/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Adrian Thurston */ /* This file is part of Colm. * * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include /* Parsing. */ #include "global.h" #include "parsedata.h" #include "pdacodegen.h" #include "pdarun.h" #include "redfsm.h" #include "fsmcodegen.h" #include "redbuild.h" #include "fsmrun.h" /* Dumping the fsm. */ #include "mergesort.h" using namespace std; char startDefName[] = "start"; /* Count the transitions in the fsm by walking the state list. */ int countTransitions( PdaGraph *fsm ) { int numTrans = 0; PdaState *state = fsm->stateList.head; while ( state != 0 ) { numTrans += state->transMap.length(); state = state->next; } return numTrans; } LangEl::LangEl( Namespace *nspace, const String &name, Type type ) : nspace(nspace), name(name), lit(name), type(type), id(-1), isUserTerm(false), isContext(false), displayString(0), numAppearances(0), commit(false), ignore(false), reduceFirst(false), isLiteral(false), isRepeat(false), isList(false), isOpt(false), parseStop(false), isEOF(false), repeatOf(0), tokenDef(0), rootDef(0), termDup(0), eofLel(0), pdaGraph(0), pdaTables(0), transBlock(0), objectDef(0), thisSize(0), ofiOffset(0), generic(0), parserId(-1), predType(PredNone), predValue(0), contextDef(0), contextIn(0), noPreIgnore(false), noPostIgnore(false), isCI(false), ciRegion(0) { } PdaGraph *ProdElList::walk( Compiler *pd, Production *prod ) { PdaGraph *prodFsm = new PdaGraph(); PdaState *last = prodFsm->addState(); prodFsm->setStartState( last ); if ( prod->collectIgnoreRegion != 0 ) { // cerr << "production " << prod->data << " has collect ignore region " << // prod->collectIgnoreRegion->name << endl; /* Use the IGNORE TOKEN lang el for the region. */ long value = prod->collectIgnoreRegion->ciLel->id; PdaState *newState = prodFsm->addState(); PdaTrans *newTrans = prodFsm->appendNewTrans( last, newState, value, value ); newTrans->isShift = true; newTrans->shiftPrior = 0; // WAT last = newState; } int prodLength = 0; for ( Iter prodEl = first(); prodEl.lte(); prodEl++, prodLength++ ) { //PdaGraph *itemFsm = prodEl->walk( pd ); long value = prodEl->langEl->id; PdaState *newState = prodFsm->addState(); PdaTrans *newTrans = prodFsm->appendNewTrans( last, newState, value, value ); newTrans->isShift = true; newTrans->shiftPrior = prodEl->priorVal; //cerr << "PRIOR VAL: " << newTrans->shiftPrior << endl; if ( prodEl->commit ) { //cout << "COMMIT: inserting commit of length: " << pd->prodLength << endl; /* Insert the commit into transitions out of last */ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = last->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) trans->value->commits.insert( prodLength ); } last = newState; } /* Make the last state the final state. */ prodFsm->setFinState( last ); return prodFsm; } ProdElList *Compiler::makeProdElList( LangEl *langEl ) { ProdElList *prodElList = new ProdElList(); UniqueType *uniqueType = findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, langEl ); TypeRef *typeRef = TypeRef::cons( InputLoc(), uniqueType ); prodElList->append( new ProdEl( InputLoc(), typeRef ) ); prodElList->tail->langEl = langEl; return prodElList; } void Compiler::makeDefinitionNames() { for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { int prodNum = 1; for ( LelDefList::Iter def = lel->defList; def.lte(); def++ ) { def->data.setAs( lel->name.length() + 32, "%s-%i", lel->name.data, prodNum++ ); } } } /* Make sure there there are no language elements whose type is unkonwn. This * can happen when an id is used on the rhs of a definition but is not defined * as anything. */ void Compiler::noUndefindLangEls() { for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->type == LangEl::Unknown ) error() << "'" << lel->name << "' was not defined as anything" << endp; } } void Compiler::makeLangElIds() { /* The first id 0 is reserved for the stack sentinal. A negative id means * error to the parsing function, inducing backtracking. */ nextSymbolId = 1; /* First pass assigns to the user terminals. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { /* Must be a term, and not any of the special reserved terminals. * Remember if the non terminal is a user non terminal. */ if ( lel->type == LangEl::Term && !lel->isEOF && lel != errorLangEl && lel != noTokenLangEl ) { lel->isUserTerm = true; lel->id = nextSymbolId++; } } //eofLangEl->id = nextSymbolId++; for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { /* Must be a term, and not any of the special reserved terminals. * Remember if the non terminal is a user non terminal. */ if ( lel->isEOF ) lel->id = nextSymbolId++; } /* Next assign to the eof notoken, which we always create. */ noTokenLangEl->id = nextSymbolId++; /* Possibly assign to the error language element. */ if ( errorLangEl != 0 ) errorLangEl->id = nextSymbolId++; /* Save this for the code generation. */ firstNonTermId = nextSymbolId; /* A third and final pass assigns to everything else. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { /* Anything else not yet assigned gets assigned now. */ if ( lel->id < 0 ) lel->id = nextSymbolId++; } assert( ptrLangEl->id == LEL_ID_PTR ); assert( boolLangEl->id == LEL_ID_BOOL ); assert( intLangEl->id == LEL_ID_INT ); assert( strLangEl->id == LEL_ID_STR ); assert( streamLangEl->id == LEL_ID_STREAM ); assert( inputLangEl->id == LEL_ID_INPUT ); assert( ignoreLangEl->id == LEL_ID_IGNORE ); } void Compiler::refNameSpace( LangEl *lel, Namespace *nspace ) { if ( nspace == defaultNamespace || nspace == rootNamespace ) { lel->refName = "::" + lel->refName; return; } lel->refName = nspace->name + "::" + lel->refName; lel->declName = nspace->name + "::" + lel->declName; lel->xmlTag = nspace->name + "::" + lel->xmlTag; refNameSpace( lel, nspace->parentNamespace ); } void Compiler::makeLangElNames() { for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->id == LEL_ID_INT ) { lel->fullName = "_int"; lel->fullLit = "_int"; lel->refName = "_int"; lel->declName = "_int"; lel->xmlTag = "int"; } else if ( lel->id == LEL_ID_BOOL ) { lel->fullName = "_bool"; lel->fullLit = "_bool"; lel->refName = "_bool"; lel->declName = "_bool"; lel->xmlTag = "bool"; } else { lel->fullName = lel->name; lel->fullLit = lel->lit; lel->refName = lel->lit; lel->declName = lel->lit; lel->xmlTag = lel->name; } /* If there is also a namespace next to the type, we add a prefix to * the type. It's not convenient to name C++ classes the same as a * namespace in the same scope. We don't want to restrict colm, so we * add a workaround for the least-common case. The type gets t_ prefix. * */ Namespace *nspace = lel->nspace->findNamespace( lel->name ); if ( nspace != 0 ) { lel->refName = "t_" + lel->refName; lel->fullName = "t_" + lel->fullName; lel->declName = "t_" + lel->declName; lel->xmlTag = "t_" + lel->xmlTag; } refNameSpace( lel, lel->nspace ); } } /* Set up dot sets, shift info, and prod sets. */ void Compiler::makeProdFsms() { /* There are two items in the index for each production (high and low). */ int indexLen = prodList.length() * 2; dotItemIndex.setAsNew( indexLen ); int dsiLow = 0, indexPos = 0; /* Build FSMs for all production language elements. */ for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) prod->fsm = prod->prodElList->walk( this, prod ); makeNonTermFirstSets(); makeFirstSets(); /* Build FSMs