/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Adrian Thurston */ /* This file is part of Colm. * * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "avltree.h" #include "parsedata.h" #include "parser.h" #include "parsedata.h" #include "parsetree.h" #include "mergesort.h" #include "redbuild.h" #include "pdacodegen.h" #include "fsmcodegen.h" #include "pdarun.h" #include "colm.h" #include "pool.h" using std::ostringstream; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; char machineMain[] = "main"; exit_object endp; void operator<<( ostream &out, exit_object & ) { out << endl; exit(1); } /* Perform minimization after an operation according * to the command line args. */ void afterOpMinimize( FsmGraph *fsm, bool lastInSeq ) { /* Switch on the prefered minimization algorithm. */ if ( lastInSeq ) { /* First clean up the graph. FsmGraph operations may leave these * lying around. There should be no dead end states. The subtract * intersection operators are the only places where they may be * created and those operators clean them up. */ fsm->removeUnreachableStates(); fsm->minimizePartition2(); } } /* Count the transitions in the fsm by walking the state list. */ int countTransitions( FsmGraph *fsm ) { int numTrans = 0; FsmState *state = fsm->stateList.head; while ( state != 0 ) { numTrans += state->outList.length(); state = state->next; } return numTrans; } Key makeFsmKeyHex( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ) { /* Reset errno so we can check for overflow or underflow. In the event of * an error, sets the return val to the upper or lower bound being tested * against. */ errno = 0; unsigned int size = keyOps->alphType->size; bool unusedBits = size < sizeof(unsigned long); unsigned long ul = strtoul( str, 0, 16 ); if ( errno == ERANGE || (unusedBits && ul >> (size * 8)) ) { error(loc) << "literal " << str << " overflows the alphabet type" << endl; ul = 1 << (size * 8); } if ( unusedBits && ul >> (size * 8 - 1) ) ul |= (0xffffffff >> (size*8 ) ) << (size*8); return Key( (long)ul ); } Key makeFsmKeyDec( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ) { /* Convert the number to a decimal. First reset errno so we can check * for overflow or underflow. */ errno = 0; long long minVal = keyOps->alphType->minVal; long long maxVal = keyOps->alphType->maxVal; long long ll = strtoll( str, 0, 10 ); /* Check for underflow. */ if ( (errno == ERANGE && ll < 0) || ll < minVal) { error(loc) << "literal " << str << " underflows the alphabet type" << endl; ll = minVal; } /* Check for overflow. */ else if ( (errno == ERANGE && ll > 0) || ll > maxVal ) { error(loc) << "literal " << str << " overflows the alphabet type" << endl; ll = maxVal; } return Key( (long)ll ); } /* Make an fsm key in int format (what the fsm graph uses) from an alphabet * number returned by the parser. Validates that the number doesn't overflow * the alphabet type. */ Key makeFsmKeyNum( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ) { /* Switch on hex/decimal format. */ if ( str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x' ) return makeFsmKeyHex( str, loc, pd ); else return makeFsmKeyDec( str, loc, pd ); } /* Make an fsm int format (what the fsm graph uses) from a single character. * Performs proper conversion depending on signed/unsigned property of the * alphabet. */ Key makeFsmKeyChar( char c, Compiler *pd ) { /* Copy from a char type. */ return Key( c ); } /* Make an fsm key array in int format (what the fsm graph uses) from a string * of characters. Performs proper conversion depending on signed/unsigned * property of the alphabet. */ void makeFsmKeyArray( Key *result, char *data, int len, Compiler *pd ) { /* Copy from a char star type. */ char *src = data; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) result[i] = Key(src[i]); } /* Like makeFsmKeyArray except the result has only unique keys. They ordering * will be changed. */ void makeFsmUniqueKeyArray( KeySet &result, char *data, int len, bool caseInsensitive, Compiler *pd ) { /* Copy from a char star type. */ char *src = data; for ( int si = 0; si < len; si++ ) { Key key( src[si] ); result.insert( key ); if ( caseInsensitive ) { if ( key.isLower() ) result.insert( key.toUpper() ); else if ( key.isUpper() ) result.insert( key.toLower() ); } } } FsmGraph *dotFsm( Compiler *pd ) { FsmGraph *retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( keyOps->minKey, keyOps->maxKey ); return retFsm; } FsmGraph *dotStarFsm( Compiler *pd ) { FsmGraph *retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeStarFsm( keyOps->minKey, keyOps->maxKey ); return retFsm; } /* Make a builtin type. Depends on the signed nature of the alphabet type. */ FsmGraph *makeBuiltin( BuiltinMachine builtin, Compiler *pd ) { /* FsmGraph created to return. */ FsmGraph *retFsm = 0; switch ( builtin ) { case BT_Any: { /* All characters. */ retFsm = dotFsm( pd ); break; } case BT_Ascii: { /* Ascii characters 0 to 127. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( 0, 127 ); break; } case BT_Extend: { /* Ascii extended characters. This is the full byte range. Dependent * on signed, vs no signed. If the alphabet is one byte then just use * dot fsm. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( -128, 127 ); break; } case BT_Alpha: { /* Alpha [A-Za-z]. */ FsmGraph *upper = new FsmGraph(), *lower = new FsmGraph(); upper->rangeFsm( 'A', 'Z' ); lower->rangeFsm( 'a', 'z' ); upper->unionOp( lower ); upper->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = upper; break; } case BT_Digit: { /* Digits [0-9]. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( '0', '9' ); break; } case BT_Alnum: { /* Alpha numerics [0-9A-Za-z]. */ FsmGraph *digit = new FsmGraph(), *lower = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *upper = new FsmGraph(); digit->rangeFsm( '0', '9' ); upper->rangeFsm( 'A', 'Z' ); lower->rangeFsm( 'a', 'z' ); digit->unionOp( upper ); digit->unionOp( lower ); digit->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = digit; break; } case BT_Lower: { /* Lower case characters. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( 'a', 'z' ); break; } case BT_Upper: { /* Upper case characters. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( 'A', 'Z' ); break; } case BT_Cntrl: { /* Control characters. */ FsmGraph *cntrl = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *highChar = new FsmGraph(); cntrl->rangeFsm( 0, 31 ); highChar->concatFsm( 127 ); cntrl->unionOp( highChar ); cntrl->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = cntrl; break; } case BT_Graph: { /* Graphical ascii characters [!-~]. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( '!', '~' ); break; } case BT_Print: { /* Printable characters. Same as graph except includes space. */ retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->rangeFsm( ' ', '~' ); break; } case BT_Punct: { /* Punctuation. */ FsmGraph *range1 = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *range2 = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *range3 = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *range4 = new FsmGraph(); range1->rangeFsm( '!', '/' ); range2->rangeFsm( ':', '@' ); range3->rangeFsm( '[', '`' ); range4->rangeFsm( '{', '~' ); range1->unionOp( range2 ); range1->unionOp( range3 ); range1->unionOp( range4 ); range1->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = range1; break; } case BT_Space: { /* Whitespace: [\t\v\f\n\r ]. */ FsmGraph *cntrl = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *space = new FsmGraph(); cntrl->rangeFsm( '\t', '\r' ); space->concatFsm( ' ' ); cntrl->unionOp( space ); cntrl->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = cntrl; break; } case BT_Xdigit: { /* Hex digits [0-9A-Fa-f]. */ FsmGraph *digit = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *upper = new FsmGraph(); FsmGraph *lower = new FsmGraph(); digit->rangeFsm( '0', '9' ); upper->rangeFsm( 