path: root/aapl/dlcommon.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'aapl/dlcommon.h')
1 files changed, 790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aapl/dlcommon.h b/aapl/dlcommon.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91dff25f
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+++ b/aapl/dlcommon.h
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+ * Copyright 2001 Adrian Thurston <>
+ */
+/* This file is part of Aapl.
+ *
+ * Aapl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * Aapl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Aapl; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+ * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/* This header is not wrapped in ifndef becuase it is not intended to
+ * be included by the user. */
+namespace Aapl {
+#if defined( DOUBLELIST_VALUE )
+ * \brief Double list element for DListVal.
+ *
+ * DListValEl stores the type T of DListVal by value.
+ */
+template <class T> struct DListValEl
+ /**
+ * \brief Construct a DListValEl with a given value.
+ *
+ * The only constructor available initializes the value element. This
+ * enforces that DListVal elements are never created without having their
+ * value intialzed by the user. T's copy constructor is used to copy the
+ * value in.
+ */
+ DListValEl( const T &val ) : value(val) { }
+ /**
+ * \brief Value stored by the list element.
+ *
+ * Value is always copied into new list elements using the copy
+ * constructor.
+ */
+ T value;
+ /**
+ * \brief List previous pointer.
+ *
+ * Points to the previous item in the list. If this is the first item in
+ * the list, then prev is NULL. If this element is not in a list then
+ * prev is undefined.
+ */
+ DListValEl<T> *prev;
+ /**
+ * \brief List next pointer.
+ *
+ * Points to the next item in the list. If this is the list item in the
+ * list, then next is NULL. If this element is not in a list then next is
+ * undefined.
+ */
+ DListValEl<T> *next;
+ * \brief Double list element properties.
+ *
+ * This class can be inherited to make a class suitable to be a double list
+ * element. It simply provides the next and previous pointers. An alternative
+ * is to put the next and previous pointers in the class directly.
+ */
+template <class Element> struct DListEl
+ /**
+ * \brief List previous pointer.
+ *
+ * Points to the previous item in the list. If this is the first item in
+ * the list, then prev is NULL. If this element is not in a list then
+ * prev is undefined.
+ */
+ Element *prev;
+ /**
+ * \brief List next pointer.
+ *
+ * Points to the next item in the list. If this is the list item in the
+ * list, then next is NULL. If this element is not in a list then next is
+ * undefined.
+ */
+ Element *next;
+#endif /* __AAPL_DOUBLE_LIST_EL */
+/* Doubly Linked List */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> class DList
+ /** \brief Initialize an empty list. */
+ DList() : head(0), tail(0), listLen(0) {}
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform a deep copy of the list.
+ *
+ * The elements of the other list are duplicated and put into this list.
+ * Elements are copied using the copy constructor.
+ */
+ DList(const DList &other);
+ /**
+ * \brief Clear the double list contents.
+ *
+ * All elements are deleted.
+ */
+ ~DList() { empty(); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Assign another list into this list using a deep copy.
+ *
+ * The elements of the other list are duplicated and put into this list.
+ * Each list item is created using the copy constructor. If this list
+ * contains any elements before the copy, they are deleted first.
+ *
+ * \returns A reference to this.
+ */
+ DList &operator=(const DList &other);
+ /**
+ * \brief Transfer the contents of another list into this list.
+ *
+ * The elements of the other list moved in. The other list will be empty
+ * afterwards. If this list contains any elements before the copy, then
+ * they are deleted.
+ */
+ void transfer(DList &other);
+ /**
+ * \brief Abandon all elements in the list.
+ *
+ * List elements are not deleted.
+ */
+ ~DList() {}
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform a deep copy of the list.
+ *
+ * The elements of the other list are duplicated and put into this list.
+ * Each list item is created using the copy constructor. If this list
+ * contains any elements before the copy, they are abandoned.
+ *
+ * \returns A reference to this.
+ */
+ DList &operator=(const DList &other);
+ /**
+ * \brief Transfer the contents of another list into this list.
+ *
+ * The elements of the other list moved in. The other list will be empty
+ * afterwards. If this list contains any elements before the copy, they
+ * are abandoned.
