/* * Copyright 2006-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _COLM_REDFSM_H #define _COLM_REDFSM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keyops.h" #include "compare.h" #include "global.h" #include "pdarun.h" #define TRANS_ERR_TRANS 0 #define STATE_ERR_STATE 0 #define FUNC_NO_FUNC 0 using std::string; struct RedState; struct InlineList; struct Compiler; struct ObjectField; /* Element in list of actions. Contains the string for the code to exectute. */ struct GenAction { /* Data collected during parse. */ InputLoc loc; char *name; InlineList *inlineList; int actionId; MarkType markType; ObjectField *objField; long markId; int numTransRefs; int numToStateRefs; int numFromStateRefs; int numEofRefs; GenAction *prev, *next; }; typedef DList GenActionList; string nameOrLoc( GenAction *genAction ); /* Number of references in the final machine. */ inline int numRefs( GenAction *genAction ) { return genAction->numTransRefs + genAction->numToStateRefs + genAction->numFromStateRefs + genAction->numEofRefs; } /* Forwards. */ struct RedState; struct FsmState; /* Transistion GenAction Element. */ typedef SBstMapEl< int, GenAction* > GenActionTableEl; /* Transition GenAction Table. */ struct GenActionTable : public SBstMap< int, GenAction*, CmpOrd > { void setAction( int ordering, GenAction *action ); void setActions( int *orderings, GenAction **actions, int nActs ); void setActions( const GenActionTable &other ); }; /* Compare of a whole action table element (key & value). */ struct GenCmpActionTableEl { static int compare( const GenActionTableEl &action1, const GenActionTableEl &action2 ) { if ( action1.key < action2.key ) return -1; else if ( action1.key > action2.key ) return 1; else if ( action1.value < action2.value ) return -1; else if ( action1.value > action2.value ) return 1; return 0; } }; /* Compare for GenActionTable. */ typedef CmpSTable< GenActionTableEl, GenCmpActionTableEl > GenCmpActionTable; /* Set of states. */ typedef BstSet RedStateSet; typedef BstSet IntSet; /* Reduced action. */ struct RedAction : public AvlTreeEl { RedAction( ) : key(), eofRefs(0), numTransRefs(0), numToStateRefs(0), numFromStateRefs(0), numEofRefs(0), bAnyNextStmt(false), bAnyCurStateRef(false), bAnyBreakStmt(false) { } const GenActionTable &getKey() { return key; } GenActionTable key; int actListId; int location; IntSet *eofRefs; /* Number of references in the final machine. */ bool numRefs() { return numTransRefs + numToStateRefs + numFromStateRefs + numEofRefs; } int numTransRefs; int numToStateRefs; int numFromStateRefs; int numEofRefs; bool anyNextStmt() { return bAnyNextStmt; } bool anyCurStateRef() { return bAnyCurStateRef; } bool anyBreakStmt() { return bAnyBreakStmt; } bool bAnyNextStmt; bool bAnyCurStateRef; bool bAnyBreakStmt; }; typedef AvlTree GenActionTableMap; /* Reduced transition. */ struct RedTrans : public AvlTreeEl { RedTrans( RedState *targ, RedAction *action, int id ) : targ(targ), action(action), id(id), labelNeeded(true) { } RedState *targ; RedAction *action; int id; bool partitionBoundary; bool labelNeeded; }; /* Compare of transitions for the final reduction of transitions. Comparison * is on target and the pointer to the shared action table. It is assumed that * when this is used the action tables have been reduced. */ struct CmpRedTrans { static int compare( const RedTrans &t1, const RedTrans &t2 ) { if ( t1.targ < t2.targ ) return -1; else if ( t1.targ > t2.targ ) return 1; else if ( t1.action < t2.action ) return -1; else if ( t1.action > t2.action ) return 1; else return 0; } }; typedef AvlBasic RedTransSet; /* Element in out range. */ struct RedTransEl { /* Constructors. */ RedTransEl( Key lowKey, Key highKey, RedTrans *value ) : lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey), value(value) { } Key lowKey, highKey; RedTrans *value; }; typedef Vector RedTransList; typedef Vector RedStateVect; typedef BstMapEl RedSpanMapEl; typedef BstMap RedSpanMap; /* Compare used by span map sort. Reverse sorts by the span. */ struct CmpRedSpanMapEl { static int compare( const RedSpanMapEl &smel1, const RedSpanMapEl &smel2 ) { if ( smel1.value > smel2.value ) return -1; else if ( smel1.value < smel2.value ) return 1; else return 0; } }; /* Sorting state-span map entries by span. */ typedef MergeSort RedSpanMapSort; /* Set of entry ids that go into this state. */ typedef Vector EntryIdVect; typedef Vector EntryNameVect; /* Maps entry ids (defined by the frontend, to reduced state ids. */ typedef BstMap RedEntryMap; typedef BstMapEl RedEntryMapEl; typedef Vector RegionToEntry; /* Reduced state. */ struct RedState { RedState() : defTrans(0), transList(0), isFinal(false), labelNeeded(false), outNeeded(false), onStateList(false), toStateAction(0), fromStateAction(0), eofAction(0), eofTrans(0), id(0), bAnyRegCurStateRef(false), partitionBoundary(false), inTrans(0), numInTrans(0) { } /* Transitions