path: root/doc/ragel/RELEASE_NOTES_V6
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ragel/RELEASE_NOTES_V6 b/doc/ragel/RELEASE_NOTES_V6
deleted file mode 100644
index b08b8a33..00000000
--- a/doc/ragel/RELEASE_NOTES_V6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-This file describes the changes in Ragel version 6.X that are not backwards
-compatible. For a list of all the changes see the ChangeLog file.
-Leaving Actions in Scanners (new in 6.1)
-Scanners now ensure that any leaving actions at the end of a pattern are
-executed. They are always executed before the pattern action.
-The EOF Event
-There is a new execution variable called "eof". This should be set to pe on the
-execution of the last buffer block. When p == eof the state machine's EOF
-actions are executed. The variable is required only when EOF actions have been
-The advantage of this over "write eof" is that EOF actions are now executed in
-the same context as regular actions. They are free to manipulate p, and jump to
-a new portion of the machine to reprocess input. This was not possible with
-"write eof".
-The "write eof" directive was consequently removed.
-Scanners now use EOF actions to to flush out the last token, if needed. This
-eliminates the need to manually flush the last token.
-Semantics of > % and Error Actions
-Ragel has gone back to the 3.X semantics for >, % and error actions.
-Those that have been using Ragel since the 3.X days will remember that the
-entering operator > embedded a leaving action/priority into the start state
-when it was final. The leaving operator % would embed EOF actions when the
-final states stayed final all the way to the end of compilation. Also, error
-actions would embed EOF actions when at the end of compilation the states the
-error actions were embedded into were not final.
-The problem before was that EOF actions and regular actions were executed in
-different contexts ("write exec" and "write eof"), and a single action block
-could easily end up in two different functions. This could lead to compile
-errors and other subtle errors. Now that all actions are executed in the same
-context ("write exec") these problems go away. The original semantics has been
-Backend Automatically Executed
-The "ragel" program now automatically executes the appropriate backend. If you
-need the intermediate XML format you can use the -x option.
-The fbreak Statement
-The fbreak statement now advances p. It is now possible to break out of the
-machine and restart it without having to fix p first. Originally, fbreak did
-not advance p because it was intended to be used to terminate processing.
-Advancing p was more work than necessary in that case. But fbreak turns out to
-be useful for stopping to return a token as well. In this case the failure to
-advance p is an inconvenience.
-Guarded Concatenation Operators are Stronger
-The :> :>> and <: guarded concatenation operators have been strengthened. In
-the previous version of Ragel is was possible for the priority assignments to
-be bypassed via the the zero length string. Running the following examples
-through 5.25 you will see that the a and b actions are executed on a single
-transition, showing the guard fails. This happens because the operators did not
-consider that the middle machine might have a start state that is final. In 6.0
-these cases have been fixed.
- (' '@a)* <: 'x'* . ' '@b;
- (' '@a)* :> 'x'? . ' '@b;
- (' '@a)* :>> 'xyz'? . ' '@b;
-The tokstart and tokend Variables Renamed
-The "tokstart" and "tokend" variables were changed to "ts" and "te". These
-variables get referenced a lot in scanner actions. They should be shorter.
-To update your code simply search and replace:
- tokstart => ts
- tokend => te
-The -l option in rlgen-cd was changed to -L because -l is used in the frontend,
-which now must pass options through.