/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Adrian Thurston */ /* This file is part of Colm. * * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "pdagraph.h" #include "mergesort.h" using std::cerr; using std::endl; /* Create a new fsm state. State has not out transitions or in transitions, not * out out transition data and not number. */ PdaState::PdaState() : /* No in transitions. */ inRange(), /* No entry points, or epsilon trans. */ pendingCommits(), stateSet(0), /* Only used during merging. Normally null. */ stateDictEl(0), /* No state identification bits. */ stateBits(0), onClosureQueue(false), inClosedMap(false), followMarked(false), advanceReductions(false) { } /* Copy everything except the action transitions. That is left up to the * PdaGraph copy constructor. */ PdaState::PdaState(const PdaState &other) : inRange(), /* Duplicate the entry id set, epsilon transitions and context sets. These * are sets of integers and as such need no fixing. */ pendingCommits(other.pendingCommits), stateSet(0), /* This is only used during merging. Normally null. */ stateDictEl(0), /* Fsm state data. */ stateBits(other.stateBits), dotSet(other.dotSet), onClosureQueue(false), inClosedMap(false), followMarked(false), transMap() { /* Duplicate all the transitions. */ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = other.transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { /* Dupicate and store the orginal target in the transition. This will * be corrected once all the states have been created. */ PdaTrans *newTrans = new PdaTrans(*trans->value); newTrans->toState = trans->value->toState; transMap.append( TransMapEl( newTrans->lowKey, newTrans ) ); } } /* If there is a state dict element, then delete it. Everything else is left * up to the FsmGraph destructor. */ PdaState::~PdaState() { if ( stateDictEl != 0 ) delete stateDictEl; } /* Graph constructor. */ PdaGraph::PdaGraph() : /* No start state. */ startState(0) { } /* Copy all graph data including transitions. */ PdaGraph::PdaGraph( const PdaGraph &graph ) : /* Lists start empty. Will be filled by copy. */ stateList(), misfitList(), /* Copy in the entry points, * pointers will be resolved later. */ startState(graph.startState), /* Will be filled by copy. */ finStateSet() { /* Create the states and record their map in the original state. */ PdaStateList::Iter origState = graph.stateList; for ( ; origState.lte(); origState++ ) { /* Make the new state. */ PdaState *newState = new PdaState( *origState ); /* Add the state to the list. */ stateList.append( newState ); /* Set the mapsTo item of the old state. */ origState->stateMap = newState; } /* Derefernce all the state maps. */ for ( PdaStateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { /* The points to the original in the src machine. The taget's duplicate * is in the statemap. */ PdaState *toState = trans->value->toState != 0 ? trans->value->toState->stateMap : 0; /* Attach The transition to the duplicate. */ trans->value->toState = 0; attachTrans( state, toState, trans->value ); } } /* Fix the start state pointer and the new start state's count of in * transiions. */ startState = startState->stateMap; /* Build the final state set. */ PdaStateSet::Iter st = graph.finStateSet; for ( ; st.lte(); st++ ) finStateSet.insert((*st)->stateMap); } /* Deletes all transition data then deletes each state. */ PdaGraph::~PdaGraph() { /* Delete all the transitions. */ PdaStateList::Iter state = stateList; for ( ; state.lte(); state++ ) { for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) delete trans->value; } /* Delete all the states. */ stateList.empty(); } /* Set a state final. The state has its isFinState set to true and the state * is added to the finStateSet. */ void PdaGraph::setFinState( PdaState *state ) { /* Is it already a fin state. */ if ( state->stateBits & SB_ISFINAL ) return; state->stateBits |= SB_ISFINAL; finStateSet.insert( state ); } void PdaGraph::unsetAllFinStates( ) { for ( PdaStateSet::Iter st = finStateSet; st.lte(); st++ ) { PdaState *state = *st; state->stateBits &= ~ SB_ISFINAL; } finStateSet.empty(); } /* Set and unset a state as the start state. */ void PdaGraph::setStartState( PdaState *state ) { /* Sould change from unset to set. */ assert( startState == 0 ); startState = state; } /* Mark all states reachable from state. Traverses transitions forward. Used * for removing states that have no path into them. */ void PdaGraph::markReachableFromHere( PdaState *state ) { /* Base case: return; */ if ( state->stateBits & SB_ISMARKED ) return; /* Set this state as processed. We are going to visit all states that this * state has a transition to. */ state->stateBits |= SB_ISMARKED; /* Recurse on all out