MACRO(TEST command expected) IF("x${result}" STREQUAL "x${expected}") #MESSAGE("TEST \"${command}\" success: \"${result}\" expected: \"${expected}\"") ELSE("x${result}" STREQUAL "x${expected}") MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE}: TEST \"${command}\" failed: \"${result}\" expected: \"${expected}\"") ENDIF("x${result}" STREQUAL "x${expected}") ENDMACRO(TEST command expected) SET(mylist andy bill ken brad) LIST(LENGTH mylist result) TEST("LENGTH mylist result" "4") LIST(LENGTH "mylist" result) TEST("LENGTH \"mylist\" result" "4") LIST(LENGTH "nonexiting_list1" result) TEST("LENGTH \"nonexiting_list1\" result" "0") LIST(GET mylist 3 2 1 0 result) TEST("GET mylist 3 2 1 0 result" "brad;ken;bill;andy") LIST(GET mylist 0 item0) LIST(GET mylist 1 item1) LIST(GET mylist 2 item2) LIST(GET mylist 3 item3) SET(result "${item3}" "${item0}" "${item1}" "${item2}") TEST("GET individual 3 2 1 0 result" "brad;andy;bill;ken") LIST(GET mylist -1 -2 -3 -4 result) TEST("GET mylist -1 -2 -3 -4 result" "brad;ken;bill;andy") LIST(GET mylist -1 2 -3 0 result) TEST("GET mylist -1 2 -3 0 ${result}" "brad;ken;bill;andy") LIST(GET "nonexiting_list2" 1 result) TEST("GET \"nonexiting_list2\" 1 result" "NOTFOUND") SET(result andy) LIST(APPEND result brad) TEST("APPEND result brad" "andy;brad") LIST(APPEND "nonexiting_list3" brad) SET(result "${nonexiting_list3}") TEST("APPEND \"nonexiting_list3\" brad" "brad") LIST(INSERT "nonexiting_list4" 0 andy bill brad ken) SET(result "${nonexiting_list4}") TEST("APPEND \"nonexiting_list4\" andy bill brad ken" "andy;bill;brad;ken") SET(result andy brad) LIST(INSERT result -1 bill ken) TEST("INSERT result -1 bill ken" "andy;bill;ken;brad") SET(result andy bill brad ken bob) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM result bob) TEST("REMOVE_ITEM result bob" "andy;bill;brad;ken") SET(result andy bill bob brad ken peter) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM result peter bob) TEST("REMOVE_ITEM result peter bob" "andy;bill;brad;ken") SET(result bob andy bill bob brad ken bob) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM result bob) TEST("REMOVE_ITEM result bob" "andy;bill;brad;ken") SET(result andy bill bob brad ken peter) LIST(REMOVE_AT result 2 -1) TEST("REMOVE_AT result 2 -1" "andy;bill;brad;ken") # ken is at index 2, nobody is not in the list so -1 should be returned SET(mylist andy bill ken brad) LIST(FIND mylist ken result) TEST("FIND mylist ken result" "2") LIST(FIND mylist nobody result) TEST("FIND mylist nobody result" "-1") SET(result ken bill andy brad) LIST(SORT result) TEST("SORT result" "andy;bill;brad;ken") SET(result andy bill brad ken) LIST(REVERSE result) TEST("REVERSE result" "ken;brad;bill;andy") SET(result bill andy bill brad ken ken ken) LIST(REMOVE_DUPLICATES result) TEST("REMOVE_DUPLICATES result" "bill;andy;brad;ken")