CMP0123 ------- .. versionadded:: 3.21 ``ARMClang`` cpu/arch compile and link flags must be set explicitly. CMake 3.20 and lower automatically maps the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` variable and an undocumented ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH`` to compile and link options for ``ARMClang``. For example, the ``-mcpu=cortex-m33`` flag is added when :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` equals ``cortex-m33``. CMake requires projects to set either variable or it raises a fatal error. However, the project may need to additionally specify CPU features using e.g. ``-mcpu=cortex-m33+nodsp``, conflicting with the ``-mcpu=cortex-m33`` added by CMake. This results in either link errors or unusable binaries. CMake 3.21 and above prefer instead to not add any cpu/arch compile and link flags automatically. Instead, projects must specify them explicitly. This policy provides compatibility for projects that have not been updated. The ``OLD`` behavior of this policy requires projects that use ``ARMClang`` to set either :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` or ``CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH`` and it automatically adds a compile option ``-mcpu=`` or ``-march=`` and a link option ``--cpu=`` based on those variables. The ``NEW`` behavior does not add compile or link options, and projects are responsible for setting correct options. This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.21. CMake version |release| warns when the policy is not set and uses ``OLD`` behavior. Use the :command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly. .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt