path: root/Modules/
diff options
authorDavid Cole <>2008-06-17 11:39:26 -0400
committerDavid Cole <>2008-06-17 11:39:26 -0400
commit1105a86c520d34a59b482b86b6f288c11ff45b81 (patch)
tree6814d23047d44fe8c2c3d18e40b98143aca186c4 /Modules/
parent64498a1287e13e9f7ad3488c1050318030b18f8d (diff)
ENH: Add patch for feature request #6847 - CPack components for NSIS and PackageMaker installers. Thanks to Doug Gregor for all the hard work involved with implementing this patch! Also added new test CPackComponents that is conditionally executed only when NSIS or PackageMaker installer builders are available.
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/ b/Modules/
index 7aaf137b3b..8879a7fcd1 100644
--- a/Modules/
+++ b/Modules/
@@ -36,58 +36,113 @@
;Set compression
+ !include Sections.nsh
+;--- Component support macros: ---
+; The code for the add/remove functionality is from:
+; It has been modified slightly and extended to provide
+; inter-component dependencies.
+Var AR_SecFlags
+Var AR_RegFlags
+; Loads the "selected" flag for the section named SecName into the
+; variable VarName.
+!macro LoadSectionSelectedIntoVar SecName VarName
+ SectionGetFlags ${${SecName}} $${VarName}
+ IntOp $${VarName} $${VarName} & ${SF_SELECTED} ;Turn off all other bits
-; determine admin versus local install
-; Is install for "AllUsers" or "JustMe"?
-; Default to "JustMe" - set to "AllUsers" if admin or on Win9x
-; This function is used for the very first "custom page" of the installer.
-; This custom page does not show up visibly, but it executes prior to the
-; first visible page and sets up $INSTDIR properly...
-; Choose different default installation folder based on SV_ALLUSERS...
-; "Program Files" for AllUsers, "My Documents" for JustMe...
-Function .onInit
- StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "JustMe"
+; Loads the value of a variable... can we get around this?
+!macro LoadVar VarName
+ IntOp $R0 0 + $${VarName}
+!macro InitSection SecName
+ ; This macro reads component installed flag from the registry and
+ ;changes checked state of the section on the components page.
+ ;Input: section index constant name specified in Section command.
- UserInfo::GetName
- IfErrors noLM
- Pop $0
- UserInfo::GetAccountType
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $1 "Admin" 0 +3
- SetShellVarContext all
- ;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$0" is in the Admin group'
- StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
- Goto done
- StrCmp $1 "Power" 0 +3
- SetShellVarContext all
- ;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$0" is in the Power Users group'
- StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
- Goto done
- noLM:
- StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
- ;Get installation folder from registry if available
- done:
- StrCmp $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers" 0 +2
- StrCmp "@CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH@" "ON" 0 noOptionsPage
- !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "NSIS.InstallOptions.ini"
+ ;Reading component status from registry
+ ReadRegDWORD $AR_RegFlags HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@\Components\${SecName}" "Installed"
+ IfErrors "default_${SecName}"
+ ;Status will stay default if registry value not found
+ ;(component was never installed)
+ IntOp $AR_RegFlags $AR_RegFlags & ${SF_SELECTED} ;Turn off all other bits
+ SectionGetFlags ${${SecName}} $AR_SecFlags ;Reading default section flags
+ IntOp $AR_SecFlags $AR_SecFlags & 0xFFFE ;Turn lowest (enabled) bit off
+ IntOp $AR_SecFlags $AR_RegFlags | $AR_SecFlags ;Change lowest bit
+ ;Writing modified flags
+ SectionSetFlags ${${SecName}} $AR_SecFlags
+ "default_${SecName}:"
+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelectedIntoVar ${SecName} ${SecName}_selected
+!macro FinishSection SecName
+ ; This macro reads section flag set by user and removes the section
+ ;if it is not selected.
+ ;Then it writes component installed flag to registry
+ ;Input: section index constant name specified in Section command.
+ SectionGetFlags ${${SecName}} $AR_SecFlags ;Reading section flags
+ ;Checking lowest bit:
+ IntOp $AR_SecFlags $AR_SecFlags & ${SF_SELECTED}
+ IntCmp $AR_SecFlags 1 "leave_${SecName}"
+ ;Section is not selected:
+ ;Calling Section uninstall macro and writing zero installed flag
+ !insertmacro "Remove_${${SecName}}"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@\Components\${SecName}" \
+ "Installed" 0
+ Goto "exit_${SecName}"
+ "leave_${SecName}:"
+ ;Section is selected:
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY@\Components\${SecName}" \
+ "Installed" 1
+ "exit_${SecName}:"
+!macro RemoveSection SecName
+ ; This macro is used to call section's Remove_... macro
+ ;from the uninstaller.
