#include #include #include #if BLA_SIZEOF_INTEGER == 4 typedef int32_t blas_int; #elif BLA_SIZEOF_INTEGER == 8 typedef int64_t blas_int; #else # error BLA_SIZEOF_INTEGER is not declared! #endif // declare what parts of the lapack C-API we need void dgesv_(blas_int*, blas_int*, double*, blas_int*, blas_int*, double*, blas_int*, blas_int*); int main() { double A[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, }; double B[2] = { 0, 5 }; blas_int ipiv[2] = { 0, 0 }; blas_int info = 0; blas_int dim = 2; blas_int numCols = 1; dgesv_(&dim, &numCols, A, &dim, ipiv, B, &dim, &info); return 0; }