path: root/test/xml/xml.lm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/xml/xml.lm')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/xml/xml.lm b/test/xml/xml.lm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..803d4a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/xml/xml.lm
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Definitions
+rl xml_digit / (0x30..0x39) /
+rl base_char / 0x41..0x5A | 0x61..0x7A /
+rl char / 0x9 | 0xA | 0xD | 0x20..0x7f /
+rl letter / base_char /
+rl name_char / letter | digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | 0xb7 /
+rl name / (letter | '_' | ':') name_char* /
+# Reference definitions. These appear in the
+# top level and also in strings.
+rl entity_ref_pat / '&' name ';' /
+rl char_ref_pat / '&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' /
+# Single quotes.
+lex sq
+ token sq_close /'\''/
+ # References in single quotes
+ token sq_entity_ref /entity_ref_pat/
+ token sq_char_ref /char_ref_pat/
+ token sq_data / [^<&']+ /
+ def sq_item
+ [ sq_data ]
+ | [ sq_entity_ref ]
+ | [ sq_char_ref ]
+ # The opening quote belongs to the tag region.
+ def sq_string
+ [ '\'' sq_item* sq_close ]
+# Double quotes.
+lex dq
+ token dq_close /'"'/
+ # References in double quotes
+ token dq_entity_ref /entity_ref_pat/
+ token dq_char_ref /char_ref_pat/
+ token dq_data / [^<&"]+ /
+ def dq_item
+ [ dq_data ]
+ | [ dq_entity_ref ]
+ | [ dq_char_ref ]
+ # The opening quote belongs to the tag region.
+ def dq_string
+ [ '"' dq_item* dq_close ]
+# Tag elements.
+lex tag
+ literal '\'', '\"', '=', '\/', '>'
+ # Within this region whitespace is not significant.
+ ignore xml_space / (0x20 | 0x9 | 0xD | 0xA)+ /
+ #
+ # Attributes
+ #
+ token attr_name / name /
+# Top Level
+lex start
+ #
+ # Comments
+ #
+ # Cannot contain '--'
+ rl char_no_dash / char - '-' /
+ token comment / '<!--' ( char_no_dash | '-' char_no_dash )* '-->' /
+ # Opening a tag.
+ literal '<'
+ #
+ # Character Data
+ #
+ token cdata / '<![CDATA[' char* :> ']]>'/
+ token char_data / [^<&]+ /
+ token entity_ref /entity_ref_pat/
+ token char_ref /char_ref_pat/
+def attribute_value
+ [ sq_string ]
+| [ dq_string ]
+def attribute
+ [ attr_name '=' attribute_value ]
+def empty_tag
+ [ '<' attr_name attribute* '/' '>' ]
+def close_tag
+ [ '<' '/' attr_name '>' ]
+def open_tag
+ [ '<' attr_name attribute* '>' ]
+def tag
+ [open_tag content close_tag]
+def content_item
+ [tag]
+| [empty_tag]
+| [char_data]
+| [entity_ref]
+| [char_ref]
+| [cdata]
+| [comment]
+def content
+ [content_item*]
+def document
+ [content]
+def start
+ [document]
+start S = parse start(stdin)
+for Switch:tag in S {
+ if match Switch
+ ["<lm_switch>" SwitchContent:content "</lm_switch>"]
+ {
+ print( 'SWITCH\n' )
+ for Text:tag in SwitchContent {
+ if match Text
+ ["<text>" TextContent:content "</text>"]
+ {
+ print( ' ', TextContent, '\n' )
+ }
+ }
+ }