all methods and fields, you can # write class.* as an abbreviation. # # - Abbreviations for packages are also possible: my/package/* means all # methods and fields of all classes in my/package. # # - A line with a trailing '\' continues in the next line. # end of file # All locales supported are loaded via classes from java.text (see below) # from class gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_ # # This introduces a dependency for all locales. To allow an easy selection # and addition of locales, the library variable {text_locales} can be set to # the set of supported locales. # {text_locales}: \ af_ZA \ ar_AE \ ar_BH \ ar_DZ \ ar_EG \ ar_IN \ ar_IQ \ ar_JO \ ar_KW \ ar_LB \ ar_LY \ ar_MA \ ar_OM \ ar_QA \ ar_SD \ ar_SY \ ar_TN \ ar_YE \ be_BY \ bn_IN \ br_FR \ bs_BA \ ca_ES \ cs_CZ \ cy_GB \ da_DK \ de \ de_AT \ de_BE \ de_CH \ de_DE \ de_LU \ el_GR \ en \ en_AU \ en_BW \ en_CA \ en_DK \ en_GB \ en_HK \ en_IE \ en_IN \ en_NZ \ en_PH \ en_SG \ en_US \ en_ZA \ en_ZW \ es_AR \ es_BO \ es_CL \ es_CO \ es_CR \ es_DO \ es_EC \ es_ES \ es_GT \ es_HN \ es_MX \ es_NI \ es_PA \ es_PE \ es_PR \ es_PY \ es_SV \ es_US \ es_UY \ es_VE \ et_EE \ eu_ES \ fa_IR \ fi_FI \ fo_FO \ fr_BE \ fr_CA \ fr_CH \ fr_FR \ fr_LU \ ga_IE \ gd_GB \ gl_ES \ gv_GB \ he_IL \ hi_IN \ hr_HR \ hu_HU \ id_ID \ it_CH \ it_IT \ iw_IL \ ja_JP \ ka_GE \ kl_GL \ ko_KR \ kw_GB \ lt_LT \ lv_LV \ mi_NZ \ mk_MK \ mr_IN \ mt_MT \ nl \ nl_BE \ nl_NL \ nn_NO \ no_NO \ oc_FR \ pl_PL \ pt_BR \ pt_PT \ ro_RO \ ru_RU \ ru_UA \ se_NO \ sk_SK \ sl_SI \ sq_AL \ sr_YU \ sv_FI \ sv_SE \ ta_IN \ te_IN \ tg_TJ \ tl_PH \ tr_TR \ uk_UA \ ur_PK \ uz_UZ \ vi_VN \ yi_US \ zh_CN \ zh_HK \ zh_SG \ zh_TW java/text/Collator.getInstance(Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/Collator;: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.* java/text/DateFormatSymbols.(Ljava/util/Locale;)V: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.* java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.(Ljava/util/Locale;)V: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.* java/text/BreakIterator.getInstance(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/text/BreakIterator;: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.* java/text/NumberFormat.computeInstance(Ljava/util/Locale;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/text/NumberFormat;: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.* java/text/DateFormat.computeInstance(IILjava/util/Locale;ZZ)Ljava/text/DateFormat;: \ gnu/java/locale/LocaleInformation_{text_locales}.*