path: root/Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h
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authorEric NOULARD <>2010-08-11 19:48:39 +0200
committerBrad King <>2010-08-11 14:09:52 -0400
commitcd7b8a03f5403603da44432470f177601b5bf42b (patch)
tree4527678b66fe7a43415b538c989e061b0148fe8c /Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h
parent7c20f7b244c98b177e0eca13b3617c83d4691a77 (diff)
CPack: Refactor API in order to handle multi-file packages
The multi-argument CompressFiles(...) method has been replace by the no-argument PackageFiles() method and 3 more member variables. This will enable implemention of multi-package generators. Now each specific generator (which overloads PackageFiles()) may decide to change the name and/or the number of generated package files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h b/Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h
index 45188fef5c..74b780d5da 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackGenerator.h
@@ -55,13 +55,22 @@ class cmCPackGenerator : public cmObject
cmTypeMacro(cmCPackGenerator, cmObject);
- * If verbose then more informaiton is printed out
+ * If verbose then more information is printed out
void SetVerbose(bool val) { this->GeneratorVerbose = val; }
- * Do the actual processing. Subclass has to override it.
- * Return 0 if error.
+ * Do the actual whole package processing.
+ * Subclass may redefine it but its usually enough
+ * to redefine @ref PackageFiles, because in fact
+ * this method do call:
+ * - PrepareName
+ * - clean-up temp dirs
+ * - InstallProject (with the appropriate method)
+ * - prepare list of files and/or components to be package
+ * - PackageFiles
+ * - Copy produced packages at the expected place
+ * @return 0 if error.
virtual int DoPackage();
@@ -94,13 +103,32 @@ public:
bool ReadListFile(const char* moduleName);
+ /**
+ * Prepare common used names by inspecting
+ * several CPACK_xxx var values.
+ */
int PrepareNames();
+ /**
+ * Install the project using appropriate method.
+ */
int InstallProject();
int CleanTemporaryDirectory();
virtual const char* GetOutputExtension() { return ".cpack"; }
virtual const char* GetOutputPostfix() { return 0; }
- virtual int CompressFiles(const char* outFileName, const char* toplevel,
- const std::vector<std::string>& files);
+ /**
+ * Package the list of files and/or components which
+ * has been prepared by the beginning of DoPackage.
+ * @pre @ref toplevel has been filled-in
+ * @pre the list of file @ref files has been populated
+ * @pre packageFileNames contains at least 1 entry
+ * @post packageFileNames may have been updated and contains
+ * the list of packages generated by the specific generator.
+ */
+ virtual int PackageFiles();
virtual const char* GetInstallPath();
virtual const char* GetPackagingInstallPrefix();
@@ -134,11 +162,42 @@ protected:
std::string InstallPath;
+ /**
+ * The list of package file names.
+ * At beginning of DoPackage the (generic) generator will populate
+ * the list of desired package file names then it will
+ * call the redefined method PackageFiles which is may
+ * either use this set of names (usually on entry there should be
+ * only a single name) or update the vector with the list
+ * of created package file names.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::string> packageFileNames;
+ /**
+ * The directory where all the files to be packaged reside.
+ * If the installer support components there will be one
+ * sub-directory for each component. In those directories
+ * one will find the file belonging to the specified component.
+ */
+ std::string toplevel;
+ /**
+ * The complete list of files to be packaged.
+ * This list will be populated by DoPackage before
+ * PackageFiles is called.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::string> files;
std::string CPackSelf;
std::string CMakeSelf;
std::string CMakeRoot;
std::map<std::string, cmCPackInstallationType> InstallationTypes;
+ /**
+ * The set of components.
+ * If component installation is supported then this map
+ * contains the component specified in CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL
+ */
std::map<std::string, cmCPackComponent> Components;
std::map<std::string, cmCPackComponentGroup> ComponentGroups;