path: root/src/aapl/vector.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/aapl/vector.h')
1 files changed, 1190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aapl/vector.h b/src/aapl/vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ec385d5
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+++ b/src/aapl/vector.h
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+ * Copyright 2002, 2006 Adrian Thurston <>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+ * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+ * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _AAPL_VECTOR_H
+#define _AAPL_VECTOR_H
+#include <new>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "table.h"
+namespace Aapl {
+ * \addtogroup vector
+ * @{
+ */
+/** \class Vector
+ * \brief Dynamic array.
+ *
+ * This is typical vector implementation. It is a dynamic array that can be
+ * used to contain complex data structures that have constructors and
+ * destructors as well as simple types such as integers and pointers.
+ *
+ * Vector supports inserting, overwriting, and removing single or multiple
+ * elements at once. Constructors and destructors are called wherever
+ * appropriate. For example, before an element is overwritten, it's
+ * destructor is called.
+ *
+ * Vector provides automatic resizing of allocated memory as needed and offers
+ * different allocation schemes for controlling how the automatic allocation
+ * is done. Two senses of the the length of the data is maintained: the
+ * amount of raw memory allocated to the vector and the number of actual
+ * elements in the vector. The various allocation schemes control how the
+ * allocated space is changed in relation to the number of elements in the
+ * vector.
+ *
+ * \include ex_vector.cpp
+ */
+template < class T, class Resize = ResizeExpn > class Vector
+ : public Table<T>, public Resize
+ typedef Table<T> BaseTable;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialize an empty vector with no space allocated.
+ *
+ * If a linear resizer is used, the step defaults to 256 units of T. For a
+ * runtime vector both up and down allocation schemes default to
+ * Exponential.
+ */
+ Vector() { }
+ /**
+ * \brief Create a vector that contains an initial element.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes one element in length. The element's copy
+ * constructor is used to place the value in the vector.
+ */
+ Vector(const T &val) { setAs(&val, 1); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Create a vector that contains an array of elements.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes len elements in length. Copy constructors are used
+ * to place the new elements in the vector.
+ */
+ Vector(const T *val, long len) { setAs(val, len); }
+ /* Deep copy. */
+ Vector( const Vector &v );
+ /* Free all mem used by the vector. */
+ ~Vector() { empty(); }
+ /* Delete all items. */
+ void empty();
+ /* Abandon the contents of the vector without deleteing. */
+ void abandon();
+ /* Transfers the elements of another vector into this vector. First emptys
+ * the current vector. */
+ void transfer( Vector &v );
+ /* Perform a deep copy of another vector into this vector. */
+ Vector &operator=( const Vector &v );
+ /* Stack operations. */
+ void push( const T &t ) { append( t ); }
+ void pop() { remove( BaseTable::tabLen - 1 ); }
+ T &top() { return BaseTable::data[BaseTable::tabLen - 1]; }
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ * \brief Insert one element at position pos.
+ *
+ * Elements in the vector from pos onward are shifted one space to the
+ * right. The copy constructor is used to place the element into this
+ * vector. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then undefined
+ * behaviour results. If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset
+ * relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+ void insert(long pos, const T &val) { insert(pos, &val, 1); }
+ /* Insert an array of values. */
+ void insert(long pos, const T *val, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Insert all the elements from another vector at position pos.
+ *
+ * Elements in this vector from pos onward are shifted v.tabLen spaces to
+ * the right. The element's copy constructor is used to copy the items
+ * into this vector. The other vector is left unchanged. If pos is off the
+ * end of the vector, then undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative
+ * then it is treated as an offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ * Equivalent to vector.insert(pos,, other.tabLen).
+ */
+ void insert(long pos, const Vector &v) { insert(pos,, v.tabLen); }
+ /* Insert len copies of val into the vector. */
+ void insertDup(long pos, const T &val, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Insert one new element using the default constrcutor.
+ *
+ * Elements in the vector from pos onward are shifted one space to the
+ * right. The default constructor is used to init the new element. If pos
+ * is greater than the length of the vector then undefined behaviour
+ * results. If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset relative to
+ * the length of the vector.
+ */
+ void insertNew(long pos) { insertNew(pos, 1); }
+ /* Insert len new items using default constructor. */
+ void insertNew(long pos, long len);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ * \brief Remove one element at position pos.