'A', 'F' ); lower->rangeFsm( 'a', 'f' ); digit->unionOp( upper ); digit->unionOp( lower ); digit->minimizePartition2(); retFsm = digit; break; } case BT_Lambda: { retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->lambdaFsm(); break; } case BT_Empty: { retFsm = new FsmGraph(); retFsm->emptyFsm(); break; }} return retFsm; } /* * Compiler */ /* Initialize the structure that will collect info during the parse of a * machine. */ Compiler::Compiler( ) : nextPriorKey(0), nextNameId(0), alphTypeSet(false), getKeyExpr(0), accessExpr(0), curStateExpr(0), lowerNum(0), upperNum(0), errorCount(0), curActionOrd(0), curPriorOrd(0), nextEpsilonResolvedLink(0), nextTokenId(1), rootCodeBlock(0), mainReturnUT(0), access(0), tokenStruct(0), ptrLangEl(0), boolLangEl(0), intLangEl(0), strLangEl(0), streamLangEl(0), anyLangEl(0), rootLangEl(0), noTokenLangEl(0), eofLangEl(0), errorLangEl(0), defaultCharLangEl(0), ignoreLangEl(0), rootRegion(0), defaultRegion(0), firstNonTermId(0), prodIdIndex(0), uniqueTypeNil(0), uniqueTypePtr(0), uniqueTypeBool(0), uniqueTypeInt(0), uniqueTypeStr(0), uniqueTypeStream(0), uniqueTypeIgnore(0), uniqueTypeAny(0), nextPatConsId(0), nextGenericId(1), nextFuncId(0), loopCleanup(0), nextObjectId(1), /* 0 is reserved for no object. */ nextFrameId(0), nextParserId(0), revertOn(true), predValue(0), nextMatchEndNum(0), argvTypeRef(0), context(0), inContiguous(false), contiguousOffset(0), contiguousStretch(0) { } /* Clean up the data collected during a parse. */ Compiler::~Compiler() { /* Delete all the nodes in the action list. Will cause all the * string data that represents the actions to be deallocated. */ actionList.empty(); } ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const Token &token ) { out << token.data; return out; } /* Write out a name reference. */ ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const NameRef &nameRef ) { int pos = 0; if ( nameRef[pos] == 0 ) { out << "::"; pos += 1; } out << nameRef[pos++]; for ( ; pos < nameRef.length(); pos++ ) out << "::" << nameRef[pos]; return out; } NameInst **Compiler::makeNameIndex() { /* The number of nodes in the tree can now be given by nextNameId. Put a * null pointer on the end of the list to terminate it. */ NameInst **nameIndex = new NameInst*[nextNameId+1]; memset( nameIndex, 0, sizeof(NameInst*)*(nextNameId+1) ); for ( NameInstList::Iter ni = nameInstList; ni.lte(); ni++ ) nameIndex[ni->id] = ni; return nameIndex; } void Compiler::createBuiltin( const char *name, BuiltinMachine builtin ) { LexExpression *expression = LexExpression::cons( builtin ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( expression ); LexDefinition *varDef = new LexDefinition( name, join ); GraphDictEl *graphDictEl = new GraphDictEl( name, varDef ); rootNamespace->rlMap.insert( graphDictEl ); } /* Initialize the graph dict with builtin types. */ void Compiler::initGraphDict( ) { createBuiltin( "any", BT_Any ); createBuiltin( "ascii", BT_Ascii ); createBuiltin( "extend", BT_Extend ); createBuiltin( "alpha", BT_Alpha ); createBuiltin( "digit", BT_Digit ); createBuiltin( "alnum", BT_Alnum ); createBuiltin( "lower", BT_Lower ); createBuiltin( "upper", BT_Upper ); createBuiltin( "cntrl", BT_Cntrl ); createBuiltin( "graph", BT_Graph ); createBuiltin( "print", BT_Print ); createBuiltin( "punct", BT_Punct ); createBuiltin( "space", BT_Space ); createBuiltin( "xdigit", BT_Xdigit ); createBuiltin( "null", BT_Lambda ); createBuiltin( "zlen", BT_Lambda ); createBuiltin( "empty", BT_Empty ); } /* Initialize the key operators object that will be referenced by all fsms * created. */ void Compiler::initKeyOps( ) { /* Signedness and bounds. */ HostType *alphType = alphTypeSet ? userAlphType : hostLang->defaultAlphType; thisKeyOps.setAlphType( alphType ); if ( lowerNum != 0 ) { /* If ranges are given then interpret the alphabet type. */ thisKeyOps.minKey = makeFsmKeyNum( lowerNum, rangeLowLoc, this ); thisKeyOps.maxKey = makeFsmKeyNum( upperNum, rangeHighLoc, this ); } } /* Remove duplicates of unique actions from an action table. */ void Compiler::removeDups( ActionTable &table ) { /* Scan through the table looking for unique actions to * remove duplicates of. */ for ( int i = 0; i < table.length(); i++ ) { /* Remove any duplicates ahead of i. */ for ( int r = i+1; r < table.length(); ) { if ( table[r].value == table[i].value ) table.vremove(r); else r += 1; } } } /* Remove duplicates from action lists. This operates only on transition and * eof action lists and so should be called once all actions have been * transfered to their final resting place. */ void Compiler::removeActionDups( FsmGraph *graph ) { /* Loop all states. */ for ( StateList::Iter state = graph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { /* Loop all transitions. */ for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) removeDups( trans->actionTable ); removeDups( state->toStateActionTable ); removeDups( state->fromStateActionTable ); removeDups( state->eofActionTable ); } } Action *Compiler::newAction( const String &name, InlineList *inlineList ) { InputLoc loc; loc.line = 1; loc.col = 1; loc.fileName = 0; Action *action = Action::cons( loc, name, inlineList ); actionList.append( action ); return action; } void Compiler::initLongestMatchData() { if ( regionList.length() > 0 ) { /* The initActId action gives act a default value. */ InlineList *il4 = InlineList::cons(); il4->append( InlineItem::cons( InputLoc(), InlineItem::LmInitAct ) ); initActId = newAction( "initact", il4 ); initActId->isLmAction = true; /* The setTokStart action sets tokstart. */ InlineList *il5 = InlineList::cons(); il5->append( InlineItem::cons( InputLoc(), InlineItem::LmSetTokStart ) ); setTokStart = newAction( "tokstart", il5 ); setTokStart->isLmAction = true; /* The setTokEnd action sets tokend. */ InlineList *il3 = InlineList::cons(); il3->append( InlineItem::cons( InputLoc(), InlineItem::LmSetTokEnd ) ); setTokEnd = newAction( "tokend", il3 ); setTokEnd->isLmAction = true; /* The action will also need an ordering: ahead of all user action * embeddings. */ initActIdOrd = curActionOrd++; setTokStartOrd = curActionOrd++; setTokEndOrd = curActionOrd++; } } void Compiler::finishGraphBuild( FsmGraph *graph ) { /* Resolve any labels that point to multiple states. Any labels that are * still around are referenced only by gotos and calls and they need to be * made into deterministic entry points. */ graph->deterministicEntry(); /* * All state construction is now complete. */ /* Transfer global error actions. */ for ( StateList::Iter state = graph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) graph->transferErrorActions( state, 0 ); removeActionDups( graph ); /* Remove unreachable states. There should be no dead end states. The * subtract and intersection operators are the only places where they may * be created and those operators clean them up. */ graph->removeUnreachableStates(); /* No more fsm operations are to be done. Action ordering numbers are * no longer of use and will just hinder minimization. Clear them. */ graph->nullActionKeys(); /* Transition priorities are no longer of use. We can clear them * because they will just hinder minimization as well. Clear them. */ graph->clearAllPriorities(); /* Minimize here even if we minimized at every op. Now that function * keys have been cleared we may get a more minimal fsm. */ graph->minimizePartition2(); graph->compressTransitions(); } /* Build the name tree and supporting data structures. */ NameInst *Compiler::makeNameTree() { /* Create the root name. */ nextNameId = 1; /* First make the name tree. */ for ( RegionList::Iter rel = regionList; rel.lte(); rel++ ) { /* Recurse on the instance. */ rel->makeNameTree( rel->loc, this ); } return 0; } FsmGraph *Compiler::makeAllRegions() { /* Build the name tree and supporting data structures. */ makeNameTree(); NameInst **nameIndex = makeNameIndex(); int numGraphs = 0; FsmGraph **graphs = new FsmGraph*[regionList.length()]; /* Make all the instantiations, we know that main exists in this list. */ for ( RegionList::Iter rel = regionList; rel.lte(); rel++ ) { /* Build the graph from a walk of the parse tree. */ FsmGraph *newGraph = rel->walk( this ); /* Wrap up the construction. */ finishGraphBuild( newGraph ); /* Save off the new graph. */ graphs[numGraphs++] = newGraph; } /* NOTE: If putting in minimization here we need to include eofTarget * into the minimization algorithm. It is currently set by the longest * match operator and not considered anywhere else. */ /* Add all the other graphs into the first. */ FsmGraph *all = graphs[0]; all->globOp( graphs+1, numGraphs-1 ); delete[] graphs; /* Go through all the token regions and check for lmRequiresErrorState. */ for ( RegionList::Iter reg = regionList; reg.lte(); reg++ ) { if ( reg->lmSwitchHandlesError ) all->lmRequiresErrorState = true; } all->nameIndex = nameIndex; return all; } void Compiler::analyzeAction( Action *action, InlineList *inlineList ) { /* FIXME: Actions used as conditions should be very constrained. */ for ( InlineList::Iter item = *inlineList; item.lte(); item++ ) { //if ( item->type == InlineItem::Call || item->type == InlineItem::CallExpr ) // action->anyCall = true; /* Need to recurse into longest match items. */ if ( item->type == InlineItem::LmSwitch ) { TokenRegion *lm = item->tokenRegion; for ( TokenInstanceListReg::Iter lmi = lm->tokenInstanceList; lmi.lte(); lmi++ ) { if ( lmi->action != 0 ) analyzeAction( action, lmi->action->inlineList ); } } if ( item->type == InlineItem::LmOnLast || item->type == InlineItem::LmOnNext || item->type == InlineItem::LmOnLagBehind ) { TokenInstance *lmi = item->longestMatchPart; if ( lmi->action != 0 ) analyzeAction( action, lmi->action->inlineList ); } if ( item->children != 0 ) analyzeAction( action, item->children ); } } void Compiler::analyzeGraph( FsmGraph *graph ) { for ( ActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) analyzeAction( act, act->inlineList ); for ( StateList::Iter st = graph->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { /* The transition list. */ for ( TransList::Iter trans = st->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { for ( ActionTable::Iter at = trans->actionTable; at.lte(); at++ ) at->value->numTransRefs += 1; } for ( ActionTable::Iter at = st->toStateActionTable; at.lte(); at++ ) at->value->numToStateRefs += 1; for ( ActionTable::Iter at = st->fromStateActionTable; at.lte(); at++ ) at->value->numFromStateRefs += 1; for ( ActionTable::Iter at = st->eofActionTable; at.lte(); at++ ) at->value->numEofRefs += 1; } } FsmGraph *Compiler::makeScanner() { /* Make the graph, do minimization. */ FsmGraph *fsmGraph = makeAllRegions(); /* If any errors have occured in the input file then don't write anything. */ if ( gblErrorCount > 0 ) return 0; analyzeGraph( fsmGraph ); /* Decide if an error state is necessary. * 1. There is an error transition * 2. There is a gap in the transitions * 3. The longest match operator requires it. */ if ( fsmGraph->lmRequiresErrorState || fsmGraph->hasErrorTrans() ) fsmGraph->errState = fsmGraph->addState(); /* State numbers need to be assigned such that all final states have a * larger state id number than all non-final states. This enables the * first_final mechanism to function correctly. We also want states to be * ordered in a predictable fashion. So we first apply a depth-first * search, then do a stable sort by final state status, then assign * numbers. */ fsmGraph->depthFirstOrdering(); fsmGraph->sortStatesByFinal(); fsmGraph->setStateNumbers( 0 ); return fsmGraph; } void Compiler::createDefaultScanner() { InputLoc loc; const char *name = "___DEFAULT_SCANNER"; /* Create the default namespace. */ defaultNamespace = new Namespace( InputLoc(), name, namespaceList.length(), 0 ); namespaceList.append( defaultNamespace ); /* Create