path: root/test/ragel.d/clang1.rl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/ragel.d/clang1.rl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/test/ragel.d/clang1.rl b/test/ragel.d/clang1.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index b5610331..00000000
--- a/test/ragel.d/clang1.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
- * @LANG: c
- * A mini C-like language scanner.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define IDENT_BUFLEN 256
- machine clang;
- # Function to buffer a character.
- action bufChar {
- if ( identLen < IDENT_BUFLEN ) {
- identBuf[identLen] = fc;
- identLen += 1;
- }
- }
- # Function to clear the buffer.
- action clearBuf {
- identLen = 0;
- }
- # Functions to dump tokens as they are matched.
- action ident {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("ident(%i): %s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- action literal {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("literal(%i): %s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- action float {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("float(%i): %s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- action int {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("int(%i): %s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- action hex {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("hex(%i): 0x%s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- action symbol {
- identBuf[identLen] = 0;
- printf("symbol(%i): %s\n", curLine, identBuf);
- }
- # Alpha numberic characters or underscore.
- alnumu = alnum | '_';
- # Alpha charactres or underscore.
- alphau = alpha | '_';
- # Symbols. Upon entering clear the buffer. On all transitions
- # buffer a character. Upon leaving dump the symbol.
- symbol = ( punct - [_'"] ) >clearBuf $bufChar %symbol;
- # Identifier. Upon entering clear the buffer. On all transitions
- # buffer a character. Upon leaving, dump the identifier.
- ident = (alphau . alnumu*) >clearBuf $bufChar %ident;
- # Match single characters inside literal strings. Or match
- # an escape sequence. Buffers the charater matched.
- sliteralChar =
- ( extend - ['\\] ) @bufChar |
- ( '\\' . extend @bufChar );
- dliteralChar =
- ( extend - ["\\] ) @bufChar |
- ( '\\' . extend @bufChar );
- # Single quote and double quota literals. At the start clear
- # the buffer. Upon leaving dump the literal.
- sliteral = ('\'' @clearBuf . sliteralChar* . '\'' ) %literal;
- dliteral = ('"' @clearBuf . dliteralChar* . '"' ) %literal;
- literal = sliteral | dliteral;
- # Whitespace is standard ws, newlines and control codes.
- whitespace = any - 0x21..0x7e;
- # Describe both c style comments and c++ style comments. The
- # priority bump on tne terminator of the comments brings us
- # out of the extend* which matches everything.
- ccComment = '//' . extend* $0 . '\n' @1;
- cComment = '/*' . extend* $0 . '*/' @1;
- # Match an integer. We don't bother clearing the buf or filling it.
- # The float machine overlaps with int and it will do it.
- int = digit+ %int;
- # Match a float. Upon entering the machine clear the buf, buffer
- # characters on every trans and dump the float upon leaving.
- float = ( digit+ . '.' . digit+ ) >clearBuf $bufChar %float;
- # Match a hex. Upon entering the hex part, clear the buf, buffer characters
- # on every trans and dump the hex on leaving transitions.
- hex = '0x' . xdigit+ >clearBuf $bufChar %hex;
- # Or together all the lanuage elements.
- fin = ( ccComment |
- cComment |
- symbol |
- ident |
- literal |
- whitespace |
- int |
- float |
- hex );
- # Star the language elements. It is critical in this type of application
- # that we decrease the priority of out transitions before doing so. This
- # is so that when we see 'aa' we stay in the fin machine to match an ident
- # of length two and not wrap around to the front to match two idents of
- # length one.
- clang_main = ( fin $1 %0 )*;
- # This machine matches everything, taking note of newlines.
- newline = ( any | '\n' @{ curLine += 1; } )*;
- # The final fsm is the lexer intersected with the newline machine which
- # will count lines for us. Since the newline machine accepts everything,
- # the strings accepted is goverened by the clang_main machine, onto which
- # the newline machine overlays line counting.
- main := clang_main & newline;
-#include <stdio.h>
-%% write data noerror;
-char data[] =
- "/*\n"
- " * Copyright\n"
- " */\n"
- "\n"
- "/* Aapl.\n"
- " */\n"
- " \n"
- "#define _AAPL_RESIZE_H\n"
- "\n"
- "#include <assert.h>\n"
- "\n"
- "#ifdef AAPL_NAMESPACE\n"
- "namespace Aapl {\n"
- "#endif\n"
- "#define LIN_DEFAULT_STEP 256\n"
- "#define EXPN_UP( existing, needed ) \\\n"
- " need > eng ? (ned<<1) : eing\n"
- " \n"
- "\n"
- "/*@}*/\n"
- "#undef EXPN_UP\n"
- "#ifdef AAPL_NAMESPACE\n"
- "#endif /* _AAPL_RESIZE_H */\n";
-void test( char *buf )
- int len = strlen( buf );
- char *p = buf, *pe = buf + len;
- char *eof = pe;
- char identBuf[IDENT_BUFLEN+1];
- int identLen;
- int curLine;
- int cs;
- identLen = 0;
- curLine = 1;
- %% write init;
- %% write exec;
- if ( cs >= clang_first_final )
- printf("ACCEPT\n");
- else
- printf("FAIL\n");
-int main()
- test(
- "999 0xaAFF99 99.99 /*\n"
- "*/ 'lksdj' //\n"
- "\"\n"
- "\n"
- "literal\n"
- "\n"
- "\n"
- "\"0x00aba foobardd.ddsf 0x0.9\n" );
- test(
- "wordwithnum00asdf\n"
- "000wordfollowsnum,makes new symbol\n"
- "\n"
- "finishing early /* unfinished ...\n" );
- test( data );
- return 0;
-##### OUTPUT #####
-int(1): 999
-hex(1): 0xaAFF99
-float(1): 99.99
-literal(2): lksdj
-hex(8): 0x00aba
-ident(8): foobardd
-symbol(8): .
-ident(8): ddsf
-hex(8): 0x0
-symbol(8): .
-int(8): 9
-ident(1): wordwithnum00asdf
-int(2): 000
-ident(2): wordfollowsnum
-symbol(2): ,
-ident(2): makes
-ident(2): new
-ident(2): symbol
-ident(4): finishing
-ident(4): early
-symbol(8): #
-ident(8): define
-ident(8): _AAPL_RESIZE_H
-symbol(10): #
-ident(10): include
-symbol(10): <
-ident(10): assert
-symbol(10): .
-ident(10): h
-symbol(10): >
-symbol(12): #
-ident(12): ifdef
-ident(12): AAPL_NAMESPACE
-ident(13): namespace
-ident(13): Aapl
-symbol(13): {
-symbol(14): #
-ident(14): endif
-symbol(15): #
-ident(15): define
-ident(15): LIN_DEFAULT_STEP
-int(15): 256
-symbol(16): #
-ident(16): define
-ident(16): EXPN_UP
-symbol(16): (
-ident(16): existing
-symbol(16): ,
-ident(16): needed
-symbol(16): )
-symbol(16): \
-ident(17): need
-symbol(17): >
-ident(17): eng
-symbol(17): ?
-symbol(17): (
-ident(17): ned
-symbol(17): <
-symbol(17): <
-int(17): 1
-symbol(17): )
-symbol(17): :
-ident(17): eing
-symbol(21): #
-ident(21): undef
-ident(21): EXPN_UP
-symbol(22): #
-ident(22): ifdef
-ident(22): AAPL_NAMESPACE
-symbol(23): #
-ident(23): endif