+ *
+ * The element's destructor is called. Elements to the right of pos are
+ * shifted one space to the left to take up the free space. If pos is greater
+ * than or equal to the length of the vector then undefined behavior results.
+ * If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset relative to the length
+ * of the vector.
+ */
+ void remove(long pos) { remove(pos, 1); }
+ /* Delete a number of elements. */
+ void remove(long pos, long len);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ * \brief Replace one element at position pos.
+ *
+ * If there is an existing element at position pos (if pos is less than
+ * the length of the vector) then its destructor is called before the
+ * space is used. The copy constructor is used to place the element into
+ * the vector. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then
+ * undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative then it is treated as
+ * an offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+ void replace(long pos, const T &val) { replace(pos, &val, 1); }
+ /* Replace with an array of values. */
+ void replace(long pos, const T *val, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Replace at position pos with all the elements of another vector.
+ *
+ * Replace at position pos with all the elements of another vector. The
+ * other vector is left unchanged. If there are existing elements at the
+ * positions to be replaced, then destructors are called before the space
+ * is used. Copy constructors are used to place the elements into this
+ * vector. It is allowable for the pos and length of the other vector to
+ * specify a replacement that overwrites existing elements and creates new
+ * ones. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then undefined
+ * behaviour results. If pos is negative, then it is treated as an offset
+ * relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+ void replace(long pos, const Vector &v) { replace(pos,, v.tabLen); }
+ /* Replace len items with len copies of val. */
+ void replaceDup(long pos, const T &val, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Replace at position pos with one new element.
+ *
+ * If there is an existing element at the position to be replaced (pos is
+ * less than the length of the vector) then the element's destructor is
+ * called before the space is used. The default constructor is used to
+ * initialize the new element. If pos is greater than the length of the
+ * vector then undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative, then it is
+ * treated as an offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+ void replaceNew(long pos) { replaceNew(pos, 1); }
+ /* Replace len items at pos with newly constructed objects. */
+ void replaceNew(long pos, long len);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ * \brief Set the contents of the vector to be val exactly.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes one element in length. Destructors are called on any
+ * existing elements in the vector. The element's copy constructor is used
+ * to place the val in the vector.
+ */
+ void setAs(const T &val) { setAs(&val, 1); }
+ /* Set to the contents of an array. */
+ void setAs(const T *val, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Set the vector to exactly the contents of another vector.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes v.tabLen elements in length. Destructors are called
+ * on any existing elements. Copy constructors are used to place the new
+ * elements in the vector.
+ */
+ void setAs(const Vector &v) { setAs(, v.tabLen); }
+ /* Set as len copies of item. */
+ void setAsDup(const T &item, long len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Set the vector to exactly one new item.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes one element in length. Destructors are called on any
+ * existing elements in the vector. The default constructor is used to
+ * init the new item.
+ */
+ void setAsNew() { setAsNew(1); }
+ /* Set as newly constructed objects using the default constructor. */
+ void setAsNew(long len);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ * \brief Append one elment to the end of the vector.
+ *
+ * Copy constructor is used to place the element in the vector.
+ */
+ void append(const T &val) { replace(BaseTable::tabLen, &val, 1); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append len elements to the end of the vector.
+ *
+ * Copy constructors are used to place the elements in the vector.
+ */
+ void append(const T *val, long len) { replace(BaseTable::tabLen, val, len); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append the contents of another vector.
+ *
+ * The other vector is left unchanged. Copy constructors are used to place the
+ * elements in the vector.
+ */
+ void append(const Vector &v) { replace(BaseTable::tabLen,, v.tabLen); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append len copies of item.
+ *
+ * The copy constructor is used to place the item in the vector.
+ */
+ void appendDup(const T &item, long len) { replaceDup(BaseTable::tabLen, item, len); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append a single newly created item.
+ *
+ * The new element is initialized with the default constructor.
+ */
+ void appendNew() { replaceNew(BaseTable::tabLen, 1); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Append len newly created items.
+ *
+ * The new elements are initialized with the default constructor.
