path: root/ragel/host-crack/ragel-crack.lm
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Diffstat (limited to 'ragel/host-crack/ragel-crack.lm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/ragel/host-crack/ragel-crack.lm b/ragel/host-crack/ragel-crack.lm
deleted file mode 100644
index b6480012..00000000
--- a/ragel/host-crack/ragel-crack.lm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-namespace crack_inline
- lex
- literal `fpc `fc `fcurs `ftargs
- `fentry `fhold `fexec `fgoto `fnext
- `fcall `fret `fbreak `fncall `fnret `fnbreak
- token ident /ident/
- token number /digit+/
- token hex_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- token comment
- / c_comment | cpp_comment /
- token string
- / s_literal | d_literal /
- token whitespace
- / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- literal
- `{ `} `:: `* `, `( `) `;
- token c_any / any /
- end
- def inline_expr
- [expr_item*]
- def expr_item
- [expr_any] :ExprAny
- | [expr_symbol] :ExprSymbol
- | [expr_interpret] :ExprInterpret
- def expr_any
- [whitespace]
- | [comment]
- | [string]
- | [number]
- | [hex_number]
- | [ident]
- | [c_any]
- def expr_symbol
- [`,] | [`(] | [`)] | [`*] | [`::]
- def expr_interpret
- [`fpc] :Fpc
- | [`fc] :Fc
- | [`fcurs] :Fcurs
- | [`ftargs] :Ftargs
- | [`fentry `( state_ref srlex::`)] :Fentry
- def state_ref
- [opt_name_sep state_ref_names]
- def opt_name_sep
- [srlex::`::] :ColonColon
- | [] :Empty
- # List of names separated by ::
- def state_ref_names
- [state_ref_names srlex::`:: srlex::word] :Rec
- | [srlex::word] :Base
- def inline_block
- [block_item*]
- def block_item
- [expr_any] :ExprAny
- | [block_symbol] :BlockSymbol
- | [block_interpret] :BlockInterpret
- | [`{ inline_block `}] :RecBlock
- def block_symbol
- [`,] | [`;] | [`(] | [`)] | [`*] | [`::]
- def block_interpret
- [expr_interpret] :ExprInterpret
- | [`fhold whitespace? `;] :Fhold
- | [`fgoto whitespace? `* inline_expr `;] :FgotoExpr
- | [`fnext whitespace? `* inline_expr `;] :FnextExpr
- | [`fcall whitespace? `* inline_expr `;] :FcallExpr
- | [`fncall whitespace? `* inline_expr `;] :FncallExpr
- | [`fexec inline_expr `;] :Fexec
- | [`fgoto state_ref srlex::`;] :FgotoSr
- | [`fnext state_ref srlex::`;] :FnextSr
- | [`fcall state_ref srlex::`;] :FcallSr
- | [`fncall state_ref srlex::`;] :FncallSr
- | [`fret `;] :Fret
- | [`fnret `;] :Fnret
- | [`fbreak `;] :Fbreak
- | [`fnbreak `;] :Fnbreak
-namespace crack_host
- lex
- literal `%%{
- token slr /'%%' [^{] [^\n]* '\n'/
- {
- input->pull( 2 )
- R: str = input->pull( match_length - 3 )
- input->push( "\n}%%" )
- input->push( R )
- input->push( "%%{" )
- }
- rl NL / '\n' /
- rl s_literal
- / "'" ([^'\\\n] | '\\' (any | NL))* "'" /
- rl d_literal
- / '"' ([^"\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '"' /
- rl bt_literal
- / '`' ([^`\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '`' /
- token ident /ident "'"?/
- token number /digit+/
- token hex_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- token comment
- /c_comment | cpp_comment/
- token string
- / s_literal | d_literal | bt_literal /
- token whitespace
- / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- token c_any / any /
- end
- def tok
- [ident]
- | [number]
- | [hex_number]
- | [comment]
- | [string]
- | [whitespace]
- | [c_any]
- def section
- [`%%{ ragel::ragel_start ragel::`}%%] :MultiLine
- | [tok] :Tok