for all production language elements. */ for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( addUniqueEmptyProductions ) { /* This must be re-implemented. */ assert( false ); //if ( !prod->isLeftRec && prod->uniqueEmptyLeader != 0 ) { // PdaGraph *emptyLeader = prod->uniqueEmptyLeader->walk( this ); // emptyLeader->concatOp( prod->fsm ); // prod->fsm = emptyLeader; //} } /* Compute the machine's length. */ prod->fsmLength = prod->fsm->fsmLength( ); /* Productions have a unique production id for each final state. * This lets us use a production length specific to each final state. * Start states are always isolated therefore if the start state is * final then reductions from it will always have a fixed production * length. This is a simple method for determining the length * of zero-length derivations when reducing. */ /* Number of dot items needed for the production is elements + 1 * because the dot can be before the first and after the last element. */ int numForProd = prod->fsm->stateList.length() + 1; /* Set up the low and high values in the index for this production. */ dotItemIndex.data[indexPos].key = dsiLow; dotItemIndex.data[indexPos].value = prod; dotItemIndex.data[indexPos+1].key = dsiLow + numForProd - 1; dotItemIndex.data[indexPos+1].value = prod; int dsi = dsiLow; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = prod->fsm->stateList; state.lte(); state++, dsi++ ) { /* All transitions are shifts. */ for ( TransMap::Iter out = state->transMap; out.lte(); out++ ) assert( out->value->isShift ); state->dotSet.insert( dsi ); } /* Move over the production. */ dsiLow += numForProd; indexPos += 2; if ( prod->prodCommit ) { for ( PdaStateSet::Iter fin = prod->fsm->finStateSet; fin.lte(); fin++ ) { int length = prod->fsmLength; //cerr << "PENDING COMMIT IN FINAL STATE of " << prod->prodId << // " with len: " << length << endl; (*fin)->pendingCommits.insert( ProdIdPair( prod->prodId, length ) ); } } } /* Make the final state specific prod id to prod id mapping. */ prodIdIndex = new Production*[prodList.length()]; for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) prodIdIndex[prod->prodId] = prod; } /* Want the first set of over src. If the first set contains epsilon, go over * it and over tab. If overSrc is the end of the production, find the follow * from the table, taking only the characters on which the parent is reduced. * */ void Compiler::findFollow( AlphSet &result, PdaState *overTab, PdaState *overSrc, Production *parentDef ) { if ( overSrc->isFinState() ) { assert( overSrc->transMap.length() == 0 ); /* At the end of the production. Turn to the table. */ long redCode = makeReduceCode( parentDef->prodId, false ); for ( TransMap::Iter tabTrans = overTab->transMap; tabTrans.lte(); tabTrans++ ) { for ( ActDataList::Iter adl = tabTrans->value->actions; adl.lte(); adl++ ) { if ( *adl == redCode ) result.insert( tabTrans->key ); } } } else { /* Get the first set of the item. If the first set contains epsilon * then move over overSrc and overTab and recurse. */ assert( overSrc->transMap.length() == 1 ); TransMap::Iter pastTrans = overSrc->transMap; LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[pastTrans->key]; if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) { bool hasEpsilon = false; for ( LelDefList::Iter def = langEl->defList; def.lte(); def++ ) { result.insert( def->firstSet ); if ( def->firstSet.find( -1 ) ) hasEpsilon = true; } /* Find the equivalent state in the parser. */ if ( hasEpsilon ) { PdaTrans *tabTrans = overTab->findTrans( pastTrans->key ); findFollow( result, tabTrans->toState, pastTrans->value->toState, parentDef ); } /* Now possibly the dup. */ if ( langEl->termDup != 0 ) result.insert( langEl->termDup->id ); } else { result.insert( pastTrans->key ); } } } PdaState *Compiler::followProd( PdaState *tabState, PdaState *prodState ) { while ( prodState->transMap.length() == 1 ) { TransMap::Iter prodTrans = prodState->transMap; PdaTrans *tabTrans = tabState->findTrans( prodTrans->key ); prodState = prodTrans->value->toState; tabState = tabTrans->toState; } return tabState; } void Compiler::trySetTime( PdaTrans *trans, long code, long &time ) { /* Find the item. */ for ( ActDataList::Iter adl = trans->actions; adl.lte(); adl++ ) { if ( *adl == code ) { /* If the time of the shift is not already set, set it. */ if ( trans->actOrds[adl.pos()] == 0 ) { //cerr << "setting time: state = " << tabState->stateNum // << ", trans = " << tabTrans->lowKey // << ", time = " << time << endl; trans->actOrds[adl.pos()] = time++; } break; } } } /* Go down a defintiion and then handle the follow actions. */ void Compiler::pdaOrderFollow( LangEl *rootEl, PdaState *tabState, PdaTrans *tabTrans, PdaTrans *srcTrans, Production *parentDef, Production *definition, long &time ) { /* We need the follow from tabState/srcState over the defintion we are * currently processing. */ PdaState *overTab = tabTrans->toState; PdaState *overSrc = srcTrans->toState; AlphSet alphSet; if ( parentDef == rootEl->rootDef ) alphSet.insert( rootEl->eofLel->id ); else findFollow( alphSet, overTab, overSrc, parentDef ); /* Now follow the production to find out where it expands to. */ PdaState *expandToState = followProd( tabState, definition->fsm->startState ); /* Find the reduce item. */ long redCode = makeReduceCode( definition->prodId, false ); for ( TransMap::Iter tt = expandToState->transMap; tt.lte(); tt++ ) { if ( alphSet.find( tt->key ) ) { trySetTime( tt->value, redCode, time ); /* If the items token region is not recorded in the state, do it now. */ addRegion( expandToState, tt->value, tt->key, tt->value->noPreIgnore, tt->value->noPostIgnore ); } } } bool regionVectHas( RegionVect ®Vect, TokenRegion *region ) { for ( RegionVect::Iter trvi = regVect; trvi.lte(); trvi++ ) { if ( *trvi == region ) return true; } return false; } void Compiler::addRegion( PdaState *tabState, PdaTrans *tabTrans, long pdaKey, bool noPreIgnore, bool noPostIgnore ) { LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[pdaKey]; if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::Term ) { TokenRegion *region = 0; /* If it is not the eof, then use the region associated * with the token definition. */ if ( langEl->isCI ) { //cerr << "isCI" << endl; region = langEl->ciRegion->ciRegion; } else if ( !langEl->isEOF && langEl->tokenDef != 0 ) { region = langEl->tokenDef->tokenRegion; } if ( region != 0 ) { /* region. */ TokenRegion *scanRegion = region; if ( langEl->noPreIgnore ) scanRegion = region->tokenOnlyRegion; if ( !regionVectHas( tabState->regions, scanRegion ) ) { tabState->regions.append( scanRegion ); } /* Pre-region of to state */ PdaState *toState = tabTrans->toState; if ( !langEl->noPostIgnore && region->ignoreOnlyRegion != 0 && !regionVectHas( toState->preRegions, region->ignoreOnlyRegion ) ) { toState->preRegions.append( region->ignoreOnlyRegion ); } } } } #if 0 orderState( tabState, prodState, time ): if not tabState.dotSet.find( prodState.dotID ) tabState.dotSet.insert( prodState.dotID ) tabTrans = tabState.findMatchingTransition( prodState.getTransition() ) if tabTrans is NonTerminal: for production in tabTrans.nonTerm.prodList: orderState( tabState, production.startState, time ) for all expandToState in tabTrans.expandToStates: for all followTrans in expandToState.transList reduceAction = findAction( production.reduction ) if reduceAction.time is unset: reduceAction.time = time++ end end end end end shiftAction = tabTrans.findAction( shift ) if shiftAction.time is unset: shiftAction.time = time++ end orderState( tabTrans.toState, prodTrans.toState, time ) end end orderState( parseTable.startState, startProduction.startState, 1 ) #endif void Compiler::pdaOrderProd( LangEl *rootEl, PdaState *tabState, PdaState *srcState, Production *parentDef, long &time ) { assert( srcState->dotSet.length() == 1 ); if ( tabState->dotSet2.find( srcState->dotSet[0] ) ) return; tabState->dotSet2.insert( srcState->dotSet[0] ); assert( srcState->transMap.length() == 0 || srcState->transMap.length() == 1 ); if ( srcState->transMap.length() == 1 ) { TransMap::Iter srcTrans = srcState->transMap; /* Find the equivalent state in the parser. */ PdaTrans *tabTrans = tabState->findTrans( srcTrans->key ); /* Recurse into the transition if it is a non-terminal. */ LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[srcTrans->key]; if ( langEl != 0 ) { if ( langEl->reduceFirst ) { /* Use a shortest match ordering for the contents of this * nonterminal. Does follows for all productions first, then * goes down the productions. */ for ( LelDefList::Iter expDef = langEl->defList; expDef.lte(); expDef++ ) { pdaOrderFollow( rootEl, tabState, tabTrans, srcTrans->value, parentDef, expDef, time ); } for ( LelDefList::Iter expDef = langEl->defList; expDef.lte(); expDef++ ) pdaOrderProd( rootEl, tabState, expDef->fsm->startState, expDef, time ); } else { /* The default action ordering. For each prod, goes down the * prod then sets the follow before going to the next prod. */ for ( LelDefList::Iter expDef = langEl->defList; expDef.lte(); expDef++ ) { pdaOrderProd( rootEl, tabState, expDef->fsm->startState, expDef, time ); pdaOrderFollow( rootEl, tabState, tabTrans, srcTrans->value, parentDef, expDef, time ); } } } trySetTime( tabTrans, SHIFT_CODE, time ); /* Now possibly for the dup. */ if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->termDup != 0 ) { PdaTrans *dupTrans = tabState->findTrans( langEl->termDup->id ); trySetTime( dupTrans, SHIFT_CODE, time ); } /* If the items token region is not recorded in the state, do it now. */ addRegion( tabState, tabTrans, srcTrans->key, srcTrans->value->noPreIgnore, srcTrans->value->noPostIgnore ); /* Go over one in the production. */ pdaOrderProd( rootEl, tabTrans->toState, srcTrans->value->toState, parentDef, time ); } } void Compiler::pdaActionOrder( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ) { for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { assert( (state->stateBits & SB_ISMARKED) == 0 ); /* Traverse the src state's transitions. */ long last = 0; for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( ! trans.first() ) assert( last < trans->key ); last = trans->key; } } /* Compute the action orderings, record the max value. */ long time = 1; for ( LangElSet::Iter pe = parserEls; pe.lte(); pe++ ) { PdaState *startState = (*pe)->rootDef->fsm->startState; pdaOrderProd( *pe, (*pe)->startState, startState, (*pe)->rootDef, time ); /* Walk over the start lang el and set the time for shift of * the eof action that completes the parse. */ PdaTrans *overStart = (*pe)->startState->findTrans( (*pe)->id ); PdaTrans *eofTrans = overStart->toState->findTrans( (*pe)->eofLel->id ); eofTrans->actOrds[0] = time++; } for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { if ( state->regions.length() == 0 ) { for ( TransMap::Iter tel = state->transMap; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { /* There are no regions and EOF leaves the state. Add the eof * token region. */ PdaTrans *trans = tel->value; LangEl *lel = langElIndex[trans->lowKey]; if ( lel != 0 && lel->isEOF ) state->regions.append( eofTokenRegion ); } } } if ( colm_log_compile ) { /* Warn about states with empty token region lists. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { if ( state->regions.length() == 0 ) { warning() << "state has an empty token region, state: " << state->stateNum << endl; } } } /* Some actions may not have an ordering. I believe these to be actions * that result in a parse error and they arise because the state tables * are LALR(1) but the action ordering is LR(1). LALR(1) causes some * reductions that lead nowhere. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { assert( CmpDotSet::compare( state->dotSet, state->dotSet2 ) == 0 ); for ( TransMap::Iter tel = state->transMap; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { PdaTrans *trans = tel->value; /* Check every action has an ordering. */ for ( ActDataList::Iter adl = trans->actOrds; adl.lte(); adl++ ) { if ( *adl == 0 ) *adl = time++; } } } } void Compiler::advanceReductions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { /* Loop all states. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { if ( !state->advanceReductions ) continue; bool outHasShift = false; ReductionMap outReds; LongSet outCommits; for ( TransMap::Iter out = state->transMap; out.lte(); out++ ) { /* Get the transition from the trans el. */ if ( out->value->isShift ) outHasShift = true; outReds.insert( out->value->reductions ); outCommits.insert( out->value->commits ); } bool inHasShift = false; ReductionMap inReds; for ( PdaTransInList::Iter in = state->inRange; in.lte(); in++ ) { /* Get the transition from the trans el. */ if ( in->isShift ) inHasShift = true; inReds.insert( in->reductions ); } if ( !outHasShift && outReds.length() == 1 && inHasShift && inReds.length() == 0 ) { //cerr << "moving reduction to shift" << endl; /* Move the reduction to all in transitions. */ for ( PdaTransInList::Iter in = state->inRange; in.lte(); in++ ) { assert( in->actions.length() == 1 ); assert( in->actions[0] == SHIFT_CODE ); in->actions[0] = makeReduceCode( outReds[0].key, true ); in->afterShiftCommits.insert( outCommits ); } /* * Remove all transitions out of the state. */ /* Detach out range transitions. */ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { pdaGraph->detachTrans( state, trans->value->toState, trans->value ); delete trans->value; } state->transMap.empty(); /* Redirect all the in transitions to the actionDestState. */ pdaGraph->inTransMove( actionDestState, state ); } } pdaGraph->removeUnreachableStates(); } void Compiler::sortActions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { /* Sort the actions. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { assert( CmpDotSet::compare( state->dotSet, state->dotSet2 ) == 0 ); for ( TransMap::Iter tel = state->transMap; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { PdaTrans *trans = tel->value; /* Sort by the action ords. */ ActDataList actions( trans->actions ); ActDataList actOrds( trans->actOrds ); ActDataList actPriors( trans->actPriors ); trans->actions.empty(); trans->actOrds.empty(); trans->actPriors.empty(); while ( actOrds.length() > 0 ) { int min = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < actOrds.length(); i++ ) { if ( actPriors[i] > actPriors[min] || (actPriors[i] == actPriors[min] && actOrds[i] < actOrds[min] ) ) { min = i; } } trans->actions.append( actions[min] ); trans->actOrds.append( actOrds[min] ); trans->actPriors.append( actPriors[min] ); actions.remove(min); actOrds.remove(min); actPriors.remove(min); } if ( branchPointInfo && trans->actions.length() > 1 ) { cerr << "info: branch point" << " state: " << state->stateNum << " trans: "; LangEl *lel = langElIndex[trans->lowKey]; if ( lel == 0 ) cerr << (char)trans->lowKey << endl; else cerr << lel->lit << endl; for ( ActDataList::Iter act = trans->actions; act.lte(); act++ ) { switch ( *act & 0x3 ) { case 1: cerr << " shift" << endl; break; case 2: cerr << " reduce " << prodIdIndex[(*act >> 2)]->data << endl; break; case 3: cerr << " shift-reduce" << endl; break; } } } /* Verify that shifts of nonterminals don't have any branch * points or commits. */ if ( trans->lowKey >= firstNonTermId ) { if ( trans->actions.length() != 1 || (trans->actions[0] & 0x3) != 1 ) { error() << "TRANS ON NONTERMINAL is something " "other than a shift" << endl; } if ( trans->commits.length() > 0 ) error() << "TRANS ON NONTERMINAL has a commit" << endl; } /* TODO: Shift-reduces are optimizations. Verify that * shift-reduces exist only if they don't entail a conflict. */ } } } void Compiler::reduceActions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { /* Reduce the actions. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter tel = state->transMap; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { PdaTrans *trans = tel->value; PdaActionSetEl *inSet; int commitLen = trans->commits.length() > 0 ? trans->commits[trans->commits.length()-1] : 0; if ( trans->afterShiftCommits.length() > 0 ) { int afterShiftCommit = trans->afterShiftCommits[ trans->afterShiftCommits.length()-1]; if ( commitLen > 0 && commitLen+1 > afterShiftCommit ) commitLen = ( commitLen + 1 ); else commitLen = afterShiftCommit; } else { commitLen = commitLen * -1; } //if ( commitLen != 0 ) { // cerr << "FINAL ACTION COMMIT LEN: " << commitLen << endl; //} pdaGraph->actionSet.insert( ActionData( trans->toState->stateNum, trans->actions, commitLen ), &inSet ); trans->actionSetEl = inSet; } } } void Compiler::computeAdvanceReductions( LangEl *langEl, PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { /* Get the entry into the graph and traverse over the root. The resulting * state can have eof, nothing else can. */ PdaState *overStart = pdaGraph->followFsm( langEl->startState, langEl->rootDef->fsm ); /* The graph must reduce to root all on it's own. It cannot depend on * require EOF. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter st = pdaGraph->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { if ( st == overStart ) continue; for ( TransMap::Iter tr = st->transMap; tr.lte(); tr++ ) { if ( tr->value->lowKey == langEl->eofLel->id ) st->advanceReductions = true; } } } void Compiler::verifyParseStopGrammar( LangEl *langEl, PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { /* Get the entry into the graph and traverse over the root. The resulting * state can have eof, nothing else can. */ PdaState *overStart = pdaGraph->followFsm( langEl->startState, langEl->rootDef->fsm ); /* The graph must reduce to root all on it's own. It cannot depend on * require EOF. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter st = pdaGraph->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { if ( st == overStart ) continue; for ( TransMap::Iter tr = st->transMap; tr.lte(); tr++ ) { if ( tr->value->lowKey == langEl->eofLel->id ) { /* This needs a better error message. Appears to be voodoo. */ error() << "grammar is not usable with parse_stop" << endp; } } } } LangEl *Compiler::predOf( PdaTrans *trans, long action ) { LangEl *lel; if ( action == SHIFT_CODE ) lel = langElIndex[trans->lowKey]; else lel = prodIdIndex[action >> 2]->predOf; return lel; } bool Compiler::precedenceSwap( long action1, long action2, LangEl *l1, LangEl *l2 ) { bool swap = false; if ( l2->predValue > l1->predValue ) swap = true; else if ( l1->predValue == l2->predValue ) { if ( l1->predType == PredLeft && action1 == SHIFT_CODE ) swap = true; else if ( l1->predType == PredRight && action2 == SHIFT_CODE ) swap = true; } return swap; } bool Compiler::precedenceRemoveBoth( LangEl *l1, LangEl *l2 ) { if ( l1->predValue == l2->predValue && l1->predType == PredNonassoc ) return true; return false; } void Compiler::resolvePrecedence( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { assert( CmpDotSet::compare( state->dotSet, state->dotSet2 ) == 0 ); for ( long t = 0; t < state->transMap.length(); /* increment at end */ ) { PdaTrans *trans = state->transMap[t].value; again: /* Find action with precedence. */ for ( int i = 0; i < trans->actions.length(); i++ ) { LangEl *li = predOf( trans, trans->actions[i] ); if ( li != 0 && li->predType != PredNone ) { /* Find another action with precedence. */ for ( int j = i+1; j < trans->actions.length(); j++ ) { LangEl *lj = predOf( trans, trans->actions[j] ); if ( lj != 0 && lj->predType != PredNone ) { /* Conflict to check. */ bool swap = precedenceSwap( trans->actions[i], trans->actions[j], li, lj ); if ( swap ) { long t = trans->actions[i]; trans->actions[i] = trans->actions[j]; trans->actions[j] = t; } trans->actions.remove( j ); if ( precedenceRemoveBoth( li, lj ) ) trans->actions.remove( i ); goto again; } } } } /* If there are still actions then move to the next one. If not, * (due to nonassoc) then remove the transition. */ if ( trans->actions.length() > 0 ) t += 1; else state->transMap.vremove( t ); } } } void Compiler::analyzeMachine( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ) { pdaGraph->maxState = pdaGraph->stateList.length() - 1; pdaGraph->maxLelId = nextSymbolId - 1; pdaGraph->maxOffset = pdaGraph->stateList.length() * pdaGraph->maxLelId; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( trans->value->isShift ) { trans->value->actions.append( SHIFT_CODE ); trans->value->actPriors.append( trans->value->shiftPrior ); } for ( ReductionMap::Iter red = trans->value->reductions; red.lte(); red++ ) { trans->value->actions.append( makeReduceCode( red->key, false ) ); trans->value->actPriors.append( red->value ); } trans->value->actOrds.appendDup( 0, trans->value->actions.length() ); } } pdaActionOrder( pdaGraph, parserEls ); sortActions( pdaGraph ); resolvePrecedence( pdaGraph ); /* Verify that any type we parse_stop can actually be parsed that way. */ for ( LangElSet::Iter pe = parserEls; pe.lte(); pe++ ) { LangEl *lel = *pe; if ( lel->parseStop ) computeAdvanceReductions(lel , pdaGraph); } advanceReductions( pdaGraph ); pdaGraph->setStateNumbers(); reduceActions( pdaGraph ); /* Set the action ids. */ int actionSetId = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) asi->key.id = actionSetId++; /* Get the max index. */ pdaGraph->maxIndex = actionSetId - 1; /* Compute the max prod length. */ pdaGraph->maxProdLen = 0; for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( (unsigned)prod->fsmLength > pdaGraph->maxProdLen ) pdaGraph->maxProdLen = prod->fsmLength; } /* Asserts that any transition with a nonterminal has a single action * which is either a shift or a shift-reduce. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { LangEl *langEl = langElIndex[trans->value->lowKey]; if ( langEl != 0 && langEl->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) { assert( trans->value->actions.length() == 1 ); assert( trans->value->actions[0] == SHIFT_CODE || (trans->value->actions[0] & 0x3) == SHIFT_REDUCE_CODE ); } } } /* Assert that shift reduces always appear on their own. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { for ( ActDataList::Iter act = trans->value->actions; act.lte(); act++ ) { if ( (*act & 0x3) == SHIFT_REDUCE_CODE ) assert( trans->value->actions.length() == 1 ); } } } /* Verify that any type we parse_stop can actually be parsed that way. */ for ( LangElSet::Iter pe = parserEls; pe.lte(); pe++ ) { LangEl *lel = *pe; if ( lel->parseStop ) verifyParseStopGrammar(lel , pdaGraph); } } void Compiler::wrapNonTerminals() { /* Make a language element that will be used to make the root productions. * These are used for making parsers rooted at any production (including * the start symbol). */ rootLangEl = declareLangEl( this, rootNamespace, "_root", LangEl::NonTerm ); for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { /* Make a single production used when the lel is a root. */ ProdElList *prodElList = makeProdElList( lel ); lel->rootDef = Production::cons( InputLoc(), rootLangEl, prodElList, false, 0, prodList.length(), rootLangEl->defList.length() ); prodList.append( lel->rootDef ); rootLangEl->defList.append( lel->rootDef ); /* First resolve. */ for ( ProdElList::Iter fact = *prodElList; fact.lte(); fact++ ) resolveFactor( fact ); } } bool Compiler::makeNonTermFirstSetProd( Production *prod, PdaState *state ) { bool modified = false; for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( trans->key >= firstNonTermId ) { long *inserted = prod->nonTermFirstSet.insert( trans->key ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; bool hasEpsilon = false; LangEl *lel = langElIndex[trans->key]; for ( LelDefList::Iter ldef = lel->defList; ldef.lte(); ldef++ ) { for ( ProdIdSet::Iter pid = ldef->nonTermFirstSet; pid.lte(); pid++ ) { if ( *pid == -1 ) hasEpsilon = true; else { long *inserted = prod->nonTermFirstSet.insert( *pid ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } } } if ( hasEpsilon ) { if ( trans->value->toState->isFinState() ) { long *inserted = prod->nonTermFirstSet.insert( -1 ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } bool lmod = makeNonTermFirstSetProd( prod, trans->value->toState ); if ( lmod ) modified = true; } } } return modified; } void Compiler::makeNonTermFirstSets() { bool modified = true; while ( modified ) { modified = false; for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( prod->fsm->startState->isFinState() ) { long *inserted = prod->nonTermFirstSet.insert( -1 ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } bool lmod = makeNonTermFirstSetProd( prod, prod->fsm->startState ); if ( lmod ) modified = true; } } for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( prod->nonTermFirstSet.find( prod->prodName->id ) ) prod->isLeftRec = true; } } void Compiler::printNonTermFirstSets() { for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { cerr << prod->data << ": "; for ( ProdIdSet::Iter pid = prod->nonTermFirstSet; pid.lte(); pid++ ) { if ( *pid < 0 ) cerr << " "; else { LangEl *lel = langElIndex[*pid]; cerr << " " << lel->name; } } cerr << endl; if ( prod->isLeftRec ) cerr << "PROD IS LEFT REC: " << prod->data << endl; } } bool Compiler::makeFirstSetProd( Production *prod, PdaState *state ) { bool modified = false; for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( trans->key < firstNonTermId ) { long *inserted = prod->firstSet.insert( trans->key ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } else { long *inserted = prod->firstSet.insert( trans->key ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; LangEl *klangEl = langElIndex[trans->key]; if ( klangEl != 0 && klangEl->termDup != 0 ) { long *inserted2 = prod->firstSet.insert( klangEl->termDup->id ); if ( inserted2 != 0 ) modified = true; } bool hasEpsilon = false; LangEl *lel = langElIndex[trans->key]; for ( LelDefList::Iter ldef = lel->defList; ldef.lte(); ldef++ ) { for ( ProdIdSet::Iter pid = ldef->firstSet; pid.lte(); pid++ ) { if ( *pid == -1 ) hasEpsilon = true; else { long *inserted = prod->firstSet.insert( *pid ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } } } if ( hasEpsilon ) { if ( trans->value->toState->isFinState() ) { long *inserted = prod->firstSet.insert( -1 ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } bool lmod = makeFirstSetProd( prod, trans->value->toState ); if ( lmod ) modified = true; } } } return modified; } void Compiler::makeFirstSets() { bool modified = true; while ( modified ) { modified = false; for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( prod->fsm->startState->isFinState() ) { long *inserted = prod->firstSet.insert( -1 ); if ( inserted != 0 ) modified = true; } bool lmod = makeFirstSetProd( prod, prod->fsm->startState ); if ( lmod ) modified = true; } } } void Compiler::printFirstSets() { for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { cerr << prod->data << ": "; for ( ProdIdSet::Iter pid = prod->firstSet; pid.lte(); pid++ ) { if ( *pid < 0 ) cerr << " "; else { LangEl *lel = langElIndex[*pid]; if ( lel != 0 ) cerr << endl << " " << lel->name; else cerr << endl << " " << *pid; } } cerr << endl; } } void Compiler::insertUniqueEmptyProductions() { int limit = prodList.length(); for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( prod->prodId == limit ) break; /* Get a language element. */ char name[20]; sprintf(name, "U%li", prodList.length()); LangEl *prodName = addLangEl( this, rootNamespace, name, LangEl::NonTerm ); Production *newDef = Production::cons( InputLoc(), prodName, 0, false, 0, prodList.length(), prodName->defList.length() ); prodName->defList.append( newDef ); prodList.append( newDef ); prod->uniqueEmptyLeader = prodName; } } void Compiler::makeRuntimeData() { long count = 0; /* * ProdLengths * ProdLhsIs * ProdNames * ProdCodeBlocks * ProdCodeBlockLens */ runtimeData->frameInfo = new FrameInfo[nextFrameId]; runtimeData->numFrames = nextFrameId; memset( runtimeData->frameInfo, 0, sizeof(FrameInfo) * nextFrameId ); /* * Init code block. */ if ( rootCodeBlock == 0 ) { runtimeData->rootCode = 0; runtimeData->rootCodeLen = 0; runtimeData->rootFrameId = 0; } else { runtimeData->rootCode = rootCodeBlock->codeWC.data; runtimeData->rootCodeLen = rootCodeBlock->codeWC.length(); runtimeData->rootFrameId = rootCodeBlock->frameId; } runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].codeWV = 0; runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].codeLenWV = 0; runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].trees = rootCodeBlock->trees.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].treesLen = rootCodeBlock->trees.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].frameSize = rootLocalFrame->size(); runtimeData->frameInfo[rootCodeBlock->frameId].argSize = 0; /* * prodInfo */ count = prodList.length(); runtimeData->prodInfo = new ProdInfo[count]; runtimeData->numProds = count; count = 0; for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { runtimeData->prodInfo[count].lhsId = prod->prodName->id; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].prodNum = prod->prodNum; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].length = prod->fsmLength; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].name = prod->data; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].frameId = -1; CodeBlock *block = prod->redBlock; if ( block != 0 ) { runtimeData->prodInfo[count].frameId = block->frameId; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeWV = block->codeWV.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeLenWV = block->codeWV.