+ */
+ void appendNew(long len) { replaceNew(BaseTable::tabLen, len); }
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /** \fn Vector::prepend(const T &val)
+ * \brief Prepend one elment to the front of the vector.
+ *
+ * Copy constructor is used to place the element in the vector.
+ */
+ void prepend(const T &val) { insert(0, &val, 1); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend len elements to the front of the vector.
+ *
+ * Copy constructors are used to place the elements in the vector.
+ */
+ void prepend(const T *val, long len) { insert(0, val, len); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend the contents of another vector.
+ *
+ * The other vector is left unchanged. Copy constructors are used to place the
+ * elements in the vector.
+ */
+ void prepend(const Vector &v) { insert(0,, v.tabLen); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend len copies of item.
+ *
+ * The copy constructor is used to place the item in the vector.
+ */
+ void prependDup(const T &item, long len) { insertDup(0, item, len); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend a single newly created item.
+ *
+ * The new element is initialized with the default constructor.
+ */
+ void prependNew() { insertNew(0, 1); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Prepend len newly created items.
+ *
+ * The new elements are initialized with the default constructor.
+ */
+ void prependNew(long len) { insertNew(0, len); }
+ /*@}*/
+ /* Convenience access. */
+ T &operator[](int i) const { return BaseTable::data[i]; }
+ long size() const { return BaseTable::tabLen; }
+ /* Forward this so a ref can be used. */
+ struct Iter;
+ /* Various classes for setting the iterator */
+ struct IterFirst { IterFirst( const Vector &v ) : v(v) { } const Vector &v; };
+ struct IterLast { IterLast( const Vector &v ) : v(v) { } const Vector &v; };
+ struct IterNext { IterNext( const Iter &i ) : i(i) { } const Iter &i; };
+ struct IterPrev { IterPrev( const Iter &i ) : i(i) { } const Iter &i; };
+ /**
+ * \brief Vector Iterator.
+ * \ingroup iterators
+ */
+ struct Iter
+ {
+ /* Construct, assign. */
+ Iter() : ptr(0), ptrBeg(0), ptrEnd(0) { }
+ /* Construct. */
+ Iter( const Vector &v );
+ Iter( const IterFirst &vf );
+ Iter( const IterLast &vl );
+ inline Iter( const IterNext &vn );
+ inline Iter( const IterPrev &vp );
+ /* Assign. */
+ Iter &operator=( const Vector &v );
+ Iter &operator=( const IterFirst &vf );
+ Iter &operator=( const IterLast &vl );
+ inline Iter &operator=( const IterNext &vf );
+ inline Iter &operator=( const IterPrev &vl );
+ /** \brief Less than end? */
+ bool lte() const { return ptr != ptrEnd; }
+ /** \brief At end? */
+ bool end() const { return ptr == ptrEnd; }
+ /** \brief Greater than beginning? */
+ bool gtb() const { return ptr != ptrBeg; }
+ /** \brief At beginning? */
+ bool beg() const { return ptr == ptrBeg; }
+ /** \brief At first element? */
+ bool first() const { return ptr == ptrBeg+1; }
+ /** \brief At last element? */
+ bool last() const { return ptr == ptrEnd-1; }
+ /* Return the position. */
+ long pos() const { return ptr - ptrBeg - 1; }
+ T &operator[](int i) const { return ptr[i]; }
+ /** \brief Implicit cast to T*. */
+ operator T*() const { return ptr; }
+ /** \brief Dereference operator returns T&. */
+ T &operator *() const { return *ptr; }
+ /** \brief Arrow operator returns T*. */
+ T *operator->() const { return ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ T *operator++() { return ++ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ T *operator++(int) { return ptr++; }
+ /** \brief Move to next item. */
+ T *increment() { return ++ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move n items forward. */
+ T *operator+=(long n) { return ptr+=n; }
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ T *operator--() { return --ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ T *operator--(int) { return ptr--; }
+ /** \brief Move to previous item. */
+ T *decrement() { return --ptr; }
+ /** \brief Move n items back. */
+ T *operator-=(long n) { return ptr-=n; }
