include ("${RunCMake_SOURCE_DIR}/check_errors.cmake") unset (errors) set (path "/a//d") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "/a/b/c") if (NOT path STREQUAL "../../d") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '../../d'") endif() set (path "/a//b///c") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "/a/d") if (NOT path STREQUAL "../b/c") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '../b/c'") endif() set (path "a/b/c") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "a") if (NOT path STREQUAL "b/c") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of 'b/c'") endif() set (path "a/b/c") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "a/b/c/x/y") if (NOT path STREQUAL "../..") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '../..'") endif() set (path "a/b/c") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "a/b/c") if (NOT path STREQUAL ".") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '.'") endif() set (path "a/b") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "c/d") if (NOT path STREQUAL "../../a/b") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '../../a/b'") endif() set (path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../b") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path) if (NOT path STREQUAL "../../b") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '../../b'") endif() set (path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../b") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path OUTPUT_VARIABLE output) if (NOT path STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../b") list (APPEND errors "input changed unexpectedly") endif() if (NOT output STREQUAL "../../b") list (APPEND errors "'${output}' instead of '../../b'") endif() if (WIN32) set (path "/a/d") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "e/d/c") if (NOT path STREQUAL "/a/d") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of '/a/d'") endif() set (path "c:/a/d") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "e/d/c") if (NOT path STREQUAL "") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of ''") endif() elseif() set (path "/a/d") cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH path BASE_DIRECTORY "e/d/c") if (NOT path STREQUAL "") list (APPEND errors "'${path}' instead of ''") endif() endif() check_errors (RELATIVE_PATH ${errors})