path: root/colm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'colm/')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/colm/ b/colm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f587ea0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colm/
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+ * Copyright 2005-2012 Adrian Thurston <>
+ */
+/* This file is part of Colm.
+ *
+ * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "global.h"
+#include "parsedata.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+using std::endl;
+using std::cerr;
+void Compiler::lr0BringInItem( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *dest, PdaState *prodState,
+ PdaTrans *expandFrom, Production *prod )
+ /* We use dot sets for finding unique states. In the future, should merge
+ * dots sets with the stateSet pointer (only need one of these). */
+ assert( dest != prodState );
+ dest->dotSet.insert( prodState->dotSet );
+ /* Get the epsilons, context, out priorities. */
+ dest->pendingCommits.insert( prodState->pendingCommits );
+ //if ( prodState->pendingCommits.length() > 0 )
+ // cerr << "THERE ARE PENDING COMMITS DRAWN IN" << endl;
+ if ( prodState->transMap.length() > 0 ) {
+ assert( prodState->transMap.length() == 1 );
+ PdaTrans *srcTrans = prodState->transMap[0].value;
+ /* Look for the source in the destination. */
+ TransMapEl *destTel = dest->transMap.find( srcTrans->lowKey );
+ if ( destTel == 0 ) {
+ /* Make a new state and transition to it. */
+ PdaState *newState = pdaGraph->addState();
+ PdaTrans *newTrans = new PdaTrans();
+ /* Attach the new transition to the new state. */
+ newTrans->lowKey = srcTrans->lowKey;
+ pdaGraph->attachTrans( dest, newState, newTrans );
+ pdaGraph->addInTrans( newTrans, srcTrans );
+ /* The transitions we make during lr0 closure are all shifts. */
+ assert( newTrans->isShift );
+ assert( srcTrans->isShift );
+ /* The new state must have its state set setup. */
+ newState->stateSet = new PdaStateSet;
+ newState->stateSet->insert( srcTrans->toState );
+ /* Insert the transition into the map. Be sure to set destTel, it
+ * is needed below. */
+ dest->transMap.insert( srcTrans->lowKey, newTrans, &destTel );
+ /* If the item is a non-term, queue it for closure. */
+ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[srcTrans->lowKey];
+ if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) {
+ pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.append( newTrans );
+ //cerr << "put to trans closure queue" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //cerr << "merging transitions" << endl;
+ destTel->value->toState->stateSet->insert( srcTrans->toState );
+ pdaGraph->addInTrans( destTel->value, srcTrans );
+ }
+ /* If this is an expansion then we may need to bring in commits. */
+ if ( expandFrom != 0 && expandFrom->commits.length() > 0 ) {
+ //cerr << "SETTING COMMIT ON CLOSURE ROUND" << endl;
+ destTel->value->commits.insert( expandFrom->commits );
+ expandFrom->commits.empty();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* ProdState does not have any transitions out. It is at the end of a
+ * production. */
+ if ( expandFrom != 0 && expandFrom->commits.length() > 0 ) {
+ for ( LongSet::Iter len = expandFrom->commits; len.lte(); len++ )
+ dest->pendingCommits.insert( ProdIdPair( prod->prodId, *len ) );
+ expandFrom->commits.empty();
+ }
+ }
+void Compiler::lr0InvokeClosure( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state )
+ /* State should not already be closed. */
+ assert( !state->inClosedMap );
+ /* This is used each time we invoke closure, it must be cleared. */
+ pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.abandon();
+ /* Drag in the core items. */
+ for ( PdaStateSet::Iter ssi = *state->stateSet; ssi.lte(); ssi++ )
+ lr0BringInItem( pdaGraph, state, *ssi, 0, 0 );
+ /* Now bring in the derived items. */
+ while ( pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.length() > 0 ) {
+ PdaTrans *toClose = pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.detachFirst();
+ //cerr << "have a transition to derive" << endl;
+ /* Get the langEl. */
+ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[toClose->lowKey];
+ /* Make graphs for all of the productions that the non
+ * terminal goes to that are not already in the state's dotSet. */
+ for ( LelDefList::Iter prod = langEl->defList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) {
+ /* Bring in the start state of the production. */
+ lr0BringInItem( pdaGraph, state, prod->fsm->startState, toClose, prod );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try and insert into the closed dict. */
+ DotSetMapEl *lastFound;
+ if ( pdaGraph->closedMap.insert( state, &lastFound ) ) {
+ /* Insertion into closed dict succeeded. There is no state with the
+ * same dot set. The state is now closed. It is guaranteed a spot in
+ * the closed dict and it will never go away (states never deleted
+ * during closure). */
+ pdaGraph->stateClosedList.append( state );
+ state->inClosedMap = true;
+ /* Add all of the states in the out transitions to the closure queue.
+ * This will give us a depth first search of the graph. */
+ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
+ /* Get the state the transEl goes to. */
+ PdaState *targ = trans->value->toState;
+ /* If the state on this tranisition has not already been slated
+ * for closure, then add it to the queue. */
+ if ( !targ->onClosureQueue && !targ->inClosedMap ) {
+ pdaGraph->stateClosureQueue.append( targ );
+ targ->onClosureQueue = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Insertion into closed dict failed. There is an existing state
+ * with the same dot set. Get the existing state. */
+ pdaGraph->inTransMove( lastFound, state );
+ for ( TransMap::Iter tel = state->transMap; tel.lte(); tel++ ) {
+ pdaGraph->stateList.detach( tel->value->toState );
+ delete tel->value->toState;
+ delete tel->value;
+ }
+ pdaGraph->stateList.detach( state );
+ delete state;
+ }
+/* Invoke cloure on the graph. We use a queue here to achieve a breadth
+ * first search of the tree we build. Note, there are back edges in this
+ * tree. They are the edges made when upon closure, a dot set exists
+ * already. */
+void Compiler::lr0CloseAllStates( PdaGraph *pdaGraph )
+ /* While there are items on the closure queue. */
+ while ( pdaGraph->stateClosureQueue.length() > 0 ) {
+ /* Pop the first item off. */
+ PdaState *state = pdaGraph->stateClosureQueue.detachFirst();
+ state->onClosureQueue = false;
+ /* Invoke closure upon the state. */
+ lr0InvokeClosure( pdaGraph, state );
+ }
+void Compiler::transferCommits( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans,
+ PdaState *state, long prodId )
+ ProdIdPairSet &pendingCommits = state->pendingCommits;
+ for ( ProdIdPairSet::Iter pi = pendingCommits; pi.lte(); pi++ ) {
+ if ( pi->onReduce == prodId )
+ trans->commits.insert( pi->length );
+ }
+void Compiler::lalr1AddFollow2( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans, FollowToAdd &followKeys )
+ for ( ExpandToSet::Iter ets = trans->expandTo; ets.lte(); ets++ ) {
+ int prodId = ets->prodId;
+ PdaState *expandTo = ets->state;
+ for ( FollowToAdd::Iter fkey = followKeys; fkey.lte(); fkey++ ) {
+ TransMapEl *transEl = expandTo->transMap.find( fkey->key );
+ if ( transEl != 0 ) {
+ /* Set up the follow transition. */
+ PdaTrans *destTrans = transEl->value;
+ transferCommits( pdaGraph, destTrans, expandTo, prodId );
+ pdaGraph->addInReduction( destTrans, prodId, fkey->value );
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Set up the follow transition. */
+ PdaTrans *followTrans = new PdaTrans;
+ followTrans->lowKey = fkey->key;
+ followTrans->isShift = false;
+ followTrans->reductions.insert( prodId, fkey->value );
+ transferCommits( pdaGraph, followTrans, expandTo, prodId );
+ pdaGraph->attachTrans( expandTo, actionDestState, followTrans );
+ expandTo->transMap.insert( followTrans->lowKey, followTrans );
+ pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.append( followTrans );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+long PdaTrans::maxPrior()
+ long prior = LONG_MIN;
+ if ( isShift && shiftPrior > prior )
+ prior = shiftPrior;
+ for ( ReductionMap::Iter red = reductions; red.lte(); red++ ) {
+ if ( red->value > prior )
+ prior = red->value;
+ }
+ return prior;
+void Compiler::lalr1AddFollow1( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state )
+ /* Finding non-terminals into the state. */
+ for ( PdaTransInList::Iter in = state->inRange; in.lte(); in++ ) {
+ long key = in->lowKey;
+ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[key];
+ if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) {