+ */
+ void transfer(DList &other);
+ /**
+ * \brief Make a new element and prepend it to the front of the list.
+ *
+ * The item is copied into the new element using the copy constructor.
+ * Equivalent to list.addBefore(list.head, item).
+ */
+ void prepend(const T &item);
+ /**
+ * \brief Make a new element and append it to the end of the list.
+ *
+ * The item is copied into the new element using the copy constructor.
+ * Equivalent to list.addAfter(list.tail, item).
+ */
+ void append(const T &item);
+ /**
+ * \brief Make a new element and insert it immediately after an element in
+ * the list.
+ *
+ * The item is copied into the new element using the copy constructor. If
+ * prev_el is NULL then the new element is prepended to the front of the
+ * list. If prev_el is not already in the list then undefined behaviour
+ * results. Equivalent to list.addAfter(prev_el, new DListValEl(item)).
+ */
+ void addAfter(Element *prev_el, const T &item);
+ /**
+ * \brief Make a new element and insert it immediately before an element
+ * in the list.
+ *
+ * The item is copied into the new element using the copy construcotor. If
+ * next_el is NULL then the new element is appended to the end of the
+ * list. If next_el is not already in the list then undefined behaviour
+ * results. Equivalent to list.addBefore(next_el, new DListValEl(item)).
+ */
+ void addBefore(Element *next_el, const T &item);
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend a single element to the front of the list.
+ *
+ * If new_el is already an element of some list, then undefined behaviour
+ * results. Equivalent to list.addBefore(list.head, new_el).
+ */
+ void prepend(Element *new_el) { addBefore(head, new_el); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append a single element to the end of the list.
+ *
+ * If new_el is alreay an element of some list, then undefined behaviour
+ * results. Equivalent to list.addAfter(list.tail, new_el).
+ */
+ void append(Element *new_el) { addAfter(tail, new_el); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend an entire list to the beginning of this list.
+ *
+ * All items are moved, not copied. Afterwards, the other list is emtpy.
+ * All items are prepended at once, so this is an O(1) operation.
+ * Equivalent to list.addBefore(list.head, dl).
+ */
+ void prepend(DList &dl) { addBefore(head, dl); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append an entire list to the end of the list.
+ *
+ * All items are moved, not copied. Afterwards, the other list is empty.
+ * All items are appened at once, so this is an O(1) operation.
+ * Equivalent to list.addAfter(list.tail, dl).
+ */
+ void append(DList &dl) { addAfter(tail, dl); }
+ void addAfter(Element *prev_el, Element *new_el);
+ void addBefore(Element *next_el, Element *new_el);
+ void addAfter(Element *prev_el, DList &dl);
+ void addBefore(Element *next_el, DList &dl);
+ /**
+ * \brief Detach the head of the list
+ *
+ * The element detached is not deleted. If there is no head of the list
+ * (the list is empty) then undefined behaviour results. Equivalent to
+ * list.detach(list.head).
+ *
+ * \returns The element detached.
+ */
+ Element *detachFirst() { return detach(head); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Detach the tail of the list
+ *
+ * The element detached is not deleted. If there is no tail of the list
+ * (the list is empty) then undefined behaviour results. Equivalent to
+ * list.detach(list.tail).
+ *
+ * \returns The element detached.
+ */
+ Element *detachLast() { return detach(tail); }
+ /* Detaches an element from the list. Does not free any memory. */
+ Element *detach(Element *el);
+ /**
+ * \brief Detach and delete the first element in the list.
+ *
+ * If there is no first element (the list is empty) then undefined
+ * behaviour results. Equivalent to delete list.detach(list.head);
+ */
+ void removeFirst() { delete detach( head ); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Detach and delete the last element in the list.
+ *
+ * If there is no last element (the list is emtpy) then undefined
+ * behaviour results. Equivalent to delete list.detach(list.tail);
+ */
+ void removeLast() { delete detach( tail ); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Detach and delete an element from the list.
+ *
+ * If the element is not in the list, then undefined behaviour results.
