# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import json import logging import math import re from unittest import mock import pytest import requests from cloudinit.sources.azure import imds from cloudinit.url_helper import UrlError, readurl LOG_PATH = "cloudinit.sources.azure.imds" MOCK_PATH = "cloudinit.sources.azure.imds." class StringMatch: def __init__(self, regex) -> None: self.regex = regex def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return bool(re.match("^" + self.regex + "$", other)) @pytest.fixture def wrapped_readurl(): with mock.patch.object(imds, "readurl", wraps=readurl) as m: yield m @pytest.fixture def mock_requests_session_request(): with mock.patch("requests.Session.request", autospec=True) as m: yield m @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_time(): with mock.patch.object(imds, "time", autospec=True) as m: m.time_current = 0.0 m.time_increment = 1.0 def fake_time(): nonlocal m current = m.time_current m.time_current += m.time_increment return current m.side_effect = fake_time yield m @pytest.fixture def mock_url_helper_time_sleep(): with mock.patch("cloudinit.url_helper.time.sleep", autospec=True) as m: yield m def fake_http_error_for_code(status_code: int): response_failure = requests.Response() response_failure.status_code = status_code return requests.exceptions.HTTPError( "fake error", response=response_failure, ) class TestFetchMetadataWithApiFallback: default_url = ( "" "api-version=2021-08-01&extended=true" ) fallback_url = ( "" ) headers = {"Metadata": "true"} timeout = 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_deadline", [0.0, 1.0, 60.0]) def test_basic( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, retry_deadline, wrapped_readurl, ): fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] md = imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert md == fake_md assert wrapped_readurl.mock_calls == [ mock.call( self.default_url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, exception_cb=mock.ANY, infinite=True, log_req_resp=True, ) ] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Read from.*"), ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_deadline", [0.0, 1.0, 60.0]) def test_basic_fallback( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, retry_deadline, wrapped_readurl, ): fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ UrlError("No IMDS version", code=400), mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] md = imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert md == fake_md assert wrapped_readurl.mock_calls == [ mock.call( self.default_url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, exception_cb=mock.ANY, infinite=True, log_req_resp=True, ), mock.call( self.fallback_url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, exception_cb=mock.ANY, infinite=True, log_req_resp=True, ), ] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, "Failed to fetch metadata from IMDS: No IMDS version", ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, "Falling back to IMDS api-version: 2019-06-01", ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Read from.*"), ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(404), fake_http_error_for_code(410), fake_http_error_for_code(429), fake_http_error_for_code(500), requests.ConnectionError("Fake connection error"), requests.Timeout("Fake connection timeout"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("max_attempts,retry_deadline", [(2, 1.0)]) def test_will_retry_errors( self, caplog, max_attempts, retry_deadline, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, error, ): fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ error, mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] md = imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert md == fake_md assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == max_attempts assert mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [mock.call(1)] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, StringMatch( "Polling IMDS failed attempt 1 with exception:" f".*{error!s}.*" ), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Please wait 1 second.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[1/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Read from.*"), ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_deadline", [3.0, 30.0]) def test_will_retry_errors_on_fallback( self, caplog, retry_deadline, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, ): error = fake_http_error_for_code(400) fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ error, fake_http_error_for_code(429), mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] max_attempts = len(mock_requests_session_request.side_effect) md = imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert md == fake_md assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == max_attempts assert mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [mock.call(1)] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, StringMatch( "Polling IMDS failed attempt 1 with exception:" f".*{error!s}.*" ), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, "Failed to fetch metadata from IMDS: fake error", ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, "Falling back to IMDS api-version: 2019-06-01", ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, StringMatch( "Polling IMDS failed attempt 1 with exception:" f".*{error!s}.*" ), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Please wait 1 second.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[1/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch("Read from.*"), ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(404), fake_http_error_for_code(410), fake_http_error_for_code(429), fake_http_error_for_code(500), requests.ConnectionError("Fake connection error"), requests.Timeout("Fake connection timeout"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "max_attempts,retry_deadline", [(1, 0.0), (2, 1.0), (301, 300.0)] ) def test_retry_until_failure( self, error, max_attempts, retry_deadline, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, ): mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = error with pytest.raises(UrlError) as exc_info: imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert exc_info.value.cause == error # Connection errors max out at 11 attempts. max_attempts = ( 11 if isinstance(error, requests.ConnectionError) and max_attempts > 11 else max_attempts ) assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == (max_attempts) assert mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [mock.call(1)] * ( max_attempts - 1 ) logs = [x for x in caplog.record_tuples if x[0] == LOG_PATH] assert logs == [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, StringMatch( f"Polling IMDS failed attempt {i} with exception:" f".