path: root/Tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests/')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tests/ b/Tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..793b9870da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# This script drives creation of a git repository and checks
+# that CTest can update from it.
+# Test in a directory next to this script.
+get_filename_component(TOP "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
+set(TOP "${TOP}/@CTestUpdateGIT_DIR@")
+set(UPDATE_EXTRA Updated{module})
+# Include code common to all update tests.
+# Report git tools in use.
+message("Using GIT tools:")
+message(" git = ${GIT}")
+set(AUTHOR_CONFIG "[user]
+\tname = Test Author
+\temail =
+# Initialize the testing directory.
+message("Creating test directory...")
+ configure_file(${src}/ ${TOP}/ @ONLY)
+ set(GIT ${TOP}/
+# Create the repository.
+message("Creating repository...")
+file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/repo.git)
+ COMMAND ${GIT} --bare init
+ )
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TOP}/repo.git/hooks)
+set(REPO file://${TOP}/repo.git)
+# Create submodule repository.
+message("Creating submodule...")
+file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module.git)
+ COMMAND ${GIT} --bare init
+ )
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TOP}/module.git/hooks)
+set(MOD_REPO file://${TOP}/module.git)
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} init
+ )
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TOP}/module/.git/hooks)
+file(APPEND ${TOP}/module/.git/config "
+[remote \"origin\"]
+\turl = ${MOD_REPO}
+\tfetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add .
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit -m "Initial content"
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} push origin master:refs/heads/master
+ )
+# Import initial content into the repository.
+message("Importing content...")
+# Import the content into the repository.
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/import
+ COMMAND ${GIT} init
+ )
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TOP}/import/.git/hooks)
+file(APPEND ${TOP}/import/.git/config "
+[remote \"origin\"]
+\turl = ${REPO}
+\tfetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/import
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add .
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/import
+ COMMAND ${GIT} submodule add ${MOD_REPO} module
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/import
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit -m "Initial content"
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/import
+ COMMAND ${GIT} push origin master:refs/heads/master
+ )
+# Modify the submodule.
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add -u
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit -m "Changed content"
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} push origin master:refs/heads/master
+ )
+# Create a working tree.
+message("Checking out revision 1...")
+ COMMAND ${GIT} clone ${REPO} user-source
+ )
+file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TOP}/user-source/.git/hooks)
+file(APPEND ${TOP}/user-source/.git/config "${AUTHOR_CONFIG}")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} submodule init
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} submodule update
+ )
+# Save the first revision name.
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} rev-parse HEAD
+ )
+# Create an empty commit.
+message("Creating empty commit...")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit --allow-empty -m "Empty commit"
+ )
+# Make changes in the working tree.
+message("Changing content...")
+update_content(user-source files_added files_removed dirs_added)
+ run_child(
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add ${dirs_added}
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add ${files_added}
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} rm ${files_removed}
+ )
+run_child(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source/module
+ COMMAND ${GIT} checkout master
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add -u
+ )
+# Commit the changes to the repository.
+message("Committing revision 2...")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit -m "Changed content"
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} push origin
+ )
+# Make changes in the working tree.
+message("Changing content again...")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} add -u
+ )
+# Commit the changes to the repository.
+message("Committing revision 3...")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} commit -m "Changed content again"
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} push origin
+ )
+# Go back to before the changes so we can test updating.
+macro(rewind_source src_dir)
+ message("Backing up to revision 1...")
+ run_child(
+ COMMAND ${GIT} reset --hard ${revision1}
+ )
+ run_child(
+ COMMAND ${GIT} submodule update
+ )
+# Make sure pull does not try to rebase (which does not work with
+# modified files) even if ~/.gitconfig sets "branch.master.rebase".
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${TOP}/user-source
+ COMMAND ${GIT} config branch.master.rebase false
+ )
+# Create a modified file.
+# Test updating the user work directory with the command-line interface.
+message("Running CTest Dashboard Command Line...")
+# Create the user build tree.
+create_build_tree(user-source user-binary)
+file(APPEND ${TOP}/user-binary/CTestConfiguration.ini
+ "# GIT command configuration
+UpdateCommand: ${GIT}
+# Run the dashboard command line interface.
+message("Running CTest Dashboard Command Line (custom update)...")
+# Create the user build tree.
+create_build_tree(user-source user-binary-custom)
+file(APPEND ${TOP}/user-binary-custom/CTestConfiguration.ini
+ "# GIT command configuration
+UpdateCommand: ${GIT}
+GITUpdateCustom: ${GIT};pull;origin;master
+# Run the dashboard command line interface.
+# Test initial checkout and update with a dashboard script.
+message("Running CTest Dashboard Script...")
+ "# git command configuration
+ COMMAND \"${GIT}\" clone \"${REPO}\" dash-source
+ )
+# Test .git file.
+file(RENAME \"${TOP}/dash-source/.git\" \"${TOP}/dash-source/repo.git\")
+file(WRITE \"${TOP}/dash-source/.git\" \"gitdir: repo.git\n\")
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${TOP}/dash-source\"
+ COMMAND \"${GIT}\" reset --hard ${revision1}
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${TOP}/dash-source\"
+ COMMAND \"${GIT}\" submodule init
+ )
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${TOP}/dash-source\"
+ COMMAND \"${GIT}\" submodule update
+ )
+# Run the dashboard script with CTest.
+# Test custom update with a dashboard script.
+message("Running CTest Dashboard Script (custom update)...")
+ "# git command configuration
+set(CTEST_GIT_UPDATE_CUSTOM \${CTEST_GIT_COMMAND} pull origin master)
+# Run the dashboard script with CTest.