+ * Equivalent to delete list.detach(el);
+ */
+ void remove(Element *el) { delete detach( el ); }
+ void empty();
+ void abandon();
+ /** \brief The number of elements in the list. */
+ long length() const { return listLen; }
+ /** \brief Head and tail of the linked list. */
+ Element *head, *tail;
+ /** \brief The number of element in the list. */
+ long listLen;
+ /* Convenience access. */
+ long size() const { return listLen; }
+ /* Forward this so a ref can be used. */
+ struct Iter;
+ /* Class for setting the iterator. */
+ struct IterFirst { IterFirst( const DList &l ) : l(l) { } const DList &l; };
+ struct IterLast { IterLast( const DList &l ) : l(l) { } const DList &l; };
+ struct IterNext { IterNext( const Iter &i ) : i(i) { } const Iter &i; };
+ struct IterPrev { IterPrev( const Iter &i ) : i(i) { } const Iter &i; };
+ /**
+ * \brief Double List Iterator.
+ * \ingroup iterators
+ */
+ struct Iter
+ {
+ /* Default construct. */
+ Iter() : ptr(0) { }
+ /* Construct from a double list. */
+ Iter( const DList &dl ) : ptr(dl.head) { }
+ Iter( Element *el ) : ptr(el) { }
+ Iter( const IterFirst &dlf ) : ptr(dlf.l.head) { }
+ Iter( const IterLast &dll ) : ptr(dll.l.tail) { }
+ Iter( const IterNext &dln ) : ptr(dln.i.ptr->BASE_EL(next)) { }
+ Iter( const IterPrev &dlp ) : ptr(dlp.i.ptr->BASE_EL(prev)) { }
+ /* Assign from a double list. */
+ Iter &operator=( const DList &dl ) { ptr = dl.head; return *this; }
+ Iter &operator=( Element *el ) { ptr = el; return *this; }
+ Iter &operator=( const IterFirst &af ) { ptr = af.l.head; return *this; }
+ Iter &operator=( const IterLast &al ) { ptr = al.l.tail; return *this; }
+ Iter &operator=( const IterNext &an ) { ptr = an.i.ptr->BASE_EL(next); return *this; }
+ Iter &operator=( const IterPrev &ap ) { ptr = ap.i.ptr->BASE_EL(prev); return *this; }
+ /** \brief Less than end? */
+ bool lte() const { return ptr != 0; }
+ /** \brief At end? */
+ bool end() const { return ptr == 0; }
+ /** \brief Greater than beginning? */
+ bool gtb() const { return ptr != 0; }
+ /** \brief At beginning? */
+ bool beg() const { return ptr == 0; }
+ /** \brief At first element? */
+ bool first() const { return ptr && ptr->BASE_EL(prev) == 0; }
+ /** \brief At last element? */
+ bool last() const { return ptr && ptr->BASE_EL(next) == 0; }
+ /** \brief Implicit cast to Element*. */
+ operator Element*() const { return ptr; }
+ /** \brief Dereference operator returns Element&. */
+ Element &operator *() const { return *ptr; }
+ /** \brief Arrow operator returns Element*. */
+ Element *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ inline Element *operator++() { return ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(next); }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ inline Element *increment() { return ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(next); }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ inline Element *operator++(int);
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ inline Element *operator--() { return ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(prev); }
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ inline Element *decrement() { return ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(prev); }
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ inline Element *operator--(int);
+ /** \brief Return the next item. Does not modify this. */
+ inline IterNext next() const { return IterNext(*this); }
+ /** \brief Return the prev item. Does not modify this. */
+ inline IterPrev prev() const { return IterPrev(*this); }
+ /** \brief The iterator is simply a pointer. */
+ Element *ptr;
+ };
+ /** \brief Return first element. */
+ IterFirst first() { return IterFirst(*this); }
+ /** \brief Return last element. */
+ IterLast last() { return IterLast(*this); }
+/* Copy constructor, does a deep copy of other. */
+ DList(const DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE> &other) :
+ head(0), tail(0), listLen(0)
+ Element *el = other.head;
+ while( el != 0 ) {
+ append( new Element(*el) );
+ el = el->BASE_EL(next);
+ }
+/* Assignement operator does deep copy. */
+ operator=(const DList &other)
+ /* Free the old list. The value list assumes items were allocated on the
+ * heap by itself. */
+ empty();
+ Element *el = other.head;
+ while( el != 0 ) {
+ append( new Element(*el) );
+ el = el->BASE_EL(next);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ transfer(DList &other)
+ /* Free the old list. The value list assumes items were allocated on the
+ * heap by itself. */
+ empty();
+ head = other.head;
