# a simple C only test case cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.12) project (FunctionTest) function(FAILED testname) message(SEND_ERROR "${testname} failed ${ARGN}") endfunction() function(PASS testname) message("${testname} passed ${ARGN}") endfunction() # test scope set(COUNT 3) function(scope_test) set(COUNT 4) endfunction() scope_test() if(COUNT EQUAL "3") PASS("scope") else() FAILED("COUNT Got: ${COUNT}") endif() # test ARGC function(weird_name) if("${ARGC}" EQUAL "3") PASS("ARGC") else() FAILED("ARGC" "Got: ${ARGC}") endif() endfunction() WeIrD_nAmE(a1 a2 a3) # test ARGN function(test_argn_function argument) if("${ARGN}" EQUAL "3") PASS("ARGN") else() FAILED("ARGN" "Got: ${ARGN}") endif() endfunction() Test_Argn_Function(ignored 3) # test argument naming and raise scope function(track_find_variable cache_variable is_changed) set("${is_changed}" changed PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() track_find_variable(testvar is_changed) if ("${is_changed}" STREQUAL changed) pass("same argument name test") else () pass("same argument name test") endif () include("Util.cmake") tester() if (tester_res STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") pass("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE test") else () pass("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE test") endif () # test recursion and return via set(... PARENT_SCOPE) function (factorial argument result) if (argument LESS 2) set (lresult 1) else () math (EXPR temp "${argument} - 1") factorial (${temp} tresult) math (EXPR lresult "${argument}*${tresult}") endif () set ("${result}" "${lresult}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () factorial (5 fresult) if (fresult EQUAL 120) pass("factorial") else () failed ("factorial, computed ${fresult} instead of 120") endif () # case test function(strange_function m) set("${m}" strange_function PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() STRANGE_FUNCTION(var) set(second_var "second_var") if("x${var}" STREQUAL "xstrange_function" AND "x${second_var}" STREQUAL "xsecond_var") PASS("Case Test" "(${var} ${second_var})") else() FAILED("Case test" "(${var} ${second_var})") endif() # test backing up command function(ADD_EXECUTABLE exec) _ADD_EXECUTABLE(mini${exec} ${ARGN}) endfunction() # var undef case function(undef_var m) set("${m}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() set(FUNCTION_UNDEFINED 1) undef_var(FUNCTION_UNDEFINED) if(DEFINED FUNCTION_UNDEFINED) FAILED("Function Undefine Test" "(${FUNCTION_UNDEFINED})") else() PASS("Function Undefine Test" "(${FUNCTION_UNDEFINED})") endif() # Subdirectory scope raise. set(SUBDIR_UNDEFINED 1) add_subdirectory(SubDirScope) if(DEFINED SUBDIR_UNDEFINED) FAILED("Subdir Undefine Test" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") else() PASS("Subdir Undefine Test" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") endif() if(DEFINED SUBDIR_DEFINED) PASS("Subdir Define Test" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") else() FAILED("Subdir Define Test" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") endif() # Test function-scoped directory. function(ADD_SUBDIR2 dir) add_subdirectory("${dir}" "${dir}2") # The parent scope sets in the subdir should be visible here. if(DEFINED SUBDIR_UNDEFINED) FAILED("Subdir Function Undefine Test 1" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") else() PASS("Subdir Function Undefine Test 1" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") endif() if(DEFINED SUBDIR_DEFINED) PASS("Subdir Function Define Test 1" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") else() FAILED("Subdir Function Define Test 1" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") endif() endfunction() # Reset test variables. set(SUBDIR_UNDEFINED 1) set(SUBDIR_DEFINED) # Run test function. ADD_SUBDIR2(SubDirScope) # The parent scope sets in the subdir should not be visible here. if(DEFINED SUBDIR_UNDEFINED) PASS("Subdir Function Undefine Test 2" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") else() FAILED("Subdir Function Undefine Test 2" "(${SUBDIR_UNDEFINED})") endif() if(DEFINED SUBDIR_DEFINED) FAILED("Subdir Function Define Test 2" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") else() PASS("Subdir Function Define Test 2" "(${SUBDIR_DEFINED})") endif() add_executable(FunctionTest functionTest.c) # Use the PROJECT_LABEL property: in IDEs, the project label should appear # in the UI rather than the target name. If this were a good test of the # property rather than just a smoke test, it would verify that the label # actually appears in the UI of the IDE... Or at least that the text appears # somewhere in the generated project files. set_property(TARGET miniFunctionTest PROPERTY PROJECT_LABEL "Test de Fonctionnement")