a scanner which will be used when no other scanner can be * figured out. It returns single characters. */ defaultRegion = new TokenRegion( InputLoc(), regionList.length() ); regionList.append( defaultRegion ); RegionSet *regionSet = new RegionSet( defaultRegion, 0, 0, 0 ); regionSetList.append( regionSet ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( LexExpression::cons( BT_Any ) ); TokenDef *tokenDef = TokenDef::cons( name, String(), false, false, join, 0, loc, 0, rootNamespace, regionSet, 0, 0 ); TokenInstance *tokenInstance = TokenInstance::cons( tokenDef, join, loc, nextTokenId++, rootNamespace, defaultRegion ); defaultRegion->tokenInstanceList.append( tokenInstance ); /* Now create the one and only token -> "" / any / */ name = "___DEFAULT_SCANNER_CHR"; defaultCharLangEl = addLangEl( this, defaultNamespace, name, LangEl::Term ); tokenInstance->tokenDef->tdLangEl = defaultCharLangEl; defaultCharLangEl->tokenDef = tokenDef; } LangEl *Compiler::makeRepeatProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &repeatName, NamespaceQual *nspaceQual, const String &name ) { LangEl *prodName = addLangEl( this, nspace, repeatName, LangEl::NonTerm ); prodName->isRepeat = true; ProdElList *prodElList1 = new ProdElList; /* Build the first production of the repeat. */ TypeRef *typeRef1 = TypeRef::cons( loc, nspaceQual, name ); ProdEl *factor1 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, InputLoc(), 0, false, typeRef1, 0 ); UniqueType *prodNameUT = findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, prodName ); TypeRef *typeRef2 = TypeRef::cons( loc, prodNameUT ); ProdEl *factor2 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, InputLoc(), 0, false, typeRef2, 0 ); prodElList1->append( factor1 ); prodElList1->append( factor2 ); Production *newDef1 = Production::cons( InputLoc(), prodName, prodElList1, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef1 ); prodList.append( newDef1 ); /* Build the second production of the repeat. */ ProdElList *prodElList2 = new ProdElList; Production *newDef2 = Production::cons( InputLoc(), prodName, prodElList2, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef2 ); prodList.append( newDef2 ); return prodName; } LangEl *Compiler::makeListProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &listName, NamespaceQual *nspaceQual, const String &name ) { LangEl *prodName = addLangEl( this, nspace, listName, LangEl::NonTerm ); prodName->isList = true; /* Build the first production of the list. */ TypeRef *typeRef1 = TypeRef::cons( loc, nspaceQual, name ); ProdEl *factor1 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, InputLoc(), 0, false, typeRef1, 0 ); UniqueType *prodNameUT = findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, prodName ); TypeRef *typeRef2 = TypeRef::cons( loc, prodNameUT ); ProdEl *factor2 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, loc, 0, false, typeRef2, 0 ); ProdElList *prodElList1 = new ProdElList; prodElList1->append( factor1 ); prodElList1->append( factor2 ); Production *newDef1 = Production::cons( loc, prodName, prodElList1, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef1 ); prodList.append( newDef1 ); /* Build the second production of the list. */ TypeRef *typeRef3 = TypeRef::cons( loc, nspaceQual, name ); ProdEl *factor3 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, loc, 0, false, typeRef3, 0 ); ProdElList *prodElList2 = new ProdElList; prodElList2->append( factor3 ); Production *newDef2 = Production::cons( loc, prodName, prodElList2, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef2 ); prodList.append( newDef2 ); return prodName; } LangEl *Compiler::makeOptProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &optName, NamespaceQual *nspaceQual, const String &name ) { LangEl *prodName = addLangEl( this, nspace, optName, LangEl::NonTerm ); prodName->isOpt = true; ProdElList *prodElList1 = new ProdElList; /* Build the first production of