+ tail = other.tail;
+ listLen = other.listLen;
+ other.abandon();
+/* Assignement operator does deep copy. */
+ operator=(const DList &other)
+ Element *el = other.head;
+ while( el != 0 ) {
+ append( new Element(*el) );
+ el = el->BASE_EL(next);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ transfer(DList &other)
+ head = other.head;
+ tail = other.tail;
+ listLen = other.listLen;
+ other.abandon();
+/* Prepend a new item. Inlining this bloats the caller with new overhead. */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ prepend(const T &item)
+ addBefore(head, new Element(item));
+/* Append a new item. Inlining this bloats the caller with the new overhead. */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ append(const T &item)
+ addAfter(tail, new Element(item));
+/* Add a new item after a prev element. Inlining this bloats the caller with
+ * the new overhead. */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addAfter(Element *prev_el, const T &item)
+ addAfter(prev_el, new Element(item));
+/* Add a new item before a next element. Inlining this bloats the caller with
+ * the new overhead. */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addBefore(Element *next_el, const T &item)
+ addBefore(next_el, new Element(item));
+ * The larger iterator operators.
+ */
+/* Postfix ++ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> Element *DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::Iter::
+ operator++(int)
+ Element *rtn = ptr;
+ ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(next);
+ return rtn;
+/* Postfix -- */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> Element *DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::Iter::
+ operator--(int)
+ Element *rtn = ptr;
+ ptr = ptr->BASE_EL(prev);
+ return rtn;
+ * \brief Insert an element immediately after an element in the list.
+ *
+ * If prev_el is NULL then new_el is prepended to the front of the list. If
+ * prev_el is not in the list or if new_el is already in a list, then
+ * undefined behaviour results.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addAfter(Element *prev_el, Element *new_el)
+ /* Set the previous pointer of new_el to prev_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(prev) = prev_el;
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (prev_el == 0) {
+ /* There was no prev_el, we are inserting at the head. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(next) = head;
+ head = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There was a prev_el, we can access previous next. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(next) = prev_el->BASE_EL(next);
+ prev_el->BASE_EL(next) = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (new_el->BASE_EL(next) == 0) {
+ /* There is no next element. Set the tail pointer. */
+ tail = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element. Set it's prev pointer. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(next)->BASE_EL(prev) = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Update list length. */
+ listLen++;
+ * \brief Insert an element immediatly before an element in the list.
+ *
+ * If next_el is NULL then new_el is appended to the end of the list. If
+ * next_el is not in the list or if new_el is already in a list, then
+ * undefined behaviour results.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addBefore(Element *next_el, Element *new_el)
+ /* Set the next pointer of the new element to next_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(next) = next_el;
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (next_el == 0) {
+ /* There is no next elememnt. We are inserting at the tail. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(prev) = tail;
+ tail = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element and we can access next's previous. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(prev) = next_el->BASE_EL(prev);
+ next_el->BASE_EL(prev) = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (new_el->BASE_EL(prev) == 0) {
+ /* There is no previous element. Set the head pointer.*/
+ head = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a previous element, set it's next pointer to new_el. */
+ new_el->BASE_EL(prev)->BASE_EL(next) = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Update list length. */
+ listLen++;
+ * \brief Insert an entire list immediatly after an element in this list.
+ *
+ * Elements are moved, not copied. Afterwards, the other list is empty. If
+ * prev_el is NULL then the elements are prepended to the front of the list.