+ /** \brief Return the next item. Does not modify this. */
+ inline IterNext next() const { return IterNext(*this); }
+ /** \brief Return the previous item. Does not modify this. */
+ inline IterPrev prev() const { return IterPrev(*this); }
+ /** \brief The iterator is simply a pointer. */
+ T *ptr;
+ /* For testing endpoints. */
+ T *ptrBeg, *ptrEnd;
+ };
+ /** \brief Return first element. */
+ IterFirst first() { return IterFirst( *this ); }
+ /** \brief Return last element. */
+ IterLast last() { return IterLast( *this ); }
+ void makeRawSpaceFor(long pos, long len);
+ void upResize(long len);
+ void downResize(long len);
+/* Init a vector iterator with just a vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::Iter( const Vector &v )
+ if ( v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+/* Init a vector iterator with the first of a vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::Iter(
+ const IterFirst &vf )
+ if ( vf.v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+/* Init a vector iterator with the last of a vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::Iter(
+ const IterLast &vl )
+ if ( vl.v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+/* Init a vector iterator with the next of some other iterator. */
+template <class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::Iter(
+ const IterNext &vn )
+ ptr(vn.i.ptr+1),
+ ptrBeg(vn.i.ptrBeg),
+ ptrEnd(vn.i.ptrEnd)
+/* Init a vector iterator with the prev of some other iterator. */
+template <class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::Iter(
+ const IterPrev &vp )
+ ptr(vp.i.ptr-1),
+ ptrBeg(vp.i.ptrBeg),
+ ptrEnd(vp.i.ptrEnd)
+/* Set a vector iterator with some vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> typename Vector<T, Resize>::Iter &
+ Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::operator=( const Vector &v )
+ if ( v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/* Set a vector iterator with the first element in a vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> typename Vector<T, Resize>::Iter &
+ Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::operator=( const IterFirst &vf )
+ if ( vf.v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/* Set a vector iterator with the last element in a vector. */
+template <class T, class Resize> typename Vector<T, Resize>::Iter &
+ Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::operator=( const IterLast &vl )
+ if ( vl.v.tabLen == 0 )
+ ptr = ptrBeg = ptrEnd = 0;
+ else {
+ ptr =;
+ ptrBeg =;
+ ptrEnd =;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/* Set a vector iterator with the next of some other iterator. */
+template <class T, class Resize> typename Vector<T, Resize>::Iter &
+ Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::operator=( const IterNext &vn )
+ ptr = vn.i.ptr+1;
+ ptrBeg = vn.i.ptrBeg;
+ ptrEnd = vn.i.ptrEnd;
+ return *this;
+/* Set a vector iterator with the prev of some other iterator. */
+template <class T, class Resize> typename Vector<T, Resize>::Iter &
+ Vector<T, Resize>::Iter::operator=( const IterPrev &vp )
+ ptr = vp.i.ptr-1;
+ ptrBeg = vp.i.ptrBeg;
+ ptrEnd = vp.i.ptrEnd;
+ return *this;
+ * \brief Forget all elements in the vector.
+ *
+ * The contents of the vector are reset to null without without the space
+ * being freed.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ abandon()
+ BaseTable::data = 0;
+ BaseTable::tabLen = 0;
+ BaseTable::allocLen = 0;
+ * \brief Transfer the contents of another vector into this vector.
+ *
+ * The dynamic array of the other vector is moved into this vector by
+ * reference. If this vector is non-empty then its contents are first deleted.
+ * Afterward the other vector will be empty.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ transfer( Vector &v )
+ empty();
+ BaseTable::data =;
+ BaseTable::tabLen = v.tabLen;
+ BaseTable::allocLen = v.allocLen;
+ v.abandon();
+ * \brief Deep copy another vector into this vector.
+ *
+ * Copies the entire contents of the other vector into this vector. Any
+ * existing contents are first deleted. Equivalent to setAs.
