GIOP stub and tie generator source code generator for javax.rmi.*,* Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please report bugs at Usage: grmic where includes: -poa Generate the Servant based ties (default) -impl Generate the obsoleted ObjectImpl based ties (for backward compatibility) -nowarn Show no warnings -nowrite Do not write any files (check for errors only) -d Place generated files into the given folder -classpath Specifies the path, where to find the classes being compiled -help Print this help text -v Print version -verbose Verbose output -force Try to generate code even if the input classes seem not consistent with RMI specification. and can include one or more non abstract classes that implement Remote and are accessible via current class path. * This tool generates the source code that must be compiled with java compiler. * GRMIC is invoked from RMIC if the -iiop or -giop keys are specified.