transitions. */ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( trans->value->toState != 0 ) markReachableFromHere( trans->value->toState ); } } void PdaGraph::setStateNumbers() { int curNum = 0; PdaStateList::Iter state = stateList; for ( ; state.lte(); state++ ) state->stateNum = curNum++; } /* Insert a transition into an inlist. The head must be supplied. */ void PdaGraph::attachToInList( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, PdaTrans *&head, PdaTrans *trans ) { trans->ilnext = head; trans->ilprev = 0; /* If in trans list is not empty, set the head->prev to trans. */ if ( head != 0 ) head->ilprev = trans; /* Now insert ourselves at the front of the list. */ head = trans; }; /* Detach a transition from an inlist. The head of the inlist must be supplied. */ void PdaGraph::detachFromInList( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, PdaTrans *&head, PdaTrans *trans ) { /* Detach in the inTransList. */ if ( trans->ilprev == 0 ) head = trans->ilnext; else trans->ilprev->ilnext = trans->ilnext; if ( trans->ilnext != 0 ) trans->ilnext->ilprev = trans->ilprev; } /* Attach states on the default transition, range list or on out/in list key. * Type of attaching and is controlled by keyType. First makes a new * transition. If there is already a transition out from fromState on the * default, then will assertion fail. */ PdaTrans *PdaGraph::appendNewTrans( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, long lowKey, long ) { /* Make the new transition. */ PdaTrans *retVal = new PdaTrans(); /* The transition is now attached. Remember the parties involved. */ retVal->fromState = from; retVal->toState = to; /* Make the entry in the out list for the transitions. */ from->transMap.append( TransMapEl( lowKey, retVal ) ); /* Set the the keys of the new trans. */ retVal->lowKey = lowKey; /* Attach using inRange as the head pointer. */ attachToInList( from, to, to->inRange.head, retVal ); return retVal; } PdaTrans *PdaGraph::insertNewTrans( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, long lowKey, long ) { /* Make the new transition. */ PdaTrans *retVal = new PdaTrans(); /* The transition is now attached. Remember the parties involved. */ retVal->fromState = from; retVal->toState = to; /* Make the entry in the out list for the transitions. */ from->transMap.insert( lowKey, retVal ); /* Set the the keys of the new trans. */ retVal->lowKey = lowKey; /* Attach using inRange as the head pointer. */ attachToInList( from, to, to->inRange.head, retVal ); return retVal; } /* Attach for range lists or for the default transition. Type of attaching is * controlled by the keyType parameter. This attach should be used when a * transition already is allocated and must be attached to a target state. * Does not handle adding the transition into the out list. */ void PdaGraph::attachTrans( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, PdaTrans *trans ) { assert( trans->fromState == 0 && trans->toState == 0 ); trans->fromState = from; trans->toState = to; /* Attach using the inRange pointer as the head pointer. */ attachToInList( from, to, to->inRange.head, trans ); } /* Detach for out/in lists or for default transition. The type of detaching is * controlled by the keyType parameter. */ void PdaGraph::detachTrans( PdaState *from, PdaState *to, PdaTrans *trans ) { assert( trans->fromState == from && trans->toState == to ); trans->fromState = 0; trans->toState = 0; /* Detach using to's inRange pointer as the head. */ detachFromInList( from, to, to->inRange.head, trans ); } /* Detach a state from the graph. Detaches and deletes transitions in and out * of the state. Empties inList and outList. Removes the state from the final * state set. A detached state becomes useless and should be deleted. */ void PdaGraph::detachState( PdaState *state ) { /* Detach the in transitions from the inRange list of transitions. */ while ( state->inRange.head != 0 ) { /* Get pointers to the trans and the state. */ PdaTrans *trans = state->inRange.head; PdaState *fromState = trans->fromState; /* Detach the transitions from the source state. */ detachTrans( fromState, state, trans ); /* Ok to delete the transition. */ fromState->transMap.remove( trans->lowKey ); delete trans; } /* Detach out range transitions. */ for ( TransMap::Iter trans = state->transMap; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { detachTrans( state, trans->value->toState, trans->value ); delete trans->value; } /* Delete all of the out range pointers. */ state->transMap.empty(); /* Unset final stateness before detaching from graph. */ if ( state->stateBits & SB_ISFINAL ) finStateSet.remove( state ); } /* Move all the transitions that go into src so that they go into dest. */ void