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].trees = block->trees.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].treesLen = block->trees.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].frameSize = block->localFrame->size(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].argSize = 0; } runtimeData->prodInfo[count].lhsUpref = true; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].copy = prod->copy.data; runtimeData->prodInfo[count].copyLen = prod->copy.length() / 2; count += 1; } /* * regionInfo */ runtimeData->numRegions = regionList.length()+1; runtimeData->regionInfo = new RegionInfo[runtimeData->numRegions]; memset( runtimeData->regionInfo, 0, sizeof(RegionInfo) * runtimeData->numRegions ); runtimeData->regionInfo[0].name = "___EMPTY"; runtimeData->regionInfo[0].defaultToken = -1; for ( RegionList::Iter reg = regionList; reg.lte(); reg++ ) { long regId = reg->id+1; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].name = reg->name; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].defaultToken = reg->defaultTokenDef == 0 ? -1 : reg->defaultTokenDef->tdLangEl->id; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].eofFrameId = -1; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].isIgnoreOnly = reg->isIgnoreOnly; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].isCiOnly = reg->isCiOnly; runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].ciLelId = reg->isCiOnly ? reg->derivedFrom->ciLel->id : 0; CodeBlock *block = reg->preEofBlock; if ( block != 0 ) { runtimeData->regionInfo[regId].eofFrameId = block->frameId; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeWV = block->codeWV.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeLenWV = block->codeWV.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].trees = block->trees.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].treesLen = block->trees.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].frameSize = block->localFrame->size(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].argSize = 0; } } /* * lelInfo */ count = nextSymbolId; runtimeData->lelInfo = new LangElInfo[count]; runtimeData->numLangEls = count; memset( runtimeData->lelInfo, 0, sizeof(LangElInfo)*count ); for ( int i = 0; i < nextSymbolId; i++ ) { LangEl *lel = langElIndex[i]; if ( lel != 0 ) { runtimeData->lelInfo[i].name = lel->fullLit; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].xmlTag = lel->xmlTag; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].repeat = lel->isRepeat; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].list = lel->isList; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].literal = lel->isLiteral; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].ignore = lel->ignore; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].frameId = -1; CodeBlock *block = lel->transBlock; if ( block != 0 ) { runtimeData->lelInfo[i].frameId = block->frameId; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeWV = block->codeWV.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeLenWV = block->codeWV.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].trees = block->trees.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].treesLen = block->trees.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].frameSize = block->localFrame->size(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].argSize = 0; } runtimeData->lelInfo[i].objectTypeId = lel->objectDef == 0 ? 0 : lel->objectDef->id; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].ofiOffset = lel->ofiOffset; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].objectLength = ( lel->objectDef == 0 || lel->objectDef == tokenObj ) ? 0 : lel->objectDef->size(); // runtimeData->lelInfo[i].contextTypeId = 0; // lel->context == 0 ? 0 : lel->context->contextObjDef->id; // runtimeData->lelInfo[i].contextLength = 0; //lel->context == 0 ? 0 : // lel->context->contextObjDef->size(); // if ( lel->context != 0 ) { // cout << "type: " << runtimeData->lelInfo[i].contextTypeId << " length: " << // runtimeData->lelInfo[i].contextLength << endl; // } runtimeData->lelInfo[i].termDupId = lel->termDup == 0 ? 0 : lel->termDup->id; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].genericId = lel->generic == 0 ? 0 : lel->generic->id; if ( lel->tokenDef != 0 && lel->tokenDef->join != 0 && lel->tokenDef->join->context != 0 ) runtimeData->lelInfo[i].markId = lel->tokenDef->join->mark->markId; else runtimeData->lelInfo[i].markId = -1; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].numCaptureAttr = 0; } else { memset(&runtimeData->lelInfo[i], 0, sizeof(LangElInfo) ); runtimeData->lelInfo[i].name = "__UNUSED"; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].xmlTag = "__UNUSED"; runtimeData->lelInfo[i].frameId = -1; } } /* * FunctionInfo */ count = functionList.length(); runtimeData->functionInfo = new FunctionInfo[count]; runtimeData->numFunctions = count; memset( runtimeData->functionInfo, 0, sizeof(FunctionInfo)*count ); for ( FunctionList::Iter func = functionList; func.lte(); func++ ) { runtimeData->functionInfo[func->funcId].name = func->name; runtimeData->functionInfo[func->funcId].frameId = -1; CodeBlock *block = func->codeBlock; if ( block != 0 ) { runtimeData->functionInfo[func->funcId].frameId = block->frameId; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeWV = block->codeWV.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeLenWV = block->codeWV.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeWC = block->codeWC.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].codeLenWC = block->codeWC.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].trees = block->trees.data; runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].treesLen = block->trees.length(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].frameSize = func->localFrame->size(); runtimeData->frameInfo[block->frameId].argSize = func->paramListSize; } runtimeData->functionInfo[func->funcId].frameSize = func->localFrame->size(); runtimeData->functionInfo[func->funcId].argSize = func->paramListSize; } /* * PatReplInfo */ /* Filled in later after patterns are parsed. */ runtimeData->patReplInfo = new PatReplInfo[nextPatReplId]; memset( runtimeData->patReplInfo, 0, sizeof(PatReplInfo) * nextPatReplId ); runtimeData->numPatterns = nextPatReplId; runtimeData->patReplNodes = 0; runtimeData->numPatternNodes = 0; /* * GenericInfo */ count = 1; for ( NamespaceList::Iter nspace = namespaceList; nspace.lte(); nspace++ ) count += nspace->genericList.length(); assert( count == nextGenericId ); runtimeData->genericInfo = new GenericInfo[count]; runtimeData->numGenerics = count; memset( &runtimeData->genericInfo[0], 0, sizeof(GenericInfo) ); for ( NamespaceList::Iter nspace = namespaceList; nspace.lte(); nspace++ ) { for ( GenericList::Iter gen = nspace->genericList; gen.lte(); gen++ ) { runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].type = gen->typeId; runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].typeArg = gen->utArg->typeId; runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].keyType = gen->keyUT != 0 ? gen->keyUT->typeId : 0; runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].keyOffset = 0; runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].langElId = gen->langEl->id; runtimeData->genericInfo[gen->id].parserId = gen->utArg->langEl->parserId; } } runtimeData->argvGenericId = argvTypeRef->generic->id; /* * Literals */ runtimeData->numLiterals = literalStrings.length(); runtimeData->litdata = new const char *[literalStrings.length()]; runtimeData->litlen = new long [literalStrings.length()]; runtimeData->literals = 0; for ( StringMap::Iter el = literalStrings; el.lte(); el++ ) { /* Data. */ char *data = new char[el->key.length()+1]; memcpy( data, el->key.data, el->key.length() ); data[el->key.length()] = 0; runtimeData->litdata[el->value] = data; /* Length. */ runtimeData->litlen[el->value] = el->key.length(); } /* Captured attributes. Loop over tokens and count first. */ long numCapturedAttr = 0; // for ( RegionList::Iter reg = regionList; reg.lte(); reg++ ) { // for ( TokenDefListReg::Iter td = reg->tokenDefList; td.lte(); td++ ) // numCapturedAttr += td->reCaptureVect.length(); // } runtimeData->captureAttr = new CaptureAttr[numCapturedAttr]; runtimeData->numCapturedAttr = numCapturedAttr; memset( runtimeData->captureAttr, 0, sizeof( CaptureAttr ) * numCapturedAttr ); count = 0; // for ( RegionList::Iter reg = regionList; reg.lte(); reg++ ) { // for ( TokenDefListReg::Iter td = reg->tokenDefList; td.lte(); td++ ) { // runtimeData->lelInfo[td->token->id].captureAttr = count; // runtimeData->lelInfo[td->token->id].numCaptureAttr = td->reCaptureVect.length(); // for ( ReCaptureVect::Iter c = td->reCaptureVect; c.lte(); c++ ) { // runtimeData->captureAttr[count].mark_enter = c->markEnter->markId; // runtimeData->captureAttr[count].mark_leave = c->markLeave->markId; // runtimeData->captureAttr[count].offset = c->objField->offset; // // count += 1; // } // } // } runtimeData->fsmTables = fsmTables; runtimeData->pdaTables = pdaTables; /* FIXME: need a parser descriptor. */ runtimeData->startStates = new int[nextParserId]; runtimeData->eofLelIds = new int[nextParserId]; runtimeData->parserLelIds = new int[nextParserId]; runtimeData->numParsers = nextParserId; for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->parserId >= 0 ) { runtimeData->startStates[lel->parserId] = lel->startState->stateNum; runtimeData->eofLelIds[lel->parserId] = lel->eofLel->id; runtimeData->parserLelIds[lel->parserId] = lel->id; } } runtimeData->globalSize = globalObjectDef->size(); /* * firstNonTermId */ runtimeData->firstNonTermId = firstNonTermId; /* Special trees. */ runtimeData->integerId = intLangEl->id; runtimeData->stringId = strLangEl->id; runtimeData->anyId = anyLangEl->id; runtimeData->eofId = 0; //eofLangEl->id; runtimeData->noTokenId = noTokenLangEl->id; } /* Borrow alg->state for mapsTo. */ void countNodes( Program *prg, int &count, ParseTree *parseTree, Kid *kid ) { if ( kid != 0 ) { count += 1; /* Should't have to recurse here. */ Tree *ignoreList = treeLeftIgnore( prg, kid->tree ); if ( ignoreList != 0 ) { Kid *ignore = ignoreList->child; while ( ignore != 0 ) { count += 1; ignore = ignore->next; } } ignoreList = treeRightIgnore( prg, kid->tree ); if ( ignoreList != 0 ) { Kid *ignore = ignoreList->child; while ( ignore != 0 ) { count += 1; ignore = ignore->next; } } //count += prg->rtd->lelInfo[kid->tree->id].numCaptureAttr; if ( !( parseTree->flags & PF_NAMED ) && !( parseTree->flags & PF_ARTIFICIAL ) && treeChild( prg, kid->tree ) != 0 ) { countNodes( prg, count, parseTree->child, treeChild( prg, kid->tree ) ); } countNodes( prg, count, parseTree->next, kid->next ); } } void fillNodes( Program *prg, int &nextAvail, Bindings *bindings, long &bindId, PatReplNode *nodes, ParseTree *parseTree, Kid *kid, int ind ) { if ( kid != 0 ) { PatReplNode &node = nodes[ind]; Kid *child = !( parseTree->flags & PF_NAMED ) && !( parseTree->flags & PF_ARTIFICIAL ) && treeChild( prg, kid->tree ) != 0 ? treeChild( prg, kid->tree ) : 0; ParseTree *ptChild = !( parseTree->flags & PF_NAMED ) && !( parseTree->flags & PF_ARTIFICIAL ) && treeChild( prg, kid->tree ) != 0 ? parseTree->child : 0; /* Set up the fields. */ node.id = kid->tree->id; node.prodNum = kid->tree->prodNum; node.length = stringLength( kid->tree->tokdata ); node.data = stringData( kid->tree->tokdata ); /* Ignore items. */ Tree *ignoreList = treeLeftIgnore( prg, kid->tree ); Kid *ignore = ignoreList == 0 ? 0 : ignoreList->child; node.leftIgnore = ignore == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail; while ( ignore != 0 ) { PatReplNode &node = nodes[nextAvail++]; memset( &node, 0, sizeof(PatReplNode) ); node.id = ignore->tree->id; node.prodNum = ignore->tree->prodNum; node.next = ignore->next == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail; node.length = stringLength( ignore->tree->tokdata ); node.data = stringData( ignore->tree->tokdata ); ignore = ignore->next; } /* Ignore items. */ ignoreList = treeRightIgnore( prg, kid->tree ); ignore = ignoreList == 0 ? 0 : ignoreList->child; node.rightIgnore = ignore == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail; while ( ignore != 0 ) { PatReplNode &node = nodes[nextAvail++]; memset( &node, 0, sizeof(PatReplNode) ); node.id = ignore->tree->id; node.prodNum = ignore->tree->prodNum; node.next = ignore->next == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail; node.length = stringLength( ignore->tree->tokdata ); node.data = stringData( ignore->tree->tokdata ); ignore = ignore->next; } ///* The captured attributes. */ //for ( int i = 0; i < prg->rtd->lelInfo[kid->tree->id].numCaptureAttr; i++ ) { // CaptureAttr *cap = prg->rtd->captureAttr + // prg->rtd->lelInfo[kid->tree->id].captureAttr + i; // // Tree *attr = getAttr( kid->tree, cap->offset ); // // PatReplNode &node = nodes[nextAvail++]; // memset( &node, 0, sizeof(PatReplNode) ); // // node.id = attr->id; // node.prodNum = attr->prodNum; // node.length = stringLength( attr->tokdata ); // node.data = stringData( attr->tokdata ); //} node.stop = parseTree->flags & PF_TERM_DUP; node.child = child == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail++; /* Recurse. */ fillNodes( prg, nextAvail, bindings, bindId, nodes, ptChild, child, node.child ); /* Since the parser is bottom up the bindings are in a bottom up * traversal order. Check after recursing. */ node.bindId = 0; if ( bindId < bindings->length() && bindings->data[bindId] == parseTree ) { /* Remember that binding ids are indexed from one. */ node.bindId = bindId++; //cout << "binding match in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl; //cout << "bindId: " << node.bindId << endl; } node.next = kid->next == 0 ? -1 : nextAvail++; /* Move to the next child. */ fillNodes( prg, nextAvail, bindings, bindId, nodes, parseTree->next, kid->next, node.next ); } } void Compiler::fillInPatterns( Program *prg ) { /* * patReplNodes */ /* Count is referenced and computed by mapNode. */ int count = 0; for ( PatternList::Iter pat = patternList; pat.lte(); pat++ ) { countNodes( prg, count, pat->pdaRun->stackTop->next, pat->pdaRun->stackTop->next->shadow ); } for ( ReplList::Iter repl = replList; repl.lte(); repl++ ) { countNodes( prg, count, repl->pdaRun->stackTop->next, repl->pdaRun->stackTop->next->shadow ); } runtimeData->patReplNodes = new PatReplNode[count]; runtimeData->numPatternNodes = count; int nextAvail = 0; for ( PatternList::Iter pat = patternList; pat.lte(); pat++ ) { int ind = nextAvail++; runtimeData->patReplInfo[pat->patRepId].offset = ind; /* BindIds are indexed base