+ ;Input: section index constant name specified in Section command.
+ !insertmacro "Remove_${${SecName}}"
- noOptionsPage:
+; Determine whether the selection of SecName changed
+!macro MaybeSelectionChanged SecName
+ !insertmacro LoadVar ${SecName}_selected
+ SectionGetFlags ${${SecName}} $R1
+ IntOp $R1 $R1 & ${SF_SELECTED} ;Turn off all other bits
+ ; See if the status has changed:
+ IntCmp $R0 $R1 "${SecName}_unchanged"
+ !insertmacro LoadSectionSelectedIntoVar ${SecName} ${SecName}_selected
+ IntCmp $R1 ${SF_SELECTED} "${SecName}_was_selected"
+ !insertmacro "Deselect_required_by_${SecName}"
+ goto "${SecName}_unchanged"
+ "${SecName}_was_selected:"
+ !insertmacro "Select_${SecName}_depends"
+ "${SecName}_unchanged:"
+;--- End of Add/Remove macros ---
;Interface Settings
; path functions
@@ -289,7 +344,6 @@ Function un.RemoveFromPath
Pop $0
; Uninstall sutff
@@ -407,9 +461,18 @@ Function ConditionalAddToRegisty
+; Installation types
+; Component sections
; Define some macro setting for the gui
@@ -425,6 +488,8 @@ FunctionEnd
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
@@ -446,16 +511,14 @@ FunctionEnd
ReserveFile "NSIS.InstallOptions.ini"
;Installer Sections
-Section "Installer Section" InstSection
+Section "-Core installation"
;Use the entire tree produced by the INSTALL target. Keep the
;list of directories here in sync with the RMDir commands below.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- File /r "${INST_DIR}\*.*"
;Store installation folder
@@ -474,7 +537,8 @@ Section "Installer Section" InstSection
Push "UninstallString"
Push "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
Call ConditionalAddToRegisty
+ Push "ModifyPath"
; Optional registration
Push "DisplayIcon"
@@ -520,7 +584,7 @@ Section "Installer Section" InstSection
-Section "Add to path"
+Section "-Add to path"
Push $INSTDIR\bin
;Read a value from an InstallOptions INI file
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $DO_NOT_ADD_TO_PATH "NSIS.InstallOptions.ini" "Field 2" "State"
@@ -532,7 +596,6 @@ Section "Add to path"
; Create custom pages
Function InstallOptionsPage
@@ -564,6 +627,26 @@ Function un.onInit
;Get installation folder from registry if available
+;--- Add/Remove callback functions: ---
+!macro SectionList MacroName
+ ;This macro used to perform operation on multiple sections.
+ ;List all of your components in following manner here.
+Section -FinishComponents
+ ;Removes unselected components and writes component status to registry
+ !insertmacro SectionList "FinishSection"
+;--- End of Add/Remove callback functions ---
+; Component dependencies
+Function .onSelChange
+ !insertmacro SectionList MaybeSelectionChanged
@@ -601,6 +684,9 @@ Section "Uninstall"
; Remove the registry entries.
+ ; Removes all optional components
+ !insertmacro SectionList "RemoveSection"
!insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER Application $MUI_TEMP
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$MUI_TEMP\Uninstall.lnk"
@@ -647,4 +733,50 @@ Section "Uninstall"
+; determine admin versus local install
+; Is install for "AllUsers" or "JustMe"?
+; Default to "JustMe" - set to "AllUsers" if admin or on Win9x
+; This function is used for the very first "custom page" of the installer.
+; This custom page does not show up visibly, but it executes prior to the
+; first visible page and sets up $INSTDIR properly...
+; Choose different default installation folder based on SV_ALLUSERS...
+; "Program Files" for AllUsers, "My Documents" for JustMe...
+Function .onInit
+ ; Reads components status for registry
+ !insertmacro SectionList "InitSection"
+ StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "JustMe"
+ ClearErrors
+ UserInfo::GetName
+ IfErrors noLM
+ Pop $0
+ UserInfo::GetAccountType
+ Pop $1
+ StrCmp $1 "Admin" 0 +3
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ ;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$0" is in the Admin group'
+ StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
+ Goto done
+ StrCmp $1 "Power" 0 +3
+ SetShellVarContext all
+ ;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$0" is in the Power Users group'
+ StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
+ Goto done
+ noLM:
+ StrCpy $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers"
+ ;Get installation folder from registry if available
+ done:
+ StrCmp $SV_ALLUSERS "AllUsers" 0 +2
+ StrCmp "@CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH@" "ON" 0 noOptionsPage
+ !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT "NSIS.InstallOptions.ini"
+ noOptionsPage: