path: root/colm/map.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'colm/map.cpp')
1 files changed, 806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/colm/map.cpp b/colm/map.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a98ae5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colm/map.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Adrian Thurston <>
+ */
+/* This file is part of Colm.
+ *
+ * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "pdarun.h"
+void Map::listAbandon()
+ head = tail = 0;
+void Map::listAddBefore( MapEl *next_el, MapEl *new_el )
+ /* Set the next pointer of the new element to next_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ new_el->next = next_el;
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (next_el == 0) {
+ /* There is no next elememnt. We are inserting at the tail. */
+ new_el->prev = tail;
+ tail = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element and we can access next's previous. */
+ new_el->prev = next_el->prev;
+ next_el->prev = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (new_el->prev == 0) {
+ /* There is no previous element. Set the head pointer.*/
+ head = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a previous element, set it's next pointer to new_el. */
+ new_el->prev->next = new_el;
+ }
+void Map::listAddAfter( MapEl *prev_el, MapEl *new_el )
+ /* Set the previous pointer of new_el to prev_el. We do
+ * this regardless of the state of the list. */
+ new_el->prev = prev_el;
+ /* Set forward pointers. */
+ if (prev_el == 0) {
+ /* There was no prev_el, we are inserting at the head. */
+ new_el->next = head;
+ head = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There was a prev_el, we can access previous next. */
+ new_el->next = prev_el->next;
+ prev_el->next = new_el;
+ }
+ /* Set reverse pointers. */
+ if (new_el->next == 0) {
+ /* There is no next element. Set the tail pointer. */
+ tail = new_el;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* There is a next element. Set it's prev pointer. */
+ new_el->next->prev = new_el;
+ }
+MapEl *Map::listDetach(MapEl *el)
+ /* Set forward pointers to skip over el. */
+ if (el->prev == 0)
+ head = el->next;
+ else
+ el->prev->next = el->next;
+ /* Set reverse pointers to skip over el. */
+ if (el->next == 0)
+ tail = el->prev;
+ else
+ el->next->prev = el->prev;
+ /* Update List length and return element we detached. */
+ return el;
+/* Recursive worker for tree copying. */
+MapEl *Map::copyBranch( Program *p, MapEl *el, Kid *oldNextDown, Kid *&newNextDown )
+ /* Duplicate element. Either the base element's copy constructor or defaul
+ * constructor will get called. Both will suffice for initting the
+ * pointers to null when they need to be. */
+ MapEl *newEl = p->mapElPool.allocate();
+ if ( (Kid*)el == oldNextDown )
+ newNextDown = (Kid*)newEl;
+ /* If the left tree is there, copy it. */
+ if ( newEl->left ) {
+ newEl->left = copyBranch( p, newEl->left, oldNextDown, newNextDown );
+ newEl->left->parent = newEl;
+ }
+ listAddAfter( tail, newEl );
+ /* If the right tree is there, copy it. */
+ if ( newEl->right ) {
+ newEl->right = copyBranch( p, newEl->right, oldNextDown, newNextDown );
+ newEl->right->parent = newEl;
+ }
+ return newEl;
+/* Once an insertion position is found, attach a element to the tree. */
+void Map::attachRebal( MapEl *element, MapEl *parentEl, MapEl *lastLess )
+ /* Increment the number of element in the tree. */
+ treeSize += 1;
+ /* Set element's parent. */
+ element->parent = parentEl;
+ /* New element always starts as a leaf with height 1. */
+ element->left = 0;
+ element->right = 0;
+ element->height = 1;
+ /* Are we inserting in the tree somewhere? */
+ if ( parentEl != 0 ) {
+ /* We have a parent so we are somewhere in the tree. If the parent
+ * equals lastLess, then the last traversal in the insertion went
+ * left, otherwise it went right. */
+ if ( lastLess == parentEl ) {
+ parentEl->left = element;
+ listAddBefore( parentEl, element );
+ }
+ else {
+ parentEl->right = element;
+ listAddAfter( parentEl, element );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* No parent element so we are inserting the root. */
+ root = element;
+ listAddAfter( tail, element );
+ }
+ /* Recalculate the heights. */
+ recalcHeights(parentEl);
+ /* Find the first unbalance. */
+ MapEl *ub = findFirstUnbalGP(element);
+ /* rebalance. */
+ if ( ub != 0 )
+ {
+ /* We assert that after this single rotation the
+ * tree is now properly balanced. */
+ rebalance(ub);
+ }
+ * \brief Insert an existing element into the tree.
+ *
+ * If the insert succeeds and lastFound is given then it is set to the element
+ * inserted. If the insert fails then lastFound is set to the existing element in
+ * the tree that has the same key as element. If the element's avl pointers are
+ * already in use then undefined behaviour results.
+ *
+ * \returns The element inserted upon success, null upon failure.
+ */
+MapEl *Map::insert( MapEl *element, MapEl **lastFound )
+ long keyRelation;
+ MapEl *curEl = root, *parentEl = 0;
+ MapEl *lastLess = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ if ( curEl == 0 ) {
+ /* We are at an external element and did not find the key we were
+ * looking for. Attach underneath the leaf and rebalance. */
+ attachRebal( element, parentEl, lastLess );
+ if ( lastFound != 0 )
+ *lastFound = element;
+ return element;
+ }
+ keyRelation = compare( element->getKey(),
+ curEl->getKey() );
+ /* Do we go left? */
+ if ( keyRelation < 0 ) {
+ parentEl = lastLess = curEl;
+ curEl = curEl->left;
+ }
+ /* Do we go right? */
+ else if ( keyRelation > 0 ) {
+ parentEl = curEl;
+ curEl = curEl->right;
+ }
+ /* We have hit the target. */
+ else {
+ if ( lastFound != 0 )
+ *lastFound = curEl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Insert a new element into the tree with given key.
+ *
+ * If the key is not already in the tree then a new element is made using the
+ * MapEl(const Key &key) constructor and the insert succeeds. If lastFound is
+ * given then it is set to the element inserted. If the insert fails then
+ * lastFound is set to the existing element in the tree that has the same key as
+ * element.
+ *
+ * \returns The new element upon success, null upon failure.
+ */
+MapEl *Map::insert( Program *p, Tree *key, MapEl **lastFound )
+ long keyRelation;
+ MapEl *curEl = root, *parentEl = 0;
+ MapEl *lastLess = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ if ( curEl == 0 ) {
+ /* We are at an external element and did not find the key we were
+ * looking for. Create the new element, attach it underneath the leaf
+ * and rebalance. */
+ MapEl *element = p->mapElPool.allocate();
+ element->key = key;
+ element->tree = 0;
+ attachRebal( element, parentEl, lastLess );
+ if ( lastFound != 0 )
+ *lastFound = element;
+ return element;
+ }
+ keyRelation = compare( key, curEl->getKey() );
+ /* Do we go left? */
+ if ( keyRelation < 0 ) {
+ parentEl = lastLess = curEl;
+ curEl = curEl->left;
+ }
+ /* Do we go right? */
+ else if ( keyRelation > 0 ) {
+ parentEl = curEl;
+ curEl = curEl->right;
+ }
+ /* We have hit the target. */
+ else {
+ if ( lastFound != 0 )
+ *lastFound = curEl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Find a element in the tree with the given key.
+ *
+ * \returns The element if key exists, null if the key does not exist.
+ */
+MapEl *Map::find( Tree *key ) const
+ MapEl *curEl = root;
+ long keyRelation;
+ while (curEl) {
+ keyRelation = compare( key, curEl->getKey() );
+ /* Do we go left? */
+ if ( keyRelation < 0 )
+ curEl = curEl->left;
+ /* Do we go right? */
+ else if ( keyRelation > 0 )
+ curEl = curEl->right;
+ /* We have hit the target. */
+ else {
+ return curEl;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \brief Find a element, then detach it from the tree.
+ *
+ * The element is not deleted.
+ *
+ * \returns The element detached if the key is found, othewise returns null.
+ */
+MapEl *Map::detach( Tree *key )
+ MapEl *element = find( key );
+ if ( element ) {
+ detach(element);
+ }
+ return element;
+ * \brief Find, detach and delete a element from the tree.
+ *
+ * \returns True if the element was found and deleted, false otherwise.
+ */
+bool Map::remove( Tree *key )
+ /* Assume not found. */
+ bool retVal = false;
+ /* Look for the key. */
+ MapEl *element = find( key );
+ if ( element != 0 ) {
+ /* If found, detach the element and delete. */
+ detach( element );
+ delete element;
+ retVal = true;
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ * \brief Detach and delete a element from the tree.
+ *
+ * If the element is not in the tree then undefined behaviour results.
+ */
+void Map::remove(MapEl *element)
+ /* Detach and delete. */
+ detach(element);
+ delete element;
+ * \brief Detach a element from the tree.
+ *
+ * If the element is not in the tree then undefined behaviour results.
+ *
+ * \returns The element given.
+ */
+MapEl *Map::detach(MapEl *element)
+ MapEl *replacement, *fixfrom;
+ long lheight, rheight;
+ /* Remove the element from the ordered list. */
+ listDetach( element );
+ /* Update treeSize. */
+ treeSize--;
+ /* Find a replacement element. */
+ if (element->right)
+ {
+ /* Find the leftmost element of the right subtree. */
+ replacement = element->right;
+ while (replacement->left)
+ replacement = replacement->left;
+ /* If replacing the element the with its child then we need to start
+ * fixing at the replacement, otherwise we start fixing at the
+ * parent of the replacement. */
+ if (replacement->parent == element)
+ fixfrom = replacement;
+ else
+ fixfrom = replacement->parent;
+ removeEl(replacement, replacement->right);
+ replaceEl(element, replacement);
+ }
+ else if (element->left)
+ {
+ /* Find the rightmost element of the left subtree. */
+ replacement = element->left;
+ while (replacement->right)
+ replacement = replacement->right;
+ /* If replacing the element the with its child then we need to start
+ * fixing at the replacement, otherwise we start fixing at the
+ * parent of the replacement. */
+ if (replacement->parent == element)
+ fixfrom = replacement;
+ else
+ fixfrom = replacement->parent;
+ removeEl(replacement, replacement->left);
+ replaceEl(element, replacement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We need to start fixing at the parent of the element. */
+ fixfrom = element->parent;
+ /* The element we are deleting is a leaf element. */
+ removeEl(element, 0);
+ }
+ /* If fixfrom is null it means we just deleted
+ * the root of the tree. */
+ if ( fixfrom == 0 )
+ return element;
+ /* Fix the heights after the deletion. */
+ recalcHeights(fixfrom);
+ /* Fix every unbalanced element going up in the tree. */
+ MapEl *ub = findFirstUnbalEl(fixfrom);
+ while ( ub )
+ {
+ /* Find the element to rebalance by moving down from the first unbalanced
+ * element 2 levels in the direction of the greatest heights. On the
+ * second move down, the heights may be equal ( but not on the first ).
+ * In which case go in the direction of the first move. */
+ lheight = ub->left ? ub->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = ub->right ? ub->right->height : 0;
+ assert( lheight != rheight );
+ if (rheight > lheight)
+ {
+ ub = ub->right;
+ lheight = ub->left ?
+ ub->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = ub->right ?
+ ub->right->height : 0;
+ if (rheight > lheight)
+ ub = ub->right;
+ else if (rheight < lheight)
+ ub = ub->left;
+ else
+ ub = ub->right;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ub = ub->left;
+ lheight = ub->left ?
+ ub->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = ub->right ?
+ ub->right->height : 0;
+ if (rheight > lheight)
+ ub = ub->right;
+ else if (rheight < lheight)
+ ub = ub->left;
+ else
+ ub = ub->left;
+ }
+ /* rebalance returns the grandparant of the subtree formed
+ * by the element that were rebalanced.
+ * We must continue upward from there rebalancing. */
+ fixfrom = rebalance(ub);
+ /* Find the next unbalaced element. */
+ ub = findFirstUnbalEl(fixfrom);
+ }
+ return element;
+void Map::empty()
+ if ( root ) {
+ /* Recursively delete from the tree structure. */
+ deleteChildrenOf(root);
+ delete root;
+ root = 0;
+ treeSize = 0;
+ listAbandon();
+ }
+/* Recursively delete all the children of a element. */
+void Map::deleteChildrenOf( MapEl *element )
+ /* Recurse left. */
+ if (element->left) {
+ deleteChildrenOf(element->left);
+ /* Delete left element. */
+ delete element->left;
+ element->left = 0;
+ }
+ /* Recurse right. */
+ if (element->right) {
+ deleteChildrenOf(element->right);
+ /* Delete right element. */
+ delete element->right;
+ element->left = 0;
+ }
+/* rebalance from a element whose gradparent is unbalanced. Only
+ * call on a element that has a grandparent. */
+MapEl *Map::rebalance(MapEl *n)
+ long lheight, rheight;
+ MapEl *a, *b, *c;
+ MapEl *t1, *t2, *t3, *t4;
+ MapEl *p = n->parent; /* parent (Non-NUL). L*/
+ MapEl *gp = p->parent; /* Grand-parent (Non-NULL). */
+ MapEl *ggp = gp->parent; /* Great grand-parent (may be NULL). */
+ if (gp->right == p)
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * * p
+ p
+ */
+ if (p->right == n)
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * * p
+ p
+ * * n
+ n
+ */
+ a = gp;
+ b = p;
+ c = n;
+ t1 = gp->left;
+ t2 = p->left;
+ t3 = n->left;
+ t4 = n->right;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * * p
+ p
+ * /
+ * n
+ */
+ a = gp;
+ b = n;
+ c = p;
+ t1 = gp->left;
+ t2 = n->left;
+ t3 = n->right;
+ t4 = p->right;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * /
+ * p
+ */
+ if (p->right == n)
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * /
+ * p
+ * * n
+ n
+ */
+ a = p;
+ b = n;
+ c = gp;
+ t1 = p->left;
+ t2 = n->left;
+ t3 = n->right;
+ t4 = gp->right;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* gp
+ * /
+ * p
+ * /
+ * n
+ */
+ a = n;
+ b = p;
+ c = gp;
+ t1 = n->left;
+ t2 = n->right;
+ t3 = p->right;
+ t4 = gp->right;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Perform rotation.
