# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Common cloud-init devel commandline utility functions.""" import logging from cloudinit import log from cloudinit.helpers import Paths from cloudinit.stages import Init def addLogHandlerCLI(logger, log_level): """Add a commandline logging handler to emit messages to stderr.""" formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s") log.setupBasicLogging(log_level, formatter=formatter) return logger def read_cfg_paths(fetch_existing_datasource: str = "") -> Paths: """Return a Paths object based on the system configuration on disk. :param fetch_existing_datasource: String one of check or trust. Whether to load the pickled datasource before returning Paths. This is necessary when using instance paths via Paths.get_ipath method which are only known from the instance-id metadata in the detected datasource. """ init = Init(ds_deps=[]) if fetch_existing_datasource: init.fetch(existing=fetch_existing_datasource) init.read_cfg() return init.paths # vi: ts=4 expandtab