the repeat. */ TypeRef *typeRef1 = TypeRef::cons( loc, nspaceQual, name ); ProdEl *factor1 = new ProdEl( ProdEl::ReferenceType, loc, 0, false, typeRef1, 0 ); prodElList1->append( factor1 ); Production *newDef1 = Production::cons( loc, prodName, prodElList1, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef1 ); prodList.append( newDef1 ); /* Build the second production of the repeat. */ ProdElList *prodElList2 = new ProdElList; Production *newDef2 = Production::cons( loc, prodName, prodElList2, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef2 ); prodList.append( newDef2 ); return prodName; } Namespace *Namespace::findNamespace( const String &name ) { for ( NamespaceVect::Iter c = childNamespaces; c.lte(); c++ ) { if ( strcmp( name, (*c)->name ) == 0 ) return *c; } return 0; } /* Search from a previously resolved qualification. (name 1+ in a qual list). */ Namespace *NamespaceQual::searchFrom( Namespace *from, StringVect::Iter &qualPart ) { /* While there are still parts in the qualification. */ while ( qualPart.lte() ) { Namespace *child = from->findNamespace( *qualPart ); if ( child == 0 ) return 0; from = child; qualPart.increment(); } return from; } Namespace *NamespaceQual::getQual( Compiler *pd ) { /* Do the search only once. */ if ( cachedNspaceQual != 0 ) return cachedNspaceQual; if ( qualNames.length() == 0 ) { /* No qualification, use the region the qualification was * declared in. */ cachedNspaceQual = declInNspace; } else if ( strcmp( qualNames[0], "root" ) == 0 ) { /* First item is "root." Start the downward search from there. */ StringVect::Iter qualPart = qualNames; qualPart.increment(); cachedNspaceQual = searchFrom( pd->rootNamespace, qualPart ); return cachedNspaceQual; } else { /* Have a qualification. Move upwards through the declared * regions looking for the first part. */ StringVect::Iter qualPart = qualNames; Namespace *parentNamespace = declInNspace; while ( parentNamespace != 0 ) { /* Search for the first part underneath the current parent. */ Namespace *child = parentNamespace->findNamespace( *qualPart ); if ( child != 0 ) { /* Found the first part. Start going below the result. */ qualPart.increment(); cachedNspaceQual = searchFrom( child, qualPart ); return cachedNspaceQual; } /* Not found, move up to the parent. */ parentNamespace = parentNamespace->parentNamespace; } /* Failed to find the place to start from. */ cachedNspaceQual = 0; } return cachedNspaceQual; } void Compiler::initEmptyScanner( RegionSet *regionSet, TokenRegion *reg ) { if ( reg != 0 && reg->tokenInstanceList.length() == 0 ) { reg->wasEmpty = true; static int def = 1; String name( 64, "__%p_DEF_PAT_%d", reg, def++ ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( LexExpression::cons( BT_Any ) ); TokenDef *tokenDef = TokenDef::cons( name, String(), false, false, join, 0, internal, nextTokenId++, rootNamespace, regionSet, 0, 0 ); TokenInstance *tokenInstance = TokenInstance::cons( tokenDef, join, internal, nextTokenId++, rootNamespace, reg ); reg->tokenInstanceList.append( tokenInstance ); /* These do not go in the namespace so so they cannot get declared * in the declare pass. */ LangEl *lel = addLangEl( this, rootNamespace, name, LangEl::Term ); tokenInstance->tokenDef->tdLangEl = lel; lel->tokenDef = tokenDef; } } void Compiler::initEmptyScanners() { for ( RegionSetList::Iter regionSet = regionSetList; regionSet.lte(); regionSet++ ) { initEmptyScanner( regionSet, regionSet->tokenIgnore ); initEmptyScanner( regionSet, regionSet->tokenOnly ); initEmptyScanner( regionSet, regionSet->ignoreOnly ); initEmptyScanner( regionSet, regionSet->collectIgnore ); } } PdaRun *Compiler::parsePattern( Program *prg, Tree **sp, const InputLoc &loc, int parserId, StreamImpl *sourceStream ) { StreamImpl *in = newSourceStreamGeneric( "" ); PdaRun *pdaRun = new PdaRun; initPdaRun( prg, pdaRun, pdaTables, parserId, 0, false, 0 ); Stream *res = streamAllocate( prg ); res->id = LEL_ID_STREAM; res->in = sourceStream; in->funcs->appendStream( in, (Tree*)res ); in->funcs->setEof( in ); long pcr = parseLoop( prg, sp, pdaRun, in, PcrStart ); assert( pcr == PcrDone ); if ( pdaRun->parseError ) { cout << "PARSE ERROR " << loc.line << ":" << loc.col; if ( pdaRun->parseErrorText != 0 ) { cout << ", offset into pattern/constructor " << pdaRun->parseErrorText->tokdata->data; } cout << endl; } return pdaRun; } void Compiler::parsePatterns() { Program *prg = colmNewProgram( runtimeData, 0 ); /* Turn off context-dependent parsing. */ prg->ctxDepParsing = 0; Tree **sp = prg->stackRoot; for ( ConsList::Iter cons = replList; cons.lte(); cons++ ) { StreamImpl *in = newSourceStreamCons( "", cons ); cons->pdaRun = parsePattern( prg, sp, cons->loc, cons->langEl->parserId, in ); } for ( PatList::Iter pat = patternList; pat.lte(); pat++ ) { StreamImpl *in = newSourceStreamPat( "", pat ); pat->pdaRun = parsePattern( prg, sp, pat->loc, pat->langEl->parserId, in ); } fillInPatterns( prg ); } void Compiler::collectParserEls( BstSet &parserEls ) { for ( PatList::Iter pat = patternList; pat.lte(); pat++ ) { /* We assume the reduction action compilation phase was run before * pattern parsing and it decorated the pattern with the target type. */ assert( pat->langEl != 0 ); if ( pat->langEl->type != LangEl::NonTerm ) error(pat->loc) << "pattern type is not a non-terminal" << endp; if ( pat->langEl->parserId < 0 ) { /* Make a parser for the language element. */ parserEls.insert( pat->langEl ); pat->langEl->parserId = nextParserId++; } } for ( ConsList::Iter repl = replList; repl.lte(); repl++ ) { /* We assume the reduction action compilation phase was run before * replacement parsing decorated the replacement with the target type. */ assert( repl->langEl != 0 ); if ( repl->langEl->parserId < 0 ) { /* Make a parser for the language element. */ parserEls.insert( repl->langEl ); repl->langEl->parserId = nextParserId++; } } /* Make parsers that we need. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->parserId >= 0 ) parserEls.insert( lel ); } } void Compiler::generateOutput( long activeRealm ) { FsmCodeGen *fsmGen = new FsmCodeGen( *outStream, redFsm, fsmTables ); PdaCodeGen *pdaGen = new PdaCodeGen( *outStream ); fsmGen->writeIncludes(); pdaGen->defineRuntime(); fsmGen->writeCode(); /* Make parsers that we need. */ pdaGen->writeParserData( 0, pdaTables ); /* Write the runtime data. */ pdaGen->writeRuntimeData( runtimeData, pdaTables ); if ( !gblLibrary ) fsmGen->writeMain( activeRealm ); outStream->flush(); } void Compiler::prepGrammar() { /* This will create language elements. */ wrapNonTerminals(); makeLangElIds(); makeLangElNames(); makeDefinitionNames(); noUndefindLangEls(); /* Put the language elements in an index by language element id. */ langElIndex = new LangEl*[nextSymbolId+1]; memset( langElIndex, 0, sizeof(LangEl*)*(nextSymbolId+1) ); for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) langElIndex[lel->id] = lel; makeProdFsms(); /* Allocate the Runtime data now. Every PdaTable that we make * will reference it, but it will be filled in after all the tables are * built. */ runtimeData = new RuntimeData; } void Compiler::compile() { beginProcessing(); initKeyOps(); varDeclaration(); /* Type declaration. */ typeDeclaration(); /* Type resolving. */ typeResolve(); makeTerminalWrappers(); makeEofElements(); /* * Parsers */ /* Init the longest match data */ initLongestMatchData(); FsmGraph *fsmGraph = makeScanner(); prepGrammar(); /* Compile bytecode. */ compileByteCode(); /* Make the reduced fsm. */ RedFsmBuild reduce( this, fsmGraph ); redFsm = reduce.reduceMachine(); BstSet parserEls; collectParserEls( parserEls ); makeParser( parserEls ); /* Make the scanner tables. */ fsmTables = redFsm->makeFsmTables(); /* Now that all parsers are built, make the global runtimeData. */ makeRuntimeData(); /* * All compilation is now complete. */ /* Parse constructors and patterns. */ parsePatterns(); }