+ */
+ /* Tie b to the great grandparent. */
+ if ( ggp == 0 )
+ root = b;
+ else if ( ggp->left == gp )
+ ggp->left = b;
+ else
+ ggp->right = b;
+ b->parent = ggp;
+ /* Tie a as a leftchild of b. */
+ b->left = a;
+ a->parent = b;
+ /* Tie c as a rightchild of b. */
+ b->right = c;
+ c->parent = b;
+ /* Tie t1 as a leftchild of a. */
+ a->left = t1;
+ if ( t1 != 0 ) t1->parent = a;
+ /* Tie t2 as a rightchild of a. */
+ a->right = t2;
+ if ( t2 != 0 ) t2->parent = a;
+ /* Tie t3 as a leftchild of c. */
+ c->left = t3;
+ if ( t3 != 0 ) t3->parent = c;
+ /* Tie t4 as a rightchild of c. */
+ c->right = t4;
+ if ( t4 != 0 ) t4->parent = c;
+ /* The heights are all recalculated manualy and the great
+ * grand-parent is passed to recalcHeights() to ensure
+ * the heights are correct up the tree.
+ *
+ * Note that recalcHeights() cuts out when it comes across
+ * a height that hasn't changed.
+ */
+ /* Fix height of a. */
+ lheight = a->left ? a->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = a->right ? a->right->height : 0;
+ a->height = (lheight > rheight ? lheight : rheight) + 1;
+ /* Fix height of c. */
+ lheight = c->left ? c->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = c->right ? c->right->height : 0;
+ c->height = (lheight > rheight ? lheight : rheight) + 1;
+ /* Fix height of b. */
+ lheight = a->height;
+ rheight = c->height;
+ b->height = (lheight > rheight ? lheight : rheight) + 1;
+ /* Fix height of b's parents. */
+ recalcHeights(ggp);
+ return ggp;
+/* Recalculates the heights of all the ancestors of element. */
+void Map::recalcHeights(MapEl *element)
+ long lheight, rheight, new_height;
+ while ( element != 0 )
+ {
+ lheight = element->left ? element->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = element->right ? element->right->height : 0;
+ new_height = (lheight > rheight ? lheight : rheight) + 1;
+ /* If there is no chage in the height, then there will be no
+ * change in any of the ancestor's height. We can stop going up.
+ * If there was a change, continue upward. */
+ if (new_height == element->height)
+ return;
+ else
+ element->height = new_height;
+ element = element->parent;
+ }
+/* Finds the first element whose grandparent is unbalanced. */
+MapEl *Map::findFirstUnbalGP(MapEl *element)
+ long lheight, rheight, balanceProp;
+ MapEl *gp;
+ if ( element == 0 || element->parent == 0 ||
+ element->parent->parent == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ /* Don't do anything if we we have no grandparent. */
+ gp = element->parent->parent;
+ while ( gp != 0 )
+ {
+ lheight = gp->left ? gp->left->height : 0;
+ rheight = gp->right ? gp->right->height : 0;
+ balanceProp = lheight - rheight;
+ if ( balanceProp < -1 || balanceProp > 1 )
+ return element;
+ element = element->parent;
+ gp = gp->parent;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Finds the first element that is unbalanced. */
+MapEl *Map::findFirstUnbalEl(MapEl *element)
+ if ( element == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ while ( element != 0 )
+ {
+ long lheight = element->left ?
+ element->left->height : 0;
+ long rheight = element->right ?
+ element->right->height : 0;
+ long balanceProp = lheight - rheight;
+ if ( balanceProp < -1 || balanceProp > 1 )
+ return element;
+ element = element->parent;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Replace a element in the tree with another element not in the tree. */
+void Map::replaceEl(MapEl *element, MapEl *replacement)
+ MapEl *parent = element->parent,
+ *left = element->left,
+ *right = element->right;
+ replacement->left = left;
+ if (left)
+ left->parent = replacement;
+ replacement->right = right;
+ if (right)
+ right->parent = replacement;
+ replacement->parent = parent;
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ if (parent->left == element)
+ parent->left = replacement;
+ else
+ parent->right = replacement;
+ }
+ else
+ root = replacement;
+ replacement->height = element->height;
+/* Removes a element from a tree and puts filler in it's place.
+ * Filler should be null or a child of element. */
+void Map::removeEl(MapEl *element, MapEl *filler)
+ MapEl *parent = element->parent;
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ if (parent->left == element)
+ parent->left = filler;
+ else
+ parent->right = filler;
+ }
+ else
+ root = filler;
+ if (filler)
+ filler->parent = parent;
+ return;