+ * If prev_el is not in the list then undefined behaviour results. All
+ * elements are inserted into the list at once, so this is an O(1) operation.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addAfter( Element *prev_el, DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE> &dl )
+ /* Do not bother if dl has no elements. */
+ if ( dl.listLen == 0 )
+ return;
+ /* Set the previous pointer of dl.head to prev_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ dl.head->BASE_EL(prev) = prev_el;
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (prev_el == 0) {
+ /* There was no prev_el, we are inserting at the head. */
+ dl.tail->BASE_EL(next) = head;
+ head = dl.head;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There was a prev_el, we can access previous next. */
+ dl.tail->BASE_EL(next) = prev_el->BASE_EL(next);
+ prev_el->BASE_EL(next) = dl.head;
+ }
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (dl.tail->BASE_EL(next) == 0) {
+ /* There is no next element. Set the tail pointer. */
+ tail = dl.tail;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element. Set it's prev pointer. */
+ dl.tail->BASE_EL(next)->BASE_EL(prev) = dl.tail;
+ }
+ /* Update the list length. */
+ listLen += dl.listLen;
+ /* Empty out dl. */
+ dl.head = dl.tail = 0;
+ dl.listLen = 0;
+ * \brief Insert an entire list immediately before an element in this list.
+ *
+ * Elements are moved, not copied. Afterwards, the other list is empty. If
+ * next_el is NULL then the elements are appended to the end of the list. If
+ * next_el is not in the list then undefined behaviour results. All elements
+ * are inserted at once, so this is an O(1) operation.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ addBefore( Element *next_el, DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE> &dl )
+ /* Do not bother if dl has no elements. */
+ if ( dl.listLen == 0 )
+ return;
+ /* Set the next pointer of dl.tail to next_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ dl.tail->BASE_EL(next) = next_el;
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (next_el == 0) {
+ /* There is no next elememnt. We are inserting at the tail. */
+ dl.head->BASE_EL(prev) = tail;
+ tail = dl.tail;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element and we can access next's previous. */
+ dl.head->BASE_EL(prev) = next_el->BASE_EL(prev);
+ next_el->BASE_EL(prev) = dl.tail;
+ }
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (dl.head->BASE_EL(prev) == 0) {
+ /* There is no previous element. Set the head pointer.*/
+ head = dl.head;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a previous element, set it's next pointer to new_el. */
+ dl.head->BASE_EL(prev)->BASE_EL(next) = dl.head;
+ }
+ /* Update list length. */
+ listLen += dl.listLen;
+ /* Empty out dl. */
+ dl.head = dl.tail = 0;
+ dl.listLen = 0;
+ * \brief Detach an element from the list.
+ *
+ * The element is not deleted. If the element is not in the list, then
+ * undefined behaviour results.
+ *
+ * \returns The element detached.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> Element *DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::
+ detach(Element *el)
+ /* Set forward pointers to skip over el. */
+ if (el->BASE_EL(prev) == 0)
+ head = el->BASE_EL(next);
+ else {
+ el->BASE_EL(prev)->BASE_EL(next) =
+ el->BASE_EL(next);
+ }
+ /* Set reverse pointers to skip over el. */
+ if (el->BASE_EL(next) == 0)
+ tail = el->BASE_EL(prev);
+ else {
+ el->BASE_EL(next)->BASE_EL(prev) =
+ el->BASE_EL(prev);
+ }
+ /* Update List length and return element we detached. */
+ listLen--;
+ return el;
+ * \brief Clear the list by deleting all elements.
+ *
+ * Each item in the list is deleted. The list is reset to its initial state.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::empty()
+ Element *nextToGo = 0, *cur = head;
+ while (cur != 0)
+ {
+ nextToGo = cur->BASE_EL(next);
+ delete cur;
+ cur = nextToGo;
+ }
+ head = tail = 0;
+ listLen = 0;
+ * \brief Clear the list by forgetting all elements.
+ *
+ * All elements are abandoned, not deleted. The list is reset to it's initial
+ * state.
+ */
+template <DLMEL_TEMPDEF> void DList<DLMEL_TEMPUSE>::abandon()
+ head = tail = 0;
+ listLen = 0;