out. */ RedTransList outSingle; RedTransList outRange; RedTrans *defTrans; /* For flat conditions. */ Key condLowKey, condHighKey; /* For flat keys. */ Key lowKey, highKey; RedTrans **transList; /* The list of states that transitions from this state go to. */ RedStateVect targStates; bool isFinal; bool labelNeeded; bool outNeeded; bool onStateList; RedAction *toStateAction; RedAction *fromStateAction; RedAction *eofAction; RedTrans *eofTrans; int id; /* Pointers for the list of states. */ RedState *prev, *next; bool anyRegCurStateRef() { return bAnyRegCurStateRef; } bool bAnyRegCurStateRef; int partition; bool partitionBoundary; RedTrans **inTrans; int numInTrans; }; /* List of states. */ typedef DList RedStateList; /* Set of reduced transitons. Comparison is by pointer. */ typedef BstSet< RedTrans*, CmpOrd > RedTransPtrSet; /* Next version of the fsm machine. */ struct RedFsm { RedFsm(); bool wantComplete; bool forcedErrorState; int nextActionId; int nextTransId; /* Next State Id doubles as the total number of state ids. */ int nextStateId; RedTransSet transSet; GenActionTableMap actionMap; RedStateList stateList; RedStateSet entryPoints; RedState *startState; RedState *errState; RedTrans *errTrans; RedTrans *errActionTrans; RedState *firstFinState; int numFinStates; int nParts; GenAction *allActions; RedAction *allActionTables; RedState *allStates; GenActionList genActionList; EntryIdVect entryPointIds; RedEntryMap redEntryMap; RegionToEntry regionToEntry; bool bAnyToStateActions; bool bAnyFromStateActions; bool bAnyRegActions; bool bAnyEofActions; bool bAnyActionGotos; bool bAnyActionCalls; bool bAnyActionRets; bool bAnyRegActionRets; bool bAnyRegActionByValControl; bool bAnyRegNextStmt; bool bAnyRegCurStateRef; bool bAnyRegBreak; bool bAnyLmSwitchError; bool bAnyConditions; int maxState; int maxSingleLen; int maxRangeLen; int maxKeyOffset; int maxIndexOffset; int maxIndex; int maxActListId; int maxActionLoc; int maxActArrItem; unsigned long long maxSpan; unsigned long long maxCondSpan; int maxFlatIndexOffset; Key maxKey; int maxCondOffset; int maxCondLen; int maxCondSpaceId; int maxCondIndexOffset; int maxCond; bool anyActions(); bool anyToStateActions() { return bAnyToStateActions; } bool anyFromStateActions() { return bAnyFromStateActions; } bool anyRegActions() { return bAnyRegActions; } bool anyEofActions() { return bAnyEofActions; } bool anyActionGotos() { return bAnyActionGotos; } bool anyActionCalls() { return bAnyActionCalls; } bool anyActionRets() { return bAnyActionRets; } bool anyRegActionRets() { return bAnyRegActionRets; } bool anyRegActionByValControl() { return bAnyRegActionByValControl; } bool anyRegNextStmt() { return bAnyRegNextStmt; } bool anyRegCurStateRef() { return bAnyRegCurStateRef; } bool anyRegBreak() { return bAnyRegBreak; } bool anyLmSwitchError() { return bAnyLmSwitchError; } bool anyConditions() { return bAnyConditions; } /* Is is it possible to extend a range by bumping ranges that span only * one character to the singles array. */ bool canExtend( const RedTransList &list, int pos ); /* Pick single transitions from the ranges. */ void moveTransToSingle( RedState *state ); void chooseSingle(); void makeFlat(); /* Move a selected transition from ranges to default. */ void moveToDefault( RedTrans *defTrans, RedState *state ); /* Pick a default transition by largest span. */ RedTrans *chooseDefaultSpan( RedState *state ); void chooseDefaultSpan(); /* Pick a default transition by most number of ranges. */ RedTrans *chooseDefaultNumRanges( RedState *state ); void chooseDefaultNumRanges(); /* Pick a default transition tailored towards goto driven machine. */ RedTrans *chooseDefaultGoto( RedState *state ); void chooseDefaultGoto(); /* Ordering states by transition connections. */ void optimizeStateOrdering( RedState *state ); void optimizeStateOrdering(); /* Ordering states by transition connections. */ void depthFirstOrdering( RedState *state ); void depthFirstOrdering(); /* Set state ids. */ void sequentialStateIds(); void sortStateIdsByFinal(); /* Arrange states in by final id. This is a stable sort. */ void sortStatesByFinal(); /* Sorting states by id. */ void sortByStateId(); /* Locating the first final state. This is the final state with the lowest * id. */ void findFirstFinState(); void assignActionLocs(); RedTrans *getErrorTrans(); RedState *getErrorState(); /* Is every char in the alphabet covered? */ bool alphabetCovered( RedTransList &outRange ); RedTrans *allocateTrans( RedState *targState, RedAction *actionTable ); void partitionFsm( int nParts ); void setInTrans(); void setValueLimits(); void assignActionIds(); void analyzeActionList( RedAction *redAct, InlineList *inlineList ); void analyzeAction( GenAction *act, InlineList *inlineList ); void findFinalActionRefs(); void analyzeMachine(); fsm_tables *makeFsmTables(); }; #endif /* _COLM_REDFSM_H */