+ /* Finding the following transitions. */
+ FollowToAdd followKeys;
+ for ( TransMap::Iter fout = state->transMap; fout.lte(); fout++ ) {
+ int fkey = fout->key;
+ LangEl *flel = langElIndex[fkey];
+ if ( flel == 0 || flel->type == LangEl::Term ) {
+ long prior = fout->value->maxPrior();
+ followKeys.insert( fkey, prior );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( followKeys.length() > 0 )
+ lalr1AddFollow2( pdaGraph, in, followKeys );
+ }
+ }
+void Compiler::lalr1AddFollow2( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans,
+ long followKey, long prior )
+ for ( ExpandToSet::Iter ets = trans->expandTo; ets.lte(); ets++ ) {
+ int prodId = ets->prodId;
+ PdaState *expandTo = ets->state;
+ TransMapEl *transEl = expandTo->transMap.find( followKey );
+ if ( transEl != 0 ) {
+ /* Add in the reductions, or in the shift. */
+ PdaTrans *destTrans = transEl->value;
+ transferCommits( pdaGraph, destTrans, expandTo, prodId );
+ pdaGraph->addInReduction( destTrans, prodId, prior );
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Set up the follow transition. */
+ PdaTrans *followTrans = new PdaTrans;
+ followTrans->lowKey = followKey;
+ followTrans->isShift = false;
+ followTrans->reductions.insert( prodId, prior );
+ transferCommits( pdaGraph, followTrans, expandTo, prodId );
+ pdaGraph->attachTrans( expandTo, actionDestState, followTrans );
+ expandTo->transMap.insert( followTrans->lowKey, followTrans );
+ pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.append( followTrans );
+ }
+ }
+void Compiler::lalr1AddFollow1( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans )
+ PdaState *state = trans->fromState;
+ int fkey = trans->lowKey;
+ LangEl *flel = langElIndex[fkey];
+ if ( flel == 0 || flel->type == LangEl::Term ) {
+ /* Finding non-terminals into the state. */
+ for ( PdaTransInList::Iter in = state->inRange; in.lte(); in++ ) {
+ long key = in->lowKey;
+ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[key];
+ if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) {
+ //cerr << "FOLLOW PRIOR TRANSFER 2: " << prior << endl;
+ long prior = trans->maxPrior();
+ lalr1AddFollow2( pdaGraph, in, fkey, prior );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Add follow sets to an LR(0) graph to make it LALR(1). */
+void Compiler::lalr1AddFollowSets( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls )
+ /* Make the state that all reduction actions go to. Since a reduction pops
+ * states of the stack and sets the new target state, this state is
+ * actually never reached. Just here to link the trans to. */
+ actionDestState = pdaGraph->addState();
+ pdaGraph->setFinState( actionDestState );
+ for ( LangElSet::Iter pe = parserEls; pe.lte(); pe++ ) {
+ /* Get the entry into the graph and traverse over start. */
+ PdaState *overStart = pdaGraph->followFsm( (*pe)->startState, (*pe)->rootDef->fsm );
+ /* Add _eof after the initial _start. */
+ PdaTrans *eofTrans = pdaGraph->insertNewTrans( overStart, actionDestState,
+ (*pe)->eofLel->id, (*pe)->eofLel->id );
+ eofTrans->isShift = true;
+ }
+ /* This was used during lr0 table construction. */
+ pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.abandon();
+ /* Need to pass over every state initially. */
+ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
+ lalr1AddFollow1( pdaGraph, state );
+ /* While the closure queue has items, pop them off and add follow
+ * characters. */
+ while ( pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.length() > 0 ) {
+ /* Pop the first item off and add Follow for it . */
