include 'ril.lm' namespace out_go token _IN_ /''/ token _EX_ /''/ lex token comment / '//' any* :> '\n' | '/*' any* :>> '*/' / token id /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/ token number / [0-9]+ / token symbol / '!' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '[' | ']' | '^' | '|' | '~' / literal `{ `} token string / '"' ( [^"\\] | '\\' any ) * '"' | "'" ( [^'\\] | '\\' any ) * "'" / ignore /[ \t\v\r\n]+/ end def item [comment] | [id] | [number] | [symbol] | [string] | [`{ _IN_ item* _EX_ `} ] def out_go [_IN_ _EX_ item*] end namespace go_gen global _: parser void tok_list( TL: host::tok* ) { for Tok: host::tok in repeat(TL) { switch Tok case Stmt { << "{ " [stmt_list( StmtList )] "} } case Expr { << "([expr( Expr )])" } case Escape { Str: str = $Tok << "[Str.suffix( 1 )]" } default { << [Tok] } } } void embedded_host( EmbeddedHost: embedded_host ) { switch EmbeddedHost case Expr { << ['(' tok_list( TL ) ')'] } case Stmt { << ['{' tok_list( TL ) '}\n'] } case Bare { << [tok_list( TL )] } } void expr_factor( ExprFactor: expr_factor ) { switch ExprFactor case EmbeddedHost { << [embedded_host(embedded_host)] } case Paren { << ['( ' expr(expr) ' )'] } case ArraySub { << [ident '[ ' expr( expr ) ' ]'] } case Offset { << "int([expr(expr )]) } case Deref { << [ident '[ ' expr( expr ) ' ]' ] } case True { << "true" } case False { << "false" } case Nil { << "0" } case Access { embedded_host(embedded_host) expr_factor(_expr_factor) } case Cast { << [type(type) '( ' expr_factor(_expr_factor) ' )' ] } default { # Catches cases not specified << [ExprFactor] } } void lvalue( ExprFactor: lvalue ) { switch ExprFactor case [EH: embedded_host] { << [embedded_host(EH)] } case [ident `[ TL: expr `]] { << [ident '[' expr( TL ) ']'] } case [E1: embedded_host `-> E2: lvalue] { embedded_host( E1 ) lvalue( E2 ) } default { # Catches cases not specified << [ExprFactor] } } void expr_factor_op( ExprFactorOp: expr_factor_op ) { switch ExprFactorOp case [B: `! expr_factor_op] { << ['! ' expr_factor_op( _expr_factor_op )] } case [T: `~ expr_factor_op] { << ['^ ' expr_factor_op( _expr_factor_op )] } case [expr_factor] { << [expr_factor( ExprFactorOp.expr_factor )] } } void expr_bitwise( ExprBitwise: expr_bitwise ) { switch ExprBitwise case [expr_bitwise A: `& expr_factor_op] { << [expr_bitwise( _expr_bitwise ) ' & ' expr_factor_op( expr_factor_op )] } case [expr_factor_op] { << [expr_factor_op( ExprBitwise.expr_factor_op )] } } void expr_mult( ExprMult: expr_mult ) { switch ExprMult case [expr_mult T: `* expr_bitwise] { << [expr_mult( _expr_mult ) ' * ' expr_bitwise( expr_bitwise )] } case [expr_bitwise] { << [expr_bitwise( expr_bitwise )] } } void expr_add( ExprAdd: expr_add ) { switch ExprAdd case [expr_add Op: add_op expr_mult] { << [expr_add( _expr_add ) ' ' Op ' ' expr_mult( expr_mult )] } case [expr_mult] { << [expr_mult( ExprAdd.expr_mult )] } } void expr_shift( ExprShift: expr_shift ) { switch ExprShift case [expr_shift Op: shift_op expr_add] { << [expr_shift( _expr_shift ) ' ' Op ' ' expr_add( expr_add )] } case [expr_add] { << [expr_add( expr_add )] } } void expr_test( ExprTest: expr_test ) { switch ExprTest case [expr_test Op: test_op expr_shift] { << [expr_test( _expr_test ) ' ' Op ' ' expr_shift( expr_shift )] } case [expr_shift] { << [expr_shift( ExprTest.expr_shift )] } } void