/* * Copyright 2007-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE 4096 static void xml_escape_data( struct colm_print_args *print_args, const char *data, long len ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( data[i] == '<' ) print_args->out( print_args, "<", 4 ); else if ( data[i] == '>' ) print_args->out( print_args, ">", 4 ); else if ( data[i] == '&' ) print_args->out( print_args, "&", 5 ); else if ( (32 <= data[i] && data[i] <= 126) || data[i] == '\t' || data[i] == '\n' || data[i] == '\r' ) { print_args->out( print_args, &data[i], 1 ); } else { char out[64]; sprintf( out, "&#%u;", ((unsigned)data[i]) ); print_args->out( print_args, out, strlen(out) ); } } } void init_str_collect( str_collect_t *collect ) { collect->data = (char*) malloc( BUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE ); collect->allocated = BUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE; collect->length = 0; collect->indent.indent = 0; collect->indent.level = COLM_INDENT_OFF; } void str_collect_destroy( str_collect_t *collect ) { free( collect->data ); } void str_collect_append( str_collect_t *collect, const char *data, long len ) { long new_len = collect->length + len; if ( new_len > collect->allocated ) { collect->allocated = new_len * 2; collect->data = (char*) realloc( collect->data, collect->allocated ); } memcpy( collect->data + collect->length, data, len ); collect->length += len; } void str_collect_clear( str_collect_t *collect ) { collect->length = 0; } #define INT_SZ 32 void print_str( struct colm_print_args *print_args, head_t *str ) { print_args->out( print_args, (char*)(str->data), str->length ); } void append_collect( struct colm_print_args *args, const char *data, int length ) { str_collect_append( (str_collect_t*) args->arg, data, length ); } void append_file( struct colm_print_args *args, const char *data, int length ) { struct stream_impl_data *impl = (struct stream_impl_data*) args->arg; fwrite( data, 1, length, impl->file ); } static void out_indent( struct colm_print_args *args, const char *data, int length ) { int level; restart: if ( args->indent->indent ) { /* Consume mode. */ while ( length > 0 && ( *data == ' ' || *data == '\t' ) ) { data += 1; length -= 1; } if ( length > 0 ) { /* Found some data, print the indentation and turn off indentation * mode. */ for ( level = 0; level < args->indent->level; level++ ) args->out( args, "\t", 1 ); args->indent->indent = 0; goto restart; } } else { char *nl; if ( args->indent->level != COLM_INDENT_OFF && (nl = memchr( data, '\n', length )) ) { /* Print up to and including the newline. */ int wl = nl - data + 1; args->out( args, data, wl ); /* Go into consume state. If we see more non-indentation chars we * will generate the appropriate indentation level. */ data += wl; length -= wl; args->indent->indent = 1; goto restart; } else { /* Indentation off, or no indent trigger (newline). */ args->out( args, data, length ); } } } tree_t *tree_trim( struct colm_program *prg, tree_t **sp, tree_t *tree ) { if ( tree == 0 ) return 0; debug( prg, REALM_PARSE, "attaching left ignore\n" ); /* Make the ignore list for the left-ignore. */ tree_t *left_ignore = tree_allocate( prg ); left_ignore->id = LEL_ID_IGNORE; left_ignore->flags |= AF_SUPPRESS_RIGHT; tree = push_left_ignore( prg, tree, left_ignore ); debug( prg, REALM_PARSE, "attaching ignore right\n" ); /* Copy the ignore list first if we need to attach it as a right * ignore. */ tree_t *right_ignore = 0; right_ignore = tree_allocate( prg ); right_ignore->id = LEL_ID_IGNORE; right_ignore->flags |= AF_SUPPRESS_LEFT; tree = push_right_ignore( prg, tree, right_ignore ); return tree; } enum ReturnType { Done = 1, CollectIgnoreLeft, CollectIgnoreRight, RecIgnoreList, ChildPrint }; enum VisitType { IgnoreWrapper, IgnoreData, Term, NonTerm }; #define TF_TERM_SEEN 0x1 void print_kid( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *print_args, kid_t *kid ) { enum ReturnType rt; kid_t *parent = 0; kid_t *leading_ignore = 0; enum VisitType visit_type; int flags = 0; /* Iterate the kids passed in. We are expecting a next, which will allow us * to print the trailing ignore list. */ while ( kid != 0 ) { vm_push_type( enum ReturnType, Done ); goto rec_call; rec_return_top: kid = kid->next; } return; rec_call: if ( kid->tree == 0 ) goto skip_null; /* If not currently skipping ignore data, then print it. Ignore data can * be associated with terminals and nonterminals. */ if ( kid->tree->flags & AF_LEFT_IGNORE ) { vm_push_kid( parent ); vm_push_kid( kid ); parent = kid; kid = tree_left_ignore_kid( prg, kid->tree ); vm_push_type( enum ReturnType, CollectIgnoreLeft ); goto rec_call; rec_return_ign_left: kid = vm_pop_kid(); parent = vm_pop_kid(); } if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_IGNORE ) visit_type = IgnoreWrapper; else if ( parent != 0 && parent->tree->id == LEL_ID_IGNORE ) visit_type = IgnoreData; else if ( kid->tree->id < prg->rtd->first_non_term_id ) visit_type = Term; else visit_type = NonTerm; debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "visit type: %d\n", visit_type ); if ( visit_type == IgnoreData ) { debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "putting %p on ignore list\n", kid->tree ); kid_t *new_ignore = kid_allocate( prg ); new_ignore->next = leading_ignore; leading_ignore = new_ignore; leading_ignore->tree = kid->tree; goto skip_node; } if ( visit_type == IgnoreWrapper ) { kid_t *new_ignore = kid_allocate( prg ); new_ignore->next = leading_ignore; leading_ignore = new_ignore; leading_ignore->tree = kid->tree; /* Don't skip. */ } /* print leading ignore? Triggered by terminals. */ if ( visit_type == Term ) { /* Reverse the leading ignore list. */ if ( leading_ignore != 0 ) { kid_t *ignore = 0, *last = 0; /* Reverse the list and take the opportunity to implement the * suppress left. */ while ( true ) { kid_t *next = leading_ignore->next; leading_ignore->next = last; if ( leading_ignore->tree->flags & AF_SUPPRESS_LEFT ) { /* We are moving left. Chop off the tail. */ debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "suppressing left\n" ); free_kid_list( prg, next ); break; } if ( next == 0 ) break; last = leading_ignore; leading_ignore = next; } /* Print the leading ignore list. Also implement the suppress right * in the process. */ if ( print_args->comm && (!print_args->trim || (flags & TF_TERM_SEEN && kid->tree->id > 0)) ) { ignore = leading_ignore; while ( ignore != 0 ) { if ( ignore->tree->flags & AF_SUPPRESS_RIGHT ) break; if ( ignore->tree->id != LEL_ID_IGNORE ) { vm_push_type( enum VisitType, visit_type ); vm_push_kid( leading_ignore ); vm_push_kid( ignore ); vm_push_kid( parent ); vm_push_kid( kid ); leading_ignore = 0; kid = ignore; parent = 0; debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "rec call on %p\n", kid->tree ); vm_push_type( enum ReturnType, RecIgnoreList ); goto rec_call; rec_return_il: kid = vm_pop_kid(); parent = vm_pop_kid(); ignore = vm_pop_kid(); leading_ignore = vm_pop_kid(); visit_type = vm_pop_type(enum VisitType); } ignore = ignore->next; } } /* Free the leading ignore list. */ free_kid_list( prg, leading_ignore ); leading_ignore = 0; } } if ( visit_type == Term || visit_type == NonTerm ) { /* Open the tree. */ print_args->open_tree( prg, sp, print_args, parent, kid ); } if ( visit_type == Term ) flags |= TF_TERM_SEEN; if ( visit_type == Term || visit_type == IgnoreData ) { /* Print contents. */ if ( kid->tree->id < prg->rtd->first_non_term_id ) { debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "printing terminal %p\n", kid->tree ); if ( kid->tree->id != 0 ) print_args->print_term( prg, sp, print_args, kid ); } } /* Print children. */ kid_t *child = print_args->attr ? tree_attr( prg, kid->tree ) : tree_child( prg, kid->tree ); if ( child != 0 ) { vm_push_type( enum VisitType, visit_type ); vm_push_kid( parent ); vm_push_kid( kid ); parent = kid; kid = child; while ( kid != 0 ) { vm_push_type( enum ReturnType, ChildPrint ); goto rec_call; rec_return: kid = kid->next; } kid = vm_pop_kid(); parent = vm_pop_kid(); visit_type = vm_pop_type(enum VisitType); } if ( visit_type == Term || visit_type == NonTerm ) { /* close the tree. */ print_args->close_tree( prg, sp, print_args, parent, kid ); } skip_node: /* If not currently skipping ignore data, then print it. Ignore data can * be associated with terminals and nonterminals. */ if ( kid->tree->flags & AF_RIGHT_IGNORE ) { debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "right ignore\n" ); vm_push_kid( parent ); vm_push_kid( kid ); parent = kid; kid = tree_right_ignore_kid( prg, kid->tree ); vm_push_type( enum ReturnType, CollectIgnoreRight ); goto rec_call; rec_return_ign_right: kid = vm_pop_kid(); parent = vm_pop_kid(); } /* For skiping over content on null. */ skip_null: rt = vm_pop_type(enum ReturnType); switch ( rt ) { case Done: debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "return: done\n" ); goto rec_return_top; break; case CollectIgnoreLeft: debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "return: ignore left\n" ); goto rec_return_ign_left; case CollectIgnoreRight: debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "return: ignore right\n" ); goto rec_return_ign_right; case RecIgnoreList: debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "return: ignore list\n" ); goto rec_return_il; case ChildPrint: debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "return: child print\n" ); goto rec_return; } } void colm_print_tree_args( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *print_args, tree_t *tree ) { if ( tree == 0 ) out_indent( print_args, "NIL", 3 ); else { /* This term tree allows us to print trailing ignores. */ tree_t term_tree; memset( &term_tree, 0, sizeof(term_tree) ); kid_t kid, term; term.tree = &term_tree; term.next = 0; term.flags = 0; kid.tree = tree; kid.next = &term; kid.flags = 0; print_kid( prg, sp, print_args, &kid ); } } void colm_print_null( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *parent, kid_t *kid ) { } void colm_print_term_tree( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *kid ) { debug( prg, REALM_PRINT, "printing term %p\n", kid->tree ); if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_PTR ) { char buf[INT_SZ]; out_indent( args, "#<", 2 ); sprintf( buf, "%lx", ((pointer_t*)kid->tree)->value ); out_indent( args, buf, strlen(buf) ); out_indent( args, ">", 1 ); } else if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_STR ) { print_str( args, ((str_t*)kid->tree)->value ); } // else if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_STREAM ) { // char buf[INT_SZ]; // printArgs->out( printArgs, "#", 1 ); // sprintf( buf, "%p", (void*) ((stream_t*)kid->tree)->in->file ); // printArgs->out( printArgs, buf, strlen(buf) ); // } else if ( kid->tree->tokdata != 0 && string_length( kid->tree->tokdata ) > 0 ) { out_indent( args, string_data( kid->tree->tokdata ), string_length( kid->tree->tokdata ) ); } struct lang_el_info *lel_info = prg->rtd->lel_info; if ( strcmp( lel_info[kid->tree->id].name, "_IN_" ) == 0 ) { if ( args->indent->level == COLM_INDENT_OFF ) { args->indent->level = 1; args->indent->indent = 1; } else { args->indent->level += 1; } } if ( strcmp( lel_info[kid->tree->id].name, "_EX_" ) == 0 ) args->indent->level -= 1; } void colm_print_tree_collect( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, str_collect_t *collect, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { collect, true, false, trim, &collect->indent, &append_collect, &colm_print_null, &colm_print_term_tree, &colm_print_null }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } void colm_print_tree_collect_a( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, str_collect_t *collect, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { collect, true, true, trim, &collect->indent, &append_collect, &colm_print_null, &colm_print_term_tree, &colm_print_null }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } void colm_print_tree_file( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct stream_impl_data *impl, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { impl, true, false, trim, &impl->indent, &append_file, &colm_print_null, &colm_print_term_tree, &colm_print_null }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } static void xml_open( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *parent, kid_t *kid ) { /* Skip the terminal that is for forcing trailing ignores out. */ if ( kid->tree->id == 0 ) return; struct lang_el_info *lel_info = prg->rtd->lel_info; /* List flattening: skip the repeats and lists that are a continuation of * the list. */ if ( parent != 0 && parent->tree->id == kid->tree->id && kid->next == 0 && ( lel_info[parent->tree->id].repeat || lel_info[parent->tree->id].list ) ) { return; } const char *name = lel_info[kid->tree->id].xml_tag; args->out( args, "<", 1 ); args->out( args, name, strlen( name ) ); args->out( args, ">", 1 ); } static void xml_term( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *print_args, kid_t *kid ) { //kid_t *child; /*child = */ tree_child( prg, kid->tree ); if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_PTR ) { char ptr[INT_SZ]; sprintf( ptr, "%lx", ((pointer_t*)kid->tree)->value ); print_args->out( print_args, ptr, strlen(ptr) ); } else if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_STR ) { head_t *head = (head_t*) ((str_t*)kid->tree)->value; xml_escape_data( print_args, (char*)(head->data), head->length ); } else if ( 0 < kid->tree->id && kid->tree->id < prg->rtd->first_non_term_id && kid->tree->id != LEL_ID_IGNORE && kid->tree->tokdata != 0 && string_length( kid->tree->tokdata ) > 0 ) { xml_escape_data( print_args, string_data( kid->tree->tokdata ), string_length( kid->tree->tokdata ) ); } } static void xml_close( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *parent, kid_t *kid ) { /* Skip the terminal that is for forcing trailing ignores out. */ if ( kid->tree->id == 0 ) return; struct lang_el_info *lel_info = prg->rtd->lel_info; /* List flattening: skip the repeats and lists that are a continuation of * the list. */ if ( parent != 0 && parent->tree->id == kid->tree->id && kid->next == 0 && ( lel_info[parent->tree->id].repeat || lel_info[parent->tree->id].list ) ) { return; } const char *name = lel_info[kid->tree->id].xml_tag; args->out( args, "out( args, name, strlen( name ) ); args->out( args, ">", 1 ); } void colm_print_xml_stdout( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct stream_impl_data *impl, tree_t *tree, int comm_attr, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { impl, comm_attr, comm_attr, trim, &impl->indent, &append_file, &xml_open, &xml_term, &xml_close }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } static void postfix_open( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *parent, kid_t *kid ) { } static void postfix_term_data( struct colm_print_args *args, const char *data, long len ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( data[i] == '\\' ) args->out( args, "\\5c", 3 ); else if ( 33 <= data[i] && data[i] <= 126 ) args->out( args, &data[i], 1 ); else { char out[64]; sprintf( out, "\\%02x", ((unsigned char)data[i]) ); args->out( args, out, strlen(out) ); } } } static void postfix_term( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *kid ) { //kid_t *child; /*child = */ tree_child( prg, kid->tree ); if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_PTR ) { //char ptr[INT_SZ]; //sprintf( ptr, "%lx", ((pointer_t*)kid->tree)->value ); //args->out( args, ptr, strlen(ptr) ); args->out( args, "p\n", 2 ); } else if ( kid->tree->id == LEL_ID_STR ) { //head_t *head = (head_t*) ((str_t*)kid->tree)->value; //xml_escape_data( args, (char*)(head->data), head->length ); args->out( args, "s\n", 2 ); } else if ( 0 < kid->tree->id && kid->tree->id < prg->rtd->first_non_term_id && kid->tree->id != LEL_ID_IGNORE //&& //kid->tree->tokdata != 0 && //string_length( kid->tree->tokdata ) > 0 ) ) { char buf[512]; struct lang_el_info *lel_info = prg->rtd->lel_info; const char *name = lel_info[kid->tree->id].xml_tag; args->out( args, "t ", 2 ); args->out( args, name, strlen( name ) ); /* id. */ sprintf( buf, " %d", kid->tree->id ); args->out( args, buf, strlen( buf ) ); /* location. */ if ( kid->tree->tokdata == 0 ) { args->out( args, " 0 0 0 -", 8 ); } else { struct colm_data *tokdata = kid->tree->tokdata; struct colm_location *loc = tokdata->location; if ( loc == 0 ) { args->out( args, " 0 0 0 ", 7 ); } else { sprintf( buf, " %ld %ld %ld ", loc->line, loc->column, loc->byte ); args->out( args, buf, strlen( buf ) ); } if ( string_length( tokdata ) == 0 ) { args->out( args, "-", 1 ); } else { postfix_term_data( args, string_data( tokdata ), string_length( tokdata ) ); } } args->out( args, "\n", 1 ); } } static void postfix_close( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct colm_print_args *args, kid_t *parent, kid_t *kid ) { /* Skip the terminal that is for forcing trailing ignores out. */ if ( kid->tree->id == 0 ) return; if ( kid->tree->id >= prg->rtd->first_non_term_id ) { char buf[512]; struct lang_el_info *lel_info = prg->rtd->lel_info; const char *name = lel_info[kid->tree->id].xml_tag; args->out( args, "r ", 2 ); args->out( args, name, strlen( name ) ); /* id. */ sprintf( buf, " %d", kid->tree->id ); args->out( args, buf, strlen( buf ) ); /* Production number. */ sprintf( buf, " %d", kid->tree->prod_num ); args->out( args, buf, strlen( buf ) ); /* Child count. */ int children = 0; kid_t *child = tree_child( prg, kid->tree ); while ( child != 0 ) { child = child->next; children += 1; } sprintf( buf, " %d", children ); args->out( args, buf, strlen( buf ) ); args->out( args, "\n", 1 ); } } void colm_postfix_tree_collect( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, str_collect_t *collect, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { collect, false, false, false, &collect->indent, &append_collect, &postfix_open, &postfix_term, &postfix_close }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } #if 0 void colm_postfix_tree_file( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, struct stream_impl *impl, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { impl, false, false, false, &append_file, &postfix_open, &postfix_term, &postfix_close }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); //struct stream_impl *impl = (struct stream_impl*) args->arg; fflush( impl->file ); } #endif void colm_print_tree_collect_xml( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, str_collect_t *collect, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { collect, false, false, trim, &collect->indent, &append_collect, &xml_open, &xml_term, &xml_close }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); } void colm_print_tree_collect_xml_ac( program_t *prg, tree_t **sp, str_collect_t *collect, tree_t *tree, int trim ) { struct colm_print_args print_args = { collect, true, true, trim, &collect->indent, &append_collect, &xml_open, &xml_term, &xml_close }; colm_print_tree_args( prg, sp, &print_args, tree ); }