+ *
+ * \returns A reference to this.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize> &Vector<T, Resize>::
+ operator=( const Vector &v )
+ setAs(, v.tabLen);
+ return *this;
+/* Up resize the data for len elements using Resize::upResize to tell us the
+ * new tabLen. Reads and writes allocLen. Does not read or write tabLen. */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ upResize(long len)
+ /* Ask the resizer what the new tabLen will be. */
+ long newLen = Resize::upResize(BaseTable::allocLen, len);
+ /* Did the data grow? */
+ if ( newLen > BaseTable::allocLen ) {
+ BaseTable::allocLen = newLen;
+ if ( BaseTable::data != 0 ) {
+ /* Table exists already, resize it up. */
+ BaseTable::data = (T*) realloc( BaseTable::data, sizeof(T) * newLen );
+ if ( BaseTable::data == 0 )
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Create the data. */
+ BaseTable::data = (T*) malloc( sizeof(T) * newLen );
+ if ( BaseTable::data == 0 )
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ }
+/* Down resize the data for len elements using Resize::downResize to determine
+ * the new tabLen. Reads and writes allocLen. Does not read or write tabLen. */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ downResize(long len)
+ /* Ask the resizer what the new tabLen will be. */
+ long newLen = Resize::downResize( BaseTable::allocLen, len );
+ /* Did the data shrink? */
+ if ( newLen < BaseTable::allocLen ) {
+ BaseTable::allocLen = newLen;
+ if ( newLen == 0 ) {
+ /* Simply free the data. */
+ free( BaseTable::data );
+ BaseTable::data = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Not shrinking to size zero, realloc it to the smaller size. */
+ BaseTable::data = (T*) realloc( BaseTable::data, sizeof(T) * newLen );
+ if ( BaseTable::data == 0 )
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ }
+ * \brief Perform a deep copy of the vector.
+ *
+ * The contents of the other vector are copied into this vector. This vector
+ * gets the same allocation size as the other vector. All items are copied
+ * using the element's copy constructor.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> Vector<T, Resize>::
+ Vector(const Vector<T, Resize> &v)
+ BaseTable::tabLen = v.tabLen;
+ BaseTable::allocLen = v.allocLen;
+ if ( BaseTable::allocLen > 0 ) {
+ /* Allocate needed space. */
+ BaseTable::data = (T*) malloc(sizeof(T) * BaseTable::allocLen);
+ if ( BaseTable::data == 0 )
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ /* If there are any items in the src data, copy them in. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data, *src =;
+ for (long pos = 0; pos < BaseTable::tabLen; pos++, dst++, src++ )
+ new(dst) T(*src);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Nothing allocated. */
+ BaseTable::data = 0;
+ }
+/** \fn Vector::~Vector()
+ * \brief Free all memory used by the vector.
+ *
+ * The vector is reset to zero elements. Destructors are called on all
+ * elements in the vector. The space allocated for the vector is freed.
+ */
+ * \brief Free all memory used by the vector.
+ *
+ * The vector is reset to zero elements. Destructors are called on all
+ * elements in the vector. The space allocated for the vector is freed.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ empty()
+ if ( BaseTable::data != 0 ) {
+ /* Call All destructors. */
+ T *pos = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < BaseTable::tabLen; pos++, i++ )
+ pos->~T();
+ /* Free the data space. */
+ free( BaseTable::data );
+ BaseTable::data = 0;
+ BaseTable::tabLen = BaseTable::allocLen = 0;
+ }
+ * \brief Set the contents of the vector to be len elements exactly.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes len elements in length. Destructors are called on any
+ * existing elements in the vector. Copy constructors are used to place the
+ * new elements in the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ setAs(const T *val, long len)
+ /* Call All destructors. */
+ long i;
+ T *pos = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( i = 0; i < BaseTable::tabLen; pos++, i++ )
+ pos->~T();
+ /* Adjust the allocated length. */
+ if ( len < BaseTable::tabLen )
+ downResize( len );
+ else if ( len > BaseTable::tabLen )
+ upResize( len );
+ /* Set the new data length to exactly len. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = len;
+ /* Copy data in. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data;
+ const T *src = val;
+ for ( i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++, src++ )
+ new(dst) T(*src);
+ * \brief Set the vector to len copies of item.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes len elements in length. Destructors are called on any
+ * existing elements in the vector. The element's copy constructor is used to
+ * copy the item into the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ setAsDup(const T &item, long len)
+ /* Call All destructors. */
+ T *pos = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < BaseTable::tabLen; pos++, i++ )
+ pos->~T();
+ /* Adjust the allocated length. */
+ if ( len < BaseTable::tabLen )
+ downResize( len );
+ else if ( len > BaseTable::tabLen )
+ upResize( len );
+ /* Set the new data length to exactly len. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = len;
+ /* Copy item in one spot at a time. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T(item);
+ * \brief Set the vector to exactly len new items.
