# Copyright (C) 2016 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Wesley Wiedenmeier # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """LXD: configure lxd with ``lxd init`` and optionally lxd-bridge""" import os from textwrap import dedent from typing import List, Tuple from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import safeyaml, subp, util from cloudinit.cloud import Cloud from cloudinit.config import Config from cloudinit.config.schema import MetaSchema, get_meta_doc from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME = "lxdbr0" MODULE_DESCRIPTION = """\ This module configures lxd with user specified options using ``lxd init``. If lxd is not present on the system but lxd configuration is provided, then lxd will be installed. If the selected storage backend userspace utility is not installed, it will be installed. If network bridge configuration is provided, then lxd-bridge will be configured accordingly. """ distros = ["ubuntu"] meta: MetaSchema = { "id": "cc_lxd", "name": "LXD", "title": "Configure LXD with ``lxd init`` and optionally lxd-bridge", "description": MODULE_DESCRIPTION, "distros": distros, "examples": [ dedent( """\ # Simplest working directory backed LXD configuration lxd: init: storage_backend: dir """ ), dedent( """\ # LXD init showcasing cloud-init's LXD config options lxd: init: network_address: network_port: 8443 storage_backend: zfs storage_pool: datapool storage_create_loop: 10 bridge: mode: new mtu: 1500 name: lxdbr0 ipv4_address: ipv4_netmask: 24 ipv4_dhcp_first: ipv4_dhcp_last: ipv4_dhcp_leases: 250 ipv4_nat: true ipv6_address: fd98:9e0:3744::1 ipv6_netmask: 64 ipv6_nat: true domain: lxd """ ), dedent( """\ # For more complex non-iteractive LXD configuration of networks, # storage_pools, profiles, projects, clusters and core config, # `lxd:preseed` config will be passed as stdin to the command: # lxd init --preseed # See https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/preseed/ or # run: lxd init --dump to see viable preseed YAML allowed. # # Preseed settings configuring the LXD daemon for HTTPS connections # on port 9999, a nested profile which allows for # LXD nesting on containers and a limited project allowing for # RBAC approach when defining behavior for sub projects. lxd: preseed: | config: core.https_address: networks: - config: ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: true ipv6.address: fd42:4242:4242:4242::1/64 ipv6.nat: true description: "" name: lxdbr0 type: bridge project: default storage_pools: - config: size: 5GiB source: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img description: "" name: default driver: zfs profiles: - config: {} description: Default LXD profile devices: eth0: name: eth0 network: lxdbr0 type: nic root: path: / pool: default type: disk name: default - config: {} security.nesting: true devices: eth0: name: eth0 network: lxdbr0 type: nic root: path: / pool: default type: disk name: nested projects: - config: features.images: true features.networks: true features.profiles: true features.storage.volumes: true description: Default LXD project name: default - config: features.images: false features.networks: true features.profiles: false features.storage.volumes: false description: Limited Access LXD project name: limited """ ), ], "frequency": PER_INSTANCE, "activate_by_schema_keys": ["lxd"], } __doc__ = get_meta_doc(meta) def supplemental_schema_validation( init_cfg: dict, bridge_cfg: dict, preseed_str: str ): """Validate user-provided lxd network and bridge config option values. @raises: ValueError describing invalid values provided. """ errors = [] if not isinstance(init_cfg, dict): errors.append( f"lxd.init config must be a dictionary. found a" f" '{type(init_cfg).__name__}'", ) if not isinstance(bridge_cfg, dict): errors.append( f"lxd.bridge config must be a dictionary. found a" f" '{type(bridge_cfg).__name__}'", ) if not isinstance(preseed_str, str): errors.append( f"lxd.preseed config must be a string. found a" f" '{type(preseed_str).__name__}'", ) if preseed_str and (init_cfg or bridge_cfg): incompat_cfg = ["lxd.init"] if init_cfg else [] incompat_cfg += ["lxd.bridge"] if bridge_cfg else [] errors.append( "Unable to configure LXD. lxd.preseed config can not be provided" f" with key(s): {', '.join(incompat_cfg)}" ) if errors: raise ValueError(". ".join(errors)) def handle(name: str, cfg: Config, cloud: Cloud, args: list) -> None: # Get config lxd_cfg = cfg.get("lxd") if not lxd_cfg: LOG.debug( "Skipping module named %s, not present or disabled by cfg", name ) return if not isinstance(lxd_cfg, dict): raise ValueError( f"lxd config must be a dictionary. found a" f" '{type(lxd_cfg).