one. */ runtimeData->patReplInfo[pat->patRepId].numBindings = pat->pdaRun->bindings->length() - 1; /* Init the bind */ long bindId = 1; fillNodes( prg, nextAvail, pat->pdaRun->bindings, bindId, runtimeData->patReplNodes, pat->pdaRun->stackTop->next, pat->pdaRun->stackTop->next->shadow, ind ); } for ( ReplList::Iter repl = replList; repl.lte(); repl++ ) { int ind = nextAvail++; runtimeData->patReplInfo[repl->patRepId].offset = ind; /* BindIds are indexed base one. */ runtimeData->patReplInfo[repl->patRepId].numBindings = repl->pdaRun->bindings->length() - 1; long bindId = 1; fillNodes( prg, nextAvail, repl->pdaRun->bindings, bindId, runtimeData->patReplNodes, repl->pdaRun->stackTop->next, repl->pdaRun->stackTop->next->shadow, ind ); } assert( nextAvail == count ); } int Compiler::findIndexOff( PdaTables *pdaTables, PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state, int &curLen ) { for ( int start = 0; start < curLen; ) { int offset = start; for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( pdaTables->owners[offset] != -1 ) goto next_start; offset++; if ( ! trans.last() ) { TransMap::Iter next = trans.next(); offset += next->key - trans->key - 1; } } /* Got though the whole list without a conflict. */ return start; next_start: start++; } return curLen; } struct CmpSpan { static int compare( PdaState *state1, PdaState *state2 ) { int dist1 = 0, dist2 = 0; if ( state1->transMap.length() > 0 ) { TransMap::Iter first1 = state1->transMap.first(); TransMap::Iter last1 = state1->transMap.last(); dist1 = last1->key - first1->key; } if ( state2->transMap.length() > 0 ) { TransMap::Iter first2 = state2->transMap.first(); TransMap::Iter last2 = state2->transMap.last(); dist2 = last2->key - first2->key; } if ( dist1 < dist2 ) return 1; else if ( dist2 < dist1 ) return -1; return 0; } }; PdaGraph *Compiler::makePdaGraph( LangElSet &parserEls ) { //for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) // cerr << prod->prodId << " " << prod->data << endl; PdaGraph *pdaGraph = new PdaGraph(); lalr1GenerateParser( pdaGraph, parserEls ); pdaGraph->setStateNumbers(); analyzeMachine( pdaGraph, parserEls ); //cerr << "NUMBER OF STATES: " << pdaGraph->stateList.length() << endl; return pdaGraph; } PdaTables *Compiler::makePdaTables( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ) { int count, pos; PdaTables *pdaTables = new PdaTables; /* * Counting max indices. */ count = 0; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { count++; if ( ! trans.last() ) { TransMap::Iter next = trans.next(); count += next->key - trans->key - 1; } } } /* Allocate indicies and owners. */ pdaTables->numIndicies = count; pdaTables->indicies = new int[count]; pdaTables->owners = new int[count]; for ( long i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pdaTables->indicies[i] = -1; pdaTables->owners[i] = -1; } /* Allocate offsets. */ int numStates = pdaGraph->stateList.length(); pdaTables->offsets = new unsigned int[numStates]; pdaTables->numStates = numStates; /* Place transitions into indicies/owners */ PdaState **states = new PdaState*[numStates]; long ds = 0; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) states[ds++] = state; /* Sorting baseded on span length. Gives an improvement, but incures a * cost. Off for now. */ //MergeSort< PdaState*, CmpSpan > mergeSort; //mergeSort.sort( states, numStates ); int indLen = 0; for ( int s = 0; s < numStates; s++ ) { PdaState *state = states[s]; int indOff = findIndexOff( pdaTables, pdaGraph, state, indLen ); pdaTables->offsets[state->stateNum] = indOff; for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { pdaTables->indicies[indOff] = trans->value->actionSetEl->key.id; pdaTables->owners[indOff] = state->stateNum; indOff++; if ( ! trans.last() ) { TransMap::Iter next = trans.next(); indOff += next->key - trans->key - 1; } } if ( indOff > indLen ) indLen = indOff; } /* We allocated the max, but cmpression gives us less. */ pdaTables->numIndicies = indLen; delete[] states; /* * Keys */ count = pdaGraph->stateList.length() * 2;; pdaTables->keys = new int[count]; pdaTables->numKeys = count; count = 0; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { if ( state->transMap.length() == 0 ) { pdaTables->keys[count+0] = 0; pdaTables->keys[count+1] = 0; } else { TransMap::Iter first = state->transMap.first(); TransMap::Iter last = state->transMap.last(); pdaTables->keys[count+0] = first->key; pdaTables->keys[count+1] = last->key; } count += 2; } /* * Targs */ count = pdaGraph->actionSet.length(); pdaTables->targs = new unsigned int[count]; pdaTables->numTargs = count; count = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) pdaTables->targs[count++] = asi->key.targ; /* * ActInds */ count = pdaGraph->actionSet.length(); pdaTables->actInds = new unsigned int[count]; pdaTables->numActInds = count; count = pos = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) { pdaTables->actInds[count++] = pos; pos += asi->key.actions.length() + 1; } /* * Actions */ count = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) count += asi->key.actions.length() + 1; pdaTables->actions = new unsigned int[count]; pdaTables->numActions = count; count = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) { for ( ActDataList::Iter ali = asi->key.actions; ali.lte(); ali++ ) pdaTables->actions[count++] = *ali; pdaTables->actions[count++] = 0; } /* * CommitLen */ count = pdaGraph->actionSet.length(); pdaTables->commitLen = new int[count]; pdaTables->numCommitLen = count; count = 0; for ( PdaActionSet::Iter asi = pdaGraph->actionSet; asi.lte(); asi++ ) pdaTables->commitLen[count++] = asi->key.commitLen; /* * tokenRegionInds. Start at one so region index 0 is null (unset). */ count = 0; pos = 1; pdaTables->tokenRegionInds = new int[pdaTables->numStates]; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { pdaTables->tokenRegionInds[count++] = pos; pos += state->regions.length() + 1; } /* * tokenRegions. Build in a null at the beginning. */ count = 1; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) count += state->regions.length() + 1; pdaTables->numRegionItems = count; pdaTables->tokenRegions = new int[pdaTables->numRegionItems]; count = 0; pdaTables->tokenRegions[count++] = 0; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( RegionVect::Iter reg = state->regions; reg.lte(); reg++ ) pdaTables->tokenRegions[count++] = (*reg)->id + 1; pdaTables->tokenRegions[count++] = 0; } /* * tokenPreRegions. Build in a null at the beginning. */ count = 1; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) count += state->regions.length() + 1; pdaTables->numPreRegionItems = count; pdaTables->tokenPreRegions = new int[pdaTables->numPreRegionItems]; count = 0; pdaTables->tokenPreRegions[count++] = 0; for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = pdaGraph->stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( RegionVect::Iter reg = state->regions; reg.lte(); reg++ ) { assert( state->preRegions.length() <= 1 ); if ( state->preRegions.length() == 0 || state->preRegions[0]->wasEmpty ) pdaTables->tokenPreRegions[count++] = -1; else pdaTables->tokenPreRegions[count++] = state->preRegions[0]->id + 1; } pdaTables->tokenPreRegions[count++] = 0; } return pdaTables; } void Compiler::makeParser( LangElSet &parserEls ) { pdaGraph = makePdaGraph( parserEls ); pdaTables = makePdaTables( pdaGraph ); }