+ *
+ * The vector becomes len elements in length. Destructors are called on any
+ * existing elements in the vector. Default constructors are used to init the
+ * new items.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ setAsNew(long len)
+ /* Call All destructors. */
+ T *pos = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < BaseTable::tabLen; pos++, i++ )
+ pos->~T();
+ /* Adjust the allocated length. */
+ if ( len < BaseTable::tabLen )
+ downResize( len );
+ else if ( len > BaseTable::tabLen )
+ upResize( len );
+ /* Set the new data length to exactly len. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = len;
+ /* Create items using default constructor. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T();
+ * \brief Replace len elements at position pos.
+ *
+ * If there are existing elements at the positions to be replaced, then
+ * destructors are called before the space is used. Copy constructors are used
+ * to place the elements into the vector. It is allowable for the pos and
+ * length to specify a replacement that overwrites existing elements and
+ * creates new ones. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then
+ * undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative, then it is treated as an
+ * offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ replace(long pos, const T *val, long len)
+ long endPos, i;
+ T *item;
+ /* If we are given a negative position to replace at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* The end is the one past the last item that we want
+ * to write to. */
+ endPos = pos + len;
+ /* Make sure we have enough space. */
+ if ( endPos > BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ upResize( endPos );
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < BaseTable::tabLen; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ /* We are extending the vector, set the new data length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = endPos;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < endPos; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ }
+ /* Copy data in using copy constructor. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ const T *src = val;
+ for ( i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++, src++ )
+ new(dst) T(*src);
+ * \brief Replace at position pos with len copies of an item.
+ *
+ * If there are existing elements at the positions to be replaced, then
+ * destructors are called before the space is used. The copy constructor is
+ * used to place the element into this vector. It is allowable for the pos and
+ * length to specify a replacement that overwrites existing elements and
+ * creates new ones. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then
+ * undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative, then it is treated as an
+ * offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ replaceDup(long pos, const T &val, long len)
+ long endPos, i;
+ T *item;
+ /* If we are given a negative position to replace at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* The end is the one past the last item that we want
+ * to write to. */
+ endPos = pos + len;
+ /* Make sure we have enough space. */
+ if ( endPos > BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ upResize( endPos );
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < BaseTable::tabLen; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ /* We are extending the vector, set the new data length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = endPos;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < endPos; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ }
+ /* Copy data in using copy constructor. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T(val);
+ * \brief Replace at position pos with len new elements.
+ *
+ * If there are existing elements at the positions to be replaced, then
+ * destructors are called before the space is used. The default constructor is
+ * used to initialize the new elements. It is allowable for the pos and length
+ * to specify a replacement that overwrites existing elements and creates new
+ * ones. If pos is greater than the length of the vector then undefined
+ * behaviour results. If pos is negative, then it is treated as an offset
+ * relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ replaceNew(long pos, long len)
+ long endPos, i;
+ T *item;
+ /* If we are given a negative position to replace at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* The end is the one past the last item that we want
+ * to write to. */
+ endPos = pos + len;
+ /* Make sure we have enough space. */
+ if ( endPos > BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ upResize( endPos );
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < BaseTable::tabLen; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ /* We are extending the vector, set the new data length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = endPos;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Delete any objects we need to delete. */
+ item = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( i = pos; i < endPos; i++, item++ )
+ item->~T();
+ }
+ /* Copy data in using copy constructor. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T();
+ * \brief Remove len elements at position pos.
+ *
+ * Destructor is called on all elements removed. Elements to the right of pos
+ * are shifted len spaces to the left to take up the free space. If pos is
+ * greater than or equal to the length of the vector then undefined behavior
+ * results. If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset relative to the
+ * length of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ remove(long pos, long len)
+ long newLen, lenToSlideOver, endPos;
+ T *dst, *item;
+ /* If we are given a negative position to remove at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* The first position after the last item deleted. */
+ endPos = pos + len;
+ /* The new data length. */
+ newLen = BaseTable::tabLen - len;
+ /* The place in the data we are deleting at. */
+ dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ /* Call Destructors. */
+ item = dst;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i += 1, item += 1 )
+ item->~T();
+ /* Shift data over if necessary. */
+ lenToSlideOver = BaseTable::tabLen - endPos;
+ if ( len > 0 && lenToSlideOver > 0 )
+ memmove(dst, dst + len, sizeof(T)*lenToSlideOver);
+ /* Shrink the data if necessary. */
+ downResize( newLen );
+ /* Set the new data length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = newLen;
+ * \brief Insert len elements at position pos.
