path: root/test/ragel.d/rpn1.rl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ragel.d/rpn1.rl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/test/ragel.d/rpn1.rl b/test/ragel.d/rpn1.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d63daa5..00000000
--- a/test/ragel.d/rpn1.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * @LANG: ocaml
- *)
-let id x = x
-let fail fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt
-let pr fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt
-let failed fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> prerr_endline s; exit 1) fmt
-let test' show f x y = if f x <> y then failed "FAILED: test %S" (show x)
-let case = ref 0
-let test f x y = incr case; if f x <> y then failed "FAILED: case %d" !case
-let error f x = match try Some (f x) with _ -> None with Some _ -> failed "FAILED: fail %S" x | None -> ()
-// -*-go-*-
-// Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
-// Copyright (c) 2010 J.A. Roberts Tunney
-// MIT License
-// To compile:
-// ragel -Z -G2 -o rpn.go rpn.rl
-// 6g -o rpn.6 rpn.go
-// 6l -o rpn rpn.6
-// ./rpn
-// To show a diagram of your state machine:
-// ragel -V -G2 -p -o rpn.rl
-// dot -Tpng -o rpn.png
-// chrome rpn.png
-%% machine rpn;
-%% write data;
-let fail fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt
-let rpn data =
- let (cs, p, pe) = (ref 0, ref 0, ref (String.length data)) in
- let mark = ref 0 in
- let st = Stack.create () in
- %%{
- action mark { mark := !p }
- action push { Stack.push (int_of_string (String.sub data !mark (!p - !mark))) st }
- action add { let y = Stack.pop st in let x = Stack.pop st in Stack.push (x + y) st }
- action sub { let y = Stack.pop st in let x = Stack.pop st in Stack.push (x - y) st }
- action mul { let y = Stack.pop st in let x = Stack.pop st in Stack.push (x * y) st }
- action div { let y = Stack.pop st in let x = Stack.pop st in Stack.push (x / y) st }
- action abs { Stack.push (abs (Stack.pop st)) st }
- action abba { Stack.push 666 st }
- stuff = digit+ >mark %push
- | '+' @add
- | '-' @sub
- | '*' @mul
- | '/' @div
- | 'abs' %abs
- | 'add' %add
- | 'abba' %abba
- ;
- main := ( space | stuff space )* ;
- write init;
- write exec;
- }%%
- if !cs < rpn_first_final then
- begin
- if !p = !pe then
- fail "unexpected eof"
- else
- fail "error at position %d" !p
- end;
- if Stack.is_empty st then
- fail "rpn stack empty on result"
- else
- Stack.pop st
-(* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *)
-let rpnTests = [
- ("666\n", 666);
- ("666 111\n", 111);
- ("4 3 add\n", 7);
- ("4 3 +\n", 7);
- ("4 3 -\n", 1);
- ("4 3 *\n", 12);
- ("6 2 /\n", 3);
- ("0 3 -\n", -3);
- ("0 3 - abs\n", 3);
- (" 2 2 + 3 - \n", 1);
- ("10 7 3 2 * - +\n", 11);
- ("abba abba add\n", 1332);
-let rpnFailTests = [
- ("\n")
-let () =
- List.iter (fun (s,x) -> test rpn s x) rpnTests;
- List.iter (fun s -> error rpn s) rpnFailTests