PdaGraph::inTransMove( PdaState *dest, PdaState *src ) { /* Do not try to move in trans to and from the same state. */ assert( dest != src ); /* If src is the start state, dest becomes the start state. */ assert( src != startState ); /* Move the transitions in inRange. */ while ( src->inRange.head != 0 ) { /* Get trans and from state. */ PdaTrans *trans = src->inRange.head; PdaState *fromState = trans->fromState; /* Detach from src, reattach to dest. */ detachTrans( fromState, src, trans ); attachTrans( fromState, dest, trans ); } } void PdaGraph::addInReduction( PdaTrans *dest, long prodId, long prior ) { /* Look for the reduction. If not there insert it, otherwise take * the max of the priorities. */ ReductionMapEl *redMapEl = dest->reductions.find( prodId ); if ( redMapEl == 0 ) dest->reductions.insert( prodId, prior ); else if ( prior > redMapEl->value ) redMapEl->value = prior; } /* Callback invoked when another trans (or possibly this) is added into this * transition during the merging process. Draw in any properties of srcTrans * into this transition. AddInTrans is called when a new transitions is made * that will be a duplicate of another transition or a combination of several * other transitions. AddInTrans will be called for each transition that the * new transition is to represent. */ void PdaGraph::addInTrans( PdaTrans *destTrans, PdaTrans *srcTrans ) { /* Protect against adding in from ourselves. */ if ( srcTrans != destTrans ) { /* Add in the shift priority. */ if ( destTrans->isShift && srcTrans->isShift ) { /* Both shifts are set. We want the max of the two. */ if ( srcTrans->shiftPrior > destTrans->shiftPrior ) destTrans->shiftPrior = srcTrans->shiftPrior; } else if ( srcTrans->isShift ) { /* Just the source is set, copy the source prior over. */ destTrans->shiftPrior = srcTrans->shiftPrior; } /* If either is a shift, dest is a shift. */ destTrans->isShift = destTrans->isShift || srcTrans->isShift; /* Add in the reductions. */ for ( ReductionMap::Iter red = srcTrans->reductions; red.lte(); red++ ) addInReduction( destTrans, red->key, red->value ); /* Add in the commit points. */ destTrans->commits.insert( srcTrans->commits ); if ( srcTrans->toState->advanceReductions ) destTrans->toState->advanceReductions = true; if ( srcTrans->noPreIgnore ) destTrans->noPreIgnore = true; if ( srcTrans->noPostIgnore ) destTrans->noPostIgnore = true; } } /* NO LONGER USED. */ void PdaGraph::addInState( PdaState *destState, PdaState *srcState ) { /* Draw in any properties of srcState into destState. */ if ( srcState != destState ) { /* Get the epsilons, context, out priorities. */ destState->pendingCommits.insert( srcState->pendingCommits ); if ( srcState->pendingCommits.length() > 0 ) cerr << "THERE ARE PENDING COMMITS DRAWN IN" << endl; /* Parser generation data. */ destState->dotSet.insert( srcState->dotSet ); if ( srcState->onClosureQueue && !destState->onClosureQueue ) { stateClosureQueue.append( destState ); destState->onClosureQueue = true; } } } /* Make a new state. The new state will be put on the graph's * list of state. The new state can be created final or non final. */ PdaState *PdaGraph::addState() { /* Make the new state to return. */ PdaState *state = new PdaState(); /* Create the new state. */ stateList.append( state ); return state; } /* Follow from to the final state of srcFsm. */ PdaState *PdaGraph::followFsm( PdaState *from, PdaGraph *srcFsm ) { PdaState *followSrc = srcFsm->startState; while ( ! followSrc->isFinState() ) { assert( followSrc->transMap.length() == 1 ); PdaTrans *followTrans = followSrc->transMap[0].value; PdaTrans *inTrans = from->findTrans( followTrans->lowKey ); assert( inTrans != 0 ); from = inTrans->toState; followSrc = followTrans->toState; } return from; } int PdaGraph::fsmLength( ) { int length = 0; PdaState *state = startState; while ( ! state->isFinState() ) { length += 1; state = state->transMap[0].value->toState; } return length; } /* Remove states that have no path to them from the start state. Recursively * traverses the graph marking states that have paths into them. Then removes * all states that did not get marked. */ void PdaGraph::removeUnreachableStates() { /* Mark all the states that can be reached * through the existing set of entry points. */ if ( startState != 0 ) markReachableFromHere( startState ); for ( PdaStateSet::Iter si = entryStateSet; si.lte(); si++ ) markReachableFromHere( *si ); /* Delete all states that are not marked * and unmark the ones that are marked. */ PdaState *state = stateList.head; while ( state ) { PdaState *next = state->next; if ( state->stateBits & SB_ISMARKED ) state->stateBits &= ~ SB_ISMARKED; else { detachState( state ); stateList.detach( state ); delete state; } state = next; } }