+ PdaTrans *trans = pdaGraph->transClosureQueue.detachFirst();
+ lalr1AddFollow1( pdaGraph, trans );
+ }
+void Compiler::linkExpansions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph )
+ pdaGraph->setStateNumbers();
+ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
+ /* Find transitions out on non terminals. */
+ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
+ long key = trans->key;
+ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[key];
+ if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) {
+ /* For each production that the non terminal expand to ... */
+ for ( LelDefList::Iter prod = langEl->defList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) {
+ /* Follow the production and add to the trans's expand to set. */
+ PdaState *followRes = pdaGraph->followFsm( state, prod->fsm );
+ //LangEl *lel = langElIndex[key];
+ //cerr << state->stateNum << ", ";
+ //if ( lel != 0 )
+ // cerr << lel->data;
+ //else
+ // cerr << (char)key;
+ //cerr << " -> " << (*fto)->stateNum << " on " <<
+ // prod->data << " (fss = " << fin.pos() << ")" << endl;
+ trans->value->expandTo.insert( ExpandToEl( followRes, prod->prodId ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Add terminal versions of all nonterminal transitions. */
+void Compiler::addDupTerms( PdaGraph *pdaGraph )
+ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
+ PdaTransList newTranitions;
+ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
+ LangEl *lel = langElIndex[trans->value->lowKey];
+ if ( lel->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) {
+ PdaTrans *dupTrans = new PdaTrans;
+ dupTrans->lowKey = lel->termDup->id;
+ dupTrans->isShift = true;
+ /* Save the target state in to state. In the next loop when we
+ * attach the transition we must clear this because the
+ * attaching code requires the transition to be unattached. */
+ dupTrans->toState = trans->value->toState;
+ newTranitions.append( dupTrans );
+ /* Commit code used? */
+ //transferCommits( pdaGraph, followTrans, expandTo, prodId );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( PdaTrans *dup = newTranitions.head; dup != 0; ) {
+ PdaTrans *next = dup->next;
+ PdaState *toState = dup->toState;
+ dup->toState = 0;
+ pdaGraph->attachTrans( state, toState, dup );
+ state->transMap.insert( dup->lowKey, dup );
+ dup = next;
+ }
+ }
+/* Generate a LALR(1) graph. */
+void Compiler::lalr1GenerateParser( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls )
+ /* Make the intial graph. */
+ pdaGraph->langElIndex = langElIndex;
+ for ( Vector<LangEl*>::Iter r = parserEls; r.lte(); r++ ) {
+ /* Create the entry point. */
+ PdaState *rs = pdaGraph->addState();
+ pdaGraph->entryStateSet.insert( rs );
+ /* State set of just one state. */
+ rs->stateSet = new PdaStateSet;
+ rs->stateSet->insert( (*r)->rootDef->fsm->startState );
+ /* Queue the start state for closure. */
+ rs->onClosureQueue = true;
+ pdaGraph->stateClosureQueue.append( rs );
+ (*r)->startState = rs;
+ }
+ /* Run the lr0 closure. */
+ lr0CloseAllStates( pdaGraph );
+ /* Add terminal versions of all nonterminal transitions. */
+ addDupTerms( pdaGraph );
+ /* Link production expansions to the place they expand to. */
+ linkExpansions( pdaGraph );
+ /* Walk the graph adding follow sets to the LR(0) graph. */
+ lalr1AddFollowSets( pdaGraph, parserEls );
+// /* Set the commit on the final eof shift. */
+// PdaTrans *overStart = pdaGraph->startState->findTrans( rootEl->id );
+// PdaTrans *eofTrans = overStart->toState->findTrans( eofLangEl->id );
+// eofTrans->afterShiftCommits.insert( 2 );