expr( Expr: expr ) { expr_test( Expr.expr_test ) } void type( Type: type ) { switch Type case S8 << ['int8'] case S16 << ['int16'] case S32 << ['int32'] case S64 << ['int64'] case S128 << ['long long'] default << [Type] } void number( Number: number ) { switch Number case Unsigned << [uint] default << [Number] } void num_list( NumList: num_list ) { number( NumList.number ) for CommaNum: comma_num in NumList { << [', ' number( CommaNum.number )] } } # Go must have {} around if and for statements. We strip any blocks from # these statments and force our own. void strip_block_stmt( Stmt: stmt ) { if match Stmt [`{ StmtList: stmt* `}] stmt_list(StmtList) else stmt( Stmt ) } void stmt( Stmt: stmt ) { switch Stmt case [EH: embedded_host] { << [embedded_host(EH)] } case [A: static_array] { << "var [A.ident] = \[\] " "[type(A.type)] { [num_list(A.num_list)] } } case [V: static_value] { << "var [V.ident] [type(V.type)] = [V.number] "var _ = [V.ident] } case [ 'if' O: `( IfExpr: expr C: `) IfStmt: stmt ] { # if-statements with only the if clause can go out as an if. << "if [expr(IfExpr)] { " [strip_block_stmt(IfStmt)] "} } case [ 'if' O: `( IfExpr: expr C: `) IfStmt: stmt ElseIfClauseList: else_if_clause* ElseClauseOpt: else_clause? ] { # If the if-statement has more than just an if clause it goes out as a switch. << "if [expr( IfExpr )] { " [strip_block_stmt( IfStmt )] for ElseIfClause: else_if_clause in repeat( ElseIfClauseList ) { match ElseIfClause ['else if (' ElseIfExpr: expr ')' ElseIfStmt: stmt] << "} else if [expr(ElseIfExpr)] { " [strip_block_stmt(ElseIfStmt)] } if ( match ElseClauseOpt ['else' ElseStmt: stmt] ) { << "} else { " [strip_block_stmt(ElseStmt)] } << "} } case ["while ( TRUE )" WhileStmt: stmt] { << "for { " [strip_block_stmt(WhileStmt)] "} } case ['while' '(' WhileExpr: expr ')' WhileStmt: stmt] { << "for [expr(WhileExpr)] { " [strip_block_stmt(WhileStmt)] "} } case ['switch' '(' SwitchExpr: expr ')' '{' StmtList: stmt* '}'] { << "switch [expr(SwitchExpr)] { " [stmt_list(StmtList)] "} } case [ExprExpr: expr `;] { << [expr(ExprExpr) ';'] } case [B: block] { << "{ " [stmt_list(B.StmtList)] "} } case [D: declaration] { << "var [D.ident] [type(D.type)]" if match D.opt_init ['=' Expr: expr] { << " = [expr(Expr)]" } << ['\n'] } case [ES: export_stmt] { << "#define [ES.ident] [number(ES.number)] } case [fallthrough] { << "fallthrough } case [Index: index_stmt] { << "var [Index.ident] int" if match Index.opt_init ['=' Expr: expr] { << " = [expr(Expr)]" } << ['\n'] } case [CB: case_block] { << "case [expr( CB.expr )]: " [stmt_list( CB._repeat_stmt )] } case [DB: default_block] { << "default: " [stmt_list( DB._repeat_stmt )] } case [CL: case_label] { << "case [expr( CL.expr )]: } case [AS: assign_stmt] { << "[lvalue(AS.LValue) AS.assign_op expr(AS.expr)]; } default { # catches unspecified cases << "[Stmt] } } void stmt_list( StmtList: stmt* ) { for Stmt: stmt in repeat( StmtList ) stmt( Stmt ) } void trans( Output: stream, Start: start ) { _ = new parser() Input: _input = _->gets() Input->auto_trim(true) if ( ) send Output [] stmt_list( Start._repeat_stmt ) GO: out_go::out_go = _->finish() if GO { send Output [GO] } else { send stderr "failed to parse output: [_->error] } } end void trans( Output: stream, Start: start ) { go_gen::trans( Output, Start ) } include 'rlhc-main.lm'