*{error!s}.*" ), ) for i in range(1, max_attempts + 1) ] + [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, f"Failed to fetch metadata from IMDS: {error!s}", ) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(403), fake_http_error_for_code(501), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_deadline", [0.0, 1.0, 60.0]) def test_will_not_retry_errors( self, error, retry_deadline, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, ): fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ error, mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] with pytest.raises(UrlError) as exc_info: imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert exc_info.value.cause == error assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == 1 assert mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"\[0/infinite\] open.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, StringMatch( "Polling IMDS failed attempt 1 with exception:" f".*{error!s}.*" ), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.WARNING, f"Failed to fetch metadata from IMDS: {error!s}", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_deadline", [0.0, 1.0, 60.0]) def test_non_json_repsonse( self, retry_deadline, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, wrapped_readurl, ): mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ mock.Mock(content=b"bad data") ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): imds.fetch_metadata_with_api_fallback( retry_deadline=retry_deadline ) assert wrapped_readurl.mock_calls == [ mock.call( self.default_url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, exception_cb=mock.ANY, infinite=True, log_req_resp=True, ), ] warnings = [ x.message for x in caplog.records if x.levelno == logging.WARNING ] assert warnings == [ ( "Failed to parse metadata from IMDS: " "Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)" ) ] class TestFetchReprovisionData: url = ( "" "reprovisiondata?api-version=2019-06-01" ) headers = {"Metadata": "true"} timeout = 2 def test_basic( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, wrapped_readurl, ): content = b"ovf content" mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ mock.Mock(content=content), ] ovf = imds.fetch_reprovision_data() assert ovf == content assert wrapped_readurl.mock_calls == [ mock.call( self.url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers, exception_cb=mock.ANY, infinite=True, log_req_resp=False, ), ] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"Read from.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.DEBUG, "Polled IMDS 1 time(s)", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(404), fake_http_error_for_code(410), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("failures", [1, 5, 100, 1000]) def test_will_retry_errors( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, error, failures, ): content = b"ovf content" mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [error] * failures + [ mock.Mock(content=content), ] ovf = imds.fetch_reprovision_data() assert ovf == content assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == failures + 1 assert ( mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [mock.call(1)] * failures ) wrapped_error = UrlError( error, code=error.response.status_code, headers=error.response.headers, url=self.url, ) backoff_logs = [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, f"Polling IMDS failed attempt {i} with exception: " f"{wrapped_error!r}", ) for i in range(1, failures + 1) if i == 1 or math.log2(i).is_integer() ] assert caplog.record_tuples == backoff_logs + [ ( "cloudinit.url_helper", logging.DEBUG, StringMatch(r"Read from.*"), ), ( LOG_PATH, logging.DEBUG, f"Polled IMDS {failures+1} time(s)", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(404), fake_http_error_for_code(410), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("failures", [1, 5, 100, 1000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "terminal_error", [ requests.ConnectionError("Fake connection error"), ], ) def test_retry_until_failure( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, error, failures, terminal_error, ): mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [error] * failures + [ terminal_error ] with pytest.raises(UrlError) as exc_info: imds.fetch_reprovision_data() assert exc_info.value.cause == terminal_error assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == (failures + 1) assert ( mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [mock.call(1)] * failures ) wrapped_error = UrlError( error, code=error.response.status_code, headers=error.response.headers, url=self.url, ) backoff_logs = [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, f"Polling IMDS failed attempt {i} with exception: " f"{wrapped_error!r}", ) for i in range(1, failures + 1) if i == 1 or math.log2(i).is_integer() ] assert caplog.record_tuples == backoff_logs + [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, f"Polling IMDS failed attempt {failures+1} with exception: " f"{exc_info.value!r}", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "error", [ fake_http_error_for_code(403), fake_http_error_for_code(501), ], ) def test_will_not_retry_errors( self, caplog, mock_requests_session_request, mock_url_helper_time_sleep, error, ): fake_md = {"foo": {"bar": []}} mock_requests_session_request.side_effect = [ error, mock.Mock(content=json.dumps(fake_md)), ] with pytest.raises(UrlError) as exc_info: imds.fetch_reprovision_data() assert exc_info.value.cause == error assert len(mock_requests_session_request.mock_calls) == 1 assert mock_url_helper_time_sleep.mock_calls == [] assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( LOG_PATH, logging.INFO, "Polling IMDS failed attempt 1 with exception: " f"{exc_info.value!r}", ), ]