+ *
+ * Elements in the vector from pos onward are shifted len spaces to the right.
+ * The copy constructor is used to place the elements into this vector. If pos
+ * is greater than the length of the vector then undefined behaviour results.
+ * If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset relative to the length
+ * of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ insert(long pos, const T *val, long len)
+ /* If we are given a negative position to insert at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* Calculate the new length. */
+ long newLen = BaseTable::tabLen + len;
+ /* Up resize, we are growing. */
+ upResize( newLen );
+ /* Shift over data at insert spot if needed. */
+ if ( len > 0 && pos < BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ memmove(BaseTable::data + pos + len, BaseTable::data + pos,
+ sizeof(T)*(BaseTable::tabLen-pos));
+ }
+ /* Copy data in element by element. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ const T *src = val;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++, src++ )
+ new(dst) T(*src);
+ /* Set the new length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = newLen;
+ * \brief Insert len copies of item at position pos.
+ *
+ * Elements in the vector from pos onward are shifted len spaces to the right.
+ * The copy constructor is used to place the element into this vector. If pos
+ * is greater than the length of the vector then undefined behaviour results.
+ * If pos is negative then it is treated as an offset relative to the length
+ * of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ insertDup(long pos, const T &item, long len)
+ /* If we are given a negative position to insert at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* Calculate the new length. */
+ long newLen = BaseTable::tabLen + len;
+ /* Up resize, we are growing. */
+ upResize( newLen );
+ /* Shift over data at insert spot if needed. */
+ if ( len > 0 && pos < BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ memmove(BaseTable::data + pos + len, BaseTable::data + pos,
+ sizeof(T)*(BaseTable::tabLen-pos));
+ }
+ /* Copy the data item in one at a time. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T(item);
+ /* Set the new length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = newLen;
+ * \brief Insert len new elements using the default constructor.
+ *
+ * Elements in the vector from pos onward are shifted len spaces to the right.
+ * Default constructors are used to init the new elements. If pos is off the
+ * end of the vector then undefined behaviour results. If pos is negative then
+ * it is treated as an offset relative to the length of the vector.
+ */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ insertNew(long pos, long len)
+ /* If we are given a negative position to insert at then
+ * treat it as a position relative to the length. */
+ if ( pos < 0 )
+ pos = BaseTable::tabLen + pos;
+ /* Calculate the new length. */
+ long newLen = BaseTable::tabLen + len;
+ /* Up resize, we are growing. */
+ upResize( newLen );
+ /* Shift over data at insert spot if needed. */
+ if ( len > 0 && pos < BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ memmove(BaseTable::data + pos + len, BaseTable::data + pos,
+ sizeof(T)*(BaseTable::tabLen-pos));
+ }
+ /* Init new data with default constructors. */
+ T *dst = BaseTable::data + pos;
+ for ( long i = 0; i < len; i++, dst++ )
+ new(dst) T();
+ /* Set the new length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = newLen;
+/* Makes space for len items, Does not init the items in any way. If pos is
+ * greater than the length of the vector then undefined behaviour results.
+ * Updates the length of the vector. */
+template<class T, class Resize> void Vector<T, Resize>::
+ makeRawSpaceFor(long pos, long len)
+ /* Calculate the new length. */
+ long newLen = BaseTable::tabLen + len;
+ /* Up resize, we are growing. */
+ upResize( newLen );
+ /* Shift over data at insert spot if needed. */
+ if ( len > 0 && pos < BaseTable::tabLen ) {
+ memmove(BaseTable::data + pos + len, BaseTable::data + pos,
+ sizeof(T)*(BaseTable::tabLen-pos));
+ }
+ /* Save the new length. */
+ BaseTable::tabLen = newLen;
+#endif /* _AAPL_VECTOR_H */