/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Adrian Thurston */ /* This file is part of Colm. * * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "parsedata.h" #include "fsmcodegen.h" #include "redfsm.h" #include "bstmap.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::string; using std::cerr; using std::endl; void Compiler::openNameSpace( ostream &out, Namespace *nspace ) { if ( nspace == rootNamespace ) return; openNameSpace( out, nspace->parentNamespace ); out << "namespace " << nspace->name << " { "; } void Compiler::closeNameSpace( ostream &out, Namespace *nspace ) { if ( nspace == rootNamespace ) return; openNameSpace( out, nspace->parentNamespace ); out << " }"; } void Compiler::generateExports() { ostream &out = *outStream; out << "#ifndef _EXPORTS_H\n" "#define _EXPORTS_H\n" "\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n"; out << "inline void appendString( ColmPrintArgs *args, const char *data, int length )\n" "{\n" " std::string *str = (std::string*)args->arg;\n" " *str += std::string( data, length );\n" "}\n" "\n"; out << "inline std::string printTreeStr( ColmProgram *prg, ColmTree *tree, bool trim )\n" "{\n" " std::string str;\n" " ColmPrintArgs printArgs = { &str, 1, 0, trim, &appendString, \n" " &printNull, &printTermTree, &printNull };\n" " printTreeArgs( prg, vm_root(prg), &printArgs, tree );\n" " return str;\n" "}\n" "\n"; /* Declare. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->isEOF || lel->isZero ) continue; openNameSpace( out, lel->nspace ); out << "struct " << lel->fullName << ";"; closeNameSpace( out, lel->nspace ); out << "\n"; } /* Class definitions. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->isEOF || lel->isZero ) continue; openNameSpace( out, lel->nspace ); out << "struct " << lel->fullName << "\n"; out << "{\n"; out << " std::string text() { return printTreeStr( __prg, __tree, true ); }\n"; out << " ColmLocation *loc() { return findLocation( __prg, __tree ); }\n"; out << " std::string text_notrim() { return printTreeStr( __prg, __tree, false ); }\n"; out << " operator ColmTree *() { return __tree; }\n"; out << " ColmProgram *__prg;\n"; out << " ColmTree *__tree;\n"; if ( mainReturnUT != 0 && mainReturnUT->langEl == lel ) { out << " " << lel->fullName << "( ColmProgram *prg ) : __prg(prg), __tree(returnVal(prg)) {}\n"; } out << " " << lel->fullName << "( ColmProgram *prg, ColmTree *tree ) : __prg(prg), __tree(tree) {}\n"; if ( lel->objectDef != 0 && lel->objectDef->objFieldList != 0 ) { ObjFieldList *objFieldList = lel->objectDef->objFieldList; for ( ObjFieldList::Iter ofi = *objFieldList; ofi.lte(); ofi++ ) { ObjectField *field = ofi->value; if ( field->useOffset && field->typeRef != 0 ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType( this ); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << " " << ut->langEl->refName << " " << field->name << "();\n"; } } if ( field->isRhsGet ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType( this ); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << " " << ut->langEl->refName << " " << field->name << "();\n"; } } } } if ( lel->isRepeat ) { out << " " << "int end() { return repeatEnd( __tree ); }\n"; out << " " << lel->refName << " next();\n"; out << " " << lel->repeatOf->refName << " value();\n"; } if ( lel->isList ) { out << " " << "int last() { return listLast( __tree ); }\n"; out << " " << lel->refName << " next();\n"; out << " " << lel->repeatOf->refName << " value();\n"; } out << "};"; closeNameSpace( out, lel->nspace ); out << "\n"; } for ( ObjFieldList::Iter of = *globalObjectDef->objFieldList; of.lte(); of++ ) { ObjectField *field = of->value; if ( field->isExport ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType(this); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << ut->langEl->refName << " " << field->name << "( ColmProgram *prg );\n"; } } } out << "\n"; for ( FunctionList::Iter func = functionList; func.lte(); func++ ) { if ( func->exprt ) { char *refName = func->typeRef->uniqueType->langEl->refName; int paramCount = func->paramList->length(); out << refName << " " << func->name << "( ColmProgram *prg"; for ( int p = 0; p < paramCount; p++ ) out << ", const char *p" << p; out << " );\n"; } } out << "#endif\n"; } void Compiler::generateExportsImpl() { ostream &out = *outStream; if ( gblExportTo != 0 ) { out << "#include \"" << gblExportTo << "\"\n"; } /* Function implementations. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->objectDef != 0 && lel->objectDef->objFieldList != 0 ) { ObjFieldList *objFieldList = lel->objectDef->objFieldList; for ( ObjFieldList::Iter ofi = *objFieldList; ofi.lte(); ofi++ ) { ObjectField *field = ofi->value; if ( field->useOffset && field->typeRef != 0 ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType( this ); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << ut->langEl->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << field->name << "() { return " << ut->langEl->refName << "( __prg, getAttr( __tree, " << field->offset << ") ); }\n"; } } if ( field->isRhsGet ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType( this ); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << ut->langEl->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << field->name << "() { static int a[] = {"; /* Need to place the array computing the val. */ out << field->rhsVal.length(); for ( Vector::Iter rg = field->rhsVal; rg.lte(); rg++ ) { out << ", " << rg->prodEl->production->prodNum; out << ", " << rg->prodEl->pos; } out << "}; return " << ut->langEl->refName << "( __prg, getRhsVal( __prg, __tree, a ) ); }\n"; } } } } if ( lel->isRepeat ) { out << lel->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << " next" "() { return " << lel->refName << "( __prg, getRepeatNext( __tree ) ); }\n"; out << lel->repeatOf->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << " value" "() { return " << lel->repeatOf->refName << "( __prg, getRepeatVal( __tree ) ); }\n"; } if ( lel->isList ) { out << lel->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << " next" "() { return " << lel->refName << "( __prg, getRepeatNext( __tree ) ); }\n"; out << lel->repeatOf->refName << " " << lel->declName << "::" << " value" "() { return " << lel->repeatOf->refName << "( __prg, getRepeatVal( __tree ) ); }\n"; } } out << "\n"; for ( ObjFieldList::Iter of = *globalObjectDef->objFieldList; of.lte(); of++ ) { ObjectField *field = of->value; if ( field->isExport ) { UniqueType *ut = field->typeRef->lookupType(this); if ( ut != 0 && ut->typeId == TYPE_TREE ) { out << ut->langEl->refName << " " << field->name << "( ColmProgram *prg )\n" "{ return " << ut->langEl->refName << "( prg, getGlobal( prg, " << field->offset << ") ); }\n"; } } } out << "\n"; for ( FunctionList::Iter func = functionList; func.lte(); func++ ) { if ( func->exprt ) { char *refName = func->typeRef->uniqueType->langEl->refName; int paramCount = func->paramList->length(); out << refName << " " << func->name << "( ColmProgram *prg"; for ( int p = 0; p < paramCount; p++ ) out << ", const char *p" << p; out << " )\n" "{\n" " int funcId = " << func->funcId << ";\n" " const char *params[" << paramCount << "];\n"; for ( int p = 0; p < paramCount; p++ ) out << " params[" << p << "] = p" << p << ";\n"; out << " return " << refName << "( prg, colmRunFunc( prg, funcId, params, " << paramCount << " ));\n" "}\n"; } } }