CMP0126 ------- .. versionadded:: 3.21 When this policy is set to ``NEW``, the :command:`set(CACHE)` command does not remove any normal variable of the same name from the current scope. The ``OLD`` behavior removes any normal variable of the same name from the current scope in the following situations: * No cache variable of that name existed previously. * A cache variable of that name existed previously, but it had no type. This can occur when the variable was set on the command line using a form like ``cmake -DMYVAR=blah`` instead of ``cmake -DMYVAR:STRING=blah``. * The ``FORCE`` or ``INTERNAL`` keywords were used when setting the cache variable. Note that the ``NEW`` behavior has an important difference to the similar ``NEW`` behavior of policy :policy:`CMP0077`. The :command:`set(CACHE)` command always sets the cache variable if it did not exist previously, regardless of the ``CMP0126`` policy setting. The :command:`option` command will *not* set the cache variable if a non-cache variable of the same name already exists and :policy:`CMP0077` is set to ``NEW``. Policy ``CMP0126`` was introduced in CMake version 3.21. Use the :command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly within a project. Use the :variable:`CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0126 >` variable to set the policy for a third-party project in a subdirectory without modifying it. Unlike many policies, CMake version |release| does *not* warn when the policy is not set and simply uses ``OLD`` behavior. See documentation of the :variable:`CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP0126 >` variable to control the warning. .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt