cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) project(ObjectLibrary C) add_subdirectory(A) add_subdirectory(B) add_library(Cstatic STATIC c.c $ $) add_executable(UseCstatic main.c) target_link_libraries(UseCstatic Cstatic) add_library(Cshared SHARED c.c $ $) add_executable(UseCshared main.c) set_property(TARGET UseCshared PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS SHARED_C) target_link_libraries(UseCshared Cshared) add_custom_command(TARGET UseCshared POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/A/a.cmake) add_executable(UseCinternal main.c c.c $ $) if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Xcode") # Xcode does not seem to support targets without sources. set(dummy dummy.c) endif() # Test static library without its own sources. add_library(ABstatic STATIC ${dummy} $ $) target_include_directories(ABstatic PUBLIC $) target_compile_definitions(ABstatic PUBLIC $) add_executable(UseABstatic mainAB.c) target_link_libraries(UseABstatic ABstatic) # Test module definition file to export object library symbols in the test # below if the platform needs and supports it. set(ABshared_SRCS $) if(CMAKE_LINK_DEF_FILE_FLAG OR NOT WIN32) list(APPEND ABshared_SRCS $ AB.def) else() set(NO_A NO_A) list(APPEND ABshared_SRCS $) endif() # Test shared library without its own sources. add_library(ABshared SHARED ${dummy} ${ABshared_SRCS}) target_include_directories(ABshared PUBLIC $) target_compile_definitions(ABshared PUBLIC $) add_executable(UseABshared mainAB.c) set_property(TARGET UseABshared PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS SHARED_B ${NO_A}) target_link_libraries(UseABshared ABshared) # Test executable without its own sources. add_library(ABmain OBJECT mainAB.c) target_include_directories(ABmain PUBLIC $) target_compile_definitions(ABmain PUBLIC $) add_executable(UseABinternal ${dummy} $ $ $ ) # Test target-level dependencies of executable without sources. file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/UseABinternalDep.cmake) add_custom_target(UseABinternalDep COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch UseABinternalDep.cmake) add_custom_command(TARGET UseABinternal POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P UseABinternalDep.cmake) add_dependencies(UseABinternal UseABinternalDep) # Test a static library with sources from a different static library add_library(UseCstaticObjs STATIC $ $ $) # Test a shared library with sources from a different shared library add_library(UseCsharedObjs SHARED $ $ $) # Test a shared executable with sources from a different shared library add_executable(UseABstaticObjs $) target_link_libraries(UseABstaticObjs ABstatic) add_subdirectory(ExportLanguages) add_subdirectory(Transitive)