__name__}'" ) # Grab the configuration init_cfg = lxd_cfg.get("init", {}) preseed_str = lxd_cfg.get("preseed", "") bridge_cfg = lxd_cfg.get("bridge", {}) supplemental_schema_validation(init_cfg, bridge_cfg, preseed_str) packages = get_required_packages(init_cfg, preseed_str) if len(packages): try: cloud.distro.install_packages(packages) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.warning("failed to install packages %s: %s", packages, exc) return subp.subp(["lxd", "waitready", "--timeout=300"]) if preseed_str: subp.subp(["lxd", "init", "--preseed"], data=preseed_str) return # Set up lxd if init config is given if init_cfg: # type is known, number of elements is not # in the case of the ubuntu+lvm backend workaround init_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "network_address", "network_port", "storage_backend", "storage_create_device", "storage_create_loop", "storage_pool", "trust_password", ) # Bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-kvm/+bug/1982780 kernel = util.system_info()["uname"][2] if init_cfg["storage_backend"] == "lvm" and not os.path.exists( f"/lib/modules/{kernel}/kernel/drivers/md/dm-thin-pool.ko" ): LOG.warning( "cloud-init doesn't use thinpool by default on Ubuntu due to " "LP #1982780. This behavior will change in the future.", ) subp.subp( [ "lxc", "storage", "create", "default", "lvm", "lvm.use_thinpool=false", ] ) # Since we're manually setting use_thinpool=false # filter it from the lxd init commands, don't configure # storage twice init_keys = tuple( key for key in init_keys if key != "storage_backend" ) cmd = ["lxd", "init", "--auto"] for k in init_keys: if init_cfg.get(k): cmd.extend( ["--%s=%s" % (k.replace("_", "-"), str(init_cfg[k]))] ) subp.subp(cmd) # Set up lxd-bridge if bridge config is given dconf_comm = "debconf-communicate" if bridge_cfg: net_name = bridge_cfg.get("name", _DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME) if os.path.exists("/etc/default/lxd-bridge") and subp.which( dconf_comm ): # Bridge configured through packaging debconf = bridge_to_debconf(bridge_cfg) # Update debconf database try: LOG.debug("Setting lxd debconf via %s", dconf_comm) data = ( "\n".join( ["set %s %s" % (k, v) for k, v in debconf.items()] ) + "\n" ) subp.subp(["debconf-communicate"], data) except Exception: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to run '%s' for lxd with" % dconf_comm ) # Remove the existing configuration file (forces re-generation) util.del_file("/etc/default/lxd-bridge") # Run reconfigure LOG.debug("Running dpkg-reconfigure for lxd") subp.subp(["dpkg-reconfigure", "lxd", "--frontend=noninteractive"]) else: # Built-in LXD bridge support cmd_create, cmd_attach = bridge_to_cmd(bridge_cfg) maybe_cleanup_default( net_name=net_name, did_init=bool(init_cfg), create=bool(cmd_create), attach=bool(cmd_attach), ) if cmd_create: LOG.debug("Creating lxd bridge: %s", " ".join(cmd_create)) _lxc(cmd_create) if cmd_attach: LOG.debug( "Setting up default lxd bridge: %s", " ".join(cmd_attach) ) _lxc(cmd_attach) elif bridge_cfg: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to configure lxd bridge without %s." + dconf_comm ) def bridge_to_debconf(bridge_cfg): debconf = {} if bridge_cfg.get("mode") == "none": debconf["lxd/setup-bridge"] = "false" debconf["lxd/bridge-name"] = "" elif bridge_cfg.get("mode") == "existing": debconf["lxd/setup-bridge"] = "false" debconf["lxd/use-existing-bridge"] = "true" debconf["lxd/bridge-name"] = bridge_cfg.get("name") elif bridge_cfg.get("mode") == "new": debconf["lxd/setup-bridge"] = "true" if bridge_cfg.get("name"): debconf["lxd/bridge-name"] = bridge_cfg.get("name") if bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_address"): debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4"] = "true" debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-address"] = bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_address") debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-netmask"] = bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_netmask") debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-dhcp-first"] = bridge_cfg.get( "ipv4_dhcp_first" ) debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-dhcp-last"] = bridge_cfg.get( "ipv4_dhcp_last" ) debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-dhcp-leases"] = bridge_cfg.get( "ipv4_dhcp_leases" ) debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv4-nat"] = bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_nat", "true") if bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_address"): debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv6"] = "true" debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv6-address"] = bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_address") debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv6-netmask"] = bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_netmask") debconf["lxd/bridge-ipv6-nat"] = bridge_cfg.get( "ipv6_nat", "false" ) if bridge_cfg.get("domain"): debconf["lxd/bridge-domain"] = bridge_cfg.get("domain") else: raise RuntimeError('invalid bridge mode "%s"' % bridge_cfg.get("mode")) return debconf def bridge_to_cmd(bridge_cfg): if bridge_cfg.get("mode") == "none": return None, None bridge_name = bridge_cfg.get("name", _DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME) cmd_create = [] cmd_attach = ["network", "attach-profile", bridge_name, "default", "eth0"] if bridge_cfg.get("mode") == "existing": return None, cmd_attach if bridge_cfg.get("mode") != "new": raise RuntimeError('invalid bridge mode "%s"' % bridge_cfg.get("mode")) cmd_create = ["network", "create", bridge_name] if bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_address") and bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_netmask"): cmd_create.append( "ipv4.address=%s/%s" % (bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_address"), bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_netmask")) ) if bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_nat", "true") == "true": cmd_create.append("ipv4.nat=true") if bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_dhcp_first") and bridge_cfg.get( "ipv4_dhcp_last" ): dhcp_range = "%s-%s" % ( bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_dhcp_first"), bridge_cfg.get("ipv4_dhcp_last"), ) cmd_create.append("ipv4.dhcp.ranges=%s" % dhcp_range) else: cmd_create.append("ipv4.address=none") if bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_address") and bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_netmask"): cmd_create.append( "ipv6.address=%s/%s" % (bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_address"), bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_netmask")) ) if bridge_cfg.get("ipv6_nat", "false") == "true": cmd_create.append("ipv6.nat=true") else: cmd_create.append("ipv6.address=none") if bridge_cfg.get("domain"): cmd_create.append("dns.domain=%s" % bridge_cfg.get("domain")) # if the default schema value is passed (-1) don't pass arguments # to LXD. Use LXD defaults unless user manually sets a number mtu = bridge_cfg.get("mtu", -1) if mtu != -1: cmd_create.append(f"bridge.mtu={mtu}") return cmd_create, cmd_attach def _lxc(cmd): env = { "LC_ALL": "C", "HOME": os.environ.get("HOME", "/root"), "USER": os.environ.get("USER", "root"), } subp.subp(["lxc"] + list(cmd) + ["--force-local"], update_env=env) def maybe_cleanup_default( net_name, did_init, create, attach, profile="default", nic_name="eth0" ): """Newer versions of lxc (3.0.1+) create a lxdbr0 network when 'lxd init --auto' is run. Older versions did not. By removing any that lxd-init created, we simply leave the add/attach code intact. https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/4649""" if net_name != _DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME or not did_init: return fail_assume_enoent = "failed. Assuming it did not exist." succeeded = "succeeded." if create: msg = "Detach of lxd network '%s' from profile '%s' %s" try: _lxc(["network", "detach-profile", net_name, profile]) LOG.debug(msg, net_name, profile, succeeded) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.exit_code != 1: raise e LOG.debug(msg, net_name, profile, fail_assume_enoent) else: msg = "Deletion of lxd network '%s' %s" _lxc(["network", "delete", net_name]) LOG.debug(msg, net_name, succeeded) if attach: msg = "Removal of device '%s' from profile '%s' %s" try: _lxc(["profile", "device", "remove", profile, nic_name]) LOG.debug(msg, nic_name, profile, succeeded) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.exit_code != 1: raise e LOG.debug(msg, nic_name, profile, fail_assume_enoent) def get_required_packages(init_cfg: dict, preseed_str: str) -> List[str]: """identify required packages for install""" packages = [] if not subp.which("lxd"): packages.append("lxd") # binary for pool creation must be available for the requested backend: # zfs, lvcreate, mkfs.btrfs storage_drivers: List[str] = [] preseed_cfg: dict = {} if "storage_backend" in init_cfg: storage_drivers.append(init_cfg["storage_backend"]) if preseed_str and "storage_pools" in preseed_str: # Assume correct YAML preseed format try: preseed_cfg = safeyaml.load(preseed_str) except (safeyaml.YAMLError, TypeError, ValueError): LOG.warning( "lxd.preseed string value is not YAML. " " Unable to determine required storage driver packages to" " support storage_pools config." ) for storage_pool in preseed_cfg.get("storage_pools", []): if storage_pool.get("driver"): storage_drivers.append(storage_pool["driver"]) if "zfs" in storage_drivers and not subp.which("zfs"): packages.append("zfsutils-linux") if "lvm" in storage_drivers and not subp.which("lvcreate"): packages.append("lvm2") if "btrfs" in storage_drivers and not subp.which("mkfs